** CUBA. 5040, June 20 at 0339, on the Maryland remote waterfall tuned
to WBCQ 5130v, I notice that this RHC frequency is absent, while 5025
and 4765 are still on, the latter R. Progreso with jazz vs CODAR.
Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 13628 & 13772 approx., June 20 at 1454, the RHC extremely
distorted FMish spurblobs out of 13700 are back! The upper one is
weaker and intermittent. After a long spell without encountering them,
altho not checked every morning. 13700 is only S7+. Better audio
tuning FM mode and the traditional tone is also audible, F# above
Cmiddle or about 370 Hz. Something`s always wrong at RHC.

How long has it been? Searching on a frequency won`t work, since they
are never the same from one time to the next. Searching on keyword
``spurblob`` however leads to definite report of January 18, 2022 at
1553 of 13761 & 13638. So pleased with the renewed catches, I do not
think to check for weaker second-orders at twice the displacement from
13700, until 1529 when they are all off already. Should have been
circa 13577 and 13823 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 15230, June 20 at 2149, steady S9 of dead air from RHC; 11850
as well, S6/S7, while 11760 & 9710 modulate. Aoki shows 15230 in a
break 1600-2300, and 11850 not until *2200 so that could be excused as
a warmup; 11760 also breaking 1800-2200, and 9710 not at all in the
tarde. Any RHC ``scheduling`` must be taken as a guess or
approximation. Something`s always wrong at RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** EGYPT. 9440, June 20 at 2204, no R. Cairo English signal into
UTwente, nor earlier direct. Is it ever on anymore? (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15170.060, June 20 at 0537, S4/S6 of JBA music maybe
Qur`an. Only ``15170`` anywhen in EiBi is SBA Holy Qur`an Radio at
0300-0600, but which site not specified, blank. Aoki and WRTH show
Riyadh (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 9830.007, June 20 at 2218, VOT S9+55 into UTwente, during
talk about all the foods which supply magnesium - seems like same
script I heard before, but better announcer pronouncing the chemical
clearly. Yes, it`s `Healthy Life`, subset of `Feeling Supreme`,
outro/intro at 2221, music. 2227, multi-lingual ID reel which seems to
be a condensed/quicker version than before. 2234, qualifications for
becoming a Tuerkish astronaut candidate. 2246, `Did You Know That` by
YL announcer with so thick an accent she has no business on an ISWBC
station in English, sorry. Seems to be about a Tuerkish connexion to a
conductor of the London Academy of Ottoman Court Orchestra or
something like that, who performed in Edinburgh. 2250, song. 2253,
sign-off schedule to 2254.5* with a bit of IS. VG modulation as well
as VG signal this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2143 monitoring: confirmed Sunday
June 19 from 2000.5 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1323 kHz, S9 but noisy
into nearby Noale SDR, and not on 918 or 207 kHz; 1323 carrier reading
as minus ~4.4 Hz offset. Followed Brit accent DJ at 1959 closing music
show mentioning IRRS. NEXUS-IBA shows it was IPAR with `16 Gwendoline
Street` from 1930.

WOR 2143 also confirmed Sunday June 19 at 2230 still on WRMI 5950 but
not on their schedule, S9 but with pulsing noisy into Knoxville TN
SDR, clear S9+15/20 into Athens GA SDR.

Also confirmed UT Monday June 20 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S9+15/20 into
Athens GA SDR.

Also confirmed UT Monday June 20 at 0259 on Area 51, started slightly
early via WBCQ 6160, carrier offset -61 Hz = 6159.939, S9+15/18 with
some splash from 6165 RHC into Maryland SDR; however over there our
splash also mars RHC, as two geographically adjacent SW stations
refuse to stop being adjacent frequencilly. Next:

0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW
2230 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [jammed by Cuba]
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035-USB or 3210-USB
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI 5850 to NW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 9455 to WNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 9395 to NNW

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

For these noncommercial services, voluntary financial support is much
appreciated, thanks this week to Joe Caberlin, VE1EJ, Ontario for some
US$ to Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5129.978, UT Monday June 20 at 0335, WBCQ Radio Angela,
`Concert Hall`, for a while has some ``bubbly`` QRM every few seconds
into Maryland SDR, then clears. Opera soon interrupted abruptly for
some poetry and other classical music fill until hourtop. Sorry, but
during first hour from 0200, I needed to hear `Encore` on WRMI 5950,
unfortunately simulscheduled but it was then first (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. 21525, June 20 at 2138, once again S4 open carrier, as
WRMI-7 Radio Africa transmitter has not been turned off at scheduled
2100*. Something`s odd at Okeechobee (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9940, Sunday June 19 at 1723, WTWW active here, as seldom
the case, gospel huxter ending, `Set? for Life`, S9+30; 9475 also on
with SFAW, as tends to be the case Sundays only. But nothing on 5085
or 5830 which I know could be detected even at midday if active (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 9275, June 20 at 1723, WMLK is on for their first official
day of reactivation, scheduled 1700-2200. S9+10/25 into Maine SDR, +9
Hz offset; but hardly audible at PEI SDR which is never? any good.
Sufficient S9+5/15 into Missouri. Boring talx presumably by dead EJOM
himself, but a hymn break at 1852. AOY itself refers to Elder Jacob O
Meyer by those initials. He died on April 9, 2010*, so yet another SW
station which is back-to-the-past, nothing but a memorial to long-gone
gospel huxter who unfortunately left a lot of recorded sermons, à la
Brother Scare, Dead Gene Scott, the WJHR guy, Pastor Pete Peters, Tony
Alámo, etc., etc., thus achieving a kind of immortality.
Not only that, but not bothering to fix/edit ancient recordings when
the frequency was ``9475`` as definitely announced at 1728 ID. It was
last on 9275 before burning down. Here is one report on the fire of 22
March 2017:

Some quick research finds PWBR *1991* listing it on *9465* only, for
day and night. At other times it may have been on 9475 and 9265. So
the Yahweh-God gets some more propaganda, but I doubt identically to
that from Station YHWH and various other Yahweh sub-cults. O, what a
petty deity they worship; a case of projexion?

Another ID at 1858, then `The Open Door to the Living Word`, i.e. who
else, EJOM. The WMLK page on disgraced FB does not yet show anything
since June 17. And this link goes nowhere: https://wmlkradio.net/

A couple months late, FCC finally gets around to showing A-22 skeds:
9275 1700 2200 WMLK 300 53 27,28,39 123456 270322 291022

My NGS globe with geometer shows the 53 degree azimuth crosses the
English Channel, Milan, Athens, Medina, so real close to The Holy
Land. Reverse across SE USA close to Houston TX. 

At 1935, UTwente, also right near to the beam, lox onto 9275.006 but
at S7/S8, nothing audible except storm crashing. But the K-index is 3.
Despite all those previous years of experience, WMLK never seems to
have grasped Propagation 101. Over a summer mostly-day path, they need
to be on a higher band; and for the projected night path, on a lower
band than 15150. Altho it may work somewhat into Europe at midsummer.

At 2143 direct, I compare it to other nearby signals:
9275 WMLK, S6/S9. And off at 2204 recheck
9265 WINB, S5/S9
9330 WBCQ, S6/S9
9350 WWCR, S9+50! Also 9980. WWCR always bombs in here, 85 and 90
degree azimuths so directly off back of rhombix with extra lobes
9395 WRMI, S3/S7. So 300 kW WMLK is not so great thisaway.

Bethel is so insignificant that it is not indexed in a regular Rand
McNally atlas, but we find it between Harrisburg and Allentown, right
on I-78, where I believe passersby have reported spotting WMLK. I
imagine it would overload victim caradios; and how about the health
hazard of all that RF on a busy interstate? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 1130, June 20 at 2155 UT, dead air as KLEY Wellington KS
continues still off its rocker (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)


The Graduate
In the face of injustice, I turned my head the other way
Michael Moore

This report dispatched at 2357 UT June 20
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