** CHINA. Firedrake March 14: 8400 VG but with flutter at 1357 (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. 17705, March 14 at 2248 check, RHC in French (definitely, not Creole). 
Supposed to be in Guarani at this time per WRTH and its own schedule 

Next check of 17705, March 15 at 0009, lofi Cuban jazz piano music, then into 
propaganda in Quechua about the ``terremoto`` in Haiti and how much Cuba has 
aided the victims. Come on! The Quechua surely have their own word for 
earthquake, experiencing them long before first contact with the Spaniards, and 
don`t need to depend on Spanish for that term (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CUBA [non]. R. Martí has shifted its programming one UT hour earlier due to 
DST in Miami, and Habana compliantly goes along with it by matching its own 
clox to USA EDT = UT -4. 

Sunday March 14, on 7405, Arte Latino show all about ``Guantanamera`` and 
Joseíto Fernández, in progress at 1340, i.e. starting at 1330 instead of 1430 
as in winter. No jamming audible either on this frequency; possibly the DCJC 
has become confused. While Martí programming has shifted, there may not be any 
UT change in transmissions and frequencies until A-10 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, R. Africa still broadcasting child-sex evangelist 
convict Tony Alamo, his bored tones immediately recognizable at 2216 March 14. 
Next check at 2251 the signal was off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAHAN. 15320, KSDA during AWR Wavescan, UT Sunday March 14 at 2251, good 
with report from Philippines segment about volcanoes, the Provincial Mindanao 
Network (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9524.9, VOI again on its alternate frequency instead of 9525.9, 
March 14 at 1404 during music, good signal, fair modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6876, at 2220 March 14, music but too weak vs local noise. 
Much stronger at next check 2255. Figured it was The Crystal Ship, and 
confirmed by John Poet when I opened my e-mailbox later. He said he might 
switch to 5385 at 2330, and at my next check 0024 UT March 15, there was 5385.3 
with comedy bit made up of out-of-context clips from records (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. VOA Creole normally makes DST shifts to one hour earlier despite lack 
of DST in Haïti, but want to be convenient for Washingtonians. With all the 
additional transmissions prompted by the quake, how this all shakes out may be 
more confusing than usual.

March 14 at 2210 I found 11905 on the air, but not 13725 or 15390; all three 
had previously been used for one of the overt hours at 22-23. Those may all 
have been running now at 21-22, unchecked yet. At 2244, 11905 was still going 
and 7590 had been added. The latter used to start at 2300 to fill in a gap. 

At 2302 LVA was to be heard only on 7590 and 5835. At 0018 on 5835, and nothing 
on 7465 even tho WWCR is on 7490 during that hour now. At 0115 LVA on 5835 and 
7465, not 5890 or 7590. Perhaps this will all start to fall into place by 
Monday or later this week, with no help from the outdated and incomplete VOA 
A-Z language schedule.

VOA Spanish also timeshifts, surely causing nothing but confusion everywhere 
but Cuba which like a lapdog, keeps its clox in step with the nonsensical USA 
DST change dates. 

The evening broadcast is supposedly daily at 00-01 on 5890 and 9885, but both 
frequencies absent March 15 at 0005 check. Was this already on at 23-24, or 
taking Sunday night off? After 0100, A Fondo, which is falsely shown as daily 
on the A-Z schedule, was nowhere to be heard on listed 7340, 9415 or 11625. 
When it comes back by UT Tuesday, will it have shifted one hour earlier too? 

** U S A. 17540, March 14 at 1443, YL sermon on KJ vs other versions, long 
pauses in `live` service recorded ``tonight``, 1445 referring to Ephesians VI: 

VG, at least as strong as WYFR 17760. Nothing ordinarily heard on 17540 during 
morningly bandscans, but this is registered daily at 14-15 only, from WHRI to 
NAf/ME, i.e. Tunisia to Oman. Must be in use only on Sundays, or just started 

** U S A. From next week on WWCR 3215, WORLD OF RADIO will be at 0630 Sundays, 
but this week something else was still on at that hour, so presumably WOR went 
out at 0730 UT March 14, one more time before the clockshift.

WWCR-3 already on 5070 instead of 12160, March 14 at 2218 UT. Instead of 
previous practice, keeping about the same UT frequency schedule before and 
after DST change date, while programming all moved one UT hour earlier, the new 
schedule just posted at the last minute for the next two weeks until A-10 
begins, shows most of the frequencies are also changing one UT hour earlier 
than before, e.g. 12160 to 5070 at 2200, and 5070 to 4840 at 0200 instead of 
0300. It really does not make propagational sense to go from 12 to 5 MHz an 
hour *earlier* when the sun is setting *later* and later; that`s one of the 
`benefits` of our wonderful DST nonsense.

This means the DX block now at 0200-0300 UT Sundays, including WORLD OF RADIO 
at 0230, will remain on 4840 instead of 5070 as we had anticipated; and the 
Friday 2030 UT airing will remain on 7465 instead of 15825. We can`t complain 
about that.

In CDT and UT, showing nominal powers and azimuths, here`s the full 

WWCR B09 Schedule March 14, 2010 to March 28, 2010:
from http://www.wwcr.com/transmitter-sched.html

Transmitter #1 - 100 KW - 46 Degrees
12:00 AM-04:00 AM 0500-0900  3215 
04:00 AM-06:00 AM 0900-1100  9985 
06:00 AM-03:00 PM 1100-2000 15825 
03:00 PM-07:00 PM 2000-0000  7465 
07:00 PM-08:00 PM 0000-0100  7490 
08:00 PM-12:00 AM 0100-0500  3215 

Transmitter #2 - 100 KW - 85 Degrees
12:00 AM-07:00 AM 0500-1200  5935 
07:00 AM-07:00 PM 1200-0000 13845 
07:00 PM-12:00 AM 0000-0500  5935 

Transmitter #3 - 100 KW - 40 Degrees
12:00 AM-06:00 AM 0500-1100  4840 
06:00 AM-11:00 AM 1100-1600  7490 
11:00 AM-05:00 PM 1600-2200 12160 
05:00 PM-09:00 PM 2200-0200  5070 
09:00 PM-12:00 AM 0200-0500  4840 

Transmitter #4 - 100 KW - 90 Degrees
12:00 AM-06:00 AM 0500-1100  5890 
06:00 AM-08:00 PM 1100-0100  9980 
08:00 PM-12:00 AM 0100-0500  5890 

** U S A. At 1911 UT Sunday March 14, WORLD OF RADIO just barely audible on 
WRMI 9955, mixed with pulsing from the DentroCuban Jamming Command. Tnx a lot, 
Arnie! Has been scheduled for some time Saturdays and Sundays at 3 pm ET, now 
1900 UT. This also confirms that WRMI is on the air Sunday afternoons, unlike 
weekdays. The latest WRMI program schedule grid has been posted on the DXLD 
yahoogroup (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ normally shifts all its programming one UT hour earlier when DST 
starts, since it runs on local clock time. This is especially problematical for 
its lowest frequency, 5110 with Area 51, which now has another hour of daytime 
absorption to contend with, and growing, as we zip past the equinox in another 

The Sunday transmission had been starting at 2200 UT with Pirates Week, and 
2230 International Radio Report, so are these now one hour earlier? Checked the 
webcast and P.W. had already started at 2100, but 5110 not audible here. 

Meanwhile, Marion`s Attic has shifted to 2100 UT Sundays on 7415; that was JBA 
here, but it took another hour before 5110 became JBA at 2218 check with 
something else. 

March 14-20 program scheduling for Area 51 is now available at 
http://www.worldmicroscope.com showing something else replaced I.R.R. at 2130 
Sunday, this week only? It still shows WORLD OF RADIO (webcast only) at 8 pm 
Thursday, i.e. now 0000 UT Friday. 

Same website/blog also has lots of audio from the SWL Winterfest, including the 
6-hour non-broadcast Saturday night March 6. Also: ``This may be the last year 
the Fest is held at the Best Western Towamencin; the location for next year’s 
event is undermined at this time``. How about moving it to the center of the 
country, so I might appear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WTWW check March 14-UT 15: tune-in 9480 at 0001 and still on with 
country gospel music, shortly off at 0002*. This time the QSY to 5080 was 
quick; in fact they got there before I did tho I had waited a few sex before 
punching in 5080 on the DX-398 keypad. Same music continued in progress, 
presumably from the PPP feed. I thought they might have shifted the changeover 
time with DST. See also UNIDENTIFIED 9480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. WWRB has also moved a UT hour earlier: At 0119 March 15, 3145 was 
already on with Brother Scare, 3185 with other programming, and WWCR on 3215 
which WWRB now uses only until 0100, then changing to 3145 which continues to 
be an unregistered frequency, tho perhaps the FCC knows about it (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. WTJC, 9370, March 15 at 0012 in lofi Arabic talk, 0013 hymn in a 
minor key, 0015 more sermon. Had not tried to measure it lately, but now it`s 
only slightly low, not more than 40 Hz or so. 

On Feb 26 I had put it at 9369.8, and Brian Alexander found it drifting as low 
at 9369.76. They`ve picked just the right time to broadcast in Arabic, when 
most speakers are sound asleep (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. 6297.1, March 14 at 2221, some very enthusiastic talk, 
and somewhat staider announcement at 2241, R. Nacional de la RASD. Missed 
hearing anything definitely in Spanish as supposedly happens at 23-24; next 
check at 0003 March 15, open carrier still on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. Shortly after WTWW [see USA] left 9480 at 0002 March 15, for 
5080, I checked 9480 again at 0006 and there was an open carrier, still at 
0011. Strong, but not as big as WTWW had been. Presumably VOA GB tuning up for 
its next broadcast on that frequency which would not be until 0530-0630 M-F in 
French to Africa (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

My previous report, starting with China on 15550, had the wrong dates in the 
subject line, March 12-13 instead of 13-14. Thus unopened it may have appeared 
to be a duplicate of the original March 12-13 report which was really totally 
different. ###


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