** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Fri Mar 3 at some chex between 20 and 21 UT, no trace of 
LRA36 here. Hugo López in Chile, who first discovered it back March 1, 
confirmed it was on 15475.95 again March 2 until 2102*. Keep trying M-F 18-21 

** BARBADOS. 21383.3-USB, March 4 at 1925, ham with extremely quick contest 
contacts, ending with ``5-9-K``. I have a hard time copying his own call when 
he gives it. First sounds like ``yankee victor five alfa``, but later decide 
he`s saying ``thank you, eight peter five alfa``. If he`s in such a hurry, why 
not dispense with all the ``thank-yous`` which would add up to a lot more 
points in toto. One could easily assume everyone is thankful for each contact. 
So it`s Barbados, no longer able to start VP6- which has moved to Pitcairn. 
QRZ.com shows: ``8P5A Barbados flag, Tom Georgens, W2SC, QSL via NN1N, Bureau, 
direct, LoTW``. Strange on the split frequency, so you can`t demodulate him 
clearly in 1-kHz steps. See comment under JAMAICA. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** BRAZIL. 11855.158, March 4 at 0716, R. Aparecida with rosary at S9-S4, 
audibly varying and quite higher than its previous landings (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** BURUNDI [non]. 15420, Saturday March 4 at 1857, the SSOB on 19m is this! 
Radio Itahuka on its weekly hour via MADAGASCAR --- S9+10 but just barely 
modulated in African language, presumably Kirundi. Refund from MBR? Itahuka is 
cut off still talking at 1900*. With 250 kW at 315 degrees from Talata, much 
stronger signal (but less modulated) than 15710 WHRIBS which normally inbooms 
but is now only S6-S4; than 15500 & 15390 Spain; than 15770 WRMIBS; than 15580 
VOA; than 15825 WWCR. WWV reports: ``Solar-terrestrial indices for 03 March 
follow. Solar flux 78 and estimated planetary A-index 22. The estimated 
planetary K-index at 1800 UTC on 04 March was 3. Space weather for the past 24 
hours has been minor. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level occurred`` 

** CAYMAN ISLANDS. 21342.333-USB, March 4 at 2111, ZF2MJ, fonetikaly with 
contest contacts: QRZ.com shows ``ZF2MJ Cayman Islands, Daniel Craig, 200 
Barcelona Cir, Fullerton, CA 92835, USA, QSL: Home call N6MJ``. So WHERE in the 
Caymans? Doesn`t even say which island. This is the third 15m station on a .3 
split frequency --- is my R75 out of calibration? No, still within 3-6 Hz of 
WWV, a correxion factor I apply in measurements. With only the usual JBA 
carrier on 13m from 21675 WRMI, I wondered if 15m would be open from hams 
anywhere; 12m and 10m were dead. Also got BARBADOS, JAMAICA on 15 (Glenn 

** ECUADOR. 6050, here`s why I was hearing HCJB in Spanish circa 0630 March 3: 
Horst Rosiak, the German who runs HCJB in Quito, notified his mailing list, 
including EuroGermans and Rudolf Grimm in Brasil that a new transmitter had 
been activated on Mount Pichincha, testing 24 hours a day. He said the thin air 
at high altitude, 4 kilometers, was causing the thermal control to cut it off 
the air for 5 minutes at a time, but I didn`t hear any breaks during my 
monitorage. Also says German-language broadcasts may be resumed when audible in 
Europe. What`s the power, antenna? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAMAICA. 21631.33-USB, March 4 at 2107, rapid contest contacts by 6Y1LZ. I 
was expecting 6Y5, but it seems there are also 6Y1s now. His accent made it 
hard to tell 5 from 1. QRZ.com shows: ``6Y1LZ Jamaica, KRASSIMIR PETKOV, 4 MARC 
RD, Medway, MA 02053, USA, QSL: K1LZ``. Where in Jamaica? Wouldn`t that be more 
pertinent than his unoccupied home address? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 
DIGEST) See comment under CAYMAN

** MADAGASCAR. 11868.5 & 11351.5, March 3 at 2106, spurblobs from 11610 MWV in 
Chinese are still audible; trying FM mode on them is no help. Still haven`t 
found any similars around other MWV frequencies.

17640, March 4 at 1854, MWV with African music is the OSOB! Also a JBA carrier 
on 9570, which could be their other transmitter in Russian (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 6040, UT Sunday March 5 at 0026, The Mighty KBC via 
GERMANY, new experimental frequency in addition to // 6145. 6040 is a few dB 
stronger on the PL-880 meter, but has the lite Brazilian het I expected, yet 
6145 sounds a bit louder: both with considerable fading and storm noise, but no 
other QRM. The QSY is unnecessary as long as the continuously-farting Brazilian 
blob circa 6145 and its source, the 6180 transmitter, remain off. However, 
Roger Thayer in Germany, too close, says 6145 has CCI there (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, March 4 at 0718, RNZI back here, VG S9+10 with music, 
despite having been caught on 9700 two nights before. Noel Green in England 
says it was also back on 11725 March 3 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 22-9 MHz bandscan with special attention to 19m on 15530 and 
15300 where I (alone) previously captured him, 2100-2109 UT March 3, still no 
trace of Station YHWH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1867 monitoring: confirmed Friday March 3 at 2230 on 
WRMI 11580, S9+10, JBA carrier on presumed // 5950 --- yes, by 2251 I can make 
out a poor // there. But not // on 6855 where it was originally, rather some 
music announced as ELO at 2251; maybe // the new rock fill on 9395? NO. Anyhow, 
Jeff tells me that 6855 may return in a week or two to the previous // pattern. 
Apparently it was disrupted last Friday by the KIYU relay and has yet to be 

WOR 1867 also confirmed UT Sat Mar 4 at 0030 on WBCQ 9329.9v-CUSB, JBA. NOT 
confirmed Sat Mar 4 after 1530 on HLR 7265-CUSB, via UTwente SDR --- only 
audible is S Asian music from CRI Kashgar, with CCI from something else, unme, 
presumably the other China station listed. Nor anything toward the end of the 
hour, 1557-1600 when CRI Russian blasts in as usual. Also confirmed Sat Mar 4 
at 2330 on WBCQ 9329.9v-CUSB, good. Next:
Sun 0410v  WA0RCR 1860-AM ND
Sun 1130   HLR 9485-CUSB to SW
Mon 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Mon 0400v  WBCQ 5130v Area 51 to WSW
Mon 0430   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Tue 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Tue 0030   WRMI 7730 to WNW
Tue 1200   WRMI 9955 to SSE, 6855 to WNW
Tue 2130   WRMI 15770 to NE, 6855 to WNW
Tue 2300   WRMI 9955 to SSE
Wed 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW
Wed 1030   WRMI 5850 to NW, 6855 to WNW
Wed 1415.5 WRMI 9955 to SSE, 6855 to WNW
Wed 2200   WBCQ 7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ 9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 9955, Friday March 3 at 2201, checking WRMI for the new show `Las 
Noches con Mirka`, in case it is on at this UT and on this frequency, which 
were not specified in Mirka Pratts` publicity on WRMI FB, starting last Friday. 
Apparently that is she I am hearing mixed with wall-of-noise jamming, off to a 
great start, but what should she expect, at a time formerly occupied by a 
prepeat of Radio Libertad?? 

It`s extremely informal chat with some musicians for the next hour,  just a bit 
of a music break around the half-hour. One topic was a Lecuona music festival 
coming up in April. Heavy Cuban accents and they talk and laugh over each 
other, even yell, in an echoey venue, all of which make it hard to understand, 
so I never hear the hostess nor any of the guests explicitly identified --- 
despite having soon switched to the webcast to evade the jamming, which at 2300 
goes to Media Network Plus. Radio Libertad is still playing at its original 
jammed time of 0000 UT March 4 (but not weekends) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 9395 & 6855, UT Sat March 4 at 0307, `Shortwave Shindig` special is 
underway via WRMI, live from the Winter SWL Fest, David Goren hosting with lots 
of guests, shout-outs and -ins. After confirming this, I admit to listening to 
the webcast direct from Plymouth Meeting, which was apparently the feed to 
WRMI. And then two hours of WaveFarm`s Short Waves / Long Distance, which was 
really a treat! If you missed it, look at all the radio art contained; maybe it 
will be availablized ondemand??

It was uninterrupted until 0600*, but Richard Langley in NB says the feed was 
lost to WRMI at 0435, and never came back, default to World Music; poor to no 
reception anyway in that direxion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490, UT Sat Mar 4 from 0115 on WBCQ webcast since I`m at the 
computer, `Allan Weiner Worldwide` without AW. It`s soon obviously live from 
the 30th annual Winter Fest, hosted by Larry Will with Jane, and several other 
voices I don`t recognize, nor are they identified. Just informal and irreverent 
chat about what`s going on, some of the fora already. Seems AW himself is not 
in attendance, to the disappointment of someone who wanted him to autograph his 
book. Larry said there would be more from the Fest during his Saturday night 
show, i.e. `Lumpy Gravy` at 0200-0300 UT Sunday on 5130v-AM. I thought this 
might go on past 0200 tonight, but no, back to BS on 7490. There might be more 
from the Fest on Saturday/UT Sunday via 7490 or even 9330 but no info about 

At 0010 UT March 5, John H Carver, Jr, in mid-north Indiana tells me, 
``Broadcast live from the Fest on 5130 right now``. And at 0014: ``Now they are 
playing something taped at the Fest eleven years ago. Will be back live in 
about an hour.``

How about `Atlantic Oldies 2NG Radio`, which was appearing Saturdays in Feb at 
2200-2300 on 7490? No more, per website http://2ngradio.com/
``2NG ON SHORTWAVE --- Our shortwave broadcasts for February have now 
concluded. We hope to [be] back in April or May. In the meantime please enjoy 
our internet stream by clicking to the left. eQSL acrds will be sent in the 
next few weeks. Thank You for all your feedback``. He might have got more had 
this ever appeared on the WBCQ schedule. I publicized it only because I ran 
across it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9930, Sat Mar 4 at 1903, NO signal from WTWW-2, for `Theater Organ 
from the Ozarx`. 9475 is loud with QSO show; 12105 is on but VP. Maybe 9930 
came on shortly, for at 1920 recheck it`s S9+20 as Bob Heil is introducing 
``From Paris Skies`` --- same tune heard last week and before that, so seems 
Ted is playing same episode over & over! Ends at 1935, quick WTWW ID, and 
ANOTHER repeat episode we recognize from weeks ago, from the Lincoln Theatre in 
Belleville IL. Sometimes `Amateur Radio Newsline` plays after TOFTO instead 

** U S A. 9265, Sat March 4 at 1939, WINB in African language --- or is it 
English with heavy accent? I hear ``immortality for life`` [sic] more than 
once. Only S5-S4. WINB has already put up a schedule effective March 5! And 
with correct EST/UT time conversions for one more week. Shows 1930 Sat is 
`Gospel Distribution` with no further info --- not on the by-program list. I 
vaguely recall this may have been a multi-lingual thing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

This report dispatched at 0047 UT March 5
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