Stewart MacKenzie: Please stop forwarding my reports to other individuals and 
lists, especially those where I have already posted them directly.

** CANADA. 9625, Nov 25 at 0623, CBC NQ again on after 0606 sign-off with 
carrier, and tone. Wolfgang Büschel has measured it at 398 Hz; why not 440? 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 25, circa 0630:
13850, fair at 0627; along with other Asian signals on band
15900, same as 13850 at 0627
16100, fair at 0631
17100, poor at 0631

The CRI Wulumuchi, EAST TURKISTAN site was also audible with CRI French on 
15220, German on 15245.

BTW, as I tuned up the bands at 0626, 11 MHz was almost dead, above the MUF 
from Eurafrica, below the LUHF from Asia, then more signals showed up as I kept 
going up to 13, 15, 17 MHz.

Before 1500: no FD found 12-17 MHz bandscanning from 1455

** EGYPT. 9305, Nov 25 at 0622, now R. Cairo General Service in Arabic is just 
putting out a tone on S9+15 carrier; then some distorted talk modulation 
appears at peaks as tone continues (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 7220, Nov 25 at 0617, RFI again in English, sports report, not Hausa 
as listed in HFCC for 0600-0630; lite hum.

This is all that RFI itself gives for shortwave at
``latest update Saturday 29 Oct 2011`` meaning effective 30 Oct B-11?

``On shortwave our 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 shows can be picked up in East Africa, 
the 6.00 and 7.00 in West Africa.
East Africa
400-500    31m     9805
           41m     7425
500-600    25m    11995
600-700    19m    15160
Central & West Africa
600-700    31m     9765
700-800    19m    15615``

** JAPAN. 6135, Nov 25 at 1350, YL heavily accented English about Korea; tho no 
sad piano music now, it`s obviously JSR Tokyo with Sea Breeze, after another 
periodic frequency jump, ex-5910, now vacant for this 1330-1430 broadcast, 
reliably in English only on Fridays. No het audible from Madagascar or Yemen, 
which are really long shots by long path here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** KUWAIT. 15540, Nov 25 at 1812, only a JBA carrier from presumed R. Kuwait in 
English concluding the daily Sunni show. Some days it`s in well, others 
inaudible, as it rides the MUF, often above it but sometimes below it near the 

** MADAGASCAR. 21480, Nov 25 at 1441, RNW with stories in English about Africa, 
1456 music, good signal but still some Doppler wobble on carrier. One more day 
and these tests will be over? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MALI. 17630, Nov 25 at 1427, S9+10 peaks, but just barely modulated talk, 
then music rising to barely modulated, 1430 CRI promo in English running ahead 
of very strong // 13675 via Canada. 

The obscure CRI Bamako relay is seldom any better than this, easily missed in 
NAm. I checked HFCC B-11 for the complete schedule, finding that besides 
non-direxional on 7295, there are only three antenna headings, 20 degrees for 
Arabic, 85 or 111 for the other languages:

 7295, 08-09 Hausa, 23-24 Chinese
11640, 18-2130 Hausa, Arabic, Portuguese, English
11975, 2130-2400 French, Chinese [23-24 Chinese also from IBB Saipan, 
       which probably means the ChiCom are jamming themselves]
13630, 1930-2230 Portuguese, English, French
13645, 17-1830 unknown, Hausa
13685, 13-16 French, English; 1830-1930 Arabic
15125, 16-18 Arabic, unknown
15505, 2230-2300 Chinese
17630, 14-16 English
17860, 13-14 French, 16-17 Arabic
Aoki says the secret language at 17-18 on 13645, 15125 is Kiswahili

** NIGERIA [and non]. 15120, Nov 25 at 0628, VON English with hum is somewhat 
atop the CCCCI (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 670 and vicinity, Nov 25 at 1712 UT midday on caradio, distorted 
spur spikes from talk station; have been bothered by this for a long time, 
obviously out of whack nearby (frequency or geographically) transmitter. This 
time I get out a portable and try to find any match from stations on the low 
end of the band, and locals on 960, 1390, 1640 --- no, nothing fits. 

But the crosstalk can also be heard when tuned directly to WWLS 640 Moore. That 
signal is so strong that the only explanation is that it`s coming out of their 
very own transmitter --- but it is NOT synchronized with WWLS itself. As far as 
I can tell, however, it is the same programming of sports talk, also with music 
bits interspersed. WWLS is also running IBOC which puts out the usual noise 
field peaking around 653 on the high side. I think it must be the same audio on 
IBOC delay somehow emitting a portion of the signal in (very distorted) AM even 
further from the fundamental. Has anyone ever run across this defect from other 
IBOC stations? 

Fortunately, WWLS is the only AM IBOC station in the OKC market, KTOK having 
quit it years ago; unlike poor Tulsa with 3 or 4 of them; see (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. 15620, Nov 25 at 1501, preacher in English on the 
first epistle of Peter, translated consecutively into Indonesian, fair signal 
but squishy spur QRM from WEWN on 15619. It`s FEBC, 100 kW, 200 degrees from 
Bocaue, another station suffering from the defective WEWN transmitter on 15610, 
which is now on 12 hours a day, 12-24. Like Bulgaria on 15600, versus 15601 
spur (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA [and non]. 17820, Nov 25 at 1435, RRI rock music gives way to 
discussion in Romanian of domestic violence; about a semi-hour earlier, R. 
Martí was also talking about this and how The Revolution denies there is any 
such thing in Cuba. Yes, Nov 25, is the International Day for the Elimination 
of Violence against Women. Why not make it every day? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** RUSSIA. 9575, Nov 25 at 1359, VOR still playing ``Great Gate of Kiev`` IS 
chimes, what next? Nothing, off at 1400 after brief OC. Aoki shows 12-14 is the 
Pashto/Dari service, 250 kW, 140 degrees from Samara (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 15190, Nov 25 at 1409, reminiscences of UC Berkeley in 
1992y, with musical background. Convinced that IRRS had again lost feed from 
Brother Scare and was playing another KQED archive show instead, so did not 
even check 9385 WWRB for //, but BS faked me out: he started talking at 1416 
referring to what we had just heard; rather echoey, maybe backscatter if not 
long/short path from ROMANIA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 6875, Nov 25 at 0620, RTI in German not Spanish, via WYFR, 
playing ``Money`` by Pink Floyd to introduce financial segment (Glenn Hauser, 

** TIBET [non]. 9955, Nov 25 at 1539, R. Free Asia, Tibetan via TINIAN, no 
longer has to worry about QRMiami, as WRMI has ceded the frequency after 1500 
UT (except Sat, Sun) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Further WORLD OF RADIO 1592 monitoring: confirmed on WWRB 3195/5051 
webcast, UT Friday Nov 25 after 0430; also on WRMI webcast after 0600, but 
inaudible on 9955. Remaining repeats on SW:
WRMI: Sat 0900, 1600, 1830; Sun 0900, 1630, 1830; Mon 1230; Wed 0430
WTWW 5755: UT Sunday 0500
WBCQ 5110v-CUSB Area 51: UT Monday 0400
Hamburger Lokalradio 5980: Tuesday 1030
Also on WRN via SitriusXM 120 satellite: Sat & Sun 1830, Sun 0930

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