** ALBANIA. 7360, Nov 29 at 1847, JBA carrier. The PL-880 is still tuned to 
7360 following last night`s abortive attempt to hear the People & Stories 
special via Armenia, so what is this already, only a quarter-hour after local 
mean noon? HFCC shows CRI French via Albania! at 18-20, 150 kW, 310 degrees 
from Cërrik, i.e. aimed right on toward us beyond France. CRI does this without 
even trying, while R. Tirana, Shijak, can no longer reach us while presumably 
trying (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, Nov 29 at 1850, still not a trace of LRA36 here during 
alleged ~18-21~ UT M-F broadcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EAST TURKISTAN [and non]. 7480, Nov 30 at 0151, humroar is mixing with a bit 
of talk modulation adding up to S7, i.e. RFA Uighur via TAJIKISTAN this hour. 
Likely ChiCom jamming rather than defective transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ERITREA. 7146.561-AM, Nov 29 at 1415, JBA carrier, no doubt VOBME-1 by long 
path; remeasured at 1451, I get 7146.555. I believe my previous report of 
7146.600 on Nov 25 was miscalculated, as all reports indicate this one varies 
hardly at all. And today there is nothing from VOBME-2 near 7175, 7180, 7185, 
or 7190 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. 7215, Nov 29 at 1408, world news with American accent, VOA? No, 
it`s KBS World Radio, of course, as per 1413 ID and on to next show. Fair 
signal direct, 264 degrees for S Asia, so not exactly off the back for us, yet 
incomparably better than the so-called North American service on 15575, 
inaudible now during Korean hour, and no doubt also during the preceding 
English hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR. 17640, Nov 29 at 1849, still no signal from MWV English. 17640, 
Nov 29 at 2034, no signal for the other English APR broadcast either.

9495, Nov 29 at 1902, very poor signal with praise(?) song, presumably MWV 
Russian as scheduled, so active for this unlike preceding and following hours 
on 17640 in English. JRX in Brasil logged this in Russian, Nov 27 at 1942-1955 

** MEXICO. 6185-, Nov 29 at 1856, JBA carrier, slightly on low side, from Radio 
Educación, OSOB this close to noon at about 1180 miles (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NIGERIA. 15115-15120-15125, Nov 29 at 1855, DRM noise indicates Voice of 
Nigeria is doing it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Nov 30 at 0123 UT, Mexican music dominant, up to S9+30 by 
0125 UT when a super-hype voice actor yells an ID but all I can copy clearly is 
FM frequency ``100.3``. At 0130 UT, ``La estación que marcó la diferencia [. . 
.], Ke Buena``. By 0134 UT it`s off or outfaded, but 0149 UT seems the same is 
back with music. By 0157 UT the only Spanish on 1530 is definitely from N/S, 
i.e. KGBT in the RGV; see log of that under U S A. Surely the original 1530 is 
5 kW KXTD Wagoner OK (Tulsa market), daytimer which has been caught before way 
after sunset. NRC AM Log shows its FM as on 104.9, so what would be on 100.3 in 
or near Tulsa? WTFDA Database shows:

KCXR 100.3 TAFT 4.0 125.0 35-48-42 95-34-11 QUE BUENA REGIONAL MEXICAN 

But does not show it // to 1530 or any AM. Taft is just west of Muskogee, 
further than Wagoner, and with 4 kW not really covering Tulsa. That`s why they 
also have this 29-watter in the big city:

K285GW // KXTD-1530 104.9 TULSA 0.029 0.0       36-06-25 95-47-13 QUE BUENA 

** OKLAHOMA. 6950, Nov 30 at 0155, no pirates, but a readable signal here, 
which matches 1390 KCRC Enid, of which this is the fifth harmonic. It`s not 
always readable, so what causes it to vary? Sometimes genuine pirates are on 
6950 with no QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980, Nov 30 at 0057, JBA carrier from R. Chaski, Urubamba, until 
autocutoff at 0105:35*, which is 33.5 seconds later than last check Nov 25 
until 0105:01.5*, averaging 6.7 seconds later per, just right on the expected 
slippage (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 5960 // weaker 7325, UT Wed Nov 30 at 0120, I`m monitoring RRI 
English hour to North America for what it really contain. Now it`s economic 
info about Romania, outro until 0124 as `Bizness Klub`, then `Cultural Events`. 
0141 recheck, now reading reception reports, including from Japan, someone in 
Mississippi who couldn`t get enough DRM signal, Kazakhstan, Russia, outro until 
0146 as `DX Mailbag`, then `People & Places`. OK, what does the online schedule 
say? A good match for the 0300 LT Nov 30 listings:

3:00 English 5
Newsreel : News bulletin + Commentaries/Reports
Contest/Promo/Report of the Day
Business Club
Cultural Event/Famous.From Romania
The Athlete of the Week
Truly Romanian
DX Mailbag
New Names on the Cover/People and Places

The same lineup is shown for two hours earlier, English 4 at 01:00 local = 2300 
UT Tue, and for three hours later, English 6 at 6:00 local = 0400 UT Wed. 
English 1, later the same UT day at 14:00 local = 1200 UT, has a different set 
of programs. If I back up to ``yesterday`` = Tuesday, the same set shows for 
English 1 at 14:00 local = 1200 UT, English 2 at 20:00 local = 1800 UT. 
However, all the Monday broadcasts are shown as `Listeners Letterbox`, just to 
confuse things. The DX/SWL/MEDIA PROGRAMS page is being updated, but we`re not 
yet sure about what happen on Sat & Sun, as the RRI schedule page shows only 5 
days at a time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOMALILAND. 7120.0, Nov 29 at 1457, JBA carrier from presumed R. Hargeisa, 
long path. Nothing here earlier in this hour during its break, to resume at 
1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SOUTH CAROLINA [non]. 7570, Nov 29 at 0725 via WRMI, Brother HyStairical yet 
again playing back the bit about his plans to be on 100 SW frequencies and 
attacking me for being an ``antagonist`` who just doesn`t get it. Au contraire, 
he`s a deluded egomaniac, dangerous to anyone who believe him (Glenn Hauser, 

** U K [non]. 7445, Nov 29 at 1847, barely audible carrier, just after noon 
here, no doubt BBCWS in English, 250 kW, 315 degrees from MADAGASCAR, i.e. 
aimed at us beyond West Africa. This is BA compared to JBA on 7360 Albania, 
i.e. stronger than that, but not sufficient for anything beyond the timesignal 
which seems to finish 1 or 2 seconds late after 1900; due to satellite feed 
routing? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1853 monitoring: confirmed Tuesday November 29 at 2130 
on WRMI 15770, fair. NOT confirmed UT Wed Nov 30 at 0056 for the WBCQ 
9330v-CUSB broadcast scheduled for 0030. (Nor any signal detectable during the 
next sesquihour.) Meanwhile, 9265 WINB is S6. Next:
Wed 1415.5 WRMI  9955 to SSE
Wed 2200   WBCQ  7490v to WSW
Thu 0030   WBCQ  9330v-CUSB to WSW

** U S A. 9330v-CUSB, UT Wed Nov 30 at 0201, no signal from WBCQ during 
scheduled `Amateur Radio Roundtable`, the frequency still alleged for Nov 29 at
Nor on 5130v-AM. Neither frequency has been on/audible tonight during the past 
sesquihour. He moved from 5 to 9 MHz for better summer propagation, but ought 
to hurry up and move back to 5 for winter (tho even that signal here has been 
very poor lately) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 5850 // 7730, Tue Nov 29 at 0724, both these very good  WRMIs are // 
and again playing `World Music` instead of BS. Probably also repeated `Viva 
Miami` mailbag at top of hour to a quarter after.

7730, UT Wed Nov 30 at 0057 check, more World Music on WRMI before switch at 
0100 to Brother Scare.

11530, Nov 30 at 0059, WRMI ID in Spanish for 9955! at S5, YFR IS and Fámily 
Radio remnant Spanish service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7490.03-AM, WBCQ, Nov 30 at 0116, rock songs; 0126, Johnny Cash`s 
Folsom Prison song, interval of swearing at a cop, YL song; 0130 ABC News 
sounder and ``Deadfrog News Break``, faux nieux about ham radio correlating 
with balding; 0132 song about pizza pie; plenty of F-bombs. `Deadfrog Radio` is 
the weekly 01-02 Wed show produced by a guy allegedly really imprisoned. Could 
easily pass for a pirate (of which there were none to be heard on the 6.9 MHz 
band tonight). (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9275, Nov 29 at 1850 check, still no revival of DEJOM on WMLK. Nor at 
2034, when it`s also too early for 9265 WINB to have come on (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 17775, Nov 29 at 2036, KVOH is still on more than a sesquihour after 
nominal 1900 sign-off, with praise music in Spanish splattering about 12 kHz 
above and below, not quite reaching 17790 WRMIBS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 5085, Nov 30 at 0153, WTWW-2 is blasting in at S9+55 with Xmas music, 
0202 ID, and into QSO Live. It was not on earlier in the 01 UT hour (Glenn 

** U S A. 1530, Nov 30 at 0157 UT, Spanish ad in dólares, somewhat American 
accent, loops N/S unlike the Ke Buena I was getting earlier, i.e. KXTD Tulsa. 
Maybe that daytimer finally went off by now. This is certainly 50/10 kW KGBT in 
Harlingen TX, a Univisión América affiliate, but no top-of-hour ID, right into 
a song (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0444 UT November 30
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