DX/SWL/Media Programs:

World of Radio schedule:

Alan Roe`s Hitlist of SW stations:

** ALBANIA. 9849.95, Oct 4 at 0134, R. Tirana is very weak, S6 but clear in 
English, so I take the opportunity for a precise frequency estimate (Glenn 

** BRAZIL. 11934.94, Oct 4 at 0031 music, 0032 Brazuguese announcement, S4, no 
QahiraRM; is RB2 but mentions Aparecida which itself is absent from 11856.3! 
Still on and in are ZYs 11815, 11764.65, 11780 of course. On 9724.23, RB2 also 
there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COLOMBIA. 5910.05, Oct 4 at 0054, music at S9+5 from Alcaraván Radio, still 
reactivated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 11840, 11760, 11670, Oct 4 at 0038, RHC signals on 25m are 
very poor! Strange propagation, yet longer skips are still in, e.g. Brasil. RHC 
is better on 9710 now; but by 0111 that too is very weakened as are WRMI 9955, 
9395 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. 9315 & 9965, Oct 4 at 0044, JBA carriers from R. Cairo so at least 
it`s on tonight; no carriers making it on 11935 or 12070, but they could be on 
too, not propagating. If they were inbooming, we still couldn`t listen to 
Spanish or English with atrocious modulation or lack of it (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 7375, UT Sun Oct 4 at 0045, The Mighty KBC, via Nauen, 
GERMANY, is fair at only S8, while WHRI 7385 is 55 over 9!! Cuban jamming + 
Radio Martí on 7365 add up to only 35 over 9. So KBC is getting mighty 
squeezed. This explains the test last week on 7395, as Richard Langley, NB, got 
a reply from Uncle Eric about it:

"The reason that we were testing is that on 7375 we have neighbours on 7365 & 
7385, in some parts there is some interference, that's what several listeners 
are complaining about, if we move to 7395, we only have one station on 7385 and 
we probably will use 2300-0200 UT[.]"

Well, WHRI is much worse here, so 10 kHz on the other side of it will not help 
with that. In fact, by 0116, KBC is weaker and WHRI is splattering upon 7375. 
And happened to notice some intermittent utility pulsing on 7395 at 0045. 7400 
is open now, but maybe not for a trihour in B-15? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NORTH AMERICA. 6950-USB, Oct 4 at 0026, gospel singer at S9+35, what a 
signal for a pirate; 0029 cowboy song; 0034 Wolverine Radio ID, and continues 
for some time but I have to keep bandscanning. Many more logs here from 0017 to 
0145 showing Trains the topic, SSTV captures:

** OKLAHOMA. 1530, Oct 4 at 0100 UT, Mexican music with some dropouts, so I 
figure it may be R. Mujer from Austin; but 0101 ID by SHVA is partially 
readable mentioning Oclajoma, and 103 FM, vs CCI from WCKY with a KY SBG. So 
it`s KXTD Wagoner (Tulsa market), supposed to be a 5 kW daytimer. Or it could 
have been 106 FM, which sounds almost the same in Spanish. A look thru Tulsa 
and then entire OK listings in the WTFDA Database don`t find any KXTD relays in 
the 102s, 103s, 105s or 106s, translator or otherwise, but maybe some such 
station is now doing it. 

Ajá, here it is on own website:
Not 103, but 100.3 FM (cien punto tres), which is KCXR, licensed to Taft with 
3.9 kW per WTFDA which does not make any connexion with KXTD either. 
Radio-locator still has KCXR as ``Today`s Christian Radio`` en Muskogee. Site 
is SW of Wagoner, halfway between Bixby and Muskogee, i.e. just about as far 
outside Tulsa to the SE as Wagoner is to the E. Taft is a very little town west 
of Muskogee on the other side of the Arkansas River from the transmitter site 
north of it (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PERU. 5980.005 approx., Oct 4 at 0050, JBA carrier from R. Chaski; cutoff at 
0106:24* which is 5.5 seconds later than last night until 0106:18.5 (Glenn 

** SAUDI ARABIA. 1521.0, Oct 4 at 0059, BSKSA Duba 2-megawatt is making a JBA 
het against Kim Kommando on KOKC OKC 1520.0; het a bit stronger at 0139, but 
nothing on 1503 and figured not enough to justify a full 9-kHz MW TA bandscan 
rather than more SW and 10-kHz MW tuning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SRI LANKA. 11905, Oct 4 at 0114:47, SLBC music prélude starts on very weak 
signal, just enough to audiblize the 2+1 mis-timesignal ending at 0115:17.5 
before opening Hindi or Bengali. RHC isn`t much stronger, much degraded on its 
three 25m frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 4018-USB, Oct 4 at 0125, ARMY MARS net, fonetikaly mentioning a bunch 
of abbr`d calls, 7OV, 7RX, 7OC, 7OX, IAX, 7FD; finally a full call starting 
with AAR7--- (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7455, Oct 4 at 0111, WRMI TruNews service is in secular program, two 
DJs from the 60s and 70s reminiscing about how rock radio used to be in several 
major US markets. One is named Bob, but never heard full names of either; among 
many stations mentioned is WOSN (which is 97.1 in Indian River Shores FL, ``The 
Ocean [Osean?]`` with adult standards, per WTFDA). Before a break at 0130, 
program ID as ``Your Weekend Show``, then Rick Wiles plugging nonsense. More 
with Bob Biermann, a primarily shortwave program which I had never run across 
before, so put off am I by the anti-American politix and gospel huxterism of 
TruNews. Archive goes back to March 7-8, 2015. Sked on WRMI is: Sat 06, Sun 01, 
06, Mon 01 UT on 5850, 7455, 9395. TruNews is a ``partner`` and Bob is ``in the 
ministry`` tho you`d never know it from the few minutes I heard, whew. While 
WRMI 11580, 9955, and 9395 were barely audible in poor propagation, 7455 
inbooming to the extent that I could almost ignore the RTTY QRM under.

BTW, looking over the WRMI program schedules, I see GLOBAL 24 is back on one of 
the grids, UT Wednesdays 0100-0200 on 11580, instead of Radio France 
International! I`ve asked Jeff White what`s up, as G24 petered out in March, 
nothing on its Facebook since April, and its own website expired in September. 
I wouldn`t have been able to hear it on 11580 tonight anyway (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 9974.93, Oct 4 at 0110, KVOH is on new frequency, ex-9975.10; could 
this mean a new transmitter in use? Good signal with drama, i.e. `CBS Radio 
Mystery Theatre` this hour UT Sundays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 7504.705, Oct 4 at 0133 check, WRNO with usual gospel huxter, poor at 
only S8 in `long` propagation beyond mere Metairie. Since the NRD-545 seems to 
be right-on calibration vs WWV, I am daring to interpolate some more precise 
frequencies, but caution the final digit may still be approximate. How can I be 
more accurate with my little old receiver than a station with its big old 
transmitter? Easily (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1700, Oct 4 at 0148 UT, Tejano music from KKLF Richardson TX, so I 
stay with it almost until hourtop to confirm someone`s ID of it based on a 
``Super Estelar`` slogan. After several segués, I barely make out that slogan 
at 0157 UT, ``Super Estelar, 1700 AM``. Don`t know if they ever gave legal CL 
ID. Copy is very tough with two stupid sports stations on 1700 almost collinear 
with KKLF and me, from south Texas and Iowa, i.e. can`t really null any of them 
out. But there`s less of them if I employ the E-W oriented ALA-330S, than the 
N-S not very longwire, even tho that is unfavorable for KKLF too (Glenn Hauser, 

UNIDENTIFIED. 530, Oct 4 at 0144 UT, surprised to hear some talk in English and 
it`s not the HAR/NWS from KS, rather than EZL music from the Cuban 
Encyclopedia, tho a slow SAH develops of 1.6 Hz. I suppose it`s the only 
licensed 530 broadcaster in North America, CIAO, Brampton, Ont, 1000/250 watts 
with an ETHnic format, i.e. probably not much English either. Program sked over 
a Tronno skyline, 
shows the only English on Sat and some other nights is at 8-9 pm [EDT = 00-01 
UT Sunday] Polish/English. T-storm noise is affecting bottom end of the band, 
not top.

Then there`s the 530 on the north end of South Caicos --- WRTH 2015 said it was 
lp = low power? and Unconfirmed, relaying WWRV 1330 NYC (Spanish, like KCKN 
1020 Roswell). I recently heard from freelance engineer Jerry Kiefer in FL and 
asked him for an update; he replied Oct 1:

``Glenn, Like they say in the islands, "Soon come". Actually the game plan is 
to rebuild the 530 tower to about 360' with top loading and use the new Nautel 
100 kW box that was shipped down about 8 years ago and never installed. They 
have the Nautel 50 that will become a standby. It might be after the end of the 
year but things are falling in place.``

Well, I recently heard WWRV via KCKN multi-station ID include Caicos, FWIW, 
probably not much (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

This report dispatched at 0513 UT October 4
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