** CAMBODIA [non]. 17860, March 16 at 1132 and later, no signal, as 16m is 
still dead an hour before sunrise here. Since I awoke early, hastened to check 
out the new clandestine mentioned this week on WORLD OF RADIO 1712, which David 
Kernick later IDed as Voice of Khmer M'Chas Srok - website here: 

Wolfgang Büschel had heard it well March 7 with this 4:26 clip:
see my March 13-14 log report for more. Transmitter site still unknown, but 
Aoki suggests it`s Tajikistan (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 11875, March 16 at 1135, fair signal with flutter, playing 
Firedrake-like music, but 1147 Chinesish announcement. Aoki shows this is CRI 
in Chaozhou at 11-12, 500 kW, 177 degrees from Kunming.

It seems there is a large diaspora in SE Asia and elsewhere speaking this 
dialect, part of the ethnic group called Teochew: 

Info in EiBi`s read-me: ``CC Chaochow (dialect of Min-Nan): China-Guangdong 
(10m), Thailand (1m) [nan]``

WRTH shows CRI has two daily Chaozhou hours to SE Asia and one to Europe (Glenn 

** CUBA [and non]. 11860 et al., including 11760 which today is well atop the 
China radio war, Sunday March 16 at 1337, RHC`s `En Contacto` DX program is 
underway with DX news from Pedro Sedano, Spain. This confirms DST scheduling, 
following last week`s confusion when it appeared neither at 1435 nor 1335. 

This also means it again conflicts with Spain`s `Amigos de la Onda Corta` hour 
confirmed still starting at 1306 on 17595 --- until it`s presumably shifted or 
retimed from March 30 DST in Europe (but Spain might make permanent timezone 
change, to confuse matters further) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE. 11645 with flutter // better 7475, but third Avlis transmitter is 
off the air from 9420; March 16 at 0541 with novelty songs, still not Byzantine 
chant on Sunday morning (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GUAM [and non]. 15770, March 16 at 1415, VP signal in Burmesish, i.e. KSDA`s 
obscure Asho Chin daily broadcast at 1400-1430. As in previous report, on March 
13 I was checking out Steve Handler`s unID Sunday March 9, but on Thursday 13 I 
could not hear anything before or after 1500, and wondered whether his UT times 
were one hour off on the first morning of DST this year. Steve assures me the 
times were correct; so maybe he heard Sunday-only broadcasts? 

On March 16 I try 15770 again at 1453: nothing except possible JBA carrier, but 
could be local device; again nothing at 1523. (There could even have been two 
different stations since the first one he heard went off at 1500*). Rechecking 
Aoki March 16, nothing is listed on 15770 from 1430 all the way until 0100 CNR2 
starts (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 11835, Sunday March 16 at 1338, VP signal with flutter, but 
sounds like Andy Sennitt, to be expected during first part of PCJ Radio 
International hour on publicized new frequency via SRI LANKA, replacing 9335. 
Has this broadcast been on hiatus for a bimonth? For now, apparently no 
additional frequencies and sites (such as WRMI 11880), so we could hear it in 
North America. However, Feodor Brazhnikov tells me that toward the end, it was 
44333 in Irkutsk (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. [Fixing typo in frequency, previous report: 9930, not 9330!] WORLD OF 
RADIO 1712 monitoring: 9930, March 15 at 2320 & 2335 chex, WTWW-2 is off the 
air (and not on nite frequency 5085 either), so no WORLD OF RADIO on it this 
week; still missing after 2400. WTWW-3 12105 also absent, but WTWW-1 is already 
on at 2335 instead of not until 0000, so maybe intention is to make the changes 
at 2300 UT which when active would keep WTWW-2 on 5085 during the 23-24 hour 
when WOR should appear, at least for a while longer.

Additional: at 0549 check March 16, 5085 is back on with BS as he`s saying 
something about making an adjustment at hourtops when some stations break in, 
i.e. for legal IDs.

Next scheduled WOR SW broadcast: 0300v UT Monday on Area 51 via WBCQ 
5110v-CUSB. Also would not hurt to check WTWW 9930/5085 Sunday evening + UT 
Monday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 13735, March 16 at 1315, still 1340, good signal, some flutter, 
sounds like a Chinese dialect, rather than Burmese, which I later find is 
what`s scheduled here at 1230-1400, RFA via TINIAN. Some change? (Glenn Hauser, 

This report dispatched at 1649 UT March 16

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