
Last night it was heard by some Dxers (from Florida, Venezuela and Puerto Rico)
a station initially identified as the coastal station Olympia Radio on 6507.1
USB and 8776.1 USB.

I personally monitored it from 0030 to 0325 UTC.

The transmission was a taped loop of a female voice repeating constantly:

 “ This is Olympia (sounded like Oli-Via) Radio calling on channel
eight-zero-six, twelve-thirty-two, sixteen-forty and twenty-two-seventeen.”

Then it seems it repeated the same text but in another language.

This is the text in the unknown language from what I could interpret after
hearing it for three hours:

“Evo (or Edo) Oli-Via Radio calexa za ma canaya, otomi-venexi, 
nove-catrenda-io,  vecaxi-zaranda, gekocivio-digaetá”

For reasons that I cannot clearly explain I think that this second text cannot
be Greek.. but of course I am not a language expert and I can be all wrong..

Anyhow, I was wondering if there is a person in this list, knowledgeable in
Greek that can tell me if the second text is Greek or what it could be.

Thank you very much..

Alvin Mirabal
Puerto Rico

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