JRX Logs: March 25,2017. 

ALGERIA non.** 6155. Mar 25 at2100, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in French. 
IS; Woman annnouncertalks in french; 2105 Man talks. Very poor broadcasting, 
35432.** 9710. Mar 25 at2026, Radio Algerienne, Issoudun-F, in Arabic. Qur´an 
chant; 2033Qur´an recitation. Station with good signal and fair to 
poormodulation, 45433 to 45432.
CHINA.** 9455. Mar 25 at2122, China National Radio 1. CNR1 all strong 
firedragontransmission.** 9720. Mar 25 at2046, China Radio International, 
Urumqi-CHN, in Bulgarian. Womanannnouncer talks; 2057 IS, man talks. CRI with 
good signal andmodulation this frequancy, 45444.
CUBA.** 15370. Mar 25 at2010, Radio Habana Cuba, Bauta-CUB, in Portuguese. 
Woman annnouncertalks News; ID; RHC announcements: 2017 sustainable tourism 
year;2020 Comment of the day. RHC with good signal and modulation 
thisfrequancy, 45544.
GREECE.** 9935. Mar 25 at2142, Voice of Greece, Avlis-GRC, in Greek. Man 
annnouncer talks;Woman talks, and a song; Man talks. VOG with fair signal and 
poormodulation, 35432. On 9420kHz, awful transmission.
GUINEA.** 9650. Mar 25 at2156, Radio Guinea, Conakri-GUI, in French. Local 
song; Manannnouncer talks, ID; 2200 Man and woman talks, ID and present 
News.Fair transmission, 45433.
USA non.** 11980. Mar 25 at2110, Adventist World Radio, Moosbrunn-AUT, in 
English. Manannnouncer talks, preaching; In conversation with children, 
andchildren ask questions; 2115 Woman talks and child reading ID andaddress, 
and next, a song; 2119 Man talks and says your name andhistory: Danyel. Very 
good broadcasting, 45544.

DXer: Jose RonaldoXavier Location:Cabedelo-PB, Brazil (UTC-3)RX (s): 
TecsunS-2000Antenna: Longwire
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