Pompano Beach, Florida
Icom R 75 Kiwa Modified,  NRD 535D  Kiwa Modified

4650.28  BOLIVIA  Radio Santa Ana, Santa  Ana de Yacuma 1030-1045 most
mornings with delightful mix of music.  Yipping,  musica andina "...en
todos el pais...  hermanos y hermanas... "atenciones",  21 January,
Similar programme 1030 ID by om  ~ 30 January.  Seems improved signal
strength and regular schedule 1000. [Wilkner-FL]

4716.71 BOLIVIA    Radio Yura, Yura 0950 to 1030, noted on 20 January
soprano chorale followed by  long selection by children's choir ,
enchanting music reminiscent of children choir featured in "Until the
End of the World" film by Wim Wenders, Deutchland , also featured on
first selection of cd. ID's by om. Since 26 January Radio Yura not noted

~ 1000 or 2300. [Wilkner-FL]

4722.8   BOLIVIA   Radio Uncía, Uncía not noted since   26  January.

5024.97  PERU R Quillabamba, Quillabamba 1045-1100, with the local Radio

Rebelde absent, 'programa del todos Peru ... onda corta banda de ...
metros  Radio Quillabamba..programa mundial ..." several ID's over
classical music 29 January [Wilkner-FL]

            Latin America seems an area holding its' own on tropical
bands, new harmonics and medium wave. 73's de Bob

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