KAZAKHSTAN 9310 Family R. Signal came on at 1046:57, and deadair to 1100 when usual IS song started. W w/pres. opening anmnts in Ilocano. 1101 fanfare then apparent rel. tlk pgm. Slowly getting better and up to fair by end, 1157 w/same rel. theme song and closing by W w/Family R. addr in CA. 1200 IS again, then W w/ID anmnt in Tagalog. 1201 fanfare, W w/intro and tlk by M (same pgm an hour earlier??). Faded pretty by 1258. IS again at 1300, then what sounded like heavily accented EG. Fanfare, then M w/ment of "world" and "revelation". Finally went off at 1400:04. Nothing from Kazakhstan on any of the other sub-31mb freqs/times. (28 Feb.)

UNID. 9375 Bible Voice?? Signal on at 1359:55. Seemed strong enough for audio but didn't hear any. Went off at 1415:07. Plus splash from 9370 WTJC. (28 Feb.)

KUWAIT 11510 R. Free Asia 1059 instru. mx, 5+1 time ticks, M w/ID in pres. Tibetan, instru. mx, then tlk by deep-voiced M. After time ticks at 1200, it went off. Not much stronger than at s/on. So no sign of Kazakhstan from 0950-1210 during the MD recording. (28 Feb.)

MICRONESIA 4755.47 The Cross Went off at 1030 in mid-song. Pity too because it was the best its been hrd in a while. (3 March)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3915 R. Fly Back on. Hrd as early as 1025 w/weak mx under strong Hams that didn't quit until 1115. Finally at decent level at 1137 w/Bob Dylan song. Island song then. Poss. deadair 1148-1149, then another island song. Audio level seemed to vary from song to song. Was getting Ham splatter from 3912 the entire time too. Nothing but CH on 5960. Only other PNGs hrd were 3385, 3365, and 3260. Too late to check 7325. (3 March)

MALAYSIA 9835 Sarawak FM 1201:45 ID by live W, into Koran to 1204, then W again, and more Koran 1206-1209. Pgm of Asian Pops at 1212. Best around 1210. (3 March)

SWAZILAND 15359.65 TWR Chime IS at 1359, ID in EG by M, into instru. middle-eastern sounding mx and tlk by M in apparent sked Urdu. Nice signal. (3 March)

SAUDI ARABIA 9555 BSKSA 2059 end of AR mx, then tlk by M in AR, accurate time ticks, ID by M, then into pres. nx in AR. Good strong signal with a slight buzz. (3 March)

GABON 9580 Afrique Numero 1 2101 Quickly moved up here from BSKSA and found M in FR w/ID, and into nx. Good clear signal. (3 March)

Spent the 1300 and 1400 hours looking for xmsns from Kazakhstan but nothing definitive. Nothing on 9310 at all while Family R. was hrd there on the 28th. So it looks like Kazakhstan can be added to the list of SWBC countries gone. (4 March)

UNID. 7560 Family R.?? 1313 Rel. mx, then M in Asian lang. Not that bad of a signal with a bit of lcl QRM. Gone after 1400. Family R. from diff. site perhaps?? Armenia?? Tajakistan?? (4 March)

UNID. 9380 R. Free North Korea?? A weak signal here at 1319 w/M tlking. Too weak to determine lang. (4 March)

PHILIPPINES??   12130 FEBC?? Sounded like rel. mx under RTTY at 1324.  (4 March)

UNID. 9440 Just weak signal w/poss. bits of audio. Maybe just V.O. Russia. (4 March)

USA 13570 WINB EG rel. preaching at 1409. 1457 end of rel. pgm and ID by M "This is WINB, Red Lion, Pennsylvania, USA", e-mail, phone, and ending with "You're listening to WINB", then more rel. pgmming. Buzzing audio, but sometimes perfectly clear. (4 March)

U.K. 15245 Polish R. Warsaw via Woofferton 1422-1429 tlk by sev. anncrs in RS. Filler mx at 1429, W anncr, went off for a second or 2, then continued in apparent Belarussian. (4 March)


Dave Valko
Dunlo, PA, USA

NRD-535D, Perseus SDR
T2FD antenna
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