MYANMAR  Radio checked on 0830-1030 UT slot Aug 19 on various FarEast and
Australian remote SDR units.

5915     just on threshold level at 1015 UT.

6165 was occupied by CNR6th Haka Program // 9420 kHz.

7344.993 just on threshold level at 0940 UT.

9490.0-{non Myanmar}   heard here with modern music - I guess it was
PBS Xizang in Tibetan from site #602 at Lhasa-Baiding -, at S=7
signal level. Latter from 1000 UT then on 7255 kHz instead.

9730.843 weak S=4-5 weak signal just above threshold, but could be heard
Burmese/Vernac type language of female.  73 wb
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

KOREA D.P.R.  Most of the North Korean - even domestic Korean sces from
Kujang and Kanggye - are now on exact xxx.000 kHz frequency, after delivery
of new BBEF Made in China Beijing equipment in past year. But an exception
is the Japanese service in 49 mb from Pyongyang capital TX site, is still on
odd frequency 6069.981 kHz at 09-13 UT, S=9 signal on remote unit in
Australia and Nara-JPN.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

PNG  7324.938  Only a carrier of R Light was 'visible' at 0920 UT Aug 19.
S=7. But noted clearly with nx like underneath at 1007 UT, - was covered at
that time of CRI Japanese co-channel from 1000 to 1257 UT, from Jinhua-Youbu
#831 site.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

INDONESIA   9680.052  footprint, RRI Jakarta Cimanggis on great S=9+20dB
level downwards to Australian winter night, heard nxcast by male at 0930 UT.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 19)

- - -

MYANMAR   7344.99   Thazin R. Killer signal this morning at 1046 UT with
pleasant SoEaAsian pops. Didn't seem modulated up to 100% though. Song at
1055 UT kind of sounded like "Romeo's Tune" by Steve Forbert. 4 August.

7200.09, Myanmar R. 1100 M announcer after pop music. 4 August.
(Dave Valko-PA-USA, hcdx via dxld Aug 14)

Myanmar ailing TXer back on air. The TX which operated on 6030, 9460, 7110
kHz is back on the air from this morning here in SoAsia.

2330-0130 UT on 6030 kHz, from 0430 UT on 9460 kHz on the air as I write
... also at 0030 UT noted 5915, 5985, 6030, 6165, 7200 kHz (with spurs
7185.820 {in Amateur Radio band !} and 7214.380 kHz) all active with
different programs.

At 0430 UT observe 9490, 9590, and 9730.85 kHz. Will be interesting to see
if at 1030 UT on 7110 or 6165 kHz will be active, including the English
1430-1500 UT segment.

Will workout the latest sked as actually on air after 1630 UT tonight.
(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN  4S7VK, DXplorer Aug 14)

MYANMAR   6165  Thazin Radio, at 1430 UT on August 14. Ex 7110 kHz. Thanks
to Victor Goonetilleke (Sri Lanka) for the timely alert that this tx had
been reactivated. The tx broke down after being last heard about December
25, 2012 on 7110 kHz, where I had been enjoying them almost daily. Thazin
Radio acknowledged the situation via an email to me: "Yes, we have been
transmitter problems. So we don't transmit radio programs. We are

Thank you for listening." So they have finally fixed it! Had very much
hoped they would return to 7110 kHz, but not so. Heard in English with the
usual formatting; pop songs; 1434-1441 UT sounded very much like the usual
news; 1444-1448 UT one of their talk features. Barely heard under a strong
CNR6, which today was playing mostly music; mostly unusable, but was able
to tell was in English during infrequent CNR6 talk segments; went off
before 1500 UT; very poor frequency for them, as even if there is an
especially good day for propagation, then likely CNR6 will also be
stronger; a no win situation.

I know 7110 kHz is in the ham band and they should not be there, but it
was so well heard last winter for their English segment that I have to
hope they do in fact return there again. Barring that, at least they
should find a clearer frequency!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, dxld Aug 14)

Great that you were able to check this slot Ron. I returned home only past
1600 UT. Just finished listening to the second English program 0630-0700
UT on 9460 kHz.

Yes indeed, 7110 kHz was inside the Radio Amateur band, though its hardly
creating any problems over here. 6165 kHz here is on top of anything tho.
However, note a bit of a drop in strength on their return.

On Aug 17: 6165 at 1500 UT Wolfy, also all other SW other than 5985v
kHz by 1600 UT.
(Victor Goonetilleke-CLN  4S7VK, dxld Aug 15/17)

The only station from Myanmar I heard at 1535 UT Aug 16th, was older odd
frequency unit at Rangoon transmitter site on 5985.794 kHz footprint, nice
pop music program on S=9+10dB level, on remote SDR unit at Brisbane

6165 was totally covered by CNR6th Taiwanese program, latter \\ 9420 to

Nothing traced on 5915, 6030 and 7110 kHz so far...
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 16)

Good morning Victor, just before I'll go to bed, now I noticed that you
had set your SDR Perseus online on-air remote-net in {European deep night}

MYANMAR Radio noted at 0010 UT on 5915, 5985, 6030, and 6165 kHz too.

7200 was off at that time, but noted later with distorted audio quality
around 0025 UT Aug 18.

Exact measurement footprint was 5915.002 kHz, S=8-9 with typical Burmese
sing-sang language spoken female voice, but saxophone modern music at 0024
UT. Hit later co-channel from 0030 UT onwards by BBC Dari/Persian sce from
Oman relay site.

5985.805 usual odd unit of Rangoon site at 0015 UT, talk comment by male
voice heard, S=8-9 at Colombo Piliyandala Ceylon.

6029.993 kHz strongest signal in SoAsia S=9+20dB, nice local Burmese
native music at 0020 UT.

6164.995 kHz with modern Burmese pop singer in progress, S=9+15 to +20dB
signal strength.

Checked 7200v now at 0040 to 0050 UT, Rangoon Myanmar signal wandered down
from 7200.104 to 7200.100 kHz within a quarter hour, little fluttery
signal of S=7 to S=9 level.

And two adjacent symmetrical spurious signals of S=6-7 signal strength
were on air too as always, tonight at 14.28 kHz apart on each side !

Spurs noted at 7185.820 {in Amateur Radio band !} and 7214.380 kHz.

Nothing heard on 7110 kHz channel so far.  vy73 wolfy df5sx
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 18)

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