
Ho postato sul blog Radio Info 
<>  alcune note pratiche sul nuovo ricevitore 
SDR FDM-S1 della Elad. L'ho provato sia sulle HF che sulle VHF. Può ricevere 
anche le stazioni FM sulla banda 88-108 MHz. Trovate anche diverse immagini.


I posted on my blog Radio Info some notes about new SDR Elad FDM-S1. I found 
this receveiver interesting, it works in the range 0-200 MHz and can receive 
also WFM on 88-108 MHz band. You can find also some images. If you are 
interested in it see 




Di seguito alcuni ascolti fatti con l'Elad FDM-S1 a Milano con un'antenna T2FD 
lunga 15 m

5952.45 10/4 0118 Radio Pio XII, Bolivia, Phone talks, fair in LSB, to avoid 
Jammer on 5955 maybe to stop Radio Republica (not audible)
5969.99 10/4 0108 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, nice songs, 
commercials, songs, ids, fair


6134.8 10/4 0140 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, talks with some music, fair
6154,9 10/4 0150-0208* Radio Fides, Bolivia, fighting against AIR, in LSB, 
really poor at 0208
6180 10/4 0126 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, folk Brazilian songs, 
fair/good //11780 fair/good
7295 10/4 0045 Radio Farda, via Germany, usual songs, talks, ids fair/good on 
Traxx FM frequency!
9645.37 10/4 0035 Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, Brazil, talks, fair //11925.19 
9675 10/4 0028 Cancao Nova, Brazil, religious talks, fair
9780 10/4 0041 HCJB, via Chile, songs, bc in Spanish, fair/good
10000 9/4 2305 Observatorio Nacional, Brazil, usual pips, time, ids, fair
11765 9/4 2255 Deus è Amor, Curitiba, Brazil, Voz do Brazil //11780 11815 till 
2300 good
11780 9/4 2253 Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brazil, Voz do Brazil, fair //11815 
till 2300
11815 9/4 2250 Radio Brasil Central, Voz do Brasil reports, good //11780 till 
2300 then own
programs. At 0000 stopped by REE in DRM
11840 9/4 0830 KTWR, Guam,  id, religious in English, fair, but strong fading
11840 10/4 0015 Radio Habana, Cuba, reports in Spanish, fair
11860 9/4 1115 Radio Habana, Cuba, national political talks, Spanish, fair // 
11760 under BBC Oman
11905 10/4 *0020 Sri Lanka BC, start of Bc, slow "Indian style" songs songs, 
11920 10/4 0008 HCJB, via Chile, religious songs, id, address in Curitiba, 
Portugues Bc, very good
15230 9/4 2340 Radio Habana, Cuba, nice songs, fair
15525 94 0845 FEBC, Philippines, talks in Chinese and songs, id mentioning 
Philippines, fair/good
15725 9/4 0836 Radio Pakistan, songs, few, talks (rep in Urdu), fair, low 
modulation, fair


Giampiero Bernardini



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