USA, WQOQ385/596, 1680, Hampton Roads Area, Virginia, full data, very friendly QSL letter in 120 days for English report via first class mail with 2 first-class stamps as return postage. I had almost given up hope on this one! This is a Highway Advisory Radio Station, running 10 watts into a 49 foot loaded monopole antenna. Quite a nice distance for 10 watts. V/s Alex Gonzalez N3GZ, Depot Maintenance. alex(dot)gonzalez(at)vdot(dot)virginia(dot)gov

Alex states: "we welcome future reports from your station and encourage other Short Wave listeners to do the same."

I guess in this age of drastic budget cuts, stations may once again appreciate receiving signal reports versus the time, expense and energy of making field measurements!

Sorry for the second report this week, but this I had not anticipated. :-)

Al Muick
Whitehall PA USA
Microtelecom Perseus / Wellbrook ALA1530P active loop
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