From: Radio Heritage Foundation

'Connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the

It's our 5th birthday, and the holiday season....
It's time for another popular competition!!!!!!!!


Question: How many minutes walk from the Pacific Ocean is Tema Beach
Bungalow, the restored 1920's heritage beach bungalow now available
for a South Pacific vacation in return for a donation to the Radio
Heritage Foundation?

Just look for the Tema Beach Bungalow photo on every page at and click through to find out the answer.

Send your email entry to with 'Tema Beach
Bungalow' in the subject line to reach us no later than midnight
January 24 2010 your local time and date. The judges decision will be
final. The prize is a copy of the World Radio TV Handbook 2010.

WRTH 2010 now just US$23.10
Worldwide Price + Shipping

For those of you not familiar with the WRTH, it's 'The World's Most
Comprehensive and Up-to-Date Guide to Broadcasting' and the Radio
Heritage Foundation is proud of its association with this book which
is now in its 64th annual edition.

For 2010, we've supplied the feature article 'Samoan Radio Journey'
as well as our usual detailed country information files for some 25
separate Pacific countries including Hawaii, New Zealand, Fiji,
French Polynesia, Papua New Guinea...details such as AM, FM and SW
stations, operating information, addresses, websites......

It's our free contribution to keep Pacific radio heritage accurately
recorded and another way of giving back to the radio community of
listeners and broadcasters that supports us. It takes many hours of
research, but we think the results are worth the effort.

You can help us today and make sure you enjoy the WRTH 2010 yourself
by buying a copy for just US$23.10 [shipping may even be free]
through our online Top 50 Radio Books pages at
A few clicks and the book will be on its way to you anywhere in the
world for the same price.

Thanks again for supporting us and trusting us in 2009 and over the
past five years, and we look forward to bringing you more news,
competitions and free information in 2010 and the years to come.

Enjoy a safe Holiday season, and warm Pacific wishes
for 2010.

Radio Heritage Foundation

PS....entries close January 24 2010 for our new Tema Beach Bungalow
Competition..make sure you tell all your friends as well in your
magazine, newsletter, blog, website or emails! 

And remember, you can buy the WRTH 2010 for just US$23.10 worldwide
price plus shipping [in some cases this may even be free!] from our
Top 50 Radio Books pages at


Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit organization
connecting popular culture, nostalgia and radio heritage across the
Pacific. Share us with your friends via Facebook, Twitter and many
other social networks. Enjoy our fresh Pacific content, radio guides,
news and much more at our global website



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published by Michael Stutz at

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