Here we are again…

On Friday 6th September 2002 at 21 hours UTC Scandinavian Weekend Radio will start it’s engines… So mark this time to your notebook and spend these 24 relaxing hours with us. You can find us from 11690 or 11720 kHz on 25 mb and 5980, 5990 or 6170 kHz on 48 mb.

On programmeschedule we have for example a listeners choise-programme from August History of Finnish Radio: Radio Meteor and DJ Rick Random. by Tex Willer.

With World Radio Roulette we can return to EDXC 2002 Conference. There will be some DJ Madman's Interviews: Anker Petersen, Bop Padula, Osman Erkan (VOT) and Andrew Janitschek (VOFA).

Radio Marabu will have two programmes: Getto Tone and Alternative Hit Parade

Anb much, much more…: 70's swoh and Music of the Millenium by DJ Miki, Tricky Trev Show: Music to make love by by Trevor, Crash Line and Ykkösketju by DJ Stefa, Route 66 by DJ Jimmy, Radio Magazine Review/Radiolehtikatsaus DJ Tex Willer, EkoRario Monosen uudet bisnekset, The Show Show Syksyn ensimmäinen The Show Show hyväilee sinunkin pakaroitasi hyvän musiikin ja kesämuistojen parissa and HÄKÄShow Soul Train.

Exact info with time- and frequencytables can be found from our web-page:

And much more info of Scandinavian Weekend Radio is available on our home pages: (web-QSL’s, technic, Quest book, contact info, report form and instructions etc.)

With Best Regards,

Alpo Heinonen


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