73, Glenn Hauser

On Saturday, May 20, 2023, 11:25:00 PM GMT+1, Fernan Bolando <> 

Thus sounds interesting. Googling however has failed me. Can anybody share
the original article or a link to more info?

On Sat, May 20, 2023, 9:16 AM Arthur Delibert, <> wrote:

> I suspect this is related to high-speed trading in the stock, bond and
> futures markets. A number of large financial institutions have noted that
> there are brief differences in the prices of various financial instruments
> between the various markets -- for example, NY and Chicago. If they can
> act fast enough, they can buy in the cheaper market and sell at a profit in
> the more expensive market before the differences iron themselves out.
> These institutions have invested a lot in high-speed internet connections
> between their offices physically near the various markets so they can
> exploit these differences. Looks like someone is going to try to speed
> things up by using a SW radio link. Note that the FCC applications were
> filed with a request for confidential treatment of certain details.
> -- Art Delibert, KB3FJO
> ________________________________
> From: Hard-Core-DX <> on behalf of
> Bill Smith <>
> Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2023 6:44 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave News
> According to Experimental News #8, the FCC has granted a license and
> construction permit to Amberwell LLC to transmit data in 15 frequency
> segments between 7490 and 14520 khz with the experimental license WN2XKQ.
> Among the special conditions WN2XKQ is not to cause interference to any
> existing service. Power will be 24kw and this experimental license will
> expire on March 1, 2025. Bill Smith, Douglas, MA
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