CUBA   5040  RHC Bauta outlet, as Glenn state some disturbed audio quality
the other day. Today at 0153 UT on Oct 4th measured there signal on the
Perseus software screen exactly. S=9+15dB fluttery signal into Germany.

Spanish program - male and female talk.
And a lot of 60 / 120 Hertz mainpower AUDIO BUZZ peaks either sideband, like
single 60 Hertz apart distance, and
12 x 120 Hertz apart distance peaks on
180, 300, 420, 540, 660, 780, 900, 1020, 1140, 1260, 1380, 1500 Hertz.
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 4)

5049.992 USA  WWRB Morrison TN, TOM male prayer, slow talk, 7.6 kHz wide
        signal at 0145 UT on Oct 4. S=8 or -75dBm fluttery signal across
        Atlantic into southern Germany. "...Danger situation ...
        the spiritural men ... dead in the water ..."

5040     CUB  RHC Bauta outlet, as Glenn state some disturbed audio
        quality the other day. Today at 0153 UT on Oct 4th measured
        there signal on the Perseus software screen exactly.
        S=9+15dB fluttery signal into Germany.
        And a lot of 60 / 120 Hertz mainpower AUDIO BUZZ peaks either
        sideband, like single 60 Hertz apart distance, and
        12 x 120 Hertz apart distance peaks on 180, 300, 420, 540, 660,
        780, 900, 1020, 1140, 1260, 1380, and 1500 Hertz.
        Spanish program - male and female talk.

4989.977 SUR ? Very tentativelly ?  Radio Apintie, Paramaribo ?
        Weak tiny signal and low modulation on this channel, some music
        fragments heard so far in between. Unstable TX outlet,
        varied some 4 Hertz up and down, S=4-5 or -98dBm signal strength
        in Perseus USB mode, at 0217 UT on Oct 4th here in southern
        Germany. - And suffered too by 250 Hertz RTTY UTE service on
        lower band side, latter S=9+10dB signals on 4988.880
        and 4989.130 kHz RTTY peaks.

4910.004 IND  AIR Jaipur, S=6 signal in southern Germany, S=9+10 0222 UT

4885.022 BRA  ZYG362  Radio Clube do Para, Belem PA, program content
        some 35 seconds later on web online player
        S=9+10dB powerful signal, mens presenter boring at 0224 UT Oct 4

and some monitoring on remote SDR unit at Doha Qatar Middle East:

7460     MDA  Babcock FMO brokered Radio Payem e-Doost - Bahai in Persian,
        from Grigoriopol Maiac site. 0230-0315 UT scheduled.
        Noted at 0240 UT as powerful signal of S=9+30dB strength in
        Doha Qatar remote unit. Two female voice presenter. Perfect
        12 kHz wideband powerhouse signal in the target area.
7430     IND  AIR Mumbai Hindi sce, S=7 or -87dBm in Qatar. 0243 UT.
7420.004 IND  AIR Hyderabad, poor and tiny S=6 or -96dBm.
7350     IND  AIR Aligarh, Pashto, more than fair in signal fade-out
        time slot, S=8-9 or -80dBm, played like AFG_an music type,
        of strings instrument and drums at 0246 UT Oct 4.
7340.024 IND  AIR Mumbai, Urdu sce, S=8 or -81dBm.
7245     TJK  Tajik Radio from Dushanbe at 0250 UT, typical local
        male singer and drums performance.
        S=7 or -86dBm strength signal in Qatar.
7205     SDN  Sudan Radio Omdurman carrier seen already at 0252 UT,
        followed by low modulated HQ prayer around 0253-0255 UT.

7175even Powerful S=9+10dB carrier at 0255 UT, that's undoubtedly the
        Ethiopian jammer signing-on in AM mode heard in Doha Qatar,
        before switches to digital WHITE NOISE JAMMING around 0302 UT,
        latter broadband 20 kHz wide signal.

7174.988 ERI  Radio Asmara, ERITREA's Voice of Broad Masses noted here
        at 0253 UT on Oct 4. S=8-9 signal.
        1026 Hertz test tones on 7173.962 and 7176.014 kHz.
        Started with test tone procedure of 1026 Hertz either sideband
        til 03.00:25 UT. Then crash start into HoA music play,
        n o t  disturbed til 0302 UT, latter time when WHITE NOISE
        jamming started from Ethiopia's NISS security service.
7146.556 ERI  Radio Asmara, on lower power level noted in Doha Qatar ME,
        S=8 at 0306 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 4)

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