Dear all:
Here's my attempt at translating the text previously sent by our friend
Arnaldo Slaen.  Please forgive any errors.

Elmer Escoto
San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Radio Pio XII from the city of Oruro [sic] suffered an attack with
explosives yesterday afternoon. Its transmitter site and that of University
Television have been completely destroyed and are currently unable to carry
their informative work. This action occurred amongst systematic threats via
telephone against community media affiliated to ERBOL (Escuelas
Radiofónicas de Bolivia) [Bolivian Redio Schools] in Oruro, Cochabamba and
La Paz.

Then follows a letter to the Inter-American Human Rights Comission of the
Organization of American States.

La Paz, October 15, 2003

Inter-AmericanComisión Human Rights Comission of the OAS

Ref: Indictment

At 18.05 hours the transmitting plant located on a hill near the city of
Oruro, where other radio and TV-station antennas are installed, was
completely destroyed by explosives.

Efraín Mamani, the plant's watchman, told that two camouflaged men forced
him out of his quarters, tied him and made him reveal the location of the
transmitter house of the university television channel and Radio Pio XII.

Representative Ivo Arias, of the governing Left-wing Revolutionary Movement
[in spanish, Movimiento de la Izquierda
Revolucionaria (MIR)], condemned the attack and said he "had no knowledge"
of the fact. Faced with that answer, dwellers of Oruro and the workers of
Pio XII demanded that a comission be formed with members of the Technical
Courthouse Police and a counsel, to verify 'in situ' about this criminal
attack aimed at silencing the catholic broadcaster, which is one of the
emblematical institutions of resistance against dictatorship.

The comission and the dwellers were surprised to learn that the explosion
was so professionally controlled that it damaged only the close perimeter
of the transmitter site.

According to the watchman, a few hours before the attack he saw two men in
police uniforms wandering about that area.

............ [cut text]

The other two stations of Pio XII, located in Siglo XX (Potosi province)
and in the city of Cochabamba were also menaced in terms that made it clear
they could be the target of military actions in retaliation for the
information they are broadcasting in adherence to the principles of

In these days of political unrest, other stations have also been menaced,
for instance, Radio Televisión Popular (RTP), Channel 36, Radio Wayna Tambo
y Pachamama in the city of El Alto, as well as other stations throughout
the whole bolivian territory. These cowardly menaces clearly intend to shut
down the informative programs and to put an end to the democratic system,
whose legal-philosophical bases rests on the principle of freedom of

Rev. P. Guillermo Siles Paz, OMI
Legal Representative Radio Pio XII

For further information, please contact
Roberto Durette (Director Radio Pio XII) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gustavo Gomez
Director Programa de Legislaciones y Derecho a la Comunicacion

[Translated by Elmer Escoto, San Pedro Sula, Honduras]

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