Pacific Asian Log Updated

Bruce Portzer's Mediumwave Pacific Asian Log [PAL] has been fully
updated and is now available to download on-line at

These are the Frequency, Country and combined pdf versions and
contain major changes to New Zealand, Philippines and several other
country lists.

The latest fully searchable version is also available at

Over 4000 mediumwave stations from across Asia and the Pacific are
included, plus Alaska and Hawaii. The PAL Guide is the only current
and free list of its kind available on-line.

Radio stations, listeners and regulatory agencies are invited to
check all listings for accuracy, and advise me of any changes for the
next update in October.

The Pacific Asia Log is available exclusively at
www.radioheritage.net, and currently covers mediumwave stations only.
Shortwave and FM versions are currently in development.

Warm regards
Bruce Portzer
Radio Heritage Foundation

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