re ERT,
nothing heard on nighttime at 2300 UT May 11 from Avlis so far.

I guess the 3rd shortwave transmitter unit at Avlis of 250 kW
need to REPAIR instantly.

The billions EURos from EU Brussels to new ERT budget staff
not arrived yet?

I look forwards to see ERT Greek TV program
via Astra and/or Hotbird satellites soon.

wb df5sx

- - -

re: book Malaysia 25 Years Survey

thanks Zach,
your printed booklet arrived safely the other day here in Germany by snail

----- Original Message ----- From: "Zacharias Liangas" <>
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 3:27 PM
Subject: [HCDX] ert will sart back from 11./5

Please reply to and look at my book Malaysia 25 Years

11/5 ERT starts back !!

On May 11 opened the new ERT
ERT "The government expedites the processes that affect the application of
the law passed by the House last week"
Kostas Poulakida. Monday, 04 May 2015 10:04

Aiming to May 11 to emit the new EPT and finished the period of the
"black" and "gray", the government expedites the processes that affect the
application of the law passed by the House last week.

As has emphasized the State Minister Nikos Pappas, "our intention is to
restore the people's trust and relationship of society towards the public
In this regard already began the process of establishing the Board. From
Thursday posted an open call for proposals to fill the Chair of the Board
positions of CEO and three other Board members ERT. The process ends
tomorrow, so the Board to establish a body and immediately select persons
who will staff the new organization.

The information EPT profile is its big bet, while the name "ERT" is the
strong trump. Therefore, according to reports, the ERT will name
everywhere. All three TV channels (ERT1, ERT2, ERT3) and satellite channel
and four radio stations and dozens of regional radio stations (19 had when
the ND and PASOK closed).

According to reports, there will be independent broadcasting sector for
expatriates with the television channel ERT World and radios Friendship
and Voice of Greece.

The new administration should immediately find the faces and voices that
express the new ERT, leaving behind the period of Memoranda, and outdated

Certainly the work will be done with limited resources as ERT continues to
pay part of the budget of the state public debt - another element along
with that was profitable, which "forget" the celebrator "black" .. .

The next stage will be the restructuring of the organization and the work
of the ERT by streamlining structures and allocation of personnel, and
integrating functions of the period of self-organization that proved to
have worked in practice.


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