9309.981 THA  VoA Deewa in Pashto language via Ban Dung Udorn Thani.
        At 1730 UT on Apr 7, S=9+10dB on remote SDR unit at Doha Qatar ME.
        10.8 kHz wideband signal, mens interview.
9355     CHN / [MRA]  Chinese instrumental music jamming at S=9+25dB level,
        18 kHz wide during music theme, 9 kHz wide signal in pause.
        Heard in Qatar ME remote post at 1738 UT on Apr 7. Nothing heard
        of requested RFA Chinese language service from Agignan Point
        from Saipan MRA, maybe underneath in 17-21 UT time range.
9409.989 UAE  BBC English from Al Dhabbaya relay site, S=6 sidelobe heard
        in Doha Qatar Middle East. {A17 TRT German left for 9840.021 kHz}
9460.005 TUR  TRT Emirler in Turkish, S=7 backlobe azimuth, at 1746 UT on
        April 7, political commentary on Trump' US airforce bomb clash
        on Syrian Airforce base during Syrian civil war.
9474.990 SWZ  TWR Africa, Swahili language service heard at S=9 fluttery
        audio level, on remote SDR unit at Doha Qatar. At 1748 UT hit by
9470 kHz CHN  CRI Russian service from bcast center #722 at Baoji China.
9499.992 SWZ  TWR Africa Oromo language service, S=9+10dB strong at
        remote Doha Qatar site. QRM co-ch RRI Romanian from Galbeni site
9505.002 SDN  Omdurman tiny, very low modulation ... 1750 UT on Apr 7.
9524.940 INS  Voice of Indonesia, Cimanggis, Spanisch sce, S=9+15dB in
        Doha Qatar MW. Girl singer at 1754 UT.
9650.002 GUI  Radio Guinea, Conakry, fade-in signal from the westerly
        direction into Qatar ME. West African mx heard at S=5 strength.
        Low modulated audio at 1756 UT on April 7.
9655even ALS  KNLS Anchor Point Russian service on next channel, 1758 UT,
        male voice prayer, S=5-6 fluttery signal across Siberia and
        Central Asia towards Middle East.
9730even VTN  VoVTN Son Tay S=9 pause signal at 1759 UT on April 7.
9755.005 AFS  Well known Babcock control room CELLO music theme heard
        before 1800 UT from SenTec Meyerton bcast center site,
        and then NHK Radio Japan Tokyo mx is theme and station annmt.
        English sce scheduled 1800-1830 UT via Meyerton AFS. S=9 sig.
9799.613 EGY  Radio Cairo scheduled Turkish sce here, but nothing
        understand, because too low modulated, S=7 in peaks.
9840.021 TUR  TRT Emirler German sce, backlobe S=7 signal, 1730-1830 UT,
        registered on 9410 kHz in A-17, but late replacement to 9840.
        Logged at 1806 UT on April 7.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Apr 7)

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