RUSSIA / USSR history    re  NVS Oyash Radio Centre #9 viewshots of G.E. -
see free downloads from BOX directory




some items commented and corrected, G.E. 19 July 2020 image,
see below, wb.

RUSSIA   {USSR history}   A directional antenna (????) has been removed
between 2020 and 2022 in Raduga bcast center site.

55.48307284288803 N  83.67691674068469 E
The pictures without it are only visible on Google Earth.

{RUS_VoRUS Oyash MW 1026 kHz Srednyaya Zarya antenna 2.35kms long 165 deg
RUS MW tx #591 aimed to Altai, Xinjiang, Geermu, Calcutta, Myanmar.

In Google Earth image disappeared after 21 Oct 2020, and missed totally,
not visible anymore on 28 July 2022 G.E. image, wb.

Radiocenter #9


RUS_Oyash Raduga, new NVS SW site

and northeasterly also at
55 29 57.62 N  83 42 23.45 E
RUS_VoRUS Oyash 675 kHz Malaya Zarya antenna some 1.5kms long 180deg
RUS MW tx #593 aimed to Tibet, Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal, Patna, Raipur,
and Hyderabad IND, BGD CLN. }

The other big antennas are still there, but the feeder line to the
antenna at 55.50077304118461 N  83.69706165025853 E seems to be removed.

{see federline at 55.492834 N  83.697991 E
still visible 9 July 2016, disappeared on image of 27 June 2018. }

** Many small antennas, maybe these with the white parts (for me it looks
like this), were removed, but years ago.

55.50011978410891 N  83.69463693320166 E
55.50058769963016 N  83.69420777975223 E
55.49892870130848 N  83.69193326649717 E
55.49863396352965 N  83.69248580156335 E
55.49747656309316 N  83.70359817188618 E
55.49534642268964 N  83.70339432400182 E

For me it looks like this type, but this is just a guess/rumor.


{ ** I guess previous given data is something wrong,
but this item is true:

RUS_Raduga some 23 smaller masts close to location around
55.490760 N  83.713616 E like former SW horizontal rhombics ?
like at WMRI Okeechobee Florida site installations.

18 SW curtain array masts still visible in 2022 year northeasterly at
55.518269 N  83.751611 E   250 kW also DRM digital mode txions previously.

The feeder of the other directional Zarya also seems to be removed:
55.49841548995348 N  83.70675244973961 E
{see federline at 55.492834 N  83.697991 E
still visible 9 July 2016, disappeared on image of 27 June 2018. =
Marco (2022-09-12)
(via Anatoly Klepov-RUS, RUSdx #1203 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 18)

some USSR radio history items
Novosibirsk  -  Hi,  how far are they from each other?

Oyash is at 83.45 E / 55.31 N, the TDP gives 82.58 E / 55.04 N for the old
Novosibirsk site. The latter one case appears to be somewhat complicated,
since this could be in fact two different sites.

I have no very detailled map of Siberia at hand{2001 year} but the coordi-
nates for Oyash are of course northeast of Novosibirsk, perhaps closer to
Tomsk than Novosibirsk. This site is also called "Raduga".

There is Novosibirsk II with 250 and 500 kW txs. Is that Oyash?

Certainly. The TDP mentions for Oyash three 2x500 kW units (RV-271, 291
and 295, respectively), and I think most if not all customers use "only"
500 kW anymore.

On the other hand there are likely not less than 24 txs at Novosibirsk
itself, and I could imagine that certain txions which are registered as
250 kW are in fact 200 kW from a pair of these 24 txs.
(Kai Ludwig-D, BC-DX Oct 30, 2001 year)

Oyash (Raduga) is located about 82km to the NoEast from Novosibirsk centre

Oyash is the nearest town, while Raduga is the village that probably
houses the stn personnel and has the mailing address of the stn.
This site, RC-7), was built in the early '70s.

The big (old, from 1956) SW site RC-5 is located in the SW outskirts of
Novosibirsk, in the Kirovskiy rayon. It has a total power of 2500 kW.

The original Novosibirsk site RC-1 is located in the NoEastern outskirts
of the city in the Kalininskiy rayon. It has a total power of 605 kW, most
of which is LW and MW. It seems to have a few SW trs in the 60 kW range
(SSB? air traffic control ? )  (via BC-DX Oct 30, 2001 year)

History 2007
The Novosibirsk listings in fact summarize two different sites: 200 kW
transmissions are the radio centre #5 near Novosibirsk, opened in 1956 and
equipped with a number of 100 kW transmitters, run in pairs of course.
Origin of the 500 kW transmission will be the radio centre #9 at
Raduga/Oyash, opened in 1967 and equipped with high power transmitters.

Acc.  <>  both sites are located at
54 55 18 N  82 51 22 E  and  55 29 00 N  83 41 12 E

Raduga [Novosibirsk] longwave 270 kHz 150 kW 576 kHz 1000 kW
under low resolution at present in 2007.
55 29 45.71 N  83 42 34.66 E
(Kai Ludwig-D, dxld Oct 1, 2007 year)

18 SW masts still visible in 2022 year northeasterly at
55.518269 N  83.751611 E   250 kW also DRM digital mode txions previously.


(wb, re corrected RUSdx #1203 via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 18)

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