UAE   13870.100  Odd frequency broadcast of relay sidelobe signal into
southern Germany, at 1515 UT on Aug 6, endless read comment in NHK Radio
Japan Urdu service by male announcer, broadcast via Babcock broker
at Al Dhabbaya-UAE relay site.

SOMALIA  13800cusb  NOTHING ! heard from Somali-Punt-Land on this empty
channel at 1518 UT on Aug 6.

GUAM  15605.013  KSDA AWR Guam program in Lushai language, spoken in
Mizoram, Myanmar, Chittagong hill area. Noted at 1526 UT on Aug 6.
S=9+5dB in sidelobe far behind, on remote SDR unit in southern Germany.

SUDAN/VATICAN STATE  15550  Radio Dabanga, Sudanese sce via Vatican Radio tx
site Santa Maria di Galeria CVA, pure only at S=8 signal, too short distance
in 19 mb Vatican - Germany. But heard also a 1000 Hertz audio tone
accompanied, visible tone peaks on both low-/upper-bands, supposed to be jamming action from Sudanese secret government. At 1534 UT on Aug 6.

EGYPT  15535.064 plus additional +/minus 50 and 100 Hertz tone peaks,
Radio Cairo is scheduled here at 1300-1600 UT, very low modulation of less
then 5% or rather at nothing? At 1538 UT on Aug 6.

(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 6)

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