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Today's Topics:

   1. unclean shortwave band range (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs March 31, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. A-11 VOICE OF GREECE (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. Radio Verdad (Manuel M?ndez)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 22:22:00 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "egroups_harmonics" <>,    "HCDX"
        <>, "DXLD" <>
Subject: [HCDX] unclean shortwave band range
Message-ID: <77495B760A1F4137B3AA8B84716FE6D4@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

RUSSIA/SAUDI ARABIA/CYPRUS   The UNCLEANEST shortwave band area is the 25 mb 
tonight. Between 19 and 20 UT March 31, I noted

11412 - 11437 typical British Radar station signal from Limassol TX /
Famagusta receiver at 1925 UT.

BSKSA Riyadh with accompanied MOTORBOOT sound on March 30 and 31, observed

11915 and 11820 fundamental, and sidebands range 11906 to 11938 kHz,
and 11810 to 11831.8 kHz
splattering clearly visible on the remote Perseus SDR screens.

12030 Voice of Russia in French via Novosibirsk, 19-21 UT produces a lot of
SPUR signals like a garden fence.

11878-11889 (strong center 11883),
12167-12184 (strongest center 12177 S=9+20dB)
12189-12197 kHz.  vy73 wb


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 19:28:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 31, 2011
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, still no LRA36 carrier detectable, March 31 at 1313, and 
now would be quite squeezed between POLAND [non] on 15480, and Sawa strong via 
??? on 15470 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ARGENTINA. 15345 [not measured to the fraxion], RAE with variety of lite 
music, March 31 at 2350; then to 8-note IS 2356-2357* about to QSY to 11711v; 
fair signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 15190, R. Inconfid?ncia, March 31 at 2310 mixing about equally with 
WYFR Portuguese to Brasil, making lo and wavering het. That`s better than to be 
expected, and depending on whether WYFR begins to drop out/skip over. At same 
time, WYFR had much stronger signals on 15130 and 15440, not aimed at Brasil. 
This was on the DX-398 portable; rechecked at 2338 on the FRG-7, WYFR was way 
on top; too much antenna? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. 11600, March 31 at 0527 open carrier with flutter; 0530 starts 
speaking German, but keeps dropping off the air several times; 0531.5 back on 
with carrier only. Without knowing the exact schedule, I figure it`s Bulgaria, 
and probably // 9600 --- tuning down there at 0532, yes, it is // as 11600 
resumes some fitful German (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 7110-7150, Intruder into worldwide 40m hamband, OTH radar pulses, 
March 31 at 1250, same rate and sound as several other spots, but variable 
intensities, 6960-7000, 6460-6510, 6780-6840, all approx.; presumed from here 

** GUYANA. 3290, after a week or so of much better reception of V. of Guyana, 
back to little or nothing lately vs the ute on the low side, e.g. at 0535 check 
March 31. I also read that they were off the air for at least 24 hours (Glenn 

** KOREA NORTH [non]. 6020, trying to hear Shiokaze = Sea Breeze at its earlier 
time and new frequency reported by S. Hasegawa and Ron Howard, March 31 at 
1340, all I can detect is an undercurrent of something vs strong R. Australia, 
on 6020 until 1400, but SB stays another half hour into our daylight (Glenn 

** KUWAIT. 17550, March 31 at 2358, Arab music, heavy flutter, then R. Kuwait 
ID; off when rechecked at 2407. This was a regular last summer, upholding 
surprisingly late across midnite meridian from weehour Kabd.

Checking HFCC A-11 for Kuwait transmissions to CIRAFs 6 and 7, i.e. contiguous 
C&W USA west of 90 degrees:
11950 22-05 150 kW 350 degrees, DRM in ENGLISH [really on?? 7 hours??]
13650 18-21 500 kW 350 degrees, Arabic
13770 14-20 500 kW 350 degrees, Arabic
17550 20-24 500 kW 350 degrees, Arabic 

I continue to be amazed that Kuwait even tries to serve this area, at least in 
Arabic; are there a lot of Kuwaitis around, like in California?

There are two other transmissions better suited to ENAm, but designated for 
CIRAF 27, 28 = Europe:
 9880 21-24 500 kW 310 degrees, Arabic
15540 18-21 150 kW 310 degrees, Arabic [but really in English!]
Such a gross error, repeated season after season, forces us to question 
accuracy of the rest (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN. 11890, REE in Spanish, March 31 at 0526, good reception now with 
climbing overnight MUF. On March 23 I reported this on 11895 --- rechecking, at 
05-07 they do use 11895 in B-seasons, 11890 in A-seasons (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A [and non]. 13570, March 31 at 0529, presumed WINB is back to a JBA 
carrier, compared to VG signal 24 hours earlier; tonight Australia and Russia 
are still in on 13 MHz band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. 15470, March 31 at 1329, R. Sawa, with ``I Wanna Ride Your 
Body`` song in English designed to corrupt innocent Moslem youth, until cut at 
1330 for Voice of America sign-off, and off at 1331 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1557 monitoring: this edition was finished later than 
usual, making the first SW airing to be UT Friday April 1 at 0330 on WWRB 2390. 

It also picks up the program number missed the previous week when we called 
that edition #1558 by mistake. So next week it will be on to #1559. Note well: 
1557 is the latest, current edition, produced March 31.

1557 confirmed on ACB Radio Mainstream webcast starting at 0100 April 1, to be 
repeated 2-hourly.

Next SW airings: WRMI 9955: Friday 1430, Saturday 0800, 1400, 1730, Sunday 
0800, 1530, 1730. WWCR: Friday 2030 on reactivated 15825, Saturday 1600 on 
12160, Sunday 0630 on 3215. IPAR/IRRS/NEXUS-IBA, Saturday 1800 on reactivated 
7290, to be confirmed.

WBCQ 7415 was playing Amos `n` Andy on webcast when I checked at 2130 Wednesday 
March 30. Operator told me he played WOR 1558 at 2100, rather than previously 
scheduled 2115, and the week before, WOR appeared at 2130. WBCQ has not replied 
to our inquiry about what time it is really supposed to air (Glenn Hauser, OK, 


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2011 07:34:59 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Message-ID: <4DE8E8DD4FB14A5BBA70AA6447650F31@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

A-11 VOICE OF GREECE  summer schedule

On April 1 morning:

0400-0500 15630/285 7475/285  9420/323
Greek service on both 9420 and 15630 kHz, but
R Filia Albanian service noted on 7475 kHz,
at least from 0438 UT til 0450 UT
{I guess Albanian on whole periode 0400 to 0500 UT? }

0500-0600 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323
>From 0456 UT ERA5 had left 7475 kHz
and R Filia carried on 11645 kHz now,
at 0500 UT BBCWS in English started with report of Ivory Coast repoort on
11645 kHz.

At 0500 UT on remote Perseus rx in Ukraine heard ERA5/ERT as follows
 9420 kHz Greek -57dBm S=9+20dB.
15630 kHz Greek -73dBm S=8-9
11645 kHz BBCWS English -57dBm S=9+20dB.

73 wolfy df5sx

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011
Subject: Re: A-11 VOICE OF GREECE

> Hello dear xxx,
> > re strange usage of 17705 kHz channel in our European morning session.
> checked the 1100-2400 UT portion yesterday March 30, and reflect 100 %
> the file given by Mr. Alokesh Gupta.
> 1100-1200 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323  correct
> 1200-1300 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1300-1400 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1400-1500 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1500-1600 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1600-1700 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1700-1800 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323  correct
> 1800-1900 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1900-2000 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2000-2100 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2100-2200 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2200-2300 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2300-2400 15650/105      7475/285 9420/323  correct
> Especially noted correct 15630 til 2300 UT,
> and switch to 15650 at 2300 UT. Noted also on 3 different remoted SDR
> Perseus receiver units located in NoEaUSA and especially at receiver in
> Ottawa Canada area.
> March 31, unfortunatelly woke up little late at 0617 UT.
> On all three channels same Greek program were in progress. Music program
> talk accompanied by lady and men announcer.
> Also REAL working on new channel 17705 kHz on air ! Checked on various
> remoted PERSEUS rxs at northern Germany and close to Amsterdam the
> Netherlands. Nothing heard of Filia re-transmission in French this
> morning.
> 0000-0100 15650/105 7475/285  9420/323
> 0100-0200 15650/105 7475/285  9420/323
> 0200-0300 15650/105 7475/285  9420/323
> 0300-0400 15630/285 7475/285  9420/323
> 0400-0500 15630/285 7475/285  9420/323
> 0500-0600 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323 probably R Filia English on 11645
> 0600-0700 15630/285 17705/182 9420/323 correct all 3 in Greek
> 0700-0800 15630/285 17705/182 9420/323 correct all 3 in Greek
> 0800-0900 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323 11645 0800UT German, 0830UT Russian
> 0900-1000 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323 ERA5 in Greek on 9420 + 15630
> but 11645 kHz carried another different Greek program played INTERNATIONAL
> modern concert like pop music from Greece, Portugal, France, Spain and
> Argentina.
> Yes break
> 1000-1100 Daily maintenance at 10:00-11:00 UTC
> kind regards de Wolfgang df5sx in Germany
> SW schedule effective from 27/03/11 to 30/10/11
> UTC       Freq/Azi  Freq/Azi  Freq/Azi
> --------------------------------------
> 0000-0100 15650/105 7475/285  9420/323
> 0100-0200 15650/105 7475/285  9420/323
> 0200-0300 15650/105 7475/285  9420/323
> 0300-0400 15630/285 7475/285  9420/323
> 0400-0500 15630/285 7475/285  9420/323
                      7475 R Filia Albanian 4-5
> 0500-0600 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323
                      11645 R Filia BBCWS in En 5-6
> 0600-0700 15630/285 17705/182 9420/323
> 0700-0800 15630/285 17705/182 9420/323
> 0800-0900 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323
                      11645 0800UT German, 0830UT Russian
> 0900-1000 15630/285 11645/2   9420/323
  on 9420 15630 in Greek.
  Secondary 11645 kHz carried different Greek music sce.

> 1000-1100 Daily maintenance at 10:00-11:00 UTC

> 1100-1200 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1200-1300 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1300-1400 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1400-1500 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1500-1600 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1600-1700 9935/285 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1700-1800 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1800-1900 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 1900-2000 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2000-2100 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2100-2200 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2200-2300 7450/323 ERT3 15630/285 9420/323
> 2300-2400 15650/105      7475/285 9420/323
> 0800-1200 UTC: Weekly maintenance every Tuesday
> 1100-1650 9935/285 EUROPE
> 1700-2050 7450/323 EUROPE
> URL Live Audio Internet:
> (via Alokesh Gupta, VU3BSE) last update march 27, 2011


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 08:16:59 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: DX Listenig Digest <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Verdad
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

GUATEMALA, 4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0553-0605*, 01-04, good
propagation conditions to listen Radio Verdad here in the city of  Lugo
in the early morning, but only on LSB mode to separate the noise from
the signal in this channel. Today at 0553 clear identification in
various languages, Spanish, English, Italian and more. "Escuchan la
estaci?n evang?lica Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, en la
frecuencia de 4055 kHz, banda de 75 mentros, env?en sus informes de
recepci?n a la siguiente direcci?n: Radio Verdad, Apartado 5,
Chiquimula, Guatemala, Centroam?rica, tenemos una tarjeta QSL
conmemorativa de nuestro aniversario". Anthem and close down at 0605.
24222. (M?ndez)

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 100, Issue 1

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