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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Updates to ITU Reference Tables (Eike Bierwirth)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs July 20-21, 2011 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Re: [dxld] Ron Howard logs from Asilomar State Beach, CA
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   5. Dutch-based KBC Radio to test on Burg 531 kHz (Paul)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 13:25:10 +0200
From: "Eike Bierwirth" <>
To:, "HCDX" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Updates to ITU Reference Tables
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Also some changes to the ITU country list to reflect the new status of the 
islands of the former Netherlands Antilles (no South Sudan yet). Curacao and St 
Maarten have gained an autonomous status, just like Aruba has had since 
1985/86, while Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba are now integral parts of the 

 ATN - Netherlands Antilles - DELETED

 BES - Netherlands Caribbean (Bonaire - St Eustatius - Saba)
 CUW - Curacao
 SXM - Sint Maarten (Dutch part of the island)

 in addition to
 MAF - St Martin (French part of the island)
 ABW - Aruba


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 20 Jul 2011 15:22:41 +0530
> Von: Alokesh Gupta
> An:
> Betreff: [dxld] Updates to ITU Reference Tables

> Updates to ITU Reference Tables
> 07-JUL-2011: add: MND, MND Radio (KOR)
> Reference Table Freq. Management Org.
> 07-JUL-2011: add: MND, MND Radio
> Global HF Transmitter Site Table
> 07-JUL-2011: add: CHC ChunCheon, KOR, 37N56 127E46
> ---
> Alokesh Gupta,VU3BSE
> New Delhi

NEU: FreePhone - 0ct/min Handyspartarif mit Geld-zur?ck-Garantie!               
Jetzt informieren:


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 07:30:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 20-21, 2011
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** AUSTRALIA. 9560, July 21 at 1213, RA is back here instead of 9710; Nigel 
Holmes of RA says the automation may have failed to make the switch yesterday 

** CHINA. Firedrake July 21; propagation quite poor. OSOB on 16m was Chile 

16980, JBA at 1236 
16100, JBA at 1236
15900, poor at 1233
14700, poor at 1230, seems to be mixing with algo, Sound of Hope?
13130, very poor at 1232
12980, fair with flutter at 1233
11500, fair at 1233

** MEXICO. Big sporadic-E FM opening on July 20, UT; I usually report in chrono 
order, but this time I am going by frequency first. Assume the language is 
Spanish u.o.s. References are Emisoras de FM by Jim Thomas, 2010y; Cant?`s 
online presumably current, and FM 
Atlas XXI of 2010y, which does not list Mexico by frequency but rather 
inconveniently by location.

BTW, I would like to encourage other TV/FM DXers, especially when reporting 
foreign catches, to include more detail like I do. Each log is a potential 
learning experience about language, culture, geography, broadcasting, but if 
details are just generic abbrs. crammed into one line, they make rather boring 
reading. The most important thing to them may be whether it`s a new or re-log, 
definite ID or not, station count number, but what about other readers?

88.1, at 1651 ad for Soriana department store, 1652 Michoac?n government PSA, 
so it`s XHZN Zamora, Mich. again

88.5, at 1655, bit of Spanish pokes thru the ACI, ``88 punto 5``

90.5, at 1700, news with 6-note stingers between items, `Noticiero el Grupo`. 
Thought it might be XEDA/Imagen, but does not match its webcast. 1703 some ID 
and tones while Imagen web has YL with news. 

90.5, at 1832, about some event on 21 de julio, political talk, $, RDS? Now 
sounds like same on XEDA webcast. At 1855, re-fade-in with political discussion 
about PAN y PRI; sounds like same thing in a few sex on XEDA Imagen webcast I 
have left running. After this, MUF below FM

90.5, at 1847, Brazilian romantic song; 1848 sounds like ``Radio Ben``, but now 
I think it was Radio UDEM, XHUDEM, Monterrey, then fadeout, 1854 back with more 
Brazilian music. EFM puts it in San Pedro Garza Garc?a NL, and UdeM evidently 
means Universidad de Monterrey

90.7, at 1704, `Noti-Sistema`, but same stingers as on 90.5; news of Michoac?n, 
Jalisco, hurac?n. In fact sounds like same news items as heard a few minutes 
earlier on 90.5, including something about diplomata Anthony Wayne. 
``Noti-Sistema en Red Nacional``. 1706, full ID with street address but with 
fades, ``Avenida --- 2289, Colonia ---, con 200,000 vatios, Se?al 90, XHOY, y 
la Onda de la Alegr?a``. Cant? shows XHOY, Guadlajara, with 49.97 kW. So is the 
200 kW the ERP? 1708 ``Se?al Noventa --- sin l?mites, hits, cl?sicos 
favoritos``, DJ introducing ``Enola Gay`` song. 1736 instruxions for preparing 
or eating chau-mein Tal-Pak(?), ``en Guadalajara, Se?al Noventa``, $tereo ID 
with echo on right channel

91.5, at 1710, M&W with phone numbers, website, but too much CCI and fading to 
copy details. Note that all Mexican stations give phone numbers as fast as they 
can. With decent reception, I can understand fast Spanish quite well, but even 
in English I would have trouble remembering them long enough to copy down. 
Don`t they want everyone to get them? Or is my digit span failing? (I am not 
rolling tape on all this DX: takes enough time to do the DX, compile the 
reports, without also having to listen again and again!)

91.5, at 1717, TelMex ad, RDS icon flickers, tries and fails to display, as 
usually the case in this unstable opening. Maybe same:

91.5, at 1738, M&W&M talk show about ropa, accesorios, cravatas, RDS displaying 
fragments as it fades in and out, including 
[underscores here indicate blank space on 8-character RDS display]:
ZONA_H_- at 1740 
At 1741, shoe color advice, ``Lo nuevo en 91.5``, seems it`s a program for 
hombres titled ``Zona 3``. 1742 gobierno federal PSA and RDS:
At 1743, ``F?bricas de Francia, Shopping Time, Guadalajara`` [as also heard on 
The 91.5 station in Gja., not just the program, is in fact called Zona 3, 
XHGEO. What is the allusion; to gay men, maybe?! Who else would care about shoe 
color? Hi

92.7, at 1711, Es signal with PSA ``del estado``. A lot of these federal or 
state government PSAs are required on Mexican stations; finally a real one 
overriding faux-Mexican KANR KS; at 1744 RDS: _CLASSIC  There are about five 
possibles in central Mexico per Cant?; EFM has only four 92.7s in the whole 
country, none matching classic

93.1, at 1826, Spanish music, RDS? Does not lock in. Heard when 93.3 local cuts 
off; 1827 M&W DJ, phones 749 11 93 y 94, ``Hits FM``, dinero electr?nico 
mention. Closest match in EFM and Cant? is Stereo Hits, XHCTO in Torre?n, Coah. 
Phone number matches for XHCTO

93.3, at 1745, Spanish music while K227AT Enid cuts off the air; also heard 
other OK station ads from KKNG

93.5, at 1729, phone number, but then local intermittent 93.3 translator cuts 
back on, and off and on; again at 1829 some Spanish

93.9, at 1728, YL in Spanish; 1729 two YLs discussing Mexican Air Force and 
Army; 1731 mentions Villahermosa, but there is no Tabasco station on 93.9, so 
dead lead. Guadalajara and several others here

95.3, at 1746, ``s?lo m?sica rom?ntica, Amor 95.3`` with YL DJs. In EFM we have:
XHSH Mex DF, La Nueva Amor, and
so neither slogan is an exact match. Cant? has them both as just Amor

96.3, at 1719, ``en el centro de Guadalajara``; 1722 classical music; 1732 also 
but fading; 1746 still classical; 1759 back-announce a flute sonata, by Marco 
Antonio Rubio, locutor; fading as full YL ID comes at 1801, XEJB, AM, FM, 
watts. Here`s the schedule along with AM 630:

EFM has XEJB on 96.3 from Sistema Jalisciense in Tlaquepaque, Jalisco, variety 
format. FMA XXI shows it noncommercial with an mc format ? maybe that adds up 
to variety in EFM terminology. Cant? lists as Jalisco Radio, in Guadalajara 
itself. Note the 96.3 channel fits in with Guadalajara dial sequence 95.5-97.1 
etc. I recall this station from sesquidecades ago with classical. Great music 
may have been banned from 96.3 in Albuquerque and New York, but it lives in 
Too, XE- calls on FM are rare, indicating it is a very old station originating 
on AM

96.5, at 1732, ``Estoy volviendo loco por tu amor`` song, VG in $; 1746 M&M 
mention Zacatecas. (One must be careful, especially in ads: every town has 
streets or something named for every other state). But in this case there is 
XHZER, Est?reo ZER, in Zacatecas, Zac.

97.3  at 1720, ads for muebles, ``Shopping Time``

97.7, at 1721, ads, including for Plaza Sendero, in San Lu?s(?) (Potos??). 
XHSNP, La Caliente is listed in SLP. Plaza Sendero is a national chain of 
malls, including in SLP, but there is also a 97.7 and a Sendero in Saltillo, 
Coah., etc. Still, XHSNP very likely 

97.9, at 1726, F?brica de Francia, Guadalajara mentioned several times. Gja. 
station is XETIA, F?rmula Mel?dica per Cant?

99.3, at 1748, ads in pesos for Suburbia, gran venta, Chevrolet. RDS icon 
flickers but no display

99.5, at 1749, romantic music in Spanish; 1750 ``Romance 99.5``. Would be XHLS 
Guadalajara, in EFM as ``Romance FM``; Cant? as ``Romance``

101.1 at 1724, ``Exa FM 101.1``, stereo, 12.24 TC, over OK stations; 1733 RDS: 
EXA FM, ads, $, 1735 Superfarmacia Guadalajara. Is XHMA

101.1 is the highest DX frequency in this opening. I tune up to 108 a few 
times, but almost everything above 100 is blocked by locals and/or overload 
even if propagating.

Once [``wunce``] FM had faded out, I resumed TV monitoring:

1916 on 6, net-7 UR, talk show

1920 on 6, event ad in English, San Diego 6, CW, so XETV Tijuana, and of course 
peaks from WSW; 5 and 3 Mexicali are also in; 1929 and 1938, XETV has [same?] 
ads for Kaplan College with three local campi

1952 on 6, XETV still unusually steady

1952 on 3, XHTJB is atop XHBC CCI, with credit roll, then Once logo

2000 WSW signals fade out, still weak CCI on 2 from but SSW soon gone  

(Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. 5930, July 21 at 1223, R. Rossii with music, but transmitter 
breaking up badly. Same music on much weaker // 5940 not breaking up. 5930 is 
Petropavlovsk/Kam (same as winter frequency 6075), and 5940 is Magadan (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 6924.8 AM, July 21 at 0605 music just above the noise level, on 
low side compared to 11925 carrier, presumed Brasil on the hi side; never any 
announcements, and 0612 no longer heard, either off or outfaded. It so happens 
that this frequency and another unID of mine a while ago on 6305 match the 
frequencies just reported by Walt Salmaniw in BC for the pirate Radio True 
North, which I think he previously thought to be coming from the Yukon. Well, 
almost: he put it on 6924.66, July 11 at 0352. My 6305 was July 2 at 0540 as in 
DXLD 11-27 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 9370, WTJC even more out of whack, July 21 at 1340, distorted on 
fundamental and scratchy spur field out to 9270 and 9425. Worst peaks around 
9350 and 9390. Disrupting among others, WBCQ on 9330, FEBC on 9400 (Glenn 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1574 monitoring: first airing UT Thursday 0330 on WRMI 
confirmed on webcast, just jamming on 9955; tnx a lot, Arnie! Further WRMI 
times: Thu 1500, 2100, Fri 0500, 1430, Sat 0800, 1500, 1730, Sun 0800, 1530, 

On WTWW: Thursday 2100 9479, UT Sunday 0400 5755
On WBCQ: Thursday 2130 on 7415, UT Monday 0300 on 5110v-CUSB
On WWRB: UT Friday 0330v on 5051
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1730, Sun 0830
Full schedule:

Allan Weiner tells me the Wed 2130 repeat on WBCQ 7415 has been canceled, but 
WOR 1573 was still there July 20 as heard on webcast (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 18:13:46 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Ron Howard logs from Asilomar State Beach,
Message-ID: <A97DF53B189241ACAB3429C7752B0923@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

7185.741  Myanma Radio noted July 20 at 12.10 UT, S=8 on SDR remote unit in
Australia. Light Asian singer music program. But little disturbed by DRM
digital like white noise outlet at S=7 level, peak at 7189.5 and bandwidth
around 7188 to 7192 kHz, but could be rather also a ham radio digital 
73 wb (wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 20)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Howard" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2011 5:46 PM
Subject: [dxld] Ron Howard logs from Asilomar State Beach, CA

MYANMAR. 7185.75, Myanma Radio, 1220-1221:55*, July 21. Their signature
theme music (indigenous) with assume sign off announcement in vernacular
followed by EZL music till off.
(Ron Howard, Asilomar State Beach, CA, Et?n E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 20:52:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stewart MacKenzie <>
To: Anker Peterson <>,    BCL NEWS
        <>, Duane Fischer <>,   Hard
        Core DX <>,        Marie Lamb
        <>, Maryann Kehoe <>,        Prime 
        Shortwave <>, SWL QTH
Cc: Adrian Peterson <>, Allen Graham
Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

ARGENTINA??? Radio Argentina Exterior-RAE?? 15345? 2310 GMT? Spanish? 333? July 
20? YL and OM with comments.??? MacKenzie-CA..
AUSTRALIA?? Radio Australia-Shepparton?? 15560? 2253 GMT? English? 444? July 
20??? Barbara Dragan with neww item effecting various China States including 
Taiwan. //15515[333] Shepparton.??? MacKenzie-CA..
CHILE?? CVC La Voz?? 17680? 2240 GMT? Spanish? 333? July 20? Vocal group 
singing. OM with comments 2242 GMT.??? MacKenzie-CA..
CUBA?? Radio Havana Cuba-RHC?? 15370? 2306 GMT? Portuguese? 333? July 20? Two 
OMs with comments.??? MacKenzie-CA..
CUBA?? Radio Havana Cuba-RHC?? 17560? 2244 GMT? Spanish? 444? July 20? YL and 
OM with comments plus OM with RHC ID.??? MacKenzie-CA..
NEW ZEALAND?? Radio New Zealand Intl-RNZI?? 15720? 2247 GMT? English? 433? July 
20? OM with comments on the History of New Zealand.??? MacKenzie-CA..
NORTH MARIANAS, Tinian??? Radio Free Asia-RFA?? 15430? 2302 GMT? Chinese? 333? 
July 20? YL and OM with comments plus a YL singing at times.??? MacKenzie-CA..
UNITED STATES, Cypress?? Voice of Germany-DW Relay?? 17820? 2233 GMT? German? 
433? July 20? Two OMs with comments. YL and OM with comments 2238 GMT.??? 
Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA
Huntington Beach, California, United States of America
Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650
"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 17:34:22 +1200
From: "Paul" <>
To: "Hard-Core-DX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Dutch-based KBC Radio to test on Burg 531 kHz
Message-ID: <9A3F2155E55A4ED59898245C7FE3443A@windowspaul001>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Dutch-based KBC Radio to test on Burg 531 kHz
July 21st, 2011 - 16:49 UTC 
by Andy Sennitt. 
The website of Dutch-based KBC Radio says "KBC has received a test license for 
531 kHz in Burg [Eastern] Germany. We keep you informed when we start testing. 
We are also talking for a few options in other countries as well. The reason 
that we are gonna test is to see if the signal is doing anything during the 
nightly hours."

This site of course has a very interesting history, having been a key site 
during the days of the GDR, but has been unused since 2008 following the 
closure of Truck Radio. It has a 10kW transmitter which can also transmit in 
DRM mode at 2.7 kW, and a 190 metre antenna mast.

(Source: KBC Radio,

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 103, Issue 22

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