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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: [dxld] VOR on 6005 kHz at 16:00 UTC Arabic !!!!
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Vanuatu profile (Zacharias Liangas )
   3. EMR & MV Baltic Radio this Sunday (tom taylor)
   4. Logs (Terry L. Krueger)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 15:18:41 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] VOR on 6005 kHz at 16:00 UTC Arabic !!!!
Message-ID: <38D166FCB7024167828E2B0D59E8C8F7@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="UTF-8";

Re Tareks monitoring on VoRUS in Arabic - or - Kurdish on 6005 - now 5945
kHz from Krasnodar oblast, at Armavir Tbilisskaya:

RUSSIA   Frequency changes for Voice of Russia in Arabic:
1600-2100 NF9825*S.P 200 kW 215 deg to NoWeAF, ex5920
*co-ch Radio Pilipinas in English and Pilipino 1730-1930 UT

Additional changes for Voice of Russia:
1500-1600  5945, 7215, 9480 in Arabic, cancelled
1500-1600  9480 in Russian, addit. freq.
1500-1600  5945, 7215 in Kurdish, new time
1600-1700  5945, 6005, 7270 in Kurdish, cancelled
1600-1700  5940 in Russian, addit.freq.
1600-1700  5945, 6005 in Arabic, addit.freq.
1600-1700  7270 in English, addit.freq.
2100-2200  6040 in English Ch#1 + Portuguese Ch#2 in DRM mode
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 10)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel"
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 6:49 PM
Subject: Re: [dxld] VOR on 6005 kHz at 16:00 UTC Arabic !!!!

> No Tarek,
> as Mikhail Timofeyev  <timofeyev @>
> explained in another mail:
>> The point is that we are on traditional New Year holiday here in
>> Russia from Dec 31 till Jan 9. All regional programs will be on the
>> air again starting from Jan 10...
> So the Kurdish personell was on planned holidays
> {like Russian RAMADAN weeks},
> and Kurdish service on Armavir 6005 kHz will remain soon after the
> holidays, - I guess.
> vy73 de Wolfy  df5sx

Schedule of Oct 30, 2011:

> 1400-1500
> Turkish
> 1170 Armavir Tbilisskaya 1200 NE/ME/CIS
> 1377 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5985 St.Petersburg 200 ME  < Moscow 250 kW 190deg
> 6005 Armavir Tbilisskaya 100 ME
> 7270 Moscow 250 ME
> 1500-1600
> Arabian
> 5920 St.Petersburg 200 AF
> 5945 Novosibirsk 250 ME
> 7215 St.Petersburg 200 ME
> 9480 Moscow 250 AF
> Persian
>  648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 1377 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5935 St.Petersburg 400 ME
> 7205 St.Petersburg 400 ME
> 7345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 ME
> Turkish
> 1170 Armavir Tbilisskaya 1200 NE/ME/CIS
> 5985 St.Petersburg 200 ME  < Moscow 250 kW 190deg
> 6005 Armavir Tbilisskaya 100 ME
> 7270 Moscow 250 ME
> 1600-1700
> Arabian
> 5920 St.Petersburg 200 AF
> 9480 Moscow 250 AF
> 9820 Dushanbe-TJK 500 ME
> 9820 Dushanbe-TJK 500 AF
> Kurdish
> 1314 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5945 Novosibirsk 250 ME
> 6005 Armavir Tbilisskaya 100 ME
> 7270 Moscow 250 ME
> Persian
>  648 Dushanbe-TJK 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 1377 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5935 St.Petersburg 400 ME
> 7345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 ME
> 1700-1800
> Arabian
> 1314 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5920 St.Petersburg 200 AF
> 5935 St.Petersburg 400 ME
> 6020 Armavir Tbilisskaya 100 ME
> 7345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 ME
> 9820 Dushanbe-TJK 500 ME
> 9820 Dushanbe-TJK 500 AF
> 1800-1900
> Arabian
> 1314 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5920 St.Petersburg 200 AF
> 5975 Novosibirsk 250 ME
> 5975 Novosibirsk 250 AF
> 6020 Armavir Tbilisskaya 100 ME
> 7345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 ME
> 9820 Dushanbe-TJK 500 ME
> 9820 Dushanbe-TJK 500 AF
> 1900-2000
> Arabian
> 1314 Yerevan Gavar-ARM 1000 NE/ME/CIS
> 5920 St.Petersburg 200 AF
> 5975 Novosibirsk 250 ME
> 5975 Novosibirsk 250 AF
> 7345 Dushanbe-TJK 100 ME
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tarek Zeidan" Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 5:22 PM
> Subject: [dxld] VOR on 6005 kHz at 16:00 UTC Arabic !!!!
>> Hello Dxers
>> I was checking 6005 kHz at 16:00 UTC I was expecting Kurdish but the
>> programmes i'm hearing right now is in Arabic ! I checked Aoki and Eibi
>> but only Kurdish listed there.
>> Best regards
>> Tarek Zeidan
>> Cairo,Egypt
> - - -
>> R Rossii ceased Reg on SW?
>> Karel,
>> The point is that we are on traditional New Year holiday here in
>> Russia from Dec 31 till Jan 9. All regional programs will be on the
>> air again starting from Jan 10...
>> 73! Mikhail
>> 04.01.2012, ? 9:32, Karel Honz?k ???????(?):
>> It is perhaps a too strong assertion from me but it really looks
>> like Radio Rossii ceased regional programs relayed on shortwaves at
>> the end of 2011. During the first week of January I failed to hear
>> at least one of those transmissions I heard in December. That is why
>> I compiled a detailed list of all regional programs on SW (acc. to
>> WRTH 2012) grafically into a table and started to check specific
>> frequencies. Here are few examples of my results:
>> Magadan 5940+7320 kHz - no Reg at 2200 UTC (scheduled)
>> Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy 6075 kHz - no Reg at 0610 and 1800
>> (scheduled)
>> Krasnoyarsk  6085 kHz - no Reg at 2310 (scheduled)
>> Arkhangelsk  6160 kHz - no Reg at 0910 and 1410 (heard in December)
>> Ulan Ude     6195 kHz - no Reg at 2110 and 2210 (scheduled)
>> Yakutsk      7230 kHz - no Reg at 0810 (heard in December)
>> There are always relays of Radio Rossii (EUR version or Duble
>> versions for Far East) at those time scheduled for regional
>> programs. I have found out that this year (2012) I have not heard
>> any R.R. regional program on SW yet. Maybe some of our Russian
>> friends are able to confirm or deny it. It is a pity if it is true.
>> Karel Honzik, CZE


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 21:20:32 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Vanuatu profile
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Vanuatu profile

The single TV channel on Vanuatu was established with the help of Radio France 
(RFO) and broadcasts in French and English.

Radio Vanuatu runs a shortwave and mediumwave (AM) service, as well as a 
FM station.

BBC World Service (99 MHz), Radio Australia, Radio France Internationale and 
China Radio 
International are available on FM.

There is a government newspaper, Vanuatu Weekly, and a handful of 

There were 17,000 internet users by November 2008 (InternetWorldStats).

The press

    * Vanuatu Weekly - state-owned
    * Nasara - private weekly
    * Vanuatu Daily Post - published Monday-Saturday
    * L'Hebdo Du Vanuatu - French-language, from publisher of Daily Post
    * The Vanuatu Independent - private weekly
    * Port Vila Presse - private weekly
    * Ni-Vanuatu - private weekly


Television Blong Vanuatu - operated by state-owned Vanuatu Broadcasting and 
Corporation (VBTC)

    * Radio Vanuatu - operated by state-owned VBTC
    * Capital FM 107 - private, Port Vila
    * Laef FM - Christian, Port Vila
Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 20:13:17 -0000
From: "tom taylor" <>
To: "tom taylor" <>
Subject: [HCDX] EMR & MV Baltic Radio this Sunday
Message-ID: <1940E49E97394097A2297B6E4086592E@dellcb21k2j>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

European Music Radio this Sunday


Transmission Date:          15th January 2012

Programme Times:           09.00 to 10.00 UTC

Transmission Frequency:  9480 kHz


09.00 Tom Taylor programme

09.30 Mike Taylor (Mail Box programme)


EMR Internet repeats on Sunday and Monday are at the following times: 

09.00 ? 1400 ? 18.00 ? 21.00 UTC


Please visit  <> and click on the ?EMR
internet radio? button 

which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on the left). 

All reports to:  <>



M V Baltic Radio Test Transmissions:

On the 15th of January at 10.00 UTC M V Baltic Radio will be testing on 9480

Please send all M V Baltic Radio reception reports to



Technical Information for Receiving 9480 KHz:

The transmitter at G?hren is using A3H (carrier with upper side band)

If you use a normal AM - shortwave receiver, please tune exactly to 9480

If you use a SSB - receiver, please tune to 9480 KHz, USB - mode.

This will give you the best results.


Good Listening    73s Tom


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 21:13:29 -0500
From: "Terry L. Krueger" <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <000001ccd006$a0541d30$e0fc5790$@net>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

All times/dates are in GMT. Frequencies in kc/s unless otherwise indicated.
All loggings made by Terry L Krueger at Clearwater, Florida unless otherwise

Abridged pile of junk: JRC NRD-535; ICOM IC-R75; Hammarlund HQ-180A; Aqua Guide
705 Radio Direction Finder; Sangean PR-D5; Sony ICF-7600GR; GE SuperRadio III;
RadioShack DX-399; 1 X roof dipole; 1 X in-room random wire.

920 M?XICO XELE La Prefereida, Tampico, Tamaulipas. 1229 January 8, 2012. Calls
and slogan at 1230, Mexi-tunes, several more ID's. Very good on my local

1330 LOUISIANA WWWL, New Orleans. 1210 January 8, 2012. ESPN Radio, network
spots, local one for a New Orleans sports team at 1213.

1440 TENNESSEE WZYX, Cowan. 0018 January 4, 2012. Could I have hit the source of
the Oldies tonight heard New Year's eve? Tune-in to two guys and one gal live
talk, mostly about local school proposed taxation and things that almost makes
me think it may have been local election coverage, out of the norm format. Then
male maybe canned but all so clear, "...on 14-40 AM and 94.5 FM, WZYX." Per
Wiki, 94.5 is a translator along with 94.5
which wasn?t mentioned, so it?s WZYX, Cowan, TN, listed in the NRC Logbook as
5000/66, Oldies format, and neither translator is referenced here. It?s just a
big jumble on 1440 now, Mexi-tunes (maybe Winter Park?s WPRD) and that
unidentified ESPN station semi-dominating (which I swear came out of the sports
news at 0104 as "Power Radio ESPN Sports Radio" but I could be wrong. No ESPN
1440 listings with that slogan in the NRC Logbook.

6149.98 BRAZIL R?dio Record, S?o Paulo. Highlights of details, especially
English songs appearing between otherwise very pop Portuguese songs as logged
here chronologically in date/time order, to confirm there is in fact is no Radio
Bayrak audible here. Usually, a female primary jock (sometimes a live man and
maybe canned male ID's), the female is almost if not always the same one each
night. Weak ChiCom time sounders near at 2300 on 6150.00, but no other stations

January 5, 2012 - 2228-2345*. 2324 female, into Lionel Ritchie "Say You, Say Me"
2328. Fragment of same song mis-queued 2345 with same female atop, abruptly off.

January 6, 2012 - 2259-2335* same female jock. John Lennon's "Woman" at 2314.

January 7, 2012 - 2336-2339* "Lean On Me" by Bill Withers just after tune-in.

January 8, 2012 - 2246 (I was only briefly able to check this day).

January 9, 2012 - 2307-2323* New Kids On the Block "I'll Be Loving You" then
male and female patter, into unidentified English female vocal in English.

January 10, 2012 - 2233-2352* very strong tonight, and finally with confirmed
and multiple ID's. The first at 2301 by man, then a singing jingle ID at 2302.
Same female jock, Portuguese pop vocals, male ID 2311 into the female jock, then
James Ingram "In Your Eyes" at 2312, another male ID 2319 (these seem to be
canned), female jock, 2328 male ID again, a couple more light pop vintage vocals
in English later.

6155 INDIA All India Radio, Bengaluru. *0016:36 January 11, 2012. Carrier up
with 1000 kc/s tone until 0013:14 AIR Interval signal, opening ID in presumed
(listed) Urdu, then nice subcontinental vocals through 0055 tue-out. Very good.
No trace of 9595 WRTVH-2012 listed parallel. Thanks D. Crawford tip.

6925(U) PIRATE (North America) Radio Junk. 0101-0149* January 11, 2012. Lots of
odd .wav file repeats, much of the announcements in Qu?bec-French by a female
(short blurbs) and Frenadian-centric music and production, frequent "Radio Junk
on shortwave"; "You have been listening to Radio Junk"; and "Hi, this is Nixx
(?) on Radio Junk, your favorite pirate" canned ID's by same female. Frequent
quasi-Morse ID's atop programming. Obama 2011 holiday greetings spliced with
other talk on a cycling .wav file. Abruptly off at 0149. A very big signal.
Thanks D. Crawford tip while on online chat.

6925(AM) PIRATE (North America) *0200 January 11, 2012. Up with Dylan track.
Real strong, then rapidly dropped to threshold, as if dinking with power and/or
antenna? Didn't stick around to see if I could ID.


Terry L Krueger
Clearwater, Florida
27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W

Florida Low Power Radio Stations:


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 109, Issue 11

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