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Today's Topics:

   1. Fw: [A-DX] QRT: RAI Bologna 567 kHz (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs March 1, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Logs (Zacharias Liangas )
   4. BRA 6180.006 / 11780.007 Radio Nacional Amazonia
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 13:24:45 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "egroups_mwdx" <>, "DXLD"
        <>, "DXplorer" <>,  "HCDX"
Subject: [HCDX] Fw: [A-DX] QRT: RAI Bologna 567 kHz
Message-ID: <9FAD29F1F34F457C89E2ED88B8A5F3AE@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

ITALY   RAI Bologna 567 kHz. RAI hat die Sendungen auf 567 kHz aus Bologna
am 28.02.2012 eingestellt (via fmdx_italy yahoo group):


Si informa l'utenza radiofonica che a partire dalle ore 24:00 del giorno
28 febbraio cesseranno le trasmissioni in onda media dall'impianto di
Bologna Budrio freq. 567 kHz.

La programmazione RAI sara comunque fruibile per l'utenza locale attraverso
gli impianti in modulazione di frequenza (FM) che diffondono il servizio
Radio Uno. (GG)

English automatic translation.
It informs the user that the radio starting from 2400 UT, day Febr 28, 2012,
will cease broadcasting on the air from the installation on mediumwave of
Bologna Budrio frequency 567 kHz.

The RAI programming will still accessible to users through the local systems
in frequency modulation (FM) broadcast service Radio One.
(via Guenter Lorenz-D, A-DX March 1)


August 2007: ITA  Rai  Bologna Budrio 567 kHz 10 / ex60 kW
44 31 10.42 N  11 31 02.89 E

Google Earth imagery. Some high resolution place. Another GE/Google Maps
Street View image update. February 2010.

Rai  Bologna Budrio 567 kHz, 10 kW / ex60 kW,
only a single mast remained at
44 31 10.42 N  11 31 02.89 E

wait five seconds to show image display

see antenna mast matching house, 2nd mast scrapped since 2003 image in G.E.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 1)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "G?nter Lorenz" Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2012 Subject: [A-DX] QRT:
RAI Bologna 567 kHz

RAI hat die Sendungen auf 567 kHz aus Bologna am 28.02.2012 eingestellt (via
fmdx_italy yahoo group):
Si informa l'utenza radiofonica che a partire dalle ore 24:00 del giorno 28
febbraio cesseranno le trasmissioni in onda media dall'impianto di Bologna
Budrio freq. 567 kHz.
La programmazione RAI sar? comunque fruibile per l'utenza locale attraverso
gli impianti in modulazione di frequenza (FM) che diffondono il servizio
Radio Uno. (GG)
73 G?nter


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 08:10:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: NASWA <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 1, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BRAZIL [and non]. 6180, March 1 at 0246, checking the sign-off time of 
reactivated R. Nacional Amaz?nia (or is it Amaz?nica? I see both from 
Brazilians). Some hyper enthusiastic coverage is ongoing; seems unlikely it 
would be futebol (foo-chee-BOLL) so late close to local midnite, and continues 
past 0301. Initially VG signals both on 6180 and // 11780, but then weakening 

Altho 6180 is VG, it`s still not as strong as Vietnam/Sackville 6175, but 
enough to require sidetuning 6185 XEPPM to 6186 or 6187 to avoid most of it. 
Still, it`s a lot better than a co-channel collision on 6185 (of course, after 
0300, CRI/Sackville is on the other side, 6190, so forget about any Radio 
Education until 0600, or rather 0620 when Vatican gets off 6185). 

Finally at 0317 the live event is over, a new day has begun and usual glib 
overnite DJ starts `Madrugada Nacional`; it`s still going on both frequencies 
at 0330, but both cut off circa 0332 or 0333, presumably to return by 0800 
latest, while continuing on MW 980 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. Firedrake March 1:
12670, very poor at 1232; no others 9-18 MHz by 1236
17570, poor at 1420, with some CCI from presumed V. of Tibet via Madagascar; no 
others (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** COSTA RICA. 11815.247, March 1 at 1439, REE Cariari relay is unusually 
off-frequency, causing het to NHK direct 11815, about equally weak. This 
measurement is based on matching pitch with B below middle C on a keyboard, 
whose frequency per
is approximately 247 Hz based on A = 440. // 9765 and 15170 were very slightly 
off compared to neighbors but nothing like this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** INDONESIA [and non]. 9526-, March 1 at 1455, VOI fair with vocal music until 
cut off at 1456:48*, almost a minute before CRI cut on 9525.0 at *1457:42 

** MAURITANIA [and non]. 7245, March 1 at 0623, IGIM is already on and 
chanting; 7250 Vatican barely audible after 0629 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ROMANIA. 7265, March 1 at 0624, very poor signal seems French, presumably 
RRI`s 0600 broadcast; reception from Europe at this hour on this band has 
really degraded, as recently I could not hear 7265 at all (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1606: finished in time for first airing to be on 9955 
WRMI UT Thursday March 1 at 0430, but unconfirmed. Further times on WRMI SW: 
Sat 0900, 1600, 1830, Sun 0900, 1630, 1830, Mon 0600, 1230. Plus many more on 
webcasts only; see

On WTWW: Thu 2200 on 9479; UT Sun 0500 on 5755 (which happened to be off the 
air last week).
On WWRB: UT Friday 0430v on 3195.
On WBCQ: NEW: UT Saturday 0215v on 5110v-CUSB (replaces Thu 2230 7490)
On WRN via SiriusXM 120: Sat & Sun 1830, Sun 0930


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2012 22:05:20 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII   NEW:::::  review for PL200 

The last week  was a horrible experience due to a new unknown noise. At first  
i was  
supposing it came from the computer of my bro in law  who is under exams 
period. But  the 
same noise has been  heard in a nearby building
THis noise is of S20  level on MW , and covering most of the SW  with less than 
S7 leaving  
7 mHZ   and freqs above 13 mHz in clear  . There is a sample recording here on 
this post 

Any opinions  welcome 

17530 Azadi R 0755 with afghan songs  , Farsi like lang , mention of Kabul , a 
rhyming like 
poem then with discussions S9

11610 Tatarstan Awazy 0823 OM with talks in Tatar then a song mentioning Tatar 
9580 Afrique N1 1918 talks in French S10 with SAH 
1179  R Romania Actualitati is heard due to ERA's  off signal . 

1566 2129 free from the Greek pirate . Talks in French S5 max on the 16 H 
antenna with 
buezer in the LSB part TWR? 
1386 Euskadi radio 2135 with old rocks and short talks  S7 max 
9525 RA via  DHA 2205  with news in INdo Signal up to S9 (45444) on the 16 H 
1350 Egypt? 2239 with 'traditional' lengthy Arabic songs from the era of Oum 
Kalsum S5 on 
the 2x16m  antenna 
1602 RNE  on 2244 with news S7 signal on 2x16 
702 UNIDed with CRI 2249 with Chinese song S9 

7315 (S20) Tamazuj  with discussions on 0423 in VN lang //11940 (S7)//13800 (S3)

7405 Marti 0442 with several IDs S8 33433 

Standard rig : ICOM R75 / 2x16 V / m@h40 heads Sennheiser 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 
Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________ (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE (all mypages !!)
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2012 09:04:59 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: [HCDX] BRA 6180.006 / 11780.007 Radio Nacional Amazonia
Message-ID: <A58CE5AAB2C34BACBE2D953DD80C6DED@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Subject: BRA 6180.006 / 11780.007 Radio Nacional Amazonia

BRAZIL   6180.006  R?dio Nacional Amazonia started already at
exact 07.40:45 UT March 2, and supposed to be continously til 03.33 UT,
acc report of Glenn Hauser yesterday.
\\ R?dio Nacional Amazonia today at same time on 11780.007 kHz.

This is the former - power of 250 kW registered  transmitter - 12 years used
for R?dio Senado 5990 kHz 345degrees from 0750-2200 UT on the same - 
government transmitting site at Brasilia.

6059.936  Super R?dio Deus e Amor, Curitiba PR, religious program,
sermon by men. 0734 UT March 2.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews March 2)

BRAZIL   5990  Radio Senado off shortwave - left for Radio Nacional Amazonia
6180 kHz now.

Since Febr 7, R. Senado has quit broadcasting its programming on 5990 kHz.
The reason is that the contract of Senado with EBC, which provided a SW
transmitter for this, was not renewed. R. Senado broadcast on SW for 12
years and there is no provision for returning, which depends on
understandings between the managements of the legislative house and EBC.
It's a shame!
(gh's translation) It's all federal government, isn't it?
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Febr 8, 2012)

6180  on March 1 at 0246 UT, checking the sign-off time of reactivated Radio
Nacional Amazonia (or is it Amazonica? I see both from Brazilians).
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld March 1, 2012)

PERU   4789.839  R Visi?n, Distrito Jos? Leornardo Ortiz, Chiclayo,
Lambayeque, in Spanish, 0708 UT March 2.

Now at 0708 to 0715 UT only endless annmts in Spanish by men. No music
anymore. Herad this morning with exciting music here in berlin, Germany
around 0540 UT.
73 wolfgang 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 111, Issue 2

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