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Today's Topics:

   1. Bangladesh Betar testing on 15520 kHz (Swopan Chakroborty)
   2. VOA Uzbek, jammed by mainland China jamming service
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   3. Glenn Hauser logs August 7-8, 2012 (Glenn Hauser)
   4. Re: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs August 7-8, 2012 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   5. Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA (Stewart MacKenzie)
   6. Top 5 Radio Books & More for August (Radio Heritage Mail)
   7. Baltic logs 8/8 (Eike Bierwirth)
   8. KRE - new equipment in full swing at Kanggye (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   9. DX on Thurs (Charles)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 18:57:14 +0530
From: Swopan Chakroborty <>
To: Hard Core Dx <>
Subject: [HCDX] Bangladesh Betar testing on 15520 kHz
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Tonight Bangladesh Betar testing on 15520 kHz.

More @

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Swopan Chakroborty <>
Date: 6 August 2012 16:59
Subject: Test transmission from Bangladesh Betar
To: WRTH Publisher <>

Today test transmission from Bangladesh Betar new shortwave transmitter and
antenna system, 0400-2000 UTC, 7250 kHz, 250 kW.

More @

Swopan Chakroborty
Kolkata, India


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 17:16:58 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: [HCDX] VOA Uzbek, jammed by mainland China jamming service
Message-ID: <02FA68668E6748249C4967985C2F38DD@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

S=9+30dB powerhouse against VOA Uzbek language service dialy at 1500-1530
UT, to cover national speakers in western China on UZB/KGZ border.

Weak 9580PHT, mixture on 11920TIN, best Uzbek reception on 11930UDO channel, 
and powerful jammed 15100KWT relay transmission.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 8)


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 09:39:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: NASWA <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs August 7-8, 2012
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BANGLADESH [and non]. 15520, Aug 8 at 1558, very weak signal with bits of 
modulation, presumably Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, testing its brand-new 
transmitter toward Europe at 12-20 UT today, as tipped by Swopan Chakroborty? 
Instead of 7250 tested yesterday. 15520 is an old frequency of theirs, inactive 
for many years. 

In the meantime, other stations have been using 15520, currently registered in 
this time period, first the other ``DHA`` = Dhabbaya, UAE site with YFR at 
14-16, the second hour in English; Turkey in English at 1630-1730, Egypt in 
Fulfulde at 1845-20, so before 1400, 1600-1630, and 1730-1845 should be the 
best windows.

Recheck at 1608, however, what little signal I had is gone, so suspect it was 
really YFR/UAE; is BB really still on? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Aug 8, after 1230:
16100, very poor at 1234; none in the 17s
12230, good at 1240 going from open carrier (maybe just a pause) to FD; none in 
the 13s, 14s, 15s

After 1300:
14700, very good at 1317
15560, fair at 1317, het on hi side
16100, fair at 1321; none in the 13s, 12s
17450, JBA at 1324

** CUBA. 11680, Aug 7 at 2358, RHC music-only, no announcement until 0000, 
stronger here than on // 11840, which Grayson Watson in Dallas has been 
monitoring, enjoying the music from 2330, but what program is it? RHC website 
Spanish program schedule skips the 23-24 hour entirely! Maybe it`s just 
filler/buffer because in the B-seasons, the 21-23 magazine, Revista 
Iberoamericana, shifts to 22-24.

Since an evening frequency announcement is airing at 0000 Aug 8, I copy it to 
see what errors this one contain. 17705, 15230, 11760 11840, 11680, 9810, and 
at 02-06 5040. Well, 5040 closes at 0500 like all the other Spanish frequencies 
(except when they forget and overrun). I check all those frequencies and find 
RHC normal, except:

9810, August 8 from 0001, open carrier. I leave a receiver on this frequency 
with volume turned up to see when they get around to modulating. Never! Still 
silence at 0006, 0048, 0103, 0130 and beyond. Not paying much attention after 
0300, but at 0449 yes, still OC, and at 0500 it has been turned off as 
scheduled. 9810 supposedly starts at 2100 so there you have 8 hours worth of 
250 kW burned for nothing (the minuscule amount of juice my receiver consumed 
monitoring it was insignificant by comparison, and well worth it).

What happens tonight Aug 8 at 0500 transition from Spanish to English? At 0501, 
both 6010 and 6125 are missing. By 0511 recheck, 6010 is on, and 6125 is open 
carrier; at 0515, English modulation finally joined in progress, but who needs 
it anyway, with 6010, 6050 and 6060? 

Next morning, there are not only dead air in Spanish, but numerous distorted 
modulation problems --- wiggle those patchcords!!

11860 at 1218, modulation very suppressed and distorted
11760 at 1218, is even worse
11690 at 1218, is not so bad, but still affected this way
 9550 at 1223, also needs a better connexion
 9540 at 1223, from the other site, is OK, but weaker as usual 
 9850 at 1228, inherits the open carrier/dead air of yesterday; maybe traces of 
distorted modulation, almost totally suppressed
 6150 at 1231, some modulation, but too much CCI from Asia to evaluate
15230 at 1232, modulation OK, on usual weaker signal
17580 at 1233, undermodulated but not distorted
17730 at 1233, undermodulated with some distortion
11860 at 1313, modulation is finally almost normal, as well as 11760, 11690, 
15340 at 1320, mod OK, but heavy HCJB Australia CCI as usual lately

** CUBA [and non]. 9490, Aug 8 at 0140, R. Rep?blica via Guiana French is still 
strong but weakened a little close to the end of its 2-hour transmission, 
allowing Cuban noise jamming to be detectable underneath. I imagine it is just 
as ineffective Dentro-Cuba, except in near proximity to the jamming 
transmitters. Hey Arnie, how many are they and where are they located? Likely 
near population centers, as the Caribbean Island Nation is too small to employ 
skywave jamming against itself, especially on the higher bands; or do they use 
NVIS for shorter skip zones? But that`s not useful on the higher bands either 

** EGYPT. 15610, Aug 8 at 0509, ME music, undermodulated, 0510 mentions Qahira. 
So tonite unlike August 2 log, R. Cairo managed to stay on the air past 0405 
for the 04-06 Swahili broadcast, 250 kW, 170 degrees from Abu Zabaal (Glenn 

** KUWAIT. 15540, Aug 7 at 1930, R. Kuwait in English, YL with a recipe for 
Ramadan, said was a joint produxion with R. Bahrain. Lasted only two 
sesquiminutes, back to rock music at 1933 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** LITHUANIA. I belatedly in early August sent a QSL request to RMRC for the 
June 9 EDXC special broadcast on 11900, and an e-QSL in PDF was received in a 
few days on August 7 from Michael Haun, Treasurer RMRC, to be added shortly to 
my gallery via

** MEXICO. An unusual mix of propagation modes, UT August 8:

Around 0230 UT on ch 2 with antenna southward, I see occasional split-second 
flashes of NTSC video, usually not locking in. Could be Perseids, except really 
too quick for meteor scatter. Instead I think it is lightning scatter, since 
there are big storms south of here in central Oklahoma, far enough away not to 
be an antenna threat here --- but there are no ch 2 NTSC transmitters anywhere 
around to be propagated that way. Instead, since there is also a fitful minor 
sporadic E opening from Mexico, my theory is that what I am seeing is Es from 
Mexico coming down somewhat south of me, and then sparked on a bit further by 

Later on I am getting brief fade-ins of direct Spanish Es, only ch 2:

0250, that comedy show with childish adults in funny hats, slapstick like 3 
Stooges; then slide says LA HORA - algo. One day I will research what this show 
is, unless someone knows and infills me.

0309, another fade-in of algo, soon gone [algo is short for something]

0352, burst of about a second with Spanish laughter. This is MS. At another 
time I did not note, I heard some English, suspected XHRIO

0407, fade-in with Olympic docu about Nadia, also with CCI; Es, or 
MS-influenced Es? Lasted less than a minute

0443 some Spanish audio fades in, but little video. This is unusual, as audio 
normally comes second, riding in above the video carriers. There may have been 
more, but it`s time for me to call it a night.

1538 on 2, have been monitoring ch 2 for a bihour, and now MS shows something 
for a couple of seconds; at 1542 a longer opening, almost a minute, in Spanish 
with ads, CCI; overlapping meteor bursts or fitful Es, perhaps caused by the 

1549 more weak CCI on 2. 6m Es maps are showing several contact paths across 
central USA.

1558, definitely Es opening building with algo on 4, and Spanish variety show, 
hoy? past 1600 on 2, CCI.

1612 on 4, Olympic volleyball in Spanish --- or is it men`s net handball, 
whatever that is called, as live on NBC now. Satellite and/or digital delays 
make it impossible to match video even if //. Opening continues weakly on 2 as 
I wrap this report at 1638 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. Aug 8 at 1336 UT, since analog signal from KOCY-48 OKC is somewhat 
tropo-enhanced showing lucha-libre goons on Estrella TV, I look for other 
signals. Still no sign of KOHC-CD 45 before official Mundo Fox start Aug 13, 
just KSNW Wichita coming in off the back.

43 has a `bad` DTV signal of some sort. Seems to peak to SW, rather than N/NNE, 
so suspect an Oklahoman rather than Kansan. There are translators in Lawton, 
Seiling, Elk City and Altus. Lawton has 5+ times the power of any of the 
others, 2.6 kW, but Seiling is closest. From 1336, holds up past 1500 but never 
decodes (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SLOVAKIA [non]. 9955, Aug 8 at 0050, music, then R. Slovakia International 
ID in English, no jamming as Cuba suffers it to be free! 

Even RSI does not acknowledge the WRMI relay which is the only way they survive 
as a SW station. Under How to Listen at
you have a choice of: internet or satellite

However, if you search the site on WRMI, you get its website as a ``partner`` 
link along with WRN`s. Searching on 9955 gets one misleading hit titled 
which adds outdated and Spanish-only info:

``Les recordamos a todos los que nos esuchan que a pesar del anunciado cierre 
de las ondas cortas, los oyentes de Am?rica Latina y el Caribe, durante la 
temporada de invierno 2011/2012 pueden sintonizarnos en las ondas de Radio 
Miami Internacional, en la frecuencia de 9955 kHz, en los 31 metros, entre:

las 05:30 y las 06:00 ET (El tiempo del este, UTC-5) Nota: todos los d?as
las 09:30 y las 10:00 ET (El tiempo del este, UTC-5) Nota: Solamente lunes, 
mi?rcoles, jueves y viernes
las 10:30 y las 11:00 ET (El tiempo del este, UTC-5) Nota: todos los d?as`` 
[pm, they meant!]

Latest WRMI program grid dated July 5 shows RSI in Spanish is really:
0930-1000 Mon-Sat
1230-1300 daily
0230-0300 daily

And in English:
0030-0100 Tue-Sat

Rechecked 9955 an hour later at 0141, and now there is wall-of-noise jamming 
during scheduled ``Bible Commentary``, and no, there is nothing else even in 
Spanish on WRMI at 01-02, as the incompetent DentroCuban Jamming Command 
marches on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 15400, Aug 8 at 0450, R. Dabanga is back with usual good signal 
via MADAGASCAR after having been missing last night. 

Tuned to 13765 at 0453 a bit too late, only hearing one syllable of something 
before cut to dead air (except for a little buzzing-flies noise out of the 
malfunxioning transmitter); suspect another mis-relay of Dabanga prior to 
Vatican, whose IS started at 0457 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN [non]. 7570, Aug 8 at 0450, after at least two nights of apologetic 
missing programming, RTI is back to normal via WYFR and in correct language 
too! YL Spanish talk about exports (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TUNISIA. 17735, Aug 8 at 0506, IWT with nice Arabic song, in fact the SSOB 
and better than // 7275, much better than // 12005 --- but I know it will be 
cut off rudely and abruptly by timer, as modulation on 17735 stops at 0507:50, 
and carrier cut at 0508. Only RFA Saipan 17855 had rivalled it on 16m. Then 
12005 is also gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 9820, August 8 at 0140, VOA ending Spe-cial Eng-lish news, 
into health re-port; with C5 het from always off-frequency R. Nove de Julho, 
Brasil, i.e. approx. 523 Hz, but let`s just call it 9819.5. Seems the IBB 
frequency manager is oblivious of such problems, since Brasil refuses to 
participate in HFCC; therefore its numerous SW stations sharing the ISWBC bands 
do not exist. Current lineup for UT Tue-Sat Special English at 0130-0200 via 
Greenville-B is only: 184 degrees on 7465, 164 degrees toward Brasil! on 9820 

** U S A. Received a reply from FBN just after dispatching my last report, 
responding to this inquiry:

Hello, WTJC, Your shortwave signal has been off the air for several days, and I 
no longer see any mention of WTJC or SW on your website.
Have you closed down WTJC permanently? Regards, Glenn Hauser, World of Radio 
(to FBN, Aug 7 via DXLD)

Thank you for writing. Yes, WTJC is officially off the air since August 2nd. In 
Christ's service, Mrs. Robinson (FBN reply, 1722 UT Aug 7, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

So another station quits shortwave for good. Their other SW station, WBOH, 
5920v, was last heard on October 2, 2009; by Oct. 22 we were convinced it was 
off. Adrian Peterson reported it was ``removed from service`` on Oct 31, 2009 
(Glenn Hauser, August 7, 2012, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 11776 & 11784, the carrier/hets heard in the mornings, in case 
they are parasitic from an unknown 11780 transmitter halfway between, like RNA 
Brazil, I check in the evening when 11780 is inbooming, August 8 at 0143: no 
trace of them.

Aug 8 at 1219, first check this morning, nothing on 11776 or 11784. But at next 
check 1312, there they are again. Are they coming from something on 11780, if 
not Brasil? I can only detect an even weaker carrier there, so seems unlikely.

11734, furthermore, at 1242 here is another 1-kHz het! Against VOK in pompous 
Korean on 11735; still audible at 1311 when VOK has switched to Chinese // 
11710 underneath English in double audio feed.

11751.5, the other mystery carrier/het vs Cuba 11750 is again here at 1312 Aug 

UNIDENTIFIED. 13832 approx., Aug 8 at 1238, huge ute noise blob; can detect a 
very weak AM carrier under it at 13830; blob still there at 1316. Broadcast 
victim at 11-14 would be IBB Tibetan via Tajikistan, but I doubt this is 
jamming, it`s so strong here. If it keep up, will also bother WEWN at 17-24; 
13830 also registered for YFR via MBR Nauen at 15-16; and RMI something else 
via MBR Wertachtal, Issoudun on limited schedules, and optimistically by the as 
yet incomplete Madagascar World Voice at 14-15 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 19:45:55 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs August 7-8, 2012
Message-ID: <360FC258CE004AABA56A4E9991AC4922@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

heard 2 hrs YFR from Al Dhabbaya and also VoTurkey co-channel in the
73 wb

BANGLADESH   Radio Bangladesh sked on their website: The latest schedule of
Radio Bangladesh External Services is available in the following link (which
matches with what was monitored):

Bangladesh 7250 - Last WRTH 2010 sked is all on 7250 kHz and seem to be
following it and in between maybe as a test filler with Bangla. Good
signals. TX has a bit of a hum.

1230-1300 SoEaAS/SoAS       1745-1815* EUR VOIslam    1815-1900 EUR
ARABIC    1600-1630 ME
BENGALI   1630-1730 ME      1915-2000 EU
HINDI     1515-1545 SoAS    NEPALI 1315-1345 SoAS

Monitoring Observations of Radio Bangladesh External Services, yesterday on
7250 kHz. 1230-1300 English   1315-1345 Nepali   1400-1430 Urdu
Around 1600-1630 Arabic, 1630- Bangla
(The sked above is incomplete, more monitoring needed)

Email id announced is
<betar.external @>
(Jose Jacob-IND  VU2JOS, DXindia Aug 8)

Bangladesh Betar - new transmitter built up on 7250 kHz, test transmissions
of foreign service. Quite good reception this evening from Bangladesh Betar
external service, resumed on 7250 kHz with a new transmitter.

Heard here from tune-in at 1630 UT when it was carrying Bengali until s/off
1730 UT. After a 15 minute pause, the English service commenced at 1745 UT
with ID, programme preview and news - currently in progress. English to
Europe is scheduled to continue until 1900 UT. Announced as "Bangladesh
Betar overseas service". Great to hear this back on SW, it must be at least
3 years since the old 7250 kHz transmitter failed.
(Dave Kenny-UK, BrDXC-UK Aug 7)

7250  Dhaka audio quality IS NOT CLEAN.

At 1414 UT Aug 7th, local Asian subcontinent lady singer performed. Around
1405 UT, seemingly news reading. But at 1340 to 1347 UT close-down heard
1020 Hertz test tone continously. BCasting pause after 1347 UT, switched OFF
totally. From 1400 UT onwards heard accompanied by a 140 to 160 Hertz buzz
HUM tone also, also heard during pauses when music stopped and control level
is high, at 1418 UT. !

[later]  Re 7250 kHz co-channel, before Vatican Radio Rosario starts at 1840
UT, heard both Radio Bangladesh AHEAD with ID at 1818 UT on even 7250 kHz,
here on S=9+25dB level,

and PROBABLY AIR Malayalam from Goa Panaji til 1830 UT on
o d d  7249.979 kHz.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 7)

Bangladesh Betar - 7250 kHz.
Meanwhile, BB has kept 7250 in the HFCC registration books; note the nominal
azimuth changes:
7250 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140 BGD NBA
7250 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320 BGD NBA
7250 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290 BGD NBA
7250 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305 BGD NBA
7250 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290 BGD NBA
7250 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320 BGD NBA

but that has not kept other stations from using it, some of which may now
want to reconsider, disregarding those in the 20-12 UT period: Goa, India to
Iran, and as already noted worse, China with an hour in Nepali from Xi'an,
and worst of all, Vatican to Europe when BB is aiming at Europe too;
additional SMG transmissions at +1155-1840 conveniently expired June 30:

7250 1500 1600 53,57 XIA 500 252  Nepali     CHN CRI RTC
7250 1600 1830 39,40 PAN 250 300  Pers/Mal.  IND AIR AIR
7250 1840 1900 28N   SMG 250 4    Latin      CVA VAT VAT
7250 1900 1930 28N   SMG 250 4    Mul        CVA VAT VAT
7250 1930 2020 27    SMG 250 326  Fr/En      CVA VAT VAT
(Glenn Hauser-OK-USA, dxld Aug 7)

Khabipur 10 most modern SW curtain antennas by Made in China design,
in north-eastern corner at 60/240 and 125/305 degr azimuth.

Also older lower dipol antennas and non-dir corner-reflector-like antenna,
south-westerly at 45 65 115 155 225 245 295 335 degr azimuth.

And a lot of more WOODEN registrations of Dhaka too:
17660 0000 0200 49,54 DKA 250 135
15125 0300 0400 41    DKA 250 305
 6165 0400 1000 41    DKA  50 0
15320 0500 0600 40    DKA 250 305
 9590 0700 0900 37,38 DKA 250 290

15105 1100 1300 49,54 DKA 250 135
 7250 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
 9550 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
11995 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
13605 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
13700 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140
15505 1200 1300 49    DKA 250 140

 6170 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
 7250 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
 9550 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
11915 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
11995 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
13700 1300 1400 42    DKA 250 320
 7200 1300 1600 41    DKA  50 0
 6195 1300 1800 41    DKA  50 0

 7250 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
 9550 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
11995 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 305
13700 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
13715 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
15505 1400 1500 41    DKA 250 290
 5995 1400 1600 41    DKA  50 0

 7250 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
 9550 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
11995 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 290
13700 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
13715 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
15505 1500 1600 41    DKA 250 305
15320 1500 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290

13700 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
15505 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
17695 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
17825 1600 1700 39,40 DKA 250 290
 7250 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290
 9550 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290
11995 1600 1730 39,40 DKA 250 290
11915 1700 2000 27    DKA 250 320
13700 1700 2000 39,40 DKA 250 290
15505 1700 2000 27    DKA 250 320
 6170 1730 2000 27,28 DKA 250 320
 7105 1730 2000 27,28 DKA 250 320
 7250 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320
 9550 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320
11995 1730 2000 27    DKA 250 320
 7210 2300 2400 44    DKA 250  45

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Partha Sarathi Goswami, Siliguri, W.B., India" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2012 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [dxld] Glenn Hauser logs August 7-8, 2012

> It was on at several time frequently but not continuous like yesterday,
> already alerted them about the clashes (
> ), just now Voice of
> Turkey was going on with strong signal....
> On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Glenn Hauser <> wrote:
> ** BANGLADESH [and non]. 15520, Aug 8 at 1558, very weak signal with bits
> of modulation, presumably Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, testing its brand-new
> transmitter toward Europe at 12-20 UT today, as tipped by Swopan
> Chakroborty? Instead of 7250 tested yesterday. 15520 is an old frequency
> of theirs, inactive for many years.
> In the meantime, other stations have been using 15520, currently
> registered in this time period, first the other ``DHA`` = Dhabbaya, UAE
> site with YFR at 14-16, the second hour in English; Turkey in English at
> 1630-1730, Egypt in Fulfulde at 1845-20, so before 1400, 1600-1630, and
> 1730-1845 should be the best windows.
> Recheck at 1608, however, what little signal I had is gone, so suspect it
> was really YFR/UAE; is BB really still on?


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 15:49:45 -0700 (PDT)
From: Stewart MacKenzie <>
To: Tomas Hood <>, Adrian Peterson <>,
        Gerry Dexter <>, Anker Peterson
        <>,       BCL NEWS <>, 
        Fischer <>,    Hard Core DX
        <>,        Prime Time Shortwave
        <>,   SWL QTH <>
Subject: [HCDX] Shortwave Radio Logs from WDX6AA
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

ALBANIA?? China Radio Intl Relay?? CRI?? 6020? 0252 GMT? Chinese? 444? Aug 7? 
YL and OM with comments.????? Mackenzie-CA..

ANGUILLA?? Caribbean Beacon?? 6090?? 0258 GMT? English? 444? AUG 7?? OM ancr 
with YL choir singing. Then OM ptreacher 0259 GMT.????? MacKenzie-CA..

CANADA?? Radio Japan Relay NHK?? 5960? 0247 GMT? Japanese? 444? Aug 7? YL and 
OM in a conversation.????? MacKenzie-CA..

CUBA?? Radio Havana Cuba?? RHC?? 5025? 0234 GMT? Spanish? 333? Aug 7? YL 
 Tis a noisy frequency.. // 5040 9322]? Noisy frequency.????? MacKenzie-CA..

ECUADOR?? HCJB GLOBAL?? 6050? 0233 GMT? Spanish? 333? Aug 7?? YL with comments 
plus some music.????? MacKenzie-CA..

SPAIN??? Radio Exterio Espana? REE?? 6055? 0255 GMT?? Spanish? 444? Aug 7? YL 
with REE? ID.? Then a YL singing.????? MacKenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES ,? Tennessee ? WWCR #4 ? 5890? 0240 GMT? English? 433? Aug 7 ? OM 
preaching from the Bible. ? ?? Mackenzie-CA..

UNITED STATES, Tennessee ?? WWCR #2 ?? 5935? 0245 GMT? English? 444? Aug 7 ? OM 
preaching from the Bible plus some choir music. ? ?? Mackenzie-CA..? 

Stewart MacKenzie, WDX6AA

Huntington Beach, California, United States of America

Rcvrs: Kenwood R5000 and Grundig Satellit 650

"World Friendship Through Shortwave Radio Where Culture and Language Come Alive"




Message: 6
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 12:41:43 +1200
From: "Radio Heritage Mail" <>
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Message-ID: <>
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Message: 7
Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2012 09:46:30 +0200
From: "Eike Bierwirth" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Baltic logs 8/8
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

A few more logs from the Baltic shore, with Perseus SDR and DX-10 active 
antenna out in the garden.

BANGLADESH: Bangladesh Betar test transmission, 8 Aug 2012, 2010 UTC, 15520 
(55444). Empty carrier with a big hum stretching from 15510 to 15530. Around 
2014, an apparently additional signal came on and was switched off again (same 
spectral range as the hum, but more homogeneously filled; looked like DRM, but 
DREAM didn't detect any DRM). When checking again at 2025, subcontinental 
music, slightly overmodulated, ID at 2030. In silent periods between songs, the 
big hum returned into the audio feed. Some kind of "carrier" accompanied the 
music at +/- 4.5 kHz which was beyond the modulation range, so it could be 
filtered out easily. Listened to the music until 2045. At 2100 and 2110 still 
on, but silent carrier with the big hum. At 2136 and 2152 still empty carrier 
without the hum; still same signal strength.
DRM-like noise switching on:
The big hum, not the DRM-like stuff:
Big hum in silent period between songs:

BRAZIL: Radio Nacional da Amazonia in Portuguese, 8 Aug 2012, 2357 UTC, 6180 
(55444) with football. A minute later CRI signed on and RNA went to 52442, nice 
ID heard under the English chat from Beijing.

CANADA: Trenton Volmet in English, 8 Aug 2012, 2024 UTC, 15034 USB (25422), 
with ID.

CHINA: PBS Qinghai in Chinese, 8 Aug 2012, 2218 UTC, 6145 (23322). Interview 
and monologue in what didn't sound like Mandarin (not as tonal). At 2230 switch 
to CNR-like format with male+female presenter, sounded more like Mandarin now.

FRENCH GUIANA: Disco Palace in DRM, 8 Aug 2012, 2048, 17875 (S=2). The DREAM 
software could decode the ID A06021 and the description "English, Pop music". 
But no audio decoded at all, at 4-6 dB.

GERMANY: Radio 6150, 8 Aug 2012, 2349 UTC, 6070 kHz (35333) with ID loop in 
German and English, asking me to stay tuned to be there when the station's 
re-launch comes in August.

INTRUDER: UNID Teletype signal with S=3 centered on 5938 kHz, 8 Aug 2012, 2342 

KUWAIT: Radio Kuwait in English, 8 Aug 2012, 2057 UTC, 15540 (55444). Pop 
music, frequency announcement (correct), national anthem, into Arabic programme 
at 2100 but sudden c/d after a few seconds.

MALAYSIA: Sarawak FM, 8 Aug 2012, 2334 UTC, 9835 (35322) with pop music.

MYANMAR: Myanma Radio in tent. Burmese, 8 Aug 2012, 2251 UTC, 5985.8 (35322). 
First empty carrier with 1 kHz test tones at 2251 and 2254. At 2300 opening 
theme, then mix of announcements and music. Decent until 2330. At 2340 much 
weaker; also WYFR 5985.0 started to fade in and produced a het. Nothing heard 
on other known MR frequencies.

TAIWAN: Sound of Hope (tent) in Mandarin, 8 Aug 2012, 2251 UTC, 7105 (25311), 
man and woman talking.

USA: WTWW is on the air again on 12105 kHz, 8 Aug 2012, 2339 UTC, 35333, talk 
in Spanish about men and women.


Eike Bierwirth
Zingst / Germany


Message: 8
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 10:21:16 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: [HCDX] KRE - new equipment in full swing at Kanggye
Message-ID: <08B0122EEC624929A29D1C7FBAB8D833@HNPC2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

KOREA D.P.R.   Martial Korean brass music followed by VERY SWEET lady singer
song, noted 0730 to 0800 UT Aug 9, on various home sce channels targeted
also to southern Korea. All BUILT UP / reshuffeled by very new Chinese
shortwave transmitters of BBEF Made in China firm for KCBS Pyongyang Kanggye
in week of March 2nd to 5th, 2012.

All these are always exact on frequency NOW since March 2012 !

I guess these are new SW units, Made in China by BBEF, which North Korean
personell had installation training last year in June 2011 at BBEF firm.

Korean domestic langs programm noted today on very exact 6100.000 6250.000
6400.000 9665.000 11680.000 kHz.

Checked at Japanese and Australian SDR remote units
against WWV, WWVH, RWM, CHU, Nikkei, RA Shepparton, R Rossii Magadan.
Also against RID Angarsk
5004, 10004, 15004 kHz. <>

But uses still old tx equipment at foreign service site of Kujang:
A-12 Transmission Schedule of the Voice of Korea, Pyongyang,
DPR Korea valid suring summer 2012.

0700-0757 UT
Japanese 621  9650.004  11865.025 J
Korean (PBS)  7220.008   9344.980 NE CHN
Russian       9974.962  11735.017 FE
Russian      13760.021  15244.975 Eu - S=7 signal in GER at 0715 UT Aug 9
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Aug 9)


Message: 9
Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2012 10:11:24 -0000
From: "Charles" <>
To: "'Ankeer Petersen'" <>,       "'Bob Wilkner'"
        <>,   "'Chrissy Brand'" <>,
        "'DXLD'" <>,        "'Gayle Van Horn'"
        <>,     "'Glenn Hauser'"
        <>,   "''"
        <>,        "'Liz Cameron'" 
        "'Marie Lamb'" <>,        "'Short Wave World'"
Subject: [HCDX] DX on Thurs
Message-ID: <294E1BC8FE444C6AB3F9B9DE84E9AAF8@CharlesPC>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Peru, 4809.983, Radio Logos, pres, 0945-1010,  With a very weak signal,

a steady period of music being broadcast here.  Unfortunately, on the

of the signal sets a signal that sounds like a FAX chopping away at Radio

weak signal.  Notching the interference out does not help much.  At 0959 a 

male breaks into the music with announcements of ID and other information

was too weak and muffled for copy.  After a minute of that, music returns.

remained at a threshold level.  (Chuck Bolland, August 9, 2012)





26N 081W




End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 116, Issue 9

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