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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Glenn Hauser logs February 25-26, 2019 (Glenn Hauser)
   2. 6035 reception today with audio (Zacharias Liangas)
   3. Re: 6035 reception today with audio (Jari Savolainen)
   4. Re: 17775 kHz (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   5. Re: 6035 reception today with audio (Zacharias Liangas)
   6. Re: 6035 reception today with audio (Jari Savolainen)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 06:31:58 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 25-26, 2019
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** CUBA. Re: ``12140, Feb 18 at 1237, JBA carrier as I check for 
possible leapfrog of both very strong 11760 over 11950 another 190 kHz 
beyond; 12140 is weaker than 12300 = 2 x 6150. Something`s always 
wrong at RHC. At this early hour, 15140 & 15230 are JBA carriers, 
while 13780.0 not way-off frequency today, has built up to good level, 
the OSOB, and no spurs on 13 or 15 MHz``

Altho I am of course partial to Cuban leapfrogs, as a JBA carrier, 
12140 at this time could also have been fundamentally IBB Kuwait, 250 
kW at 70 degrees, during the scheduled multi-hour Dari/Pashto Radio 
Azadi service (Glenn Hauser, Feb 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. 15700, Feb 26 at 1448, CRI Plus relay is S9+30 but suptorted 
with modulation spikes only, continuing a slightly different wrongness 
from one day to the next (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1971, DX 

** SPAIN. 9690, Monday Feb 25 at 2309, REE`s Justin Coe ending some 
news about the Catalunya demonstration situation, before he can get 
back to some flamenco guitar music, his continuing tribute to Paco de 
Luc?a, apparently on the fifth anniversary of his death. Ken Zichi has 
also noted how this service is mainly music, evidently according to 
Coe`s preferences, rather than an emphasis on news (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. 4102.3, Feb 26 at 0730, the ``W`` beacon somewhere in the 
California desert. Sends that ID a few times a minute, but in between 
series of dits which signify wind speed on its anemometer, and other 
readings, battery voltage and temp. Steve McGreevy explains in the WOR 
iog how he located the thing almost 20 years ago; and that the `A` 
(only) beacon on 2097.3 we also hear is not in Quartzsite AZ, altho he 
does not know exactly where (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1971, DX 

** U S A. WORLD OF RADIO 1970: confirmed Monday Feb 25 at 2345 the 
2330 on WRMI 9955, fair but fading by 2355. NOT confirmed UT Tuesday 
Feb 26 at 0045 the 0030 on WRMI 7730, which is off the air (while 7570 
and 7780 continue). JBA in noise level Tuesday Feb 26 at 2055 the 2030 
on WRMI 7780. I`m about 24 hours behind in accumulating material so 
WOR 1971 not ready until early UT Wednesday February 27:

WORLD OF RADIO 1971 contents: Australia and non, Benin, China, Cuba, 
Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, France/Germany non, Korea South, Nigeria 
and non, South Africa, South America, Spain, Switzerland, UK non, USA; 
and the propagation outlook

0930 UT Wednesday Unique  5045-LSB NSW ND
1030 UT Wednesday WRMI    5950 to WNW
2200 UT Wednesday WRMI   *9955 to SSE 
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ   *7490v to WSW
0000 UT Thursday  WRMI    7730 to WNW [NEW]
0100 UT Thursday  WRMI    7780 to NE
0930 UT Friday    Unique  5045-LSB NSW ND
0729 UT Saturday  HLR     6190-CUSB Germany to WSW
1200 UT Saturday  Unique  5045-LSB NSW ND [alt weeks: March 2/16/20]
1230 UT Saturday  WRMI   *9955 to SSE
1531 UT Saturday  HLR     9485-CUSB Germany to WSW
2030vUT Saturday  WA0RCR  1860-AM MO non-direxional
2200 UT Saturday  WRMI   *9955 to SSE
0030 UT Sunday    WRMI    7730 to WNW [NEW]
0400vUT Sunday    WA0RCR  1860-AM [nominal 0415], ND
0830 UT Sunday    WRMI    5850 to NW, 5950 to WNW, 7730 to WNW 
1130 UT Sunday    HLR     7265-CUSB Germany to WSW
2130 UT Sunday    WRMI    7780 to NE
0230 UT Monday    WRMI    5950 to WNW, 9395 to NNW
0400vUT Monday    WBCQ   *5130v Area 51 to WSW
0430 UT Monday    WRMI   *9955 to SSE
0930 UT Monday    Unique  5045-LSB NSW ND
1901 UT Monday    IRRS/NEXUS-IBA/IPAR 7290 Romania [NEW]
2330 UT Monday    WRMI   *9955 to SSE
* also webcast; direct linx to these and many others at:

Complete WOR sked, all affiliates, satellite, webcast, AM&FM, podcast:

** U S A. 5970, Feb 26 at 1456, open carrier of S9-S8 past 1500, 
apparently WEWN, despite daytime Spanish frequency 12050 already on 
too. Altho the schedule would imply a single transmitter switches 
between 5970 and 12050, Glen Tapley once explained to me that they 
axually use different transmitters for high and low bands (Glenn 

** U S A. 17775, Feb 26 at 1502, 1529, 1659, 1901, still no signal 
from KVOH, altho Ray Robinson of KVOH notified me at 2339 UT Feb 25, 
``We're back! It was a lot more complex than it appeared originally, 
and multiple components had to be replaced. It also took a lot longer 
than we anticipated, but we're back. Testing now.`` I don`t know if he 
meant on the air yet at that unusual hour as I was not monitoring then 

** U S A. Re 620, my log of KEXB, The Metroplex now in Spanish 05-11 
UT, Wayne Heinen, Editor of NRC AM Radio Log replies Feb 24 on the 
nrc-am gg:

``Checking my overnight recording about one session a week, I find the 
first instance of Radio Oasis the morning of January 23 with solid 
KEXB ID's at TOH. Still finishing up the morning of December 29 and 
KEXB was still running programs from overnight`` (Glenn 
** U S A. Re 1120, my log of KCRN, Wayne Heinen, Editor, NRC AM Radio 
Log replies Feb 24 on the nrc-am gg:

``As to Limon on 1120, only calls heard so far are old canned KLIM 
even though the CDBS lists them as KCRN now? 73``

Paul Walker, Laramie, WY also replies, as I had found 1120 // 1060: 
``Just an FYI guys, Catholic Radio Network has been told 1120 is IDing 
improperly. It became KCRN in 12/2018 and still IDs as KLIM.

They had some kind of failure Saturday [Feb 23], leaving them with a 
dead carrier, then completely off for awhile. When they came back, 
they had a network-wide conga-line-style ID. Normally, KLIM/KCRN IDs 
by itself and its programming is usually separate from 1060 KRCN.   
That 1060 usually runs the same feed as KEXS 1090 Kansas City and 1120 
runs something else, but when 1120 came back on, it was running the 
same feed at KRCN 1060, at least temporarily`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1130, Feb 25 at 1926 UT, rock music means KLEY Wellington 
KS, 250 watts at daytime, is back on the air after missing for weeks 
if not months. Yes, 1932 local weather, and ``From the Wheat Capital 
of the World, The Wave 100.3 and 1130``. OK signal, no breaking up. 
Didn`t get it checked whether still on air next day. 

As for slogan, Enid might dispute that, but how do you rate a Wheat 
Capital? Total grain elevator storage capacity, and whether full every 
harvest season? It seems that Enid has the third-largest capacity in 
the world; I bet Wellington can`t beat that, but it has made the most 
of the WC designation. Its county, Sumner, previously got official 
Kansas state designation as W.C., and it was just another step up for 
Wellington to the World? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1480, Feb 25 at 2322 UT, another check for Vietnamese on 
KBXD Dallas. Today it`s making a SAH of 96/minute or 1.6 Hz vs KQAM 
Wichita. YL is speaking, but the more I hear, the less certain am I 
that it be Vietnamese at this time; certainly a tonal SE Asian 
language, perhaps Khmer, which is sort of a mix between Viet and 
Thai/Lao as the geography would imply. Or maybe Viet with a peculiar 
accent; or a tribal dialect? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 3237.0, Feb 26 at 0740, dead air at S8, goes off, and 
back on. Maybe a ute (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST

This report dispatched at 0631 UT February 27


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 10:19:07 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] 6035 reception today with audio
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Here is? a sample of what is heard on 6035 on 0918 today 27.2 via the HK-KSDR? 
spot?  Suposedly Yunan with rely of 99FM ?

Madang as heard on Northland NZL KSDr a bit before:
It seems  as rather a dificult catch in threse places I tried another time 
,local afternons here witout sigals in most AU or NZ spots
Nearly the same signal in Brisbane AU 

More logs including the above  here :

Zacharias Liangas (all pages)


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 18:01:31 +0200
From: Jari Savolainen <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 6035 reception today with audio
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Sounds like phone-in program in English. Does Yunnan/99FM have
this kind of program? Or could Bhutan propagate to HK at 0918?

73, Jari

On 27.2.2019 12.19, Zacharias Liangas via Hard-Core-DX wrote:
> Here is? a sample of what is heard on 6035 on 0918 today 27.2 via the 
> HK-KSDR? spot?  Suposedly Yunan with rely of 99FM ?
> Zacharias Liangas
> (all pages)
> _
> Hard-Core-DX mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
> and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
> published by Michael Stutz at


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 18:02:53 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "Ray Robinson" <>, "DXLD"
        <>, <>, "DXplorer"
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 17775 kHz
Message-ID: <FE3F02256CCF434DB242BC3765AD797E@HNPC1>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

USA  When checked on Wed Febr 27 at 16.30 - 16.50 UT on
remote SDR in Cape Canaveral Florida state,
in Massachusetts US state, and also
Detroit MI and Edmonto Alberta Canada:

17774.989 kHz  KVOH_ache ID in Spanish til 16.29 UT, from Rancho Simi CA,
then S=9 -74dBm pure AM signal, 10 kHz wideband signal,
Spanish sermon from 16.30 UT.

Next door 17780.000 kHz BBC via Ascension island, but only S=4 in Florida
SDR, but ASC much stronger S=8-9 in Massachusetts.

USA   15555USB_mode  WJHR Milton FL, noted at 16.42 UT Bassy mens singer, 
S=8 or -81dBm observed via Edmonton Alberta Canada site SDR.

But some short TX signal breaks for seconds lasting,
in between 16.40 - 16.46 UT, Febr 27.
Weaker signals in MI, MA, and FL states.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 27)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ray Robinson <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 7:53 AM
Subject:  17775 kHz

> Hi, Glenn.  It's curious that you didn't hear any signal from us on
> Tuesday 26th.  We were transmitting from 1500-2200 UTC, and I heard the
> ground wave quite clearly here at my house, about 15 miles from the
> transmitter site.  I checked it multiple times, and if anything, it was
> stronger than usual!  Our CE measured the output power following our
> repairs at about 58kW.
> Ray Robinson
> Strategic Communications Group
> Voice of Hope World Radio Network


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 17:21:46 +0000 (UTC)
From: Zacharias Liangas <>
To: Zacharias Liangas <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 6035 reception today with audio
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

To continue report on 6035? i made a new test moniroring? in 1647 with YL? 
talking becaise the HK spot offer only 30 minutes per day i kept online to the 
end of trasnsmission till1700 and made a 15 min recording that is now availabel 
for your investigation..NOtice? that from this tablet I m unable to cut the wav 
audio file 
I kept a screenshot that show the signal levels for? a 50 kHz bandwidth
The nerby signals are 
6030 : DRM possibly RRomI with S9 
6035 Yunan (?)
6040 CRI in Russian 

 Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 12:19 PM
 Here is? a sample of what is heard on
 6035 on 0918 today 27.2 via the HK-KSDR? spot??
 Suposedly Yunan with rely of 99FM ?


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 21:10:13 +0200
From: Jari Savolainen <>
To: hard-core-dx <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 6035 reception today with audio
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Yep, at this time Vietnamese and before the end of your file there's 
Chinese ID "FM99".
But the earlier file recorded at 0918 was the one I was wondering about.

 ?73, Jari

On 27.2.2019 19.21, Zacharias Liangas via Hard-Core-DX wrote:
> To continue report on 6035? i made a new test moniroring? in 1647 with YL? 
> talking becaise the HK spot offer only 30 minutes per day i kept online to 
> the end of trasnsmission till1700 and made a 15 min recording that is now 
> availabel in
> for your investigation..NOtice? that from this tablet I m unable to cut the 
> wav audio file
> I kept a screenshot that show the signal levels for? a 50 kHz bandwidth
> The nerby signals are
> 6030 : DRM possibly RRomI with S9
> 6035 Yunan (?)
> 6040 CRI in Russian
> --------------------------------------------
>   Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 12:19 PM
>   Here is? a sample of what is heard on
>   6035 on 0918 today 27.2 via the HK-KSDR? spot
>   Suposedly Yunan with rely of 99FM ?
> _
> Hard-Core-DX mailing list
> _______________________________________________
> THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
> and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
> published by Michael Stutz at

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 194, Issue 31

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