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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Bolivia (
   2. pERU (
   3. Info about survey (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. Radio Exterior de Espa?a renueva su programaci?n
   5. Logs: 6220 Al Quds TV, nueva clandestina??,
   6. Re: LOGs and images (Glenn Hauser)
   7. Re: LOGs and images (Glenn Hauser)
   8. Re: LOGs and images (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
   9. Re: - PK's Loop Antennas (PK's Loop Antennas)
  10. SWL Fest 2009 Picture Request... (Tim Lemmon)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:23:59 -0000
From: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Bolivia
To: <>
Message-ID: <003b01c985f1$eb8e16a0$99c8e...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Bolivia, 6155.27, Radio Fides, 1048-1100, Noted a male in Spanish language 
between 1048 to 1053 with news.  At 1053 a female begins to comment the 
of the hour.  At 1100 the frequency becomes crowded with splatter from the 
schedules of stronger stations which consequently covered Radio Fides 
Prior to that, Fides was only at a poor level.  (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:49:51 -0000
From: <>
Subject: [HCDX] pERU
To: <>
Message-ID: <004501c985f5$88ce1a20$99c8e...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Peru, 4835.51, Radio Maranon, 1132-1045 Noted a series of canned promos at 
followed with music.  The signal doesn't last long at this late time.  By 
1145, it has faded
into the noise and disappears.  (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 12:50:22 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Info about survey
To: "HCDX" <>
Message-ID: <3a37052d59ae4947b673dd74e4437...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Could you please publish the following information in your Bulletin:

Dear colleagues!
Russia's DX-Portal invites all of radio enthusiasts to take part in the
Survey named

"How do you listen to international radio"

It is conducted together with Russia's State Broadcasting Company "Voice of

Your participation is very significant for to receive complete and impartial
picture of view of most active part of radio listeners' audience. The survey
deadline is the 20th of February, 2009. For more information and Survey
questions please visit
<> and click the link from the main page or go to this item

Thank you very much to all the participants in advance.

Best regards,
Vadim Alexeew
VoR Russian WS
DX-programme editor
<info @>
(via Michael Bethge WWDXC Germany
<> <mail @> Feb 2)


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 17:18:00 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Exterior de Espa?a renueva su programaci?n
To: Frecuencia DX <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Radio Exterior de Espa?a renueva su programaci?n
Radio Exterior de Espa?a, la emisora de RNE que emite fuera de nuestras 
fronteras, renueva en febrero su programaci?n. La nueva parrilla, adem?s de 
reforzar el servicio p?blico para las m?s diversas audiencias, se vertebra en 
torno a dos nuevos grandes magacines, "Puntos de vista" y "Traves?as", y cuatro 
informativos diarios.

Desde el lunes, 2 de febrero, Radio Exterior de Espa?a pone en marcha una nueva 
programaci?n basada en dos grandes magacines de ma?ana y tarde que se emiten de 
lunes a viernes. Desde las 9 de la ma?ana hasta el mediod?a, hora peninsular, 
Alberto Mart?nez Arias dirige ?Puntos de Vista?, que recoger? la actualidad, la 
opini?n y la tertulia en un formato en el que tienen cabida el entretenimiento 
y la diversi?n. A las seis de la tarde, ?Traves?as?, dirigido por Mar?a ?lvarez 
de Eulate, ofrece la diversidad cultural de nuestro pa?s para darla a conocer 
en todo el mundo.

Los oyentes de la emisora podr?n seguir disfrutando del programa decano de la 
radio p?blica en un nuevo formato reforzado con m?s tiempo para sus 
protagonistas: ?Espa?oles en la mar?, con m?s de treinta a?os en antena, pondr? 
en contacto a los pescadores repartidos por el mundo con nuestro pa?s. Ser? de 
la mano de Paco Arjona de lunes a viernes de 15:00 a 16:00 horas.

El turismo y la gastronom?a tienen su cabida en ?Paisajes y sabores?, con Juan 
Rold?n, de lunes a viernes, de 7:00 a 8:00. La m?sica que se hace en espa?ol en 
todo el mundo y que no ha llegado a los circuitos comerciales es descubierta 
con actuaciones musicales por Pilar Tabares en ?Me lo dices o me lo cantas?, un 
programa que suena desde el pasado 1 de septiembre, de lunes a s?bado, de 17:00 
a 18:00 horas.

La vocaci?n internacional de REE tiene una de sus apuestas en ?Mundo 
Solidario?, dirigido por Esther Ferrero. Este tradicional espacio recoge, de 
lunes a viernes (12:00-12:30), las iniciativas de ayuda y colaboraci?n, 
especialmente la social.  

El espa?ol se difunde en los cinco continentes con ?Un Idioma sin Fronteras?. A 
trav?s de nuestra lengua y literatura difunde, de lunes a viernes 
(12:30-13:00), el espa?ol a los interesados en nuestro idioma.

Radio Exterior de Espa?a hace una apuesta firme por la informaci?n, elaborada 
por el equipo de Informativos de REE. Cuatro diarios hablados estructuran la 
parrilla de lunes a viernes para que el oyente conozca lo que ocurre en 
cualquier rinc?n del planeta. Los boletines horarios se refuerzan con 
informaci?n internacional y la proyecci?n de Espa?a en el mundo.

Marcelino Blanes se encarga de ?El mundo al d?a? de 8:00 a 9:00. Vicente Ortiz 
edita ?Las noticias? (14:00-14:30). Jos? Luis P?rez Manzano presenta ?Cr?nica 
del exterior? de 20:30 a 21:00, mientras que Chema Forte conduce ?Diario 
Am?rica? de 00:00 a 1:00. Miguel ?ngel P?rez dirige ?Las noticias? del fin de 
semana de 14:30 a 15:00.

Radio Exterior de Espa?a, la emisora de RNE que emite en el extranjero, no s?lo 
supone la proyecci?n de la radio p?blica fuera de Espa?a, sino que es el 
soporte que tienen millones de personas de todo el mundo para conocer lo que 
ocurre en nuestro pa?s. A trav?s de onda corta, sat?lites e internet, REE 
informa puntualmente cada hora a los espa?oles que se encuentran m?s all? de 
nuestras fronteras y a los extranjeros que se interesan por la actualidad 

REE, adem?s de emitir programas en otras lenguas (ingl?s, franc?s, portugu?s, 
?rabe, ruso y sefard?), realiza una gran labor difusora del idioma espa?ol. Con 
esta nueva programaci?n, Pepa Ben?itez, directora de REE desde el pasado mes de 
septiembre, da un paso m?s en el relanzamiento de una la radio espa?ola m?s 



Message: 5
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 19:14:36 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: [HCDX] Logs: 6220 Al Quds TV, nueva clandestina??,
To: Frecuencia DX <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

   Saludos cordiales.

5835 Radio Al Aqsa, 19:03-19:06, escuchada el 3 de febrero en ?rabe a locutor 
con comentarios, sin se?al en 5815, ya son varios d?as sin se?al en esta 
frecuencia, posiblemente cancelada, tambi?n se sigue escuchando de forma 
espor?dica se?al sin identificar, ?digital?, SINPO 24232

6220 Al Quds TV, 18:54-19:03, escuchada el 3 de febrero en idioma ?rabe a 
locutor y locutora con comentarios, a pesar de buena se?al el nivel de audio es 
muy bajo, a las 1900 se escucha m?sica de sinton?a y la voz de un locutor con 
titulares, SINPO 34332.

 *  Una vez m?s hay que agradecer al amigo Tarek Zeidan desde El Cairo por su 
inestimable ayuda a la hora de identificar emisoras en ?rabe.

Jos? Miguel Romero 
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108



Message: 6
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:53:25 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] LOGs and images
To: Dxclube Paran? <>,        HCDX- DX
        "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Jorge Freitas (Yahoo) <> wrote:

  Ouvi algumas transmiss?es entre 8000 e 9000 kHz
> que n?o constam nas listas, em 8760 kHz eu j? li algo a
> respeito, acho que atrav?s dos boletins do Glenn, n?o
> tenho certeza, as outras estou preocupado, ser?o imagens do
> degen? Se for ser? a primeira vez que as vejo por aqui e
> come?o a ficar preocupado... 
> 8700 02/02 2352 (CUB) CUBA, R Havana(???), harm?nica,
> esp?ria, ou imagem do meu degen? SS, OM Talk, mx cubana,
> fim tx as 2359 e reinicio com ID e hino nacional, gravado
> 45433 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana  BA - Brasil)

Surely receiver-produced image from 9600 (gh, DXLD)
> 8760 02/02 2347 UNID, j? li algo a respeito dessa tx, mas
> n?o achei a referencia, em chinese, uma entrevista a um OM
> eYL, gravado, 45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana BA -
> Brasil)

Very likely a receiver-produced image from 9660 --- Chicom jamming and/or RTI 
as per Aoki; like you are getting from Cuba on 8700. All you have to do in such 
cases is see if you are hearing the same thing 900 kHz higher. If you weren`t 
getting these images before, you are now by overloading the receiver with an 
antenna of higher gain (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTEING DIGEST)

> 9000 02/02 2334 (TWH) TAIWAN, Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, em
> Chinese, mx folclorica chinesa, parece se ouvir em meio ?
> m?sica ocasional fala em chin?s, sei que se trata de um
> jamming, mas o que acho interessante ? a potencia de 1 kW,
> ser? mesmo s? isso? 45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
> Santana BA - Brasil)

The jamming is certainly much more powerful. These out-of-band channels of 
Sound of Hope are believed to be ham radio transmitters on the order of 1 kW 
> 9280 02/02 2328 (TWH) TAIWAN, Family Radio, em chinese,
> desde Yunlin, com 100 kW, tradicional programa de perguntas
> e respostas, QRM de jamming, 43433 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
> Santana BA - Brasil)
What kind of jamming? I didn`t think the Chicom bothered to jam YFR (Glenn 
Hauser, DXLD)  



Message: 7
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 11:53:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] LOGs and images
To: Dxclube Paran? <>,        HCDX- DX
        "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Jorge Freitas (Yahoo) <> wrote:

  Ouvi algumas transmiss?es entre 8000 e 9000 kHz
> que n?o constam nas listas, em 8760 kHz eu j? li algo a
> respeito, acho que atrav?s dos boletins do Glenn, n?o
> tenho certeza, as outras estou preocupado, ser?o imagens do
> degen? Se for ser? a primeira vez que as vejo por aqui e
> come?o a ficar preocupado... 
> 8700 02/02 2352 (CUB) CUBA, R Havana(???), harm?nica,
> esp?ria, ou imagem do meu degen? SS, OM Talk, mx cubana,
> fim tx as 2359 e reinicio com ID e hino nacional, gravado
> 45433 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana  BA - Brasil)

Surely receiver-produced image from 9600 (gh, DXLD)
> 8760 02/02 2347 UNID, j? li algo a respeito dessa tx, mas
> n?o achei a referencia, em chinese, uma entrevista a um OM
> eYL, gravado, 45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana BA -
> Brasil)

Very likely a receiver-produced image from 9660 --- Chicom jamming and/or RTI 
as per Aoki; like you are getting from Cuba on 8700. All you have to do in such 
cases is see if you are hearing the same thing 900 kHz higher. If you weren`t 
getting these images before, you are now by overloading the receiver with an 
antenna of higher gain (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTEING DIGEST)

> 9000 02/02 2334 (TWH) TAIWAN, Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, em
> Chinese, mx folclorica chinesa, parece se ouvir em meio ?
> m?sica ocasional fala em chin?s, sei que se trata de um
> jamming, mas o que acho interessante ? a potencia de 1 kW,
> ser? mesmo s? isso? 45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
> Santana BA - Brasil)

The jamming is certainly much more powerful. These out-of-band channels of 
Sound of Hope are believed to be ham radio transmitters on the order of 1 kW 
> 9280 02/02 2328 (TWH) TAIWAN, Family Radio, em chinese,
> desde Yunlin, com 100 kW, tradicional programa de perguntas
> e respostas, QRM de jamming, 43433 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
> Santana BA - Brasil)
What kind of jamming? I didn`t think the Chicom bothered to jam YFR (Glenn 
Hauser, DXLD)  



Message: 8
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 00:34:11 -0300
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] LOGs and images
To: <>, Dxclube Paran? <>,
        "HCDX- DX" <>,
Message-ID: <96ba11c6e7284818862b7e7048707...@jorge>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Ol? Glenn e Colegas.

Descobri o motivo das imagens em meu degen. No domingo eu estava tentando 
identificar algumas emissoras em OT que estavam chegando com sinal baixo e 
muito ru?do, tentei diversos baluns e outros procedimentos e os ru?dos 
continuavam. A? inverti as pontas do balum 9:1 e os ru?dos diminu?ram, 
acontece que eu esqueci de voltar a posi??o correta. Esse foi o problema das 
imagens nos 30 metros e pela manh? de segunda feira liguei o r?dio e me 
deparei com diversas imagens de uma r?dio local em diversas faixas, pensei: 
o degen pifou :-(  Desmontei a antena, troquei de lugar, dire??o, 
aterramento, angulo de inclina??o e nada, apenas pequena melhora. Foi a? que 
olhando j? desalentado para o r?dio percebi que o balum estava invertido, 
coloquei no lugar correto e.... UFA, tudo voltou ao normal, isso me custou 
um atraso consider?vel em minhas atividades profissionais. Bem, resolvido o 
problema as imagens sumiram, ? como o Glenn disse: a invers?o do balum 
provocou uma sobrecarga de sinal na entrada do degen. Glenn, quanto ao 
jamming da Family Radio em chin?s ? o som parecido com o antigo pica pau da 
d?cada de 70, n?o era cont?nuo, mas frequentemente interrompia a 
transmiss?o. Obrigado pela informa??o da transmiss?o em 9000 kHz da Taiwan.


Jorge Freitas
Skype jorge.freitas.fsa
Feira de Santana Bahia
12? 15' 1.57" S 38? 58' 40.30" W
Degen 1103
Antena fio longo com 20 metros e balum  9:1

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Glenn Hauser" <>
To: "Dxclube Paran?" <>; "HCDX- DX" 
<>; <>; "Jorge 
Freitas (Yahoo)" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: LOGs and images

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Jorge Freitas (Yahoo) <> 

  Ouvi algumas transmiss?es entre 8000 e 9000 kHz
> que n?o constam nas listas, em 8760 kHz eu j? li algo a
> respeito, acho que atrav?s dos boletins do Glenn, n?o
> tenho certeza, as outras estou preocupado, ser?o imagens do
> degen? Se for ser? a primeira vez que as vejo por aqui e
> come?o a ficar preocupado...
> 8700 02/02 2352 (CUB) CUBA, R Havana(???), harm?nica,
> esp?ria, ou imagem do meu degen? SS, OM Talk, mx cubana,
> fim tx as 2359 e reinicio com ID e hino nacional, gravado
> 45433 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana  BA - Brasil)

Surely receiver-produced image from 9600 (gh, DXLD)
> 8760 02/02 2347 UNID, j? li algo a respeito dessa tx, mas
> n?o achei a referencia, em chinese, uma entrevista a um OM
> eYL, gravado, 45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana BA -
> Brasil)

Very likely a receiver-produced image from 9660 --- Chicom jamming and/or 
RTI as per Aoki; like you are getting from Cuba on 8700. All you have to do 
in such cases is see if you are hearing the same thing 900 kHz higher. If 
you weren`t getting these images before, you are now by overloading the 
receiver with an antenna of higher gain (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTEING DIGEST)

> 9000 02/02 2334 (TWH) TAIWAN, Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH, em
> Chinese, mx folclorica chinesa, parece se ouvir em meio ?
> m?sica ocasional fala em chin?s, sei que se trata de um
> jamming, mas o que acho interessante ? a potencia de 1 kW,
> ser? mesmo s? isso? 45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
> Santana BA - Brasil)

The jamming is certainly much more powerful. These out-of-band channels of 
Sound of Hope are believed to be ham radio transmitters on the order of 1 kW 

> 9280 02/02 2328 (TWH) TAIWAN, Family Radio, em chinese,
> desde Yunlin, com 100 kW, tradicional programa de perguntas
> e respostas, QRM de jamming, 43433 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
> Santana BA - Brasil)
What kind of jamming? I didn`t think the Chicom bothered to jam YFR (Glenn 
Hauser, DXLD)


Message: 9
Date: 1 Feb 2009 10:01:32 +1000
From: "PK's Loop Antennas" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] - PK's Loop Antennas
Cc:,       christophe genaudeau
        <>,,,, Jorge Garc?ffffeda
        <>,,,    Perez Ricardo <>,
        Sylvain Naud <>,,     arnaud
        baley <>,      "olivier.tequi"
        <>,,, "Tudor M.       Vedeanu" <>,,,
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

Hello My DX Friends !!

PK here from Melbourne Australia, 

Aurel, nice to hear again of your excellent DX activities! Keep up the good 
work !

Here's some news of PK's new models of HD Series Medium Wave & LW Loop 
Antennas, refer attached pdf's or download them from the website...

Cheers & Best DX to All 

Paul Karlstrand

PK's Loop Antennas
Croydon, Victoria, Australia 

PK's Loop Antennas
ABN 76 271 051 082
Croydon Victoria
Australia 3136
Mobile 0412 302 939
For Long Range and Clear AM Radio Reception Everywhere !
Email for enquiries and sales: or visit our website
New 2009 Catalogue is now available for download.

From:   aurel chiochiu<>
Date:   1/02/2009 8:24 am
Subject:        trans-oceanic logs + some Latin goodies

Warm greetings to all of you !

I'm quite buzy, but not as much as I thought, as I did loose my work (the 
Colombian person to whom I taught French has to leave for her native country 
tomorrow at 6AM because some member of her family were trapped by some 
"narcotraficos"), so instead of preparing pedagocial French-Spanish list of 
obscure verbs and other kind of stuff, I have time, this afternoon, to send in 
my latest logs. The TA condx on longwave and EVEN mediumwave has dramatically 
improven over the past 2 days, probably the best I ever saw, since I own the 
PK's Shielded Magnetic longwave loop and on MW they were also quite 
spectacular, though much short-lived than on MW. The MW TA opening I attended 
did last from about 0130 to 0200 UTC with almost readable audio on 603 (with 
the same woman voice as on 585 !) and for a few seconds, I could dodge 621 from 
the 620 WVMT megapest in Burlington, VT even though nulling out WVMT favors 
Belgium instead of the much more commun Canary Islands. By the way, is RTBF La!
  Premi?re from Wavre still on 621 kHz ? The only null on WVMT I can achieve 
yet is ENE / WSW, not ESE (east-south-east), so nulling WVMT does not favor 
much the fairly weak Canary Islands TA signal. Also unusual was that 621 was up 
with man talk trying to break through semi-nulled WVMT-620 even when much more 
commun Madrid-585 wasn't making the TA trip. 

Tonight, I'll likely not have enough time for DXing, because of my lovely frail 
girlfriend, but condx would likely get even better. So be on the lockout for 
some spectacular high-latitude east-west conditions on both longwave 
and...mediumwave, yes -> MW !

Pan-American DX was rather decent Thursday night and way below average the 
other night, though late Monday night, the Bah?a de Honda 1 kW sneaked through 
WIP-610 Philadelphia for the only noteworthy foreign LW-MW DX of that day. 
Thursday night, what was unusual, was YVKE-550 which is the strongest most 
commun Venezuelan in the Montreal area after YVKS-750 and YVNM-780 was good and 
YVKS-750 was huge, but YVNM-780 was absent, so the opening was toward the 
Caracas area of Distrito Federal with nothing out of Coro, yet Barranquilla-760 
was noted in passing at a quite nice level strength. 

Into the logs:

Trans-Atlantic DX

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis JAN 31 0610 - Woman in French noted at a 
poor level, though not representative at all of the REST OF THE LOGS (see 
below) ! (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador JAN 31 0130 - SINPO 24333 -> a Middle Eastern pop 
tune, then a special request for the "Por Ella" salsa number of Victor Manuel 
which was followed by "Tous les cris, les SOS" of Daniel Balavoine, someone who 
sadly passed away while travelling for the Paris-Dakar contest in January of 
1986. Seems like Morocco is the third spot after Russia and Japan for 
non-English foreign music on the planet ! French Caribbean zouk is also VERY 
popular in Morocco ! After the Daniel Balavoine recorded, heard ra? vocals 
back-to-back ! Around 0230 UTC, they played an Amadou et Mariam track, so 
Morocco seems highly devoted to World Music and foreign cultures ! Fair at this 
time, but the best was yet to come ! +JAN 31 0415 - Spanish romantic ballad, 
then Celine Dion, Robbie Williams, then Arabic rhythmic contemporary vocals. 
Huge ! Peaking S6 out of S7 on the Sangean CST-818's reading meter ! Probably 
my best-ever reception of Morocco-171 yet. SINPO 44544 (Chiochiu-QC!

177 GERMANY   Deutschlandradio Kultur, Oranienburg, Zehlendorf

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg (Saarlouis) JAN 31 0520 - Excellent level, 
almost local-like, with lengthy newscast. One of the items was about the strike 
of workers in Guadeloupe. Terrific SINPO ! SINPO 54444 with barely noticeable 
splatter from Iceland-189 ! Best ever reception of Europe 1 for me ! Of all the 
4 French stations (France Inter, Europe 1, RMC Info and RTL), Europe 1 is 
always the most reliable one, good enough even for a non-DXer to enjoy ! 

189 ICELAND   RUV, Gufuskalar JAN 31 0615 - at this time, switched from 
International pops to classical piano music, then later, as I felt asleep, I 
was told Icelandic talk was coming out of the bedroom ! Very good ! 

198 ENGLAND   BBC Radio 4, Droitwich JAN 31 0526 - British Accended English 
talk splattering into the local 201 kHz beacon in AM Wide mode ! The signal 
wasn't really strong though, just the Sangean CST-818 isn't too selective in AM 
Wide Mode ! (Chiochiu-QC) 

207 unID   DEC 31 0510 - talk and music badly QRMed by beacons on nearby 
frequencies. Nothing usable ! SIO 211 ! (Chiochiu-QC)

216 FRANCE   RMC Info, Romoules JAN 31 0510 - French news noted in passing at a 
nice level, over the beacon that is usually pestering this channel ! SIO 443 

225 POLAND   Polski Radio 1, Solec Kujawski JAN 31 0014 - first founding of the 
evening, as I tuned to it, playing the "Lady In Red" smash hit of Chris de 
Bourg followed by man with comments in Polish, as the Polish talk appeared, the 
signal started to fade. As usual, the fadings on longwave are slow and deep, 
deeper than the fadings observed with MW signals ! SIO 353 - fair-good, but not 
quite good ! (Chiochiu-QC)

234 LUXEMBURG   RTL, Beidweler JAN 31 0016 - female country-rock vocal 
(Fleetwood Mak ?), then man in French. Poor and hetted by beacons from both 
sides of the channel. SIO 222. Should be better tonight as the past night condx 
on LW were spectacular especially toward Ireland and Algeria on 252 kHz and the 
ionospheric conditions are improving really fast these times around ! 

252 IRELAND   RTE Radio One, Clarkestown JAN 31 0051 - playing an amazing 
blues-rock English vocal that was fading over and under Algeria's French talk 
at almost armchair level. SIO 423 ! Best on 253 kHz in AM Narrow Mode as 
usually, though it could be separed from the pesky UL beacon on 248 kHz on 254 
kHz in AM WIDE MODE ! (Chiochiu-QC)

252 ALGERIA   Alger Cha?ne 3, Tipaza JAN 31 0110 - discussion program about the 
best way to resolve the Gaza conflict. Fair-good, over / under Ireland best 
ever reception of these guys ! First time readable ! SINPO 33523. Friday night 
was probably my best yet for LW DX ! (Chiochiu-QC)

585 SPAIN   Radio Nacional de Espa?a / Radio Uno Santa Cruz de Tenerife JAN 31 
0146 - Man and woman in Spanish, fair and occasional words readable through 
some quite heavy splatter from 580 and 590. SIO 321 ! (Chiochiu-QC)

594 or 595 unID   JAN 31 0155 - empty audio noted almost midway between the 590 
and 600 kHz American channels on the analog-dialed Sanyo MCD-S830. Any ideas ? 

603 SPAIN   Radio Nacional de Espa?a / Radio Cinco, La Sevilla et al JAN 31 
0149 - Woman in Spanish, very poor and mushy cutting through the 600 splah and 
clearly the same voice as on 585. Radio Uno (585 AM) and Radio Cinco (603 AM) 
carry the same RNE network feed during the late night hours ! Spain #3 on MW ! 
NEW ! Wow ! Unfortunatly, the tape misfunctioned and when I tried to record it, 
I only had the talk at a very slow and unreadable speed... Seems like the tape 
recorder inside my boombox Sanyo MCD-S830 is beginning to be a lil' bit dusty ! 
I tried to record a few other things and the other times, the speed was 
perfect... Anyway, SINPO 13512 - not too bad for a mediumwave TA ! (Chiochiu-QC)

621 CANARY ISLANDS   Radio Nacional de Espa?a / Radio Uno JAN 31 0210 - Man in 
Spanish strongly breaking through semi-nulled WVMT-620 semi-local at an almost 
readable level. Tentative ! First time here, if them ! Around 0220 UTC, 621 
faded out completly and nothing came back from accross the pond on MW, though 
on LW, Morocco-171 was huge around 0415 UTC... Unfortunatly, 603 and 585 
weren't up then (the TA opening officially ended around 0200 UTC), or I would 
have //ed this one ! Is Canary Islands considered as a separate DX country or 
more water separation between it and Spain is needed ? A simple barefoot 
portable with USB filtering would have produced armchair audio here ! 

Pan-American DX

550 VENEZUELA   YVKE, Caracas, Distrito Federal JAN 30 0140 and 0207 - Did tune 
to this channel at both times, heard with a passionate speech by Hugo Chavez 
about how bolivarianism is related to social justice. Good to very good, but 
not quite excellent. Minor QRM from WEVD from Waterbury, VT. SINPO 33534 ! It's 
the 5th time this season I log this Caraque?o ! Semi-regular ! (Chiochiu-QC) 

600 CUBA   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris JAN 30 0405 - Good over WICC ! 
Probably the most reliable Rebelde MW frequency in the Montreal area, now that 
CMBA-670 is heavy pestered by the ugly WFAN-660 IBOC hash ! Of course, you can 
always use either shortwave (5025 kHz) and the Internet to catch them out ! 

610 CUBA   CMAN, Radio Rebelde, Bah?a de Honda JAN 27 0430 - as I randomly 
tuned around, heard their distinctive "Rebelde, La Habana" IS through WIP 
Philadelphia. The only noteworthy catche from late Monday night, as during most 
of the evening, all LW, MW and SW were severely hammered by a strong buzz which 
dissapeared around local midnight allowing for this weak 1 kW Cuban to sneak 
through the Philadelphia pest, in CHNC null ! Semi-regular here ! (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA   YVKS, Caracas, Distrito Federal JAN 30 0150 - carrying the 
"Librer?a Sonica" litt. program with reviews of novels and poems. According to 
the announcements I caught, this is a remake of a program heard during the 
daylight, those unavailable to overseas listeners ! Huge, SINPO 43533 ! At the 
Saul Chernos, Coro on 780 is the most commun YV, but in the Montreal ares, the 
biggest Venezuelan pest is YVKS-750 (RCR). (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla JAN 30 0135 - Spanish talk 
noted in passing at a fair-good level, in a very deep WJR null. SIO 343 in WJR 
null ! Didn't stay with it. I'm tired of this being the ONLY Colombian coming 
through with any degreee of regularity ! A few weeks ago I tentaitvely logged 
HJHP-580 in Cali which is probably the best bet for North American DXers 
wanting to log a Todelar station. Todelar is the the third biggest Colombian 
network after Caracol and RCN ! (Chiochiu-QC)

Additionnal comments: While I mostly collect tape recordings of my best 
catches, I'm also a QSL hunter to a moderate degree and I'm still waiting for 
the YVKS-750 and WOON-1240 QSL cards ! Right now, I only have 3 QSLs from 
midwestern USA stations I received via sporadic-E on the FM Broadcast band 
(ultrashortwave or "unde ultrascurte" in Romanian.

One of my project for the next F2 season is to try for OIRT and Japanese FM 
broadcasters since their lower FM frequencies are more prone to F2 skip if the 
solar activity will begin damaging life on Earth like the parapsychological 
channels are predicting for 2012.

I wonder if regular summer sporadic E layer skip from Yukon or Alaska to 
Fareast Russia on OIRT-FM (65.80-74.00 MHz) would be possible, but I doubt 
someone ever tried it, otherwise I would have found references on the web which 
is not the case yet.

Well, I'm get ready to attend the metamorphosis to the shape of the innocence 
of my girlfriend, but I WILL FIND SOME TIME FOR DXing AS WELL, since condx on 
LW and low-band MW seems almost spectacular ! I can't believe I could follow 
the Gaza conflict coverage over Algeria-252 - it's the first time I have 
armchair copy of this North African broadcasted which has eluded me before I 
even had the really astonishing PK's Magnetic Shieled longwave loop (see 
below)... I would like to thank once again Paul Karlestand in Canberra, 
Austrlia for having built this loop with so much devotion... Before that, I 
could only get Latin American and the occasional European MW broadcasters on 
the regular AM broadcast band using the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot, now I can 
enjoy all kind of broadcast DX from all over Europe and North Africa on 
longwave ! I'm thinking seriously of getting a similar loop for MW that will 
only amplify the wanted frequency on the fairly prone to overload Sangean 
CST-818 ! !
 What kind of MW loop would bring the best TA MW audio at my Montreal area QTH 
using the Sangean CST-818 (since I don't have money yet for a Drake R8B) ? I'm 
thinking of an antenna able to surpass the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot performance, 
especially in the 800-1000s where this receiver is rather deaf, since on the 
low-end and high-end it is a serious and lovely DX machine ! If you look 
carefully through my logs, you will see most of my foreign MW DX is done 
between 530 and 780 kHz. Yet, if I want to log the YV "estado" of T?chira on 
860 kHz (YVOL, Mundial Ocho-Sesenta, in San Cristobal), I need something to dig 
this birdie out of the receiver threshold sensitivity noisefloor that I get in 
the CJBC null (Toronto) ! Also, can anyone confirm Ecos del Torbes, YVOD, is 
still active on 780 kHz ? I would be gladly happy to log something other than 
Coro on this nice channel ! Is their SW transmitter on 4980 kHz still broken ? 
I haven't heard them since at least 2002, if not 2001 ! Th!
 e last time I reported YVOC-4980 (the call letters are slightly differ
ent on SW) was during the fall of 2001... Thanks a lot for your help ! Sorry 
for so many questions, but it's been a long time since I've last DXed with so 
much joy... The PK's Shielded Magnetic LW loop is partly the cause of so much 
enthousiasm for a hobby I only enjoyed randomly over the course of the last 
couple of years !

This repport is brought to you by Bogdan Chiochiu, DXing from Pierrefonds 
(Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada using the Sanyo MCD-S830 / internal 
ferrite bar antenna combo and the Sangean CST-818 / PK's Magnetic Shielded 
longwave loop along with his ears and his heart, since DXing without your heart 
is DXing without enjoying the program content of those unique distant signals !

May the good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
Btw.: During the upcoming days, as time permits, I will make available more of 
my files to the ABDX crew !


Message: 10
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2009 10:08:59 -0800 (PST)
From: Tim Lemmon <>
Subject: [HCDX] SWL Fest 2009 Picture Request...
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


I am the one requesting pictures of your radio shacks (and pirate broadcasting 
stations) for the SWL Festival in just over a month from now.  To date, I have 
received some excellent pictures ? both SWL, Ham and Pirate broadcasters.  But 
I need more...

I'll need more to fill out a one hour forum next month.  Will you please send 
me at least one (more are preferred) picture that I can share with all the 
others next month?  What do you have that is unique and you'd like to share 
with others?  Below is a copy of my original message in December.  Thanks for 
taking the time.

My initial feedback from others has been 100% positive.  Hope to see YOUR 
pictures in the show too!


Hello fellow SWLFesters!

I am putting together a light hearted forum for the SWLFest this March in 
Kulpsville.  I'm asking for current pictures of your radio ?shacks?, along with 
a short description about what's in the picture.  Feel free to send multiple 
pictures.  Even include antennas if they are unique and show up well in a 
picture.  Higher resolution is preferred.  Beg, borrow or steal a digital 
camera if you have to!  Don't worry about how big the pictures are.  Please 
send only current pictures.

I'm also asking for active pirates broadcasting on HF to send pictures of 
current transmitting gear.  Antenna pictures are also welcome if they show up 
well in a picture.  Be sure to include the station name/callsign with each 
picture!  Feel free to use a trusted friend to forward your pictures to me for 
your privacy.  I'll mix them up with all the shack pictures. 

What I plan to do is put the best pictures into a projected slide show that 
everyone at the fest can enjoy.  Depending on the time line, the owner can 
stand up wherever he/she is sitting and give a very quick spiel about THEIR 
picture.  Of course this wouldn't apply for pirates :)

Thank you for your efforts.  See you at the fest this March!

Tim Lemmon, WK4U


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 74, Issue 4

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