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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. RCI A09 (sakthi vel)
   2. ClewistonUSA - Logs (
   3. March 20-21 Logs (
   4. (no subject) (Glenn Hauser)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs March 21, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. Fw: Some LA stations from this morning
   7. Glenn Hauser logs March 21, 2009 [more] (Glenn Hauser)
   8. ClewistonUSA - Log (
   9. VOA (Robert Wilkner)
  10. Zimbabwe (Robert Wilkner)
  11. ClewistonUSA - Log (
  12. Radio Heritage Keeps Memories Alive (
  13. LOG (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 12:02:59 +0530 (IST)
From: sakthi vel <>
To: ardic <>
Subject: [HCDX] RCI A09
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Radio Canada International
Technical Schedule for Shortwave (Summer 2009)
from March 29th (07:00 UTC) to October 25th, 2009 (07:00 UTC)

00:00-00:59 DAILY KIM 9690, KIM 11895 
01:05-02:05 DAILY SAC 6100
13:05-14:05 DAILY SAC 7325
15:00-15:59 DAILY YAM 11805, YAM 6110
21:05-21:59 DAILY SAC 9515
22:00-22:59 DAILY KIM 9525, KIM 9870

00:00-00:57 DAILY KUN 11700 
00:05-01:05 TUE-SAT SAC 6100
01:00-01:59 DAILY EMR 9620
15:00-15:57 URU 17720, KUN 11675
15:05-17:05 DAILY SAC 9515
17:05-19:05 DAILY SAC 9515
18:00-18:59 DAILY KAS 9530, SKN 11765, SAC 17735, SKN 17810
20:00-21:00 DAILY SAC 15235, SAC 17735
23:05-00:05 DAILY SAC 6100

19:00-19:59 DAILY KAS 11765, SMG 13730, SKN 15320, SAC 17735
20:05-21:05 DAILY SAC 9515
21:00-21:59 DAILY SMG 9490, SAC 13650, SAC 15330, SAC 15235, SAC 17735
23:00-23:29 DAILY KIM 9525

00:00-00:59 DAILY SAC 11990, SAC 13725 
02:00-02:59 DAILY SAC 9755, SAC 13710
02:05-03:05 DAILY SAC 6075
12:05-13:05 DAILY SAC 7325
22:00-22:59 DAILY SAC 11990, SAC 15455
22:05-23:05 DAILY SAC 6100
23:00-23:59 DAILY SAC 11990, SAC 15455

00:05-00:35 SUN&MON SAC 6100
21:00-21:29 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 17860
21:30-21:59 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 15455, SAC 17860
22:00-22:29 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 17860
22:30-22:59 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 17860
23:00-23:29 FRI-SAT-SUN SAC 13710

00:35-01:05 SUN&MON SAC 6100
14:35-15:05 SAT&SUN SAC 9515
17:00-17:59 FRI-SAT-SUN HB 5850

02:00-02:59 DAILY HB 5840, SMG 5950
03:00-03:59 DAILY MOS 9520
11:05-12:05 DAILY SAC 7325
19:00-19:59 DAILY SAC 15235, RMP 15180
19:05-20:05 DAILY SAC 9515

14:05-14:35 DAILY SAC 9515
14:35-15:05 MON-FRI SAC 9515
15:00-15:29 DAILY WOF 15325, HB 11935
16:00-16:30 DAILY RMP 15325, WOF 11935

DRM Transmissions (Digital Radio Mondiale):

15:05-17:05 DAILY SAC 9800
21:00-22:00 DAILY SAC 9800

17:05-19:05 MON-FRI SAC 9800

Transmitter Sites
Via Bill Westenhaver
Audience Relations/Relations avec l'auditoire
Radio Canada International
(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India. Detail pdf schedule on

      Get perfect Email ID for your Resume. Grab now


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 10:07:00 -0000
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        <>, Robert Wilkner <>,
        Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI <>,  CUMBREDX
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA - Logs
Message-ID: <000c01c9aa0c$c74de470$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Northern Mariana Islands (Relay), 9520, Radio Liberty, 0915-0930,  Noted a
program of news and commentary in the Russian language.  Signal was coming
in very good from night time path probably.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2009)

Russia, 6075, Radio Rossii, 0940-1000,  Just beginning to fade in with 
language comments from male and female commentators.  Can't squeez out any
details yet since the signal is just above threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, March 
21, 2009)

Bolivia, 6155.25, Radio Fides, 0953-1000,  With music and Spanish language
 comments from both a male and female.  Another threshold signal with lots
 of noise.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 3
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 11:37:28 EDT
Subject: [HCDX] March 20-21 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

** AFGANISTAN [non]. via Sri Lanka, 9990, Radio Free Afganistan-
Radio  Azadi, 1120-1331*, March 21, talk in unidentified language.
Some short  instrumental music breaks. Radio Azadi IDs. Interviews.
Phone talk. Poor  reception at tune-in but gradually improved. Good 
reception at 1135-1215.  Poor-weak in noisy conditions by 1300. 
Very poor in noise by sign off.  Thanks to tip from Glenn Hauser.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** BANGLADESH. 7250, Bangladesh Betar, *1228-1235, March 21,
flute IS.  Some flute music & muffled talk at 1230. Could not make
out any further  program details due to weak, muffled, low modulation
and HAM QRM. An overall  very poor signal. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** CHINA. 9810, CNR-2/China Business Radio, 1158-1210, March 21,
Chinese  talk. Some local pop music. English ?China Business Radio?
ID at 1201 &  back to Chinese talk. Fair signal. Much weaker on 
// 6090, 7245, 7315, 7335,  7375. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MADAGASCAR. 5010, RTV Malagasy, *0250-0330, March 21, 
abrupt sign on  with local pop music. Euro-pop music. IS at 0256.
National Anthem at 0258.  Short Malagasy announcement at 0301
and local music. Malagasy talk. Fair to  good. Reduced carrier USB.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MADAGASCAR [non]. via ?, 5895, Radio Mada, *0400-0425,
March 21,  Tentative. Sign on with anthem. Talk in unidentified 
language. Tentative ID.  Poor in noisy conditions. Thanks to Glenn 
Hauser tip. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SLOVAKIA. 7290, IRRS, 2037-2101*, March 20, tune-in at 2037
looking  for World of Radio but technical problems at IRRS causing 
an open carrier  with no audio. WOR on the air with program in 
progress at 2042. Fair to good  signal after 2042 but slight adjacent 
channel splatter from CRI via Albania  on 7285. IRRS closing 
announcements at 2059 with contact information &  National Anthem. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** THAILAND. 12095, Radio Thailand, 0058-0105, March 21, caught
end of  English broadcast with theme music, gongs, English ID, and 
anthem. Into Thai  language at 0102. Surprisingly good, strong signal.
Usually a very weak  signal here. Threshold level at 0134 check. 
(Brian Alexander, PA)

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA,  U.S.A.  
Equipment:  TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires 

**************Feeling the pinch at the grocery store?  Make dinner for $10 or 
less. (


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 09:18:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** AUSTRALIA. None of the 120m VL8s were audible March 21 at 1312, but I 
checked 5025 again in case VL8K was still stuck on its daytime frequency at 
night. Yes, at 1317, R. Rebelde still exhibiting fades of 40 per minute, the 
same SAH as 24 hours earlier, 0.67 Hz presumably caused by Katherine. Anyone 
further west hearing it for sure on 5025 at this time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA [non]. It`s jarring to be listening to an announcer speaking what 
seems to be perfectly good English, and then a common word is mispronounced. OM 
with CRI News on 6115 via Canada, March 21 at 0611, pronounced ``ally`` as if 
it were ``alley``! There was also another gaffe a few minutes earlier which I 
failed to note down. So you don`t have to speak perfect English to announce on 
the world`s greatest shortwave station where the talent pool must be enormous. 
Soon there will be more Chinese speaking some sort of English than Americans 

** INDONESIA. Since I last reported RRI Fak2 missing from 4790, there have been 
signs of it on some mornings, but definitely back March 21 at 1320, lo-fi phone 
interview vs CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. NHKWNRJ, 11705 via Sackville, Sat March 21 at 1410 with 
World Interactive, accompanied by lite pre-echo from Yamata direct. R. Japan 
plans to continue colliding with itself in A-09, despite my repeated 
complaints, and others noting the same problem, which is worst in western North 
America. The least they could do would be to delay the feed to Yamata just 
enough so it doesn`t echo with Sackville fed by satellite. 

The hostess, whose name I can`t remember, and whose name still appears nowhere 
on the homepage for this show,
tho her smiling face does twice, said that from next fiscal year in April, she 
would not be losing her job, but the show would be moving to Sundays at 1410 
JST/0510 UT instead of Saturdays at the same time. She announced this twice, 
and is apparently unaware of the several repeats later in the day such as the 
one I was listening to. So what will be aired on Saturdays? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** KOREA NORTH. Altho missing the day before, the whoop-whoop jammer very much 
in evidence March 21 at 1330 on 6350, tho the noise jamming seemed there too, 
and no sign of its victim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR [non]. Looking for the new pro-Ravolomanana clandestine, via WRN, 
R. Mada, 5895, scheduled 0400-0430: March 21 at 0405, something there but too 
weak to copy, probably this since nothing else scheduled on frequency; also 
some clicking which is surely not jamming already, but maybe leaking from some 
DentroCuban jammer. WWCR 5890 could be a big super-power problem, but not so 
strong at this time. R. Mada is also scheduled at 1700-1730 on 5895, from a 
Swiss NGO, Tiako i Madagasikara, --- I suspect the 
transmitter site is Meyerton; if not, somewhere else close to Madagascar, not 
likely from Talata itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. Someone reported R. Educaci?n signing off 6185 at 0602 
after anthem, which could happen, but they have to play the anthem at local 
midnight whether signing off or not (0500 UT from first Sunday in April 
according to Mexico`s slightly more sensible DST season). I hear XEPPM after 
0600, and still do: March 21 at 0604 there was Mexican music underneath Vatican 
Radio; see VATICAN. The usual rippling SAH also points to the considerably 
off-frequency XEPPM. No sign of Bras?lia, but there would have been on UT 
Sunday when RNA runs all-night. Vatican finishes with 6185 at 0620 after which 
XEPPM should be in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. Maybe this is nothing new, but not noticed before: REE is 
``pulling a BBC`` by keeping a transmitter on a bit longer than its scheduled 
span in order to broadcast one more newscast: The CR relay on 9675, supposedly 
0200-0600 daily, still going at 0602 March 21 with news, 0605 sign-off 
announcement mentioning next frequency on 16m a few hours later, IS once and to 
open carrier.

At 0605 also checked 5965, and could hear the voice of Antonio Buitrago in 
Amigos de la Onda Corta at its true time on UT Saturday, but heavy QRM as 
always de Vatican co-channel. Was REE 6055 direct still on? No, now it`s BBC 
French via Ascension. So we are left without any decent frequency for the DX 
program and REE at 0605, unless we can get 11895 or 12035 for Mideast, Europe.

Note to other broadcasters, which I am sure they are not going to pay any 
attention to now, as they never have in the past: avoid co-channel with Vatican 
even if targets are wildly different, as VR really gets out in unintended 
direxions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. VOT via Canada, 7325, STILL in the wrong language, Turkish 
instead of English, UT March 21 at 0408 check as YL was talking about 
Azerbaijan, Ankara ? but this time unlike previous nights suffering heavy QRM 
from big dirty FMy blob spur. At first I suspected the Sackville transmitter 
was upacting, but the modulation peaks of the QRM were obviously coming from 
some other source. Could it be GUF, VOR`s big signal from 7335, only 10 kHz 
away? No, that`s clean and nothing like it on 7345. 

Tuning a bit further up the band, I heard similar distortion on R. Mart? via 
Greenville 7405. Ah?: another R. Mart? transmission is on 7365, and 7405 is 
leaping over that to produce the spur on 7325. Then I confirm on a second 
receiver that the mod peaks on the 7325 QRM match R. Mart? on 7405, so 
Greenville is definitely the source ? but it doesn`t have to be, as none such 
ever noted before on my nightly chex of Turkey`s misfeed on 7325. The GB mix 
potentially happens 0300-0500, when both 7405 and 7365 are active, except UT 
Mondays when the weekly truce starts at 0300. For once, the DentroCuban Jamming 
Command is innocent. O well, we aren`t missing any English from VOT, and the 
handful of Turx in NAm who might be listening probably aren`t aware of this 
unintentional opportunity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. R. Mart? spur on 7325, QRMing Turkey via Canada: see TURKEY

** U S A. I hear IBOC noise on 1680, 1690 and 1710, which indicates at least 
two stations are running it, on 1690 and 1700, March 21 at 1343 UT. 1690 itself 
was dominated by ``The Talk of Chicago, WVON`` ID. 1700 had at least two talk 
stations mixing, their AM signals strong enough to override the IBOC on the 
high side of WVON. But which one on 1700 is radiating IBOC sidebands? At this 
hour, has to be Des Moines or one of the Texans, but nothing on 1700 shown as 
IBOC in the 2008-2009 NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. R. Vaticana continues to be an annoyance, QRMing other 
stations by inept frequency management allowing co-channel clashes. See SPAIN 
for what it does to 5965, and MEXICO for what it does to 6185. VR 5965 at 0605 
March 21 blocking REE`s DX program via Costa Rica on its only audible frequency 
here; VR with English report on papal visit to Cameroon. Second European 
program on 6185, March 21 at 0604 blocking XEPPM, in Scandinavian language, but 

Current VR program folder is no help with such minor details, nor is WRTH! EiBi 
and Aoki show Finnish on Saturdays. There was a lot of QRM, but I was leaning 
toward a non-Finno-Ugric one. Of course it`s more politically correct to 
consider the Finns just `Nordic`, separate from the Scandinavian countries to 
the west whose languages are closely related, while Finnish is totally 
different, but VR lumps them all together; is VR keeping its options open, not 
to be tied down to specific days of week for each? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15463, March 21 at 1429-1439+, two-way Spanish contacts on SSB, 
as always, hard to understand, but one of them kept whistling into the mike, 
which is not the sign of a polished operator, and also was heard to use the 
expression ``puta madre`` which is not polished either. For a while they were 
discussing things to do at midnight on the next few dates, perhaps arranging a 
rendezvous for drug shipments. I assumed it would be USB, but just in case I 
checked on the ATS-909 and they were using LSB, too bad since there was het 
from a broadcaster on 15460, but none on 15465. One never sees any logs of 
these intruders from Latin American DXers, who would have a much better chance 
of understanding the conversations, and perhaps picking up clues about what 
they are about, and even their locations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 5
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 09:24:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 21, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** AUSTRALIA. None of the 120m VL8s were audible March 21 at 1312, but I 
checked 5025 again in case VL8K was still stuck on its daytime frequency at 
night. Yes, at 1317, R. Rebelde still exhibiting fades of 40 per minute, the 
same SAH as 24 hours earlier, 0.67 Hz presumably caused by Katherine. Anyone 
further west hearing it for sure on 5025 at this time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CHINA [non]. It`s jarring to be listening to an announcer speaking what 
seems to be perfectly good English, and then a common word is mispronounced. OM 
with CRI News on 6115 via Canada, March 21 at 0611, pronounced ``ally`` as if 
it were ``alley``! There was also another gaffe a few minutes earlier which I 
failed to note down. So you don`t have to speak perfect English to announce on 
the world`s greatest shortwave station where the talent pool must be enormous. 
Soon there will be more Chinese speaking some sort of English than Americans 

** INDONESIA. Since I last reported RRI Fak2 missing from 4790, there have been 
signs of it on some mornings, but definitely back March 21 at 1320, lo-fi phone 
interview vs CODAR (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [and non]. NHKWNRJ, 11705 via Sackville, Sat March 21 at 1410 with 
World Interactive, accompanied by lite pre-echo from Yamata direct. R. Japan 
plans to continue colliding with itself in A-09, despite my repeated 
complaints, and others noting the same problem, which is worst in western North 
America. The least they could do would be to delay the feed to Yamata just 
enough so it doesn`t echo with Sackville fed by satellite. 

The hostess, whose name I can`t remember, and whose name still appears nowhere 
on the homepage for this show,
tho her smiling face does twice, said that from next fiscal year in April, she 
would not be losing her job, but the show would be moving to Sundays at 1410 
JST/0510 UT instead of Saturdays at the same time. She announced this twice, 
and is apparently unaware of the several repeats later in the day such as the 
one I was listening to. So what will be aired on Saturdays? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** KOREA NORTH. Altho missing the day before, the whoop-whoop jammer very much 
in evidence March 21 at 1330 on 6350, tho the noise jamming seemed there too, 
and no sign of its victim (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR [non]. Looking for the new pro-Ravolomanana clandestine, via WRN, 
R. Mada, 5895, scheduled 0400-0430: March 21 at 0405, something there but too 
weak to copy, probably this since nothing else scheduled on frequency; also 
some clicking which is surely not jamming already, but maybe leaking from some 
DentroCuban jammer. WWCR 5890 could be a big super-power problem, but not so 
strong at this time. R. Mada is also scheduled at 1700-1730 on 5895, from a 
Swiss NGO, Tiako i Madagasikara, --- I suspect the 
transmitter site is Meyerton; if not, somewhere else close to Madagascar, not 
likely from Talata itself (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. Someone reported R. Educaci?n signing off 6185 at 0602 
after anthem, which could happen, but they have to play the anthem at local 
midnight whether signing off or not (0500 UT from first Sunday in April 
according to Mexico`s slightly more sensible DST season). I hear XEPPM after 
0600, and still do: March 21 at 0604 there was Mexican music underneath Vatican 
Radio; see VATICAN. The usual rippling SAH also points to the considerably 
off-frequency XEPPM. No sign of Bras?lia, but there would have been on UT 
Sunday when RNA runs all-night. Vatican finishes with 6185 at 0620 after which 
XEPPM should be in the clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [non]. Maybe this is nothing new, but not noticed before: REE is 
``pulling a BBC`` by keeping a transmitter on a bit longer than its scheduled 
span in order to broadcast one more newscast: The CR relay on 9675, supposedly 
0200-0600 daily, still going at 0602 March 21 with news, 0605 sign-off 
announcement mentioning next frequency on 16m a few hours later, IS once and to 
open carrier.

At 0605 also checked 5965, and could hear the voice of Antonio Buitrago in 
Amigos de la Onda Corta at its true time on UT Saturday, but heavy QRM as 
always de Vatican co-channel. Was REE 6055 direct still on? No, now it`s BBC 
French via Ascension. So we are left without any decent frequency for the DX 
program and REE at 0605, unless we can get 11895 or 12035 for Mideast, Europe.

Note to other broadcasters, which I am sure they are not going to pay any 
attention to now, as they never have in the past: avoid co-channel with Vatican 
even if targets are wildly different, as VR really gets out in unintended 
direxions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. VOT via Canada, 7325, STILL in the wrong language, Turkish 
instead of English, UT March 21 at 0408 check as YL was talking about 
Azerbaijan, Ankara ? but this time unlike previous nights suffering heavy QRM 
from big dirty FMy blob spur. At first I suspected the Sackville transmitter 
was upacting, but the modulation peaks of the QRM were obviously coming from 
some other source. Could it be GUF, VOR`s big signal from 7335, only 10 kHz 
away? No, that`s clean and nothing like it on 7345. 

Tuning a bit further up the band, I heard similar distortion on R. Mart? via 
Greenville 7405. Ah?: another R. Mart? transmission is on 7365, and 7405 is 
leaping over that to produce the spur on 7325. Then I confirm on a second 
receiver that the mod peaks on the 7325 QRM match R. Mart? on 7405, so 
Greenville is definitely the source ? but it doesn`t have to be, as none such 
ever noted before on my nightly chex of Turkey`s misfeed on 7325. The GB mix 
potentially happens 0300-0500, when both 7405 and 7365 are active, except UT 
Mondays when the weekly truce starts at 0300. For once, the DentroCuban Jamming 
Command is innocent. O well, we aren`t missing any English from VOT, and the 
handful of Turx in NAm who might be listening probably aren`t aware of this 
unintentional opportunity (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. R. Mart? spur on 7325, QRMing Turkey via Canada: see TURKEY

** U S A. I hear IBOC noise on 1680, 1690 and 1710, which indicates at least 
two stations are running it, on 1690 and 1700, March 21 at 1343 UT. 1690 itself 
was dominated by ``The Talk of Chicago, WVON`` ID. 1700 had at least two talk 
stations mixing, their AM signals strong enough to override the IBOC on the 
high side of WVON. But which one on 1700 is radiating IBOC sidebands? At this 
hour, has to be Des Moines or one of the Texans, but nothing on 1700 shown as 
IBOC in the 2008-2009 NRC AM Log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN [and non]. R. Vaticana continues to be an annoyance, QRMing other 
stations by inept frequency management allowing co-channel clashes. See SPAIN 
for what it does to 5965, and MEXICO for what it does to 6185. VR 5965 at 0605 
March 21 blocking REE`s DX program via Costa Rica on its only audible frequency 
here; VR with English report on papal visit to Cameroon. Second European 
program on 6185, March 21 at 0604 blocking XEPPM, in Scandinavian language, but 

Current VR program folder is no help with such minor details, nor is WRTH! EiBi 
and Aoki show Finnish on Saturdays. There was a lot of QRM, but I was leaning 
toward a non-Finno-Ugric one. Of course it`s more politically correct to 
consider the Finns just `Nordic`, separate from the Scandinavian countries to 
the west whose languages are closely related, while Finnish is totally 
different, but VR lumps them all together; is VR keeping its options open, not 
to be tied down to specific days of week for each? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

UNIDENTIFIED. 15463, March 21 at 1429-1439+, two-way Spanish contacts on SSB, 
as always, hard to understand, but one of them kept whistling into the mike, 
which is not the sign of a polished operator, and also was heard to use the 
expression ``puta madre`` which is not polished either. For a while they were 
discussing things to do at midnight on the next few dates, perhaps arranging a 
rendezvous for drug shipments. I assumed it would be USB, but just in case I 
checked on the ATS-909 and they were using LSB, too bad since there was het 
from a broadcaster on 15460, but none on 15465. One never sees any logs of 
these intruders from Latin American DXers, who would have a much better chance 
of understanding the conversations, and perhaps picking up clues about what 
they are about, and even their locations (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

Sorry, I neglected to enter a subject line on the original post, so to avoid 
any problems that might have caused, here they are again. Please feel free to 
delete the previous, which had identical content. Glenn



Message: 6
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 18:48:21 +0100
From: "mauritsvandriess...@skynet." <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fw: Some LA stations from this morning
Message-ID: <7f67796609d24869b6f0a8c8b50fe...@got2be1e657ded>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

1060  Education  Mex. City   Mexico  21/3  0350    SS. Music  and talks about 
Mexico   fair reception  

1190   Radio America ,Buenos Aires  Argentina   21/3   0336    SS talks by 
female    id " America " 

1470   XEAI   R. Formula   Mexico City     Mexico   21/3   0348   About Mex. in 
SS  and nice music   id as "Formula" 

1570  XERF   Ciudad  Acuna  Mexico   21/3   0338   SS  songs  ID  "Poderosa"    
weak but fair   

Time are in  UTC  

RX  : Perseus   + supper Kaz antenna   270?






Message: 7
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 16:04:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 21, 2009 [more]
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

** GERMANY [non]. DW English, March 21 at 2019 concluding report from Jo`burg, 
ID in passing, on 15275, fair reception. What does PWBR `2009` say? Site is 
UAE. I don`t think so; doesn`t come in that well here, aimed at Africa from the 
other side. In fact it`s Sines, Portugal, 140 degrees off the back, the site 
having changed from UAE on January 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MADAGASCAR [non]. Seems I`m not the only broadcaster uncertain about the 
proper pronunciation of Malagasy names. BBCWS in English, March 21 at 2013 on 
17830 via Ascension, edited together multiple attempts to pronounce the new 
leader`s name (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. RNW is about to put the nail in the coffin of English via 
Bonaire; after abolishing SW to NAm, one English broadcast remained in B-08, 
20-21 UT on 17810 for West Africa, tho easily audible back here in NAm --- but 
that is to be cancelled shortly in A-09, when this hour in English to West 
Africa will be on 11610 via France instead, along with Madagascar on 5905 and 
7425 for the rest of Africa, neither of which is likely to propagate here in 
our summer.

So I felt a bit nostalgic as I heard Bonaire 17810, March 21 at 2006 beginning 
``The State We`re In``, a co-produxion with WAMU Washington DC, Jonathan 
Groubert interviewing non-Americans about credit crunch, etc., so I`m not sure 
how much WAMU really had to do with it. 

WAMU is one of hundreds of American public radio stations which could have 
started a shortwave station, enormously improving the program content of US SW, 
but saw no need for it, instead leaving it predominantly to the gospel-huxters, 
pushers of silver as food, and other right-wing extremists (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A [and non]. VOA French to Africa, 15225, March 21 at 2016 seems quite 
undermodulated despite S9+20 signal. Watching the meter and listening more 
carefully, I soon realize that the big signal is rock-steady, but the French 
audio is fading up and down in normal shortwave propagational fashion. What`s 
really happening is that we have two transmitters, the stronger one open 
carrier, and the weaker one with the programming. What does PWBR `2009` say? 
Nothing. No VOA listings at all on 15225.

At 2030 the programming stopped briefly and then resumed after a couple of 
false starts at normal modulation level, for the ``English USA`` show of 
language lessons, nicely done and just as useful for learning French as 
English, as each sentence is translated one at a time. This turned out to be 
lesson four-score-and-eleven, part one, subject being modern life and the 
future tense, followed at 2041 by part two. At 2055, I found a USG editorial 
(in French) about Rwanda, off at 2059:30*

Unfortunately this waylaid me from Music Time in Africa which I had started 
listening to on also very good 11975, altho only 125 kW from Bonaire aimed 
eastward at 80 degrees; but then returned to it at 2041 while some percussion 
from Benin was playing. Announcer said show is scheduled Sat and Sun at 09 and 
20 UT; but there are no SW frequencies at 09 (I think).

A quick check of registrations confirms it. This is another case of nonsensical 
transmitter-site switching in the middle of a broadcast. Until 2030 it`s 
Bonaire daily with 250 kW at 80 degrees, and after 2030 it`s Greenville 
Saturdays and Sundays only, 250 kW at 94 degrees --- I suppose the same 
transmitter which is on 15185 M-F with Hausa, just corrected from almost five 
months of English relays by mistake; nothing on 15185 today.

But why run open carrier for at least a quarter hour on the same frequency 
already carrying a program? Greenville should warm up somewhere else if really 
necessary, and crash-start 15225 just as the Bonaire relay is ending. Even an 
open carrier causes co-channel interference, as I just experienced. It could be 
equally bad with both of them aimed at the same target area, even tho they were 
quite zero-beat, with no SAH as a tip-off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. While checking out RNW Bonaire and BBC Ascension on 16m, March 21 at 
2010, not a trace of KVOH on 17775, let alone its septuplet of spurs at 144 kHz 
intervals, so off the air? Chile and Costa Rica were also in well on the band 

** U S A. An MW bandscan on caradio at Arby`s parking lot in Enid turned out to 
be a pretty hot spot; March 21 at 1940 UT, slightly more than an hour after 
local mean noon at 1832, I was getting three very weak signals on 720. A slow 
SAH of 2.5 Hz fits for WGN Chicago and KSAH San Antonio, per numerous previous 
logs day and night, but there was also a very fast SAH overlain, too fast to 

What could be the third station in the daytime? Nothing at all likely, but KDWN 
in Las Vegas NV is 50 kW nondirexional daytime, further than Chicago and over 
mountainous terrain, low ground conductivity. Or something spurious much 
closer, but have never had spurs or images from the three local MW stations on 
this frequency. 

(By nulling KRMG-740 on a portable, however, some time ago in the daytime, I 
was startled to hear sports talk, which turned out to be a receiver image of 
KFXY-1640 minus 2 x IF 450 = 900 kHz.)

Also at 1943 March 21 I could just barely hear Spanish on 1250, i.e. KYYS 
Kansas City, which despite 25 kW is not normally audible here daytimely, almost 
500 km (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 8
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 23:05:13 -0000
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        <>, Robert Wilkner <>,
        Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI <>,  CUMBREDX
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA - Log
Message-ID: <008c01c9aa79$7e71ed10$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Australia, 9500, Radio Australia, 2148-2200  Noted two males in English 
language conversation. Their conversation continue until 2157
when the signal dropped off the air.  It's didn't return.  Incidently, that
signal was a double poor.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 9
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:38:22 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] VOA
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

3-Minute Interview: Joan Mower

By Michael Neibauer
Examiner Staff Writer 3/19/09
Joan Mower is director of public relations for Voice of America 

You grew up in Africa. Do you remember hearing VOA?

Those were the days before CNN, before satellite television. Voice of 
America and the BBC, Voice of America especially if you were American; 
we would almost have a listening club.

Do Americans know about Voice of America?

Not enough. VOA is the largest international broadcasting organization, 
and we are supported 100 percent by U.S. taxpayers. We?re a federal 
agency. We broadcast in 45 languages to an audience of about 134 
million. We are, however, prohibited from broadcasting to the United 
States. The only way you can find out about us is the Internet.

Why not broadcast inside the U.S.?

That was a law passed in 1948. There was a concern at the time about the 
government propagandizing its own citizens.

How do you gauge listenership?

We have a contract with a research company, and we do research in every 
country. We?re all over Africa. We?re all over Asia. We have an audience 
of more than 20 million in Indonesia, for example. Eleven percent of the 
Pakistanis are either watching us on television [or] listening to us on 
the radio, and increasingly we?re seeing our Internet audience grow.

How do you broadcast to closed nations?

Our mission is news and information. In closed radio environments, we 
use shortwave and medium-wave radio. In Burma we have quite a large 
shortwave audience, as well as in North Korea and Vietnam. In Iran, one 
in four adults listens to us or watches us.

VOA offers tours of its D.C. studio?

It?s about 45 minutes. It?s a great way to introduce people to what we 
do. It?s a little-known gem in the tour cycle of Washington. We are 
taxpayer supported, and we want to let as many people know what we?re 
doing. Visit


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 21 Mar 2009 19:43:36 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] Zimbabwe
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed

Exiled media refuses to be silenced

Thulani Mpofu, Foreign Correspondent

* Last Updated: March 22. 2009 8:30AM UAE / March 22. 2009 4:30AM GMT

Gerry Jackson, the founder and station manager of SW Radio Africa, says 
the service is popular in Zimbabwe's rural areas. Jonathan Player for 
The National

BULAWAYO, ZIMBABWE // Immediately after Zimbabwe?s Supreme Court 
declared the monopoly of the state broadcaster unconstitutional in Sept 
2000, a prominent disc jockey, Gerry Jackson, set up the country?s first 
independent radio station.

Capital Radio managed to broadcast from a hotel room in central Harare 
for six days before armed police raided the studio and confiscated 

In Dec 2001, Jackson moved to London, recruited six Zimbabwean 
journalists and launched SW Radio Africa, which has beamed news into 
Zimbabwe ever since, becoming a trailblazer in what has become a 
thriving Zimbabwean media-in-exile.

Since Robert Mugabe, the president, intensified his suppression of 
independent media within Zimbabwe, shutting down at least five privately 
owned newspapers and entrenching the government?s monopoly of the 
airwaves, many print or radio outlets, like SW Radio Africa, established 
themselves online, operating out of Washington, London, the Netherlands 
and South Africa.

The outlets, staffed by some of Zimbabwe?s best journalists and 
broadcasters who have been forced into exile, publish stories that would 
otherwise go unreported in the restricted local media.

?We are on air daily for two hours between 5pm and 7pm UK time,? said 
Jackson, station manager of SW Radio Africa, which broadcasts in English 
and Shona, the most widely spoken local Zimbabwean language, on the 
internet and via mobile phone SMS to 30,000 subscribers in Zimbabwe.

?The radio is extremely popular, especially in rural areas,? she said.
The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said that of its top 
10 list of countries that have forced journalists into exile between 
July 2001 and June 2007, six were African.

Zimbabwe tops the list with 48 journalists forced into exile, followed 
by Ethiopia with 34 and Eritrea with 19.

The CPJ executive director, Joel Simon, wrote to Morgan Tsvangirai, 
Zimbabwe?s new prime minister, recently, urging the unity government to 
scrap repressive media laws.
?The government of national unity should take immediate steps to abolish 
laws that require licensing of newspapers and journalists, allow the 
banned Daily News to recommence operations, end jamming of foreign radio 
stations, permit all local and foreign journalists who have been 
deported, banned, or forced into exile for security concerns to return 
safely and without harassment,? Mr Simon said.

Besides Jackson?s SW Radio Africa, other independent media in exile 
include Voice of America?s Studio 7, the US government-funded 
broadcaster?s Zimbabwe news service, which operates out of Washington, 
and the Netherlands-based Voice of the People.

Up to 15 online news outlets also operate outside the country, gathering 
local news through a network of correspondents who use pseudonyms to 
evade arrest, including this reporter.

Wilf Mbanga, another exiled journalist, publishes two newspapers from 
the UK ? Zimbabwe?s first physical newspapers in exile.

The government controls 10 provincial weeklies and seven national 
newspapers including the country?s only two dailies. It also runs four 
radio stations and the country?s sole television channel, all of which 
are widely seen as pro-Mugabe.

Only three independent weeklies remain, but they have limited circulations.

The government says the exile radio stations are ?pirates? and 
frequently jams their transmission. It has failed to do much about 
web-based publications, however, even though correspondents face the 
risk of arrest.

Takura Zhangazha, the director of the Media Institute of Southern 
Africa, Zimbabwe chapter, a group that campaigns for press freedom, said 
independent media in Zimbabwe have been destroyed by tough laws under 
which newspapers and broadcasters must register with 
government-appointed commissions, and by the jail terms given to 
journalists found working without accreditation.

?The existing laws must be repealed and replaced by a freedom of 
information act, which guarantees citizens access to information [and] 
establishes a self-regulatory body as opposed to the current statutory 
one,? Mr Zhangazha said.

?Clauses that criminalise journalism practice also need to be removed.?
Andrew Moyse, co-ordinator of the Media Monitoring Project, Zimbabwe, 
said the exiled media have played a useful role.

?They fill the gap created by the lack of an independent daily,? Mr 
Moyse said.
?We only have three weeklies that are reaching a few readers because of 
their low circulation. On broadcasting we have a broken-down public 
broadcaster, which reaches only 35 per cent of the population.?

Despite state controls on the media, he said, information still manages 
to leak down to the public and ?civil society gets by word of mouth what 
the domestic weeklies may miss?.

However, despite their popularity, Mr Moyse said, the internet 
publications and radio stations have problems reaching the majority of 
poor Zimbabweans who lack internet access or transistors.

Most radios in Zimbabwe, he added, do not have short wave, the platform 
on which exiled stations broadcast. Last year, he said, authorities 
seized short-wave wind-up radios that had been donated to some communities.

?In rural areas, the wind-up short-wave radios helped because most 
people have frequency modulation and medium-wave radios.

?The wind-up radios were very helpful also because people do not need 
batteries, which most rural communities may not afford.?


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 00:18:10 -0000
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        <>, Robert Wilkner <>,
        Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI <>,  CUMBREDX
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA - Log
Message-ID: <009c01c9aa83$afaf51b0$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

South Africa, 3320, Radio Sondergrense, Gweru,2350-2359, Noted a male and 
female in conversation or interview type talk.  The language being used 
sounded like Afrikaans, but couldn't be sure.  It
definitely wasn't English.  Signal fade from fair to threshold.  (Chuck
Bolland, March 22, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 12
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 15:21:54 +1300
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Heritage Keeps Memories Alive
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hello from the Radio Heritage Foundation, you'll find us at We keep radio's memories alive. Will you help

In case you missed our earlier email about our website, here it is
again! We know many of you are very busy and it's easy to overlook
some mails.

Our thanks to those of you who have already responded! Thanks
for your encouragement and support. If we haven't personally replied
to you already, we will do so as soon as we can.

Radio touches us in so many ways. That's why it's important that
someone takes the time to keep a track of the voices, people, events
and so much more connected to radio. It's so easy to forget and lose
part of our cultural heritage, our understanding of who we are and
how we got here.

There are so many lost stories, but we're so very grateful
that so many people help us capture some of these stories before it's
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We put these stories on Will you help us
continue to share these stories about radio heritage from around the
Pacific? Here's how you can make a real difference with as little as
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   Can you help us find US$795 by the end of March to bring much
more wonderful new content online at Just use
our donation button, and your VISA, Mastercard or American Express
card from anywhere in the world...please see below for details of how
you can help add 16 new stories and much more...and receive a free
copy of the wonderful Voices in the Air book as a thank you......


You may be one of the thousands of people who visit our website every
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searching for stations in our radio guides, tracing famous people and
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   Many of you congratulate us on our volunteer based website, saying
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  As we've matured, so have the demands on our resources grown. The
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To unlock more from our growing collections and let us provide more
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need your help to keep more stories and content flowing onto our
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behind the scenes.

  Before March 31, we need to find US$795 to add a backlog of
exciting new content to the site...16 great new radio stories, more
of our popular Long Lost Australian Radio Stars series, 15 fantastic
Long Lost Radio Images, great book reviews, news items,
anniversaries, events and much more.....

We've got a great web designer willing to put in many hours of work
for us to do this at greatly reduced rates, and so we're asking if
you'd be prepared to make a specific donation of US$10 or more
towards getting this job done.

  If just 80 readers pledge US$10 each or 8 readers of this email
pledge US$100 each, we've got the cost covered. Or, 16 of you pledge
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For many people, a visit to is a nostalgic trip
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  We've only brought you the tip of a very large iceberg of materials
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We'd like to honor and acknowledge everyone who is able to contribute
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   If you can help us today, please visit and
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  We also accept payment by check drawn on any currency. Please
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Box 14339, Wellington 6241, New Zealand.


   Your funds will be used to meet the immediate need for US$795 to
bring forward our backlog of new content before the end of April. Our
web designer will also add more new material over the following
months as additional funds become available [we need US$355 each
month] and whilst our new site is being designed and built. This
content will, of course, be transferred over to the new site.

  If you enjoy our site, and support our non-profit approach to
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  Thanks so much, we really appreciate your support in so many ways.

PS....see below for our special thank you gift for the first two
donations of US$50 or more.......

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit
organization. In New Zealand, we are registered with the Charities
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PPS....the first two donations of US$50 or more towards our US$795
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'Voices in the Air' book telling the history of radio broadcasting in
New Zealand up to the mid-1970's. We will ship this anywhere in the
world as a special thank you for your generous support this month. 
   Your donation of US$10 or more will help us bring you 16 new
stories, 15 more Long Lost Radio Images, more Long Lost Australian
Radio Stars series, more news, events and info, please donate today


Message: 13
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 04:42:49 -0000
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
To: <>
Cc:, Hard Core DX
        <>, Dxclube Paran?
Subject: [HCDX] LOG
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Essa noite, de 21 para 22, tive a grata satisfa??o de ouvir a R.Sonder
Grense e a Inconfid?ncia de Belo Horizonte com excelentes programas musicais
e um bom sinal. Foi ?timo visto a propaga??o n?o est? boa e n?o ter muito
que logar. Realmente ouvir uma boa programa??o musical com uma boa voz de
locu??o ? noite e com aquele som de r?dio de ondas curtas ? algo ?mpar e que
causa uma relaxante sensa??o e que s? o dexismo pode promover. 

 3320 22/03 0232 (AFS) AFRICA DO SUL, R Sonder Grense, in Afrikaans, from
Meyerton, witc 100 kW, mx U.S. years 40, 50, beautiful songs. At 0234 UTC YL
Talk, improving signal,45333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana BA - Brasil) 

4885 22/03 0118 BRASIL, R Clube do Par?, PP, from Belem PA, with 10 kW, px
mx for OM,  mx local, OM says ID at 0120, 35333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de
Santana BA - Brasil)

4905 22/03 0126 BRASIL, R Anhanguera, PP, from Araguaina TO, witc 1 kW, at
0128 UTC ID "ZYH762 Radio Anhanguera" por YL after mx, 35333 (Jorge Freitas
- Feira de Santana BA - Brasil)

4915 22/03 0132 BRASIL, R Difusora de Macap?, PP, from Macap? AP, with 10
kW, Complete ID with prefix and freq OM and OT, mx national years 70, 35333
(Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana BA - Brasil)

6010 22/03 0201 BRASIL, R Iconfid?ncia, PP, from Belo Horizonte MG, with 5
kW, px "embalos de s?bado na Inconfid?ncia", mx national years 70,
surprisingly the sign tonight, 44333 (Jorge Freitas - Feira de Santana BA -

15785 20/03 1207 (ISR) ISRAEL, Galei Zahal, in hebrew, from Tel Aviv-Yavne,
witc 5 kW, pop mx, at 1209 UTC OM Talk, degrading signal,25322 (Jorge
Freitas - Feira de Santana BA - Brasil)


Jorge Freitas 
Skype jorge.freitas.fsa
Feira de Santana Bahia - Brasil
12?? 15' 1.57" S 38?? 58' 40.30" W
Degen 1103
Antena Dipolo de 16 metros e balum 4:1 em toroide.
Dire??o Leste/Oeste

"De Certa forma, as pessoas s?o como esponjas: elas t?m a tend?ncia de
absorver o que est? ? sua volta. ? muito f?cil adotar, mesmo sem querer, as
atitudes, os padr?es e os tra?os de personalidade daqueles com quem temos
muito contato" Portanto procuremos sempre ser uma  pessoa melhor a cada dia.

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 75, Issue 23

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