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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

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Today's Topics:

   1. Help Radio Heritage add 16 new stories! (
   2. LOG FOR FRI (
   3. Logs for Fri. Mar 6, 2009 (Bruce Barker)
   4. SW LOG (JG3GCI)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs March 6, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. March 6 Logs (
   7. Radio Dabanga on 5-3-9 (Zacharias Liangas )
   8. Micro-DXpedition Loggings (Dave Valko)
   9. Glenn Hauser logs March 6-7, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 21:50:29 +1300
Subject: [HCDX] Help Radio Heritage add 16 new stories!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Help the Radio Heritage Foundation
Add 16 New Stories..and much more!

Hello radio heritage friends

   Can you help us find US$795 by the end of March to bring much
more wonderful new content online at Just use
our donation button, and your VISA, Mastercard or American Express
card from anywhere in the world...please see below for details of how
you can help add 16 new stories and much more...and receive a free
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   Many of you congratulate us on our volunteer based website, saying
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  As we've matured, so have the demands on our resources grown. The
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To unlock more from our growing collections and let us provide more
services such as on-line radio sound archives, the new searchable
database, more radio guides, new ways for you to talk with us and
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need your help to keep more stories and content flowing onto our
existing site over the coming six months whilst this work takes place
behind the scenes.

  Before March 31, we need to find US$795 to add a backlog of
exciting new content to the site...16 great new radio stories, more
of our popular Long Lost Australian Radio Stars series, 15 fantastic
Long Lost Radio Images, great book reviews, news items,
anniversaries, events and much more.....

We've got a great web designer willing to put in many hours of work
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you'd be prepared to make a specific donation of US$10 or more
towards getting this job done.

  If just 80 readers pledge US$10 each or 8 readers of this email
pledge US$100 each, we've got the cost covered. Or, 16 of you pledge
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For many people, a visit to is a nostalgic trip
down memory lane to see old radio friends again, and over the past
four years, we've had nearly half a million people stop by the site
and find something useful. All up, you've looked at millions of
pages and registered millions more hits, and spent hundreds of
thousands of hours on the site!!

  We've only brought you the tip of a very large iceberg of materials
already in our collections, and we've done this as a free
service......something that's central to our whole approach, and one
we'll continue in the future. 

We'd like to honor and acknowledge everyone who is able to contribute
in some way towards funding this US$795 we need, and we'd like your
permission to name you and your location as part of the new content
we begin adding. If you prefer, you can remain anonymous. 

   If you can help us today, please visit and
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  We also accept payment by check drawn on any currency. Please
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Box 14339, Wellington 6241, New Zealand.

   Your funds will be used to meet the immediate need for US$795 to
bring forward our backlog of new content before the end of April. Our
web designer will also add more new material over the following
months as additional funds become available [we need US$355 each
month] and whilst our new site is being designed and built. This
content will, of course, be transferred over to the new site.

  If you enjoy our site, and support our non-profit approach to
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please send your contribution of US$10 or more will make
a very big difference!

  Thanks so much, we really appreciate your support in so many ways.

PS....see below for our special thank you gift for the first two
donations of US$50 or more.......
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PPS....the first two donations of US$50 or more towards our US$795
target before March 31 will each receive a free copy of the classic
'Voices in the Air' book telling the history of radio broadcasting in
New Zealand up to the mid-1970's. We will ship this anywhere in the
world as a special thank you for your generous support this month. 
   Your donation of US$10 or more will help us bring you 16 new
stories, 15 more Long Lost Radio Images, more Long Lost Australian
Radio Stars series, more news, events and info, please donate today


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 10:54:09 -0000
From: <>
To: <>, <>,
Message-ID: <000e01c99e49$e159f4e0$fcc8a...@charles>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1030-1039,  The 
signal was barely audible
with a female in Spanish language comments.  By 1039, 
the signal had disappeared
under the noise.  (Chuck Bolland, March 6, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 11:11:48 +0000 (UTC)
From: Bruce Barker <>
To: NASWA <>,,,,,,,,
Subject: [HCDX] Logs for Fri. Mar 6, 2009
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

4985?? BRAZIL?? R. Brasil Central?? Goiania?? Mar 6?? 0910?? High-energy dj in 
PT bubbling just above the noise, playing easy listening music, ads and station 
slogans.?? (Barker-PA) 

5995?? AUSTRALIA?? RA in EG and Pidgin to the Pacific with just 10 kw, Mar 6?? 
0935.?? Om with news of the Pacific, including several mentions of Papua New 
Guinea.?? Barely making it above the noise.?? (Barker-PA) 

6010?? BRAZIL?? R. Inconfidencia?? Belo Horizonte?? Mar 6?? 0940?? Beautiful PT 
ballads.?? Interference from another Latin on freq. but could neither id it nor 
null it out.?? (Barker-PA) 

6019.66?? BRAZIL?? R.Gaucha?? Porto Alegro?? Mar 6?? 0840?? Five-minute block 
of ads, canned station promos, and id's.? Theme from Goldfinger, then into soft 
PT ballads.? Should be 6020. ?(Barker-PA) 

6085?? BOLIVIA?? R. San Gabriel?? La Paz?? Mar 6? 1003?? Religious music and 
then into preacher in SP? with several mentions of Jesus and San Juan.?? 

6160?? CANADA?? CKZN?? St. John's, Newfoundland.?? Mar 6? 1015?? OM in EG with 
Labrador Morning' program.?? Marine weather and then into CBC nx by yl.? Fading 
from arm chair to threshold? and a pretty?annoying ?flutter to boot.?? 

Bruce Barker, Broomall, PA.?? Equipment:? NRD 535D? and an Alpha Delta DX 


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 23:44:01 +0900
From: "JG3GCI" <>
To: "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] SW LOG
Message-ID: <ac9fa89771fb4f3bbacd8d9342322...@superhakuto>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-2022-jp"

6155KHz Radio Korea INTL,6 Mar,2009 at 0759-0810 in Japanese. 
SIO:444.Examination broadcast.

J G 3 G C I  Yasuhiro Kubo
Kobe-city HYOGO,JAPAN.


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 08:25:57 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 6, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CANADA [and non]. CFRX, 6070, at 0714 check March 6 during Holder Tonight, 
the UT Tue-Sat talk show from CJAD Montreal, and NO QRM, not even a SAH, from 
CVC Chile! The reason is that CVC has unexpectedly dropped their overnight 
broadcasting in Spanish, just as they did in Portuguese several months ago. 
Must have decided it is not cost-effective, and surely not in response to 
complaints of QRM against CFRX. 

An updated CVC schedule this week shows 6070 still in use only for two hours at 
00-01 and 11-12 UT. More frequencies have been dropped, 11805 and 11970, and 
others reduced. Good news from the minions of J.C.! Now CFRX is relatively 
unimpeded thruout the darkness hours. However, in A-09, CVC Santiago plans to 
use 6070 at 2300-0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. DentroCuban Jamming Command with big noise against R. Mart?, 
5980 which starts at 0700, noted March 6 at 0724 spreading plus/minus 10 kHz or 
more with modulated pulses on the sides which are unneeded to jam RM itself, 
but interfering with other stations, even bothering Spain/Costa Rica 5965. R. 
Victoria, Per?, 6020v, at 0713 was also QRMed by modulated pulses from the 
DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 6030 against Radio Mart?. The same 
spread extended to the high side on 6040; this has not always been the case, so 
we may thank the Commie Cubans for worsening the collateral damage caused by 
their accurs?d jamming, and inability to confront contrary opinions with reason 
rather than brute force (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Quick check of 9525 March 6 reconfirmed VOI operating nominally, 
which means about 2 minutes late going from English to Malay at 1402 (Glenn 

** JAPAN. NHKWNRJ, 6145, excellent signal at 0715 UT Fri March 6 in Japanese, 
so you would think it is a NAm service or relayed from NAm, but this hour is 
really direct from Yamata, 300 kW at 35 degrees intended only for FE Russia; 
and // much weaker 6165 at 330 degrees for the next zones of Russia westward.

Seemed poetry followed by nice piano music to 0720 when started new program 
with English title announced by two different speakers as ``Sound Passage`` -- 
except the second word was pronounced as in French! Started with sound of jet 
engine. I am really hankering for a full program schedule, translated to 
English, of R. Japan`s Japanese broadcasts, but repeated requests have gone 
unfulfilled. There are lots of gems like this involving music or sounds, which 
can be enjoyed without speaking Japanese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [and non]. Juli?n Santiago D?ez de Bonilla will be glad to know that 
XEOI, 6010, R. Mil, was in the clear with Mexican music at 0723 March 6; 
Conciencia apparently off, and Marfil not heard either on 5910, tho the latter 
was badly trounced by overload from WWCR 5890 and 5935 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PERU. R. Victoria, March 6 at 0713, happened to tune across 6020 as they 
were doing a local ID, with chords from Beethoven`s Fifth. It was QRMed by 
modulated pulses from the DentroCuban Jamming Command centered on 6030 against 
Radio Mart? [see CUBA]. Yes, R. Victoria is perpetually off-frequency to the 
low side, and when anyone else is on 6020.0, such as all evening during prime 
time from China/Albania, Turkey, etc., there is a big het. No het now. Did not 
attempt to measure it here, but Luca Botto Fiora recently put it on 6019.4 

** ROMANIA. RRI Romanian service to Europe and thence N America on 11940, March 
6 at 1417 playing ``Mamma Mia`` song in English. What has this to do with 
Romanian culture? We thought it was a recent revival by some other group, but 
outro mentioned ABBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. R. Rossii, Pet/Kam, 6075, March 6 at 1350 with some weird 
vocalizations. This station really has some neat music. Like R. Japan, I would 
like to see a program schedule translated to English. Trouble is, this 
transmitter has developed motorboating, which seems a bit worse every day. 
Currently registered at 1800-1400, 100 kW at 15 degrees which is favorable for 
NAm. During A-season this moves to 5920 or 5930 at 1700-1300, neither better 
for us due to NAm QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY [non]. 7325 at 0432 check March 6 found Turkish again instead of 
English, Sackville relay of VOT; and with co-channel QRM. I see that BBCWS is 
now also scheduled on 7325 during that hour via Cyprus and/or Rampisham, in 
Arabic. That collision will be resolved in A-09, by when we hope VOT manages to 
feed the right language to Sackville, as BBC stays at 0400 and Turkey/Canada 
shifts to 0300 --- but why should we have to upput with it till then? (Glenn 
** U S A [non]. Checking VOA via Tinian, 7575, March 6 at 1355 to find whether 
there were unwanted noises on the transmission this day; sounded OK, except now 
there was Spanish SSB on the hi side around 7576. And at 1356 instead of a USG 
Editorial, there was an ``International Public Service Announcement`` about a 
guy wanted in the Khobar Towers 1996 bombing in Saudi Arabia; a $5 million 
reward is offered for anonymous info leading to his capture. Could not catch 
his name, and do I find anything about this on the VOA website? Of course not! 
But four names are given at

And the item mentioned which of course will get you 
nowhere unless you put in the dot after the www! Why are so many ignorant 
speakers leaving this out? Have they never used the Internet themselves? They 
never leave out the other dot. Why is it such a burden to include one extra 
syllable when you have just said ``double-u, double-u, double-u``? This site 
has a rogues` gallery, no doubt including the individual mentioned. I suppose 
VOA defaults to the IPSAs when there is no new editorial to broadcast, as the 
info conveyed is hardly new (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 6
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 15:36:25 EST
Subject: [HCDX] March 6 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

** ETHIOPIA. 7165, Voice of Peace & Democracy, via Radio  Ethiopia
transmitter, *0358-0430*, March 6, sign on with Horn of Africa  music.
ID at 0359 & talk in Tigrinya. Local drums. Some Horn of Africa  music.
Good signal at sign on but poor signal after 0402 due to co-channel  
QRM from a presumed VOBME at 0402 & noise jammer at 0403. 
// 9559.8v  - but not on the air until 0420. Fair to good signal strength
but varying  between 9559.44-9559.82. Mon, Wed, Fri only. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** ETHIOPIA [non]. via Julich, Germany, 9680, Radio Oromiya 
Liberation,  1732-1759*, March 6, tentative with talk in listed Oromo
language. Tentative  ID. Some Afro-pop music. Weak but readable.
Fri only. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** INDONESIA. 9524.98, Voice of Indonesia, 1335-1404, March 6, 
English  talk about economic developments in Indonesia. Local music.
Closing English  announcements at 1402 & into Malay at 1403. Fair.
Stronger than usual.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** PHILIPPINES. 9615, Radio Veritas Asia, 1130-1155*, March 6,
talk in  listed Mandarin. Some inspirational music. Sign off with 
English ID  announcement at 1155. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA   U.S.A. 
Equipment:  TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires 

**************Need a job? Find employment help in your area. 


Message: 7
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 23:16:09 +0200
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Dabanga on 5-3-9
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Radio Dabanga on 5-3-9

Dabanga has been heard on 5-3-9 and 0506+  as follows: 
13820 S8 35334 
7315 S9 43544
9830 S3 25233  but later was S9 43534
program consisted by news and reports . On 0510 with musical IS 

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

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Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 18:33:05 -0500
From: "Dave Valko" <>
To: <>, <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, "Guy Atkins" <>,       "Nicolas
        Eramo" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Micro-DXpedition Loggings
Message-ID: <64717c0945cd4992a7a056fba1f19...@davepc>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

6 March 2009:   Was planning on going up to the remote site for a 
micro-DXpedition for PNGs and Asians, but conditions were horrible when I 
awoke at 1000.  Wasn't going to go but then caught RRI Manokwari doing 
fairly well on 3987.06, so changed my mind.  Conditions were still the same 
at the site and I almost bugged out around 1130.  But then suddenly and 
dramatically, the PNGs improved around 1140.  The Asians improved as well 
but not nearly like the PNGs.  Really squirrelly (like Hans Johnson says) 
propagation conditions.

INDONESIA   3987.06  RRI Manokwari  End of Rom. Pop Ballad at 1058, W anncr, 
3 note piano (with echo) played 3 times, time ticks w/last longer, W anncr 
w/nice site ID and into nx w/ments of Manokwari, Indonesia, and RRI.  Hams 
on 3987.5 causing massive QRM ruining reception.  Hams were right on every 
freq w/broadcasters in 80 meters (3995, 3987.05, 3912, and 3905) this 
morning.  And the Hams on this freq were on the entire time!!  (6 March)

A UTE was covering R. East New Britain 3385, R. Milne Bay 3365 was off, and 
60 meters was virtually dead at 1105 except for 5070, 5025, and 4800.  (6 

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   3290  R. Central  Lcl nx by M at 1110.  (6 March)

CLANDESTINE   3912  V.O. the People  Choral mx at 1122 //6600.  Oddly, 3912 
was better at 1231.  (6 March)

MYANMAR   5770  Myanmar Defense Forces BS (tent.)  Just a carrier here at 
1129.  Possibly a little mx very weakly at 1155.  (6 March)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA/INDONESIA   3345  Definitely getting 2 stns here offset by 
abt 40 hz; 3344.96 and 3345.01.  Def. audio on both at 1142.  3345.01 went 
off sometime between 1151-1157 leaving 3344.96 which sounded //3976.05 and 
3995 at 1216.  3995 mx at 1218, but 3344.96 still had W tlking.  Was still 
tlking right through BoH 1230, and going past 1232.  Possibly mx though at 
1236, but too far gone to be sure.  So apparently 3345.01 is Northern, and 
3344.96 is Ternate.  (6 March)

INDONESIA   3976.05  RRI Pontianak  Not a hint of it at 1105, but came up 
out of nowhere at 1144!!!  Hams on top of it of course.  (6 March)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA   3305  R. Western  1151 Song anmnt ("Oh Stella") by M. 
Song started and suddenly dropped down, then back up later.  1155 nice EG 
anmnts by M w/greetings to listeners and into Celine Dion "You Made Me Love 
You" still going at 1159.  Came back abt 2 minutes later and was playing an 
instru. guitar song, then deadair at 1204*.  Missed s/off anmnts if there 
were indeed any.  Good.  (6 March)

3219.86  Just a carrier here at 1150.  May be nothing.  (6 March)

INDONESIA   3995.03  RRI Kendari  Def. W w/Jakarta nx in IN at 1206 
//3976.05.  (6 March)

INDONESIA   9524.96  V.O. Indonesia  Glad to see this one back on here w/M 
in nx in IN after 1200.  V.O. Indonesia promo w/web URL at 1226.  Strong. 
(6 March)

73                Dave 


Message: 9
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 16:57:27 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 6-7, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** CUBA [non]. Yes, R. Rep?blica is still on 9810, tho I could not hear it 23 
hours earlier; at 2302 March 6, Spanish programming at roughly equal level to 
the DentroCuban Jamming Command, but losing out to it as time went on; presumed 
via Sackville. At 0028 UT March 7 recheck, nothing but jamming audible; let`s 
hope it`s holding up better in the target, which is close to 45 degrees offbeam 
from here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. On March 6, not only was VOG no longer to be heard mixing 
with Zambia on 9420 before 2200, and not audible either after that, but it did 
not come back on after 2300, as it had the past few days --- nothing there at 
2305 and 2328 chex. 

Meanwhile, John Babbis heard from Demetri Vafeas at ERT that one of the Avlis 
transmitters has been ``severely damaged``, so only two frequencies can be on 
the air at once (the Makedonias station unaffected ? does that mean VOG itself 
gets only ONE frequency at a time now, or two?). 

And so the schedule has had to be rearranged. However, he said that 9420 is 
replacing other frequencies, and on the air at all times except 2000-2300, so 
something else must account for it missing after 2300 too. Or it could be on 
but not propagating here as well, since 9420 is now supposed to be replacing 
12105, which was not aimed at NAm unlike 9420 which was 323 degrees. O, there 
it is at 0028 recheck UT March 7, Greek music, but weaker than usual.

Another beneficiary of this unfortunate situation is that 9420 replaces 15650 
at 1500, so Miraya FM via Slovakia should now be in the clear, IRRS having 
concluded that the collision did not matter anyway in their target Sudan. Since 
it originated from within Sudan, I wonder if Miraya has been affected or even 
expelled by the latest developments. Is it still there at 1500-1800 on 15650? 

** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI, 17675, UT March 6 at 2206, a YL discoursing in 
considerable graphic detail for about ten minutes on exactly how males should 
pee for best results; some helpful tips there I will try to apply. This was the 
Saturday Morning with Kim Hill show from National Radio. However, this segment 
at 11:05 am local is missing from the rundown! And no audio available (yet?). 

There was the usual considerable inescapable adjacent QRM from the Chilean 
Christians on 17680, a frequency they have unfortunately not abandoned. In the 
wide-open spaces of 16m at solar min, there is NO excuse for operating 5 kHz 
away from another strong signal; or even, any signal. Yes, I know, neither 
station is targeting North America, so who cares about us? But 17670, for one 
example, is entirely vacant during the whole time RNZI is on 17675, 2145-0500. 
A minor 5 kHz shift by RNZI would do no harm to the Pacificans, and be of 
enormous benefit to listeners in the Americas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U K [non]. Kent D. Murphy, WV, reminds us by P-mail that BBCWS in English 
runs 6155 past its scheduled closing at 2300*. Yes, indeed, as I was reading 
his March 2 letter on March 6, I found a fair signal continuing past 2300, 
until cut off abruptly in mid-World Today at 2314:30* This is via Meyerton, 
South Africa, where I assume they have simply set the automation to give BBC a 
bonus quarter-hour. Fortunately, Spain is no longer on 6155 for its French hour 
at 2300, but 5970 to Europe and on weekends only, per EiBi (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A. Unlike the day before, KVOH much weaker on 17775 and no spurs audible 
March 6 at 2156 check; fundamental also somewhat distorted with hymn. 2200 
English and Spanish legal IDs, and remained on air, 2202 starting show 
``Mujeres de Restauraci?n``, signal weakening noticeably. So maybe yesterday it 
outfaded completely by 2230 rather than offsigned, having been assisted by 
sporadic E which can go from super-strong to zilch in a short time (Glenn 


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 75, Issue 7

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