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THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Fresh Pacific Wind Competition Now Open Worldwide
   2. Libano: TV Al Manar ahora en espa?ol. (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   3. Ultimas escuchas (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   4. Radio Veritas - windows to the world (Zacharias Liangas )
   5. Glenn Hauser logs April 12-13, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. 13655 NO ID, ruso. (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   7. Re: 13655 NO ID, es China Radio Int., en paralelo por 13860
   8. 7325 Adygeyskoye Radio?? (JOSE MIGUEL ROMERO ROMERO)
   9. new qsl (Robbie j.)
  10. LRA 36 (Manuel M?ndez)
  11. Estacion de numero en espa?ol en 5885 KHZ (Yimber Gaviria)
  12. Glenn Hauser logs April 13-14, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:37:04 +1200
Subject: [HCDX] Fresh Pacific Wind Competition Now Open Worldwide
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Easter 2009: Fresh Pacific Wind Competition
Win a CD from the Radio Heritage Foundation

Just released in the UK, Australia and New Zealand is the new pirate
radio movie 'The Boat That Rocked', a comedy about the British pirate
radio scene in the early 1960's. It's coming your way soon too.

It's produced by New Zealander Tim Bevan, who was just 8 years old
when Radio Hauraki burst onto the Kiwi airwaves in 1966....and to
celebrate the movie and it's Kiwi connection, we've got a copy of the
original CD 'A Fresh Pacific Wind - Radio Hauraki 1966-1970' as the
prize in our Easter 2009 competition!

To enter this new competition simply answer this question: 

What was the callsign of the Fiji Broadcasting Company station that
began broadcasting in 1935?

You'll find the answer at on the
global website of the Radio Heritage Foundation:

Email your answer to with "Fresh Pacific Wind"
in the subject line and to reach us no later than midnight Sunday,
April 19 2009.  

The competition is open worldwide, the judges decision is final, no
correspondence will be entered into and by entering the competition
you agree to us entering your email address onto our mailing list.

Special CD Offer

As a special offer to thank you for your ongoing support, and to make
sure you get your own copy of this fantastic CD, during the
competition period only, you can make a donation of NZ$40 [in NZ] or
US$35 [worldwide] using your creditcard at the Paypal donation button
at and we'll airmail your CD as a thank you!

Usually, the CD costs NZ$49.95 or US$39.95 but we'd like to make our
own Easter gift to you with this special offer. Your donation must be
received by midnight, Sunday April 19 2009 to be eligible. We'll also
send you 5 free Art of Radio Japan postcards! Donations in NZ are
also tax deductible.

For more information about the CD see
and don't forget to enter the 'Fresh Pacific Wind Competition' as
well. Our thanks to supporter David Miller for donating a copy of his
CD as our competition prize.

The Radio Heritage Foundation is a registered non-profit connecting
popular culture and radio heritage across the Pacific. Find out more
about what we do and how you can help us at To
be removed from our mailing list email 'Remove me' to However, we hope you don't mind hearing from
us from time to time. 
_____________________________________________________ enter the Easter 2009: Fresh Pacific Wind Competition,
simply visit and email your answer to the
question above to reach us at no later than
midnight, Sunday April 19 2009. 
       And, don't forget our special offer of the CD to make sure of
your own personal copy.....your donation must also reach us by
Sunday, April 19 2009.


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 10:19:35 +0000 (GMT)
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: [HCDX] Libano: TV Al Manar ahora en espa?ol.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Hizbul? habla ahora espa?ol en la p?gina web de la televisi?n Al Manar

BEIRUT | EFE La voz del Hizbul? llegar? a partir de ahora a los pa?ses hispano 
hablantes gracias a la nueva p?gina web en espa?ol de la televisi?n Al Manar, 
?rgano del grupo chi? liban?s, con noticias locales e internacionales. 
?Queremos que nuestra voz y nuestros puntos de vista sean escuchados en todo el 
mundo de nuestra propia boca, y no a trav?s de otros?, manifest? Yussef Wehbe, 
director del servicio de internet de Al Manar, que adem?s posee p?ginas en 
?rabe, franc?s e ingl?s. Wehbe explic? que decidieron abrir el sitio en espa?ol 
(, porque consideran que es 
?el primer idioma materno, aunque el ingl?s sea el m?s hablado? en el mundo. 
?Es natural que si queremos llegar a ellos (los hispanohablantes), hablemos su 
propio idioma?, afirm?.



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 14:38:51 +0000 (GMT)
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: [HCDX] Ultimas escuchas
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

   Saludos cordiales.

CHILE 17680 CVC International, Santiago, 14:03-14:06, escuchada el 13 de abril 
en espa?ol a locutor y locutora con el programa ?Energ?a Total?, ID, 
comentarios en presentaci?n, la emisi?n sufre desvanecimientos largos y 
continuos, SINPO 34422

CROACIA 7355 Voice of Croatia, Deanovec, 14:08-14:11, escuchada el 13 de abril 
en italiano a locutora con bolet?n de noticias, SINPO 35443

LITUANIA 9770 Big Land KBC, Sitkunai, 10:12-10:25, escuchada el 13 de abril en 
ingl?s a locutor con comentarios en programa musical, emisi?n de m?sica de los 
Beatles y temas de los a?os 70,  SINPO 45444

RUSIA 9470 Radio Rossii, 13:46-13:55, escuchada el 13 de abril en ruso a 
locutor con comentarios en programa musical, emisi?n de m?sica instrumental, 
locutor y locutora con comentarios, segmento m?sica coral, ID ?Radio Rossii?, 
SINPO 35443

15500 Radio Rusia Int., Moskva, 10:30-10:35, escuchada el 13 de abril en ruso, 
locutor con ID, locutora con titulares y noticias, referencia a Ucrania, SINPO 

UCRANIA 11550 Radio Ukraine Int., Kharkov, 10:35-10:38, escuchada el 13 de 
abril en ucraniano a locutor con comentarios con referencias a ?Ucrania y un 
Patriarca?, SINPO 45444

6305 NO ID, 20:00-20:15, escuchada el 12 de abril en ingl?s a locutor en 
programa musical, ID, emisi?n de m?sica rock del a?os 60 y 70, anuncian 
direcci?n web, SINPO 44444

Jos? Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108



Message: 4
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:47:27 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Veritas - windows to the world
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

Radio Veritas - windows to the world

April 13, 2009, 6:32pm

After 40 years of having been in the service of the country, mention of Radio 
Veritas today still conjures of a restrictive communication facility through 
which official statements of the Catholic church are issued.

That may be true but Radio Veritas is not just a communication outlet of the 
country's Catholic church: It is the only continental short wave radio station 
of the Catholic church that opens its windows to the world.

To be sure, Radio Veritas has a long history that started in 1969 when its 
first regular overseas broadcast began.

But probably more compelling were the ideals and circumstances that 
inspired and brought about its fulfillment.

All this will be discussed when a symposium on "Catholic Radio 
Broadcasting in Asia" is held Wednesday starting at 8 in the morning at the 
Pope Paul VI Auditorium, Radio Veritas Asia Compound in Fairview Park, 
Quezon City.

Fr. Roberto Ebisa, svd, Radio Veritas Asia general manager, said 
participants in the convocation are eminent persons who have been involved 
or related to the development of Radio Veritas Asia from the start and to 
what it is today.

Significantly, the establishment of Radio Veritas was the result of a common 
aspiration of no less than the Vatican, the German government and the 
Catholic Bishops of Germany, and Catholic Bishops of the Philippines led at 
the time by Rufino Cardinal Santos, among others.

"The German government provided since 1962 on my initiative and at the 
special request of Cardinal Agagianian, the special Papal delegate, with the 
approval of then Federal Chancellor Dr. Konrad Adenauer, a total of 13.5 
million German marks for the establishment of the Church station Radio 
Veritas in Manila," Msgr. Wilhem Wissing of the Catholic Bishops 
Conference of Germany, said.

It must be mentioned that the decision to establish Radio Veritas in Manila 
was a consequential reaction to the threat of communism that at the time 
was spreading in Asian countries such as China, North Korea, Burma, and 
North Vietnam.

It is said that Cardinal Santos took up the idea of Radio Veritas because as 
the only Catholic country in Asia - and being at the doorsteps of China - it 
was in the best position to spread Catholic faith and thus prevent the spread 
of communism in the region.

News and information released through Radio Veritas are heard in Asian 
countries and around the world in various languages - assuredly 
demonstrating its importance as a pervasive influence in the intensification 
of the Catholic faith.

"The advent of the Internet that allows webcasting, news streaming, and 
podcasting," according to Fr. Ebisa who has been RadioVeritas' general 
manager since 2007, "has led to many changes in the listening habits of 
radio listeners," - and so did in the new episode of Radio Veritas history: The 
launch of digital recording and broadcast automation and the creation of the 
Information System Office.

Participating in tomorrow's symposium include Bishop Berdardino C. Cortez, 
D.D., chairman, commission on social communications and mass media, 
CBCP; Sr. Angela Liu, MMB, coordinator, Mandarin service (China); Rev. Fr. 
Sebastian Perianan, Ph. D., Rector, St. Peter's Seminary of Banglore, India; 
Rev. Fr. John La Raw, Kachin service (Myanmar); Dr. Chainarong 
Monthienvichienchai, president, St. John's University of Bangkok, Thailand; 
Ms. Irmgard Icking, MISSIO-Aachen, Germany; and Archbishop Claudio 
Maria Celli, D.D., president, Pontifical Council for Social Communications, 
Vatican City, Rome.


Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 5
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 09:24:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 12-13, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BRAZIL. RNA, 11780, at 1346 April 13, Portuguese song squeezed between 
Anguilla 11775 and CRI Kashi 11785; and momentary audio dropout, a persistent 
problem at Bras?lia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [and non]. 6030 with oscillating whoop-whoop jammer, similar sound but 
not identical to 6350 from Korea North, April 13 at 1313, vs something in 
Chinese on 6030, i.e. per Aoki A09: 6030*Ming Hui Radio 1300-1400 1234567 
Chinese 100 325 Tanshui TWN 12125E 2511N MHR a09 

At 1405 recheck, jammer still going but much weaker, and now the victim is CFVP 
Calgary with its country music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. R. Rebelde, 5025, was open carrier at 0535-0540+ April 12. 
Propagation was terrible at this time with WWCR 5070 only poor, no CFRX on 
6070, nothing on 9 MHz except DW-Kigali in German on 9480 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA. RHC is making a number of frequency changes April 13. Can it be 
coincidental that they wait until the public A-09 HFCC is out, since they 
refuse to participate in HFCC for advance coordination?

On April 10, Alan Pennington in the BDXC-UK heard them announce some new 
English frequencies: 17660 2030-2130, 13790 2300-2400, 6010 0500-0700 but not 
what they would be replacing, or additional? 

Anyhow, Radio Mil and LV de tu Conciencia no longer need to worry about who is 
using 6010 during those two hours (or longer? RHC could be on 6010 in Spanish 
before 0500). At 2030, the English frequencies have been 11760 and 13680, so is 
one of those replaced by 17660? At 2300, 9550 has been the only intentional 
English channel, so is that replaced by 13790?

Already at 0534 April 13 as Isabel Garc?a was starting the mailbag show, we 
found new 6010 on the air with a VG signal, but the other three 49m channels in 
English, 6000, 6060 and 6140 were also still on. Most likely the 6010 
transmitter has moved down from 9550 or 11760, which were not audible, as they 
often have not been due to propagation. Modulation level on 6000 was very low 
compared to the other three.

In Spanish at 1351 April 13, found new 13780 was going // 13680, both very 
strong. 13780 replaces 15370 which was missing, and still heard on all the 
other old frequencies, 15360, 15120, 13760, 12000, 11760, and 6000 which at 
1355 was still on making an echo with 13680 at a different site but 
synchronized with weak 13760. At 1359:30 the time was ``exactamente las 10, 
ante meridiano``. Does RHC have any idea what ``exactly`` means? I made a point 
of listening for frequency announcement before and after the 1400 news, but 
there was none, 1403 directly into Voces de la Revoluci?n. Sign-off 
announcement at 1457, when they never say what their morning frequencies are, 
on 13780 had been updated to say they would return at 2100 on 13760, 13790, 
11820 and 11800, the middle two being new. 

11820 will collide with Saudi Arabia at 1800-2300 toward Eu and NAm, a regular 
here in our afternoons. 13780 is already registered by VOR at 12-14, and DW via 
Woofferton at 14-16, which I recall hearing there, but now totally blocked by 
RHC. 13790 should be clear in the 21-24 period.

Have any of these changes been put into the frequency schedule at ---?
Of course not. It sometimes takes weeks for them to update their website 
frequency schedule and they may or may not remember to change the effective 
dates at the top too. Nor did Arnie mention any frequency changes in his April 
11 DXUL script. There are probably additional changes to be discovered.

On Sunday April 12 I rechecked the frequencies for Spanish DX program En 
Contacto at its new time, just started at 2245. Last week only 13760 was really 
carrying it, but this time the other three frequencies were too, 9550, 11750 
and 11800. 9550 and 11750 were synchronized, 13760 an echo apart, and 11800 too 
weak to evaluate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. NHKWNRJ in English, April 13 at 1421, fair on 13630, via 
Rampisham UK at 62 degrees, about one second behind Sackville, CANADA relay on 
11705. So 13630 is an alternative for the 1400-1429 broadcast if there is too 
much echo on 11705, or too close to Sackville in skipzone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** UKRAINE. It appears RUI`s DX program has finally been canceled. The last 
edition by Olex Yehorov was produced in February, but was still being repeated 
on April 4; but UT Sunday April 12 on 7440 (actually I was listening to the 
webcast) the Mailbag started much earlier taking up the slack, from 0017 (Glenn 

** U S A. WWRB spurs from 9385 still there, April 13 at 1340 on 9317 with 
Brother Scare audio readable, but the match on 9453 only a het against Thailand 
9455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WYFR mix of two English programs on 11795, April 13 at 1344, one 
Camping, one not; leapfrog of 11865 over 11830, but in this case could be FRG-7 
receiver overload rather than transmitted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

UNIDENTIFIED. On morning bandscans I strain to hear anything on 6045, in case 
XEXQ returns; April 13 at 1315 there was some extremely weak talk and 1318 song 
but unseems classical. Most likely V of Russia, Mandarin via Vladivostok per 
HFCC and EiBi, via Novosibirsk per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 



Message: 6
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:45:00 +0000 (GMT)
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: [HCDX] 13655 NO ID, ruso.
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

   Saludos cordiales.

ESLOVAQUIA 15650 Miraya FM, Rimavska Sobota, 15:00-15:10, escuchada el 13 de 
abril en ingl?s a locutora con presentaci?n y bolet?n de noticias con 
referencias a ?Sud?n , Obama y Darfur?, segmentos en ?rabe y traducci?n al 
ingl?s, ID, anuncia direcci?n web , SINPO 35433

15650 Miraya FM, Rimavska Sobota, 15:10-15:14, escuchada el 13 de abril en 
?rabe a locutor con comentarios, SINPO 35433

RUSIA 15215 Aso Radio, Samara, 16:00-16:05, escuchada el 13 de abril en Hausa, 
sinton?a, locutor con ID, presentaci?n y comentarios, referencia a Nigeria, 
SINPO 24432

15340 EOTC Holy SINDO Radio, Samara, 16:12-16:16, escuchada el 13 de abril en 
am?rico a locutor con comentarios y segmento musical, se aprecia mala 
modulaci?n, SINPO 25432

SUD?FRICA 11770 Sudan Radio Service, Meyerton, 16:17-16:30, escuchada el 13 de 
abril en ?rabe o dialecto africano a locutor con comentarios y segmento de 
m?sica folkl?rica local, locutora con comentarios, ID ?..Radio Service?, SINPO 

13655 NO ID, 16:35-16:41, escuchada el 13 de abril probablemente en ruso a 
locutora con comentarios, referencias a Mosc? y la Cultura, SINPO 45544

* Frecuencia no listada ni en EiBi, ni en Aoki en HFCC A-09

Jos? Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108



Message: 7
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 16:51:35 +0000 (GMT)
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: Re: [HCDX] 13655 NO ID, es China Radio Int., en paralelo por
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

13655 China Radio Int., 16:35-16:41, escuchada el 13 de abril probablemente en 
ruso a locutora con comentarios, en paralelo por 13860, SINPO 45544

73 Jos? Miguel R.



Message: 8
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:46:39 +0000 (GMT)
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: [HCDX] 7325 Adygeyskoye Radio??
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

   Saludos cordiales.

RUSIA?? 7325 Adygeyskoye Radio??, Krasnodar, 17:30-17:39, escuchada 
presuntamente el 13 de abril en idioma sin identificar, probablemente en 
Adigu?s, locutora con comentarios, segmento musical, locutor con comentarios, 
SINPO 33442

Jos? Miguel Romero
Burjasot (Valencia)

Sangean ATS 909
Antena Radio Master A-108



Message: 9
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 11:32:43 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Robbie j." <>
Subject: [HCDX] new qsl
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hey All, My new qsl came in this past weekend from CHU. Nice card! Got a real 
nice email just a few days before it arrived as well. Got them on 3.330 and 
7.450 mhz. Good dx to all, Robbie in south wyoming   



Message: 10
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 21:09:16 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] LRA 36
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW 7600 G
Antena de cable, 8 metros

ANT?RTIDA, 15476, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel,
1838-1906, 13-04, contin?a escuch?ndose aceptablemente por aqu? a esta
hora. Comentarios por locutora, canciones rom?nticas latinoamericanas,
identificaci?n a las 1858 por locutora: "Transmite LRA 36, Radio
Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, por 15476 kHz, banda de 19 metros, desde
Base Esperanza, Ant?rtida Argentina", comentarios y  m?s canciones.
24322. (M?ndez)


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 02:16:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: Yimber Gaviria <>
Subject: [HCDX] Estacion de numero en espa?ol en 5885 KHZ
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Estacion de Numero en espa?ol.
de cinco digitos, escuchando los 5885 KHz del 11 abril 09 a las 0735 hs UT con 
de cierre dos minutos despues.

Estoy incluyendo el audio.



Message: 12
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2009 18:53:35 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 13-14, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CUBA. Further checking of RHC frequency changes on April 13: at 2002, 11800 
in Portuguese // much stronger new 11820 and an echo apart from it; 11760 in 
French. No signals on 11750 or 13680, nor could I detect anything for sure on 
17660, previously announced as new for English at 2030. The 17705 Venezuelan 
relay was audible poorly.

Did not check the 2030-2130 English broadcast until 2120, and 17660 still 
inaudible but maybe on and not propagating; by then nothing but Spanish music 
fill on 11760, and not a word announced in any language until 2129 IS and 2130 
into French without any frequencies given; but presumably 11760 is the 
2030-2130 English frequency, as not // 11800, 11820 and new 13790 in Spanish 
talk. Still no signals on 13680 or 11750, the latter now avoiding the collision 
from Guam I have been reporting after 2100.

RHC also has dropped 9550 for English at 2300. The DentroCuban Jamming Command 
probably complained that RHC was interfering with their jamming of Radio 
Rep?blica on 9545, hi hi. The 2300 English now heard on new 13790 with VG 
signal; Spanish audible at this hour on 13680, but not found on any 25m 

Next check at 0102 April 14: 13790 still on and VG in Kriyol; English on 6000 
with a theremin/musical saw warble/wobbler underneath, and without that on 
6140. All other frequencies // in Spanish: 5965, 6060, new 6120 with poor 
audio, 9600, 11690, 11760, 13760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See 
also RUSSIA [and non]

** ETHIOPIA [non]. 15665, WHRI-1 at 1957 Monday April 13, just as I tuned in 
heard ``Amen`` in language, presumably Amharic, and after a bit more talk cut 
off without sign-off at 1958. Per WHR online sked this is 1900-2000 Mon 
Demitse-Tewahedo 15665; only fair here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA [and non]. 9810 finally confirmed with VOR, first as something in 
Spanish at 0047 April 14 mixing with leftover DentroCuban jamming against R. 
Rep?blica which moved to 9545 a biweek ago. Commies vs ex-Commies! And at 0059 
VOR IS barely audible on 9810, sheduled to SAm at 0000-0200:

The ONLY VOR English frequencies we have to work with at 0100 are 9665 and 
9890. 9665 Moldova wasn`t making it, and 9890 Samara(?) was barely audible 
before 0100, improving somewhat to poor after 0100 April 14. Meanwhile, VOR 
7395 in Spanish was inbooming with generator hum, presumably via Guiana French, 
which is the site they need to use to make it to NAm reliably when 
higher-latitude propagation is so poor, just as they did in B-08 on 7335. One 
good frequency beats 40 bad ones (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SERBIA [non]. IRS had reportedly finally made the change to 9675 after a 
biweek of colliding with Romania and China/Cuba on 9580, and I was barely able 
to confirm this April 14 when TA propagation was very poor --- SF 68 and K 0 at 
0000: At 0058 IRS ID in English, and still no better at 0105 recheck when 
should have switched azimuth from 310 to 325 degrees. Earlier in April they had 
a good signal on 9580 causing havoc to its collidees so I assume reception will 
eventually pick up on clear 9675. Meanwhile, Cuba was late bringing up the CRI 
audio on 9580, just huge open carrier at 0101 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** THAILAND. Is R. Thailand using 15275 for NAm now straight thru from 0000 to 
0330? I certainly can`t tell as it was inaudible at 0100 April 14, and 
former(?) 12120 was as usual occupied by a big hi-speed RTTY signal (Glenn 

** U S A. 17895, at 2000 April 13, VG signal from VOA opening The African Beat. 
Say, could they spare 5 minutes for news on the hour? I hear stuff is going on 
in Africa and elsewhere worldwide. IBB keeps swapping transmitter sites around, 
but momentwise, at 19-21 this is Greenville 250 kW at 94 degrees, and obviously 
plenty kW backwards at 274 degrees close to usward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 76, Issue 15

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