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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. China Radio Int?l on the air in Canberra (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. The Shortwave Report 05/08/09 Listen Globally!
      (Zacharias Liangas )
   3. Logs from NH-USA, week ending May 9th (Scott R. Barbour Jr.)
   4. ClewistonUSA   DX SUN MORN (
   5. Escuchas/Escutas/Logs (Arnaldo)
   6. China Radio Int?l on the air in Canberra (Arnaldo)
   7. Southeast Florida logs (Robert Wilkner)
   8. (no subject) (Jaisakthivel)
   9. Due to Sri Lankan crisis, BBC Tamil Service start the special
      broadcast (Jaisakthivel)
  10. latest foreign LW / MW / WiFi logs (aurel chiochiu)
  11. MORNING LOG 10/05 (Vincent LECLER)
  12. Re: latest foreign LW / MW / WiFi logs  OT (Walter Salmaniw)
  13. African Logs (


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:59:49 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] China Radio Int?l on the air in Canberra
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

China Radio Int?l on the air in Canberra

05-10-2009 09:07

China Radio International is now on the air in the Australian capital of 
Canberra. Now let's take a look CRI's ribbon cutting ceremony down under.

China Radio International is now on the air in the Australian capital of 
China Radio International is now on the air in the Australian 
capital of Canberra.

The launch ceremony was held on Friday evening at the Australian National 
Museum. It was attended by senior officials from CRI, China's ambassador 
to Australia, and members of Canberra City Council.

Carried on the frequency of FM 88, CRI Canberra will provide twelve hours 
of English-language content each day. Its signals will reach some 300 
thousand people in the city and surrounding areas. In addition to news and 
current affairs, it also offers entertainment such as music and celebrity 
interviews. A portion of the programing will be dedicated to China's social 
and economic development and cultural heritage.

Wang Gengnian, CRI President said "Just as I said in the speech, the 
operation will build a bridge of communication between Chinese and 
Australian peoples. It will serve the general public around the city as well as 
Chinese Australians. It will send a message of friendship, greetings from 
China. Through its introduction of China, it will help promote the exchanges 
between the two countries in both the economic and cultural fields."

China Radio International now boasts nearly 30 bureaus across the globe 
and broadcasts in 38 foreign languages. Through its partnerships with major 
websites and print media across China, CRI aims to build a world-class 
news service.

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:59:49 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] The Shortwave Report 05/08/09 Listen Globally!
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

The Shortwave Report 05/08/09 Listen Globally!
Posted May 8th, 2009 by outfarpress
Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (May 8) is up at the website  in both 
broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quickdownload or streaming form (4.9MB) 
   (NEW! If you have access to there is a higher quality version 
posted up there {26.7MB}
     This week's show features stories from China Radio International, Radio 
Netherlands, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
   From CHINA- China, Japan, and South Korea are establishing a multi-
billion dollar emergency fund to help out Asian nations in the financial 
The H1N1 virus continues to spread, though the sense of panic suddenly 
diminished. China instituted emergency measures, including transporting 
quarantined Mexicans home. China like many nations banned imports of 
pork products from flu hit areas in Mexico and the US. The Prime Minister of 
Nepal resigned after he dismissed the army chief for refusing to integrate 
former rebels into the army. Outrage at the US military followed Red Cross 
reports of dozens of civilian deaths in Afghanistan. Europe's high 
unemployment rate could lead to a social crisis according to the President of 
Luxembourg. NATO has begun controversial military exercises in Georgia 
following a brief mutiny.
   From NETHERLANDS- Radio Netherlands has eliminated shortwave 
broadcasts to North America. The decision is based on their surveys that 
find very few listeners in N America. If you ever listen to RN on shortwave, 
please let them know- by email to or send them a letter to 
Radio Netherlands Worldwide, PO Box 222, 1200JG, Hilversum, The 
    The NATO military exercises in Georgia are considered a provocation by 
Russia in light of the war last year in South Ossetia. Hawks in the US 
government are raising fear that the Taliban will seize nuclear weapons in 
Pakistan and calling for direct US intervention. In an era of imbedded 
reporting and government controlled media, the role of bloggers and citizens 
with cell phone cameras in exposing oppressive governments has become 
   From CUBA- A UN inquiry has blamed Israel for attacks on UN facilities in 
Gaza during the invasion last January, in the final days of the Bush 
administration. China is rapidly increasing its role in the development of 
American petroleum resources.
   From RUSSIA- Russia believes that the purpose of the NATO military 
exercises in Georgia is to stimulate another war in the region. Condoleezza 
Rice raised much controversy by her statements about torture last week. As 
the US and Russia negotiate the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, other 
nations with serious nuclear arsenals are not at the discussion.
There is an article about the Shortwave Report by Cassandra Roos on line 
I was interviewed for an informative weekly radio show Mediageek, available 

  All that plus times and frequencies for listening at home. It's free to 
rebroadcast, please notify me if you're airing it and haven't notified me in 
last month, please mention the website if you only air a portion. If you just 
want to listen and have a slow connection, try the streaming version- lower 
sound quality but good enough and way easier if you don't have a high-
speed internet connection. If streaming is a problem because of your slow 
connection, download the smaller file- it takes 20 minutes or less, and will 
play swell in any mp3 player application (RealPlayer, Winamp, Quicktime, 
iTunes, etc) you have on your computer. 
This program will be aired on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm (PDST) on KZYX/Z 
Philo CA, you might be able to stream via < >
There are several other streams that work better- < >Freak Radio Santa Cruz  now streams this 
program on Friday at 9:00am.(PDST)
The Shortwave Report may be downloaded as a podcast from < 
press+presents > or iTunes (search for "shortwave" in podcasts) 
Check out the amazing streams at < > 
And Radio For Peace International at < > 

I hope you'll listen and air this if you're connected with a radio station. I 
still wondering how to get financially compensated for the 25 hours I put into 
this program weekly- any ideas are appreciated. Any stations rebroadcasting 
this (or listeners) are welcome to donate for production costs. You can do so 
through the website. Many thanks to those that have donated! No Guilt! 
(maybe a little) 
link for broadcast edition- 
link for smaller file and streaming- 
< >
       ?FurthuR!      Dan Roberts

--"You can't depend on your judgment when your imagination is out of 
--Mark Twain

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 02:37:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Scott R. Barbour Jr." <>
To: Cumbre DX <>, DXLD <>,
        DXplorer <>, HCDX
        <>,        Gayle Van Horn 
        NASWAyg <>,        Al Quaglieri
        <>,  Mark Taylor <>, Dave
        Valko <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending May 9th
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

6080, ECUADOR, HCJB Pifo, 0932, May 6, Quecha. M announcer w/ religous talk; 
poor; //3220-fair. (Barbour-NH)

11800, UZBEKISTAN, CVC Tashkent, 0135-0152, May 4, English. "CVC Newsroom" at 
tune-in re Swine Flu Pakistan & Taliba,n clashes; contemporary religous pops & 
listener request via Moscow; CVC promos; poor-fair listening in LSB ECCS. 

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, N.H. USA
NRD-545, RX-350D, MLB1, 200'Bevs, 60m dipole



Message: 4
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 10:12:52 -0000
From: <>
To: "worlddx" <>, "Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        Shortwaveworld" <>, "Robert Wilkner"
        <>,   "Marie Lamb" <>,
        "CUMBREDX" <>, "Chuck B" <>,
        "Anker Petersen" <>, <>,
        <>, "Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI"
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA   DX SUN MORN
Message-ID: <001801c9d157$e1438bb0$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Alaska, 7355, KNLS, 0946-1000,  Note a female in Russian
language comments until 0949 when religious music.  Following
the music a male comments also in Russian.  This format 
continues until the hour. However, the signal is not holding up.
It deteriorates from a fair to threshold by the hour when it goes off.
(Chuck Bolland, May 10, 2009)


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 07:55:28 -0300
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc: Carlos Felipe <>,,, NoticiasDX <>,
        Domesticas Y Tropicales <>,, playdx2003 <>,       
Subject: [HCDX] Escuchas/Escutas/Logs
Message-ID: <002601c9d15d$d4e39c60$5babc...@arnaldo>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

7410 Voice of Minorities, Beijing, 1007-1013, May 10, Korean,
news by female, music, talk by male, 24232//9785 with 24332
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

7620 Voice of Zhonghua, Beijing, 1015-1019, May 10,
Amoy language, talk by male, 24432
(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 07:58:03 -0300
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc: DXLD <>,
Subject: [HCDX] China Radio Int?l on the air in Canberra
Message-ID: <002e01c9d15e$31123e60$5babc...@arnaldo>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

China Radio International is now on the air in the Australian capital of 
The launch ceremony was held on Friday evening at the Australian National 
Museum. It was attended by senior officials from CRI, China's ambassador to 
Australia, and members of Canberra City Council.

Carried on the frequency of FM 88, CRI Canberra will provide twelve hours of 
English-language content each day. Its signals will reach some 300 thousand 
people in the city and surrounding areas. In addition to news and current 
affairs, it also offers entertainment such as music and celebrity 
interviews. A portion of the programing will be dedicated to China's social 
and economic development and cultural heritage.

Wang Gengnian, CRI President said "Just as I said in the speech, the 
operation will build a bridge of communication between Chinese and 
Australian peoples. It will serve the general public around the city as well 
as Chinese Australians. It will send a message of friendship, greetings from 
China. Through its introduction of China, it will help promote the exchanges 
between the two countries in both the economic and cultural fields."

China Radio International now boasts nearly 30 bureaus across the globe and 
broadcasts in 38 foreign languages. Through its partnerships with major 
websites and print media across China, CRI aims to build a world-class news 
service. (more in


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 09:18:09 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: +d x s f <>
Subject: [HCDX] Southeast Florida logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

recent logs

3250.00 Honduras Radio Luz y Vida, San Luis  sermon en espanol 0045 on 9 
May [Wilkner]

3375.12 Brasil R Municipal S?o Gabriel da Cachoeira, 0915 to 1000 om in 
Portuguese. 9 May [Wilkner]

3485u  New York Radio with wx 1105 [Wilkner]

4716.74 Bolivia   Radio Yura, Yura  1038 to 1042 with Bolivian music, 
best station with CP music. 10 May; early sign on at 0915 on 9 May.  

4746.97 Peru Radio  Huanta 2000 Huanta Ayacucho 1030 to 1050  date given 
by om; not time or ID. 10 May [Wilkner]

4800  Mexico  XERTA 1040 "Hip Hop" en espanol  10 May [Wilkner]

4824.49  Peru  La Voz de la Selva,   Iquitos consistently the strongest 
Peru signal on 60 meters. 1048 to 1105, musica and om chatter, exotic 
vocal with back up band, good signal 10 May [Wilkner]

4814.95 Ecuador Radio El Buen Pastor,Saraguro Loma Loja 1035 "el cinco 
en el ano de......quaatro.." om and yl in discussion, good signal  10 
May [Wilkner]

4826.46 Peru Radio  Sicuani,  Sicuani noted at 1030  10 May [Wilkner]

4900 Carrier at 0900 most mornings. Apintie? [Wilkner]

5059.43v. La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba  1025 to 1055 fade with 
om ments de Jaen, Universidad de San Marcos, [] 
'..en Peru hoy ... universidad de San Marcos... proxima de.."  10 May  ; 
0000 to 0058 9 May [Wilkner]

5460.45 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar noted at 0050 on 9 May, fair 
signal also on 1000 some days 9 May [Wilkner]

5580.2 Bolivia Radio San Jose. San Jose de Chiquitos 0040 to 0056 
Bolivian music, deep fades. 9 May; this one is on about 50% of the time. 


Pompano Beach, Southeast Florida
NRD 535D ~ Drake R8


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 20:52:04 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: ardic <>
Subject: [HCDX] (no subject)
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Due to Sri Lankan crisis and Indian Election, BBC Tamil Service start the 
special morning broadcast from 11 May 2009 to 20 May 2009 to South Asian 
listeners. Details of the broadcast 0130-0145 UTC 15285, 17515. (Jaisakthivel, 
ADXC, Chennai, India,

      Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter


Message: 9
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 20:53:03 +0530 (IST)
From: Jaisakthivel <>
To: ardic <>
Subject: [HCDX] Due to Sri Lankan crisis,       BBC Tamil Service start the
        special broadcast
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Due to Sri Lankan crisis and Indian Election, BBC Tamil Service start the 
special morning broadcast from 11 May 2009 to 20 May 2009 to South Asian 
listeners. Details of the broadcast 0130-0145 UTC 15285, 17515. (Jaisakthivel, 
ADXC, Chennai, India,

      Cricket on your mind? Visit the ultimate cricket website. Enter


Message: 10
Date: Sat, 09 May 2009 22:18:51 -0400
From: aurel chiochiu <>
Cc:,,,,,,    Juan
        Carlos Lemieux <>,,,     rakaille rakaille <>,       
        BENKIRANE <>,    moy thierry 
<>,,,,,       "Tudor M. Vedeanu" <>,       
        Naud <>,,  Jorge Garcia
        <>,,,,,       "Philippe ..."
        <>, Yves <>,     Tomas
        Quinones <>,,,,   Perez Ricardo
        <>,,, "olivier.tequi"
Subject: [HCDX] latest foreign LW / MW / WiFi logs
Message-ID: <00e501c9d115$a95f4000$6800a...@b>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

Warm greetings to all of you !

After two very quiet weeks, the solar activity is starting to climb again, not 
enough to enhance Latin American mediumwave reception, but definitively enough 
to block TA LW reception, especially Iceland-189... During the first day of 
solar activity on the rise, though, I had my BEST SIGNAL THIS SPRING YET out of 
France-162, so the solar activity is more complex that what one actually thinks.

While I managed to squeeze enough time for monitoring both the TA LW and the MW 
bands, most of my otherwise free DX moments were swamped by exams, especially 
on Wensday when my day started at 9 o'clock and ended at 6 PM (18 o'clock if 
you'd want)...

I was able, yesturday, to meet a bonefide female DXer, a Cuban girl who had 
headache due to many sleepless early mornings spent on listening to the 
ever-challenging XEs from her spot in eastern Cuba, in Holgu?n, one of the 
smarter girls I've ever meet (even though, I'm still wondering wherever I felt 
in love with her). While condx were very poor, we were glad we were able to ID 
Radio Reloj on 570 on the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot and we were also glad because 
we were able to enjoy Rebelde-5025 on the Sangean ACS-818 CST / outdoor random 
wire combo. All in all, almost enough for mid-spring standards !

Today, since more than half of my exams are done, I wasn't too buzy, but a low 
pressure front and some lazyness prevented me from contributing to the radio 
clubs until later this evening !

While this week, the time for DXing was rather limited, I had some amount of 
time in the beginning of the week devoted to airchecking. I found a spot in my 
room where the PK's Shielded Magnetic longwave is far enough from the computer 
to avoid picking up unwanted QRM, yet not *that* far in order to allow me to 
connect the encoding cable from the Sangean's jack into the soundcard of my 
computer... Rikisutvarpid, the Icelandic main public service 189 kHz LW outlet, 
was playing some astonishing Europops, including the Romanian international 
smash hit "Dragostea din Tei" by O-Zone ! I think the more we approach June, 
the smaller the darkness path between Gufuskalar and Pierrefonds will be, 
though I will be leaving for Romania shortly after my last exams...

Into the logs:


162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis MAY 7 0152 - "Kiss" by Prince (1986) 
followed by chopped French talk, then French chanson "Il suffirait de presque 
rien pour t'emmener ? Saint-Germain" by Serge Reggiani, then more French talk 
before the top-of-the-hour. Poor and chopped with some kind of computer QRM, 
but not bad for mid-spring D layer absorption standards ! (Chiochiu-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador MAY 7 0158 - religious Egyptian vocals (which are 
popular in Morocco as well, as I have been told by Arabic friends at c?gep). 
Very poor, but quite clear especially when tuned to 170 kHz instead of 171 to 
avoid a high-pitched growl on the high side of the channel. (Chiochiu-QC)

189 ICELAND   Rikis?tvarpid, Gufuskalar MAY 7 0345 - playing a wild (!) mixture 
of Europops, including Romanian worldwide smash hit "Dragostea din Tei" by 
O-Zone followed by a Scandinavian alternative rock cover of the same song (?), 
then Ukrainian and Dutch melancholic electropops with short analysis in 
Icelandic of the songs played. Best between 0330 and 0430 UTC (SINPO 55454), 
but still hanging on with a very poor signal after 0500 UTC ! At 0345 GMT / 
UTC, it was close to local-like strength, excellent, really ! It came to a 
point the Paul Karlstrand statement brant "Clear ang Long Range AM Radio 
Reception Everywhere" was 100% true... If I wouldn't have received the PK loop 
as a Xmas present in order to exacerbate my interest in DXing, I would have 
been now a whole lot less active on the dials ! One of my first DX dreams when 
I came to Canada were to catch on broadcasts on broadcast bands not used 
elsewhere in the radio than in a very few countries, such as the LW broadca!
 st band, the SW tropical bands or OIRT-FM ! Is just that those frequencies 
seem more mysterious to me ! (Chiochiu-QC) BELGIUM   
Radio Contact, Bruxelles MAY 9 1730 - with the :30 newscast. One of the items 
were dealing with the growing number of persons afflicted by the porcine flu 
which has jumped to 2554 victims in the USA and about researchers trying to 
find a vaccine against this disease (which will contain a very small microchip 
to resolve the mind control issues of the Freemasons, of course). This station, 
in both the Belgian and the Romanian version, always had its newscasts at :30 ! 
Unfortunatly, it dissapeared forever from Romania in November of 2003 when its 
changed both its format (from Hot AC to Hot CHR / Top 40) and its name (Radio 
Contact -> Kiss FM), but is still well and alive in Belgium ! IMPORTANT: Since 
a few hours, the website of this station is down... A Google announcement "Oups 
! This link has broken" prevent me from trying to find Radio Contact on the web 
! So, I'm stuck listening to Radio Cor (see belo!
 w in the Pan American "DX" section) (Chiochiu-QC) ROMANIA   Radio 21, Bucharest MAY 9 
1757 - non-stop music interrupted around the top-of-the hour for some 
commercial adds, including one for a theatre event in the style of well-known 
Romanian writer Caragiale, then back to Rhythmic CHR music (mostly Dance and 
R&B); apparently automated most of the time. The only real show this station 
has with live jocks appears to be their morning show "Fabrica Dementa" ! Its 
that way, because in Romania TV is way more popular than radio, unlike other 
countries I care about such as Venezuela. This is because prior to 1989, the 
Romania of the Ceausescu era only had ONE TV network 2 hours nightly, so when 
private TV appeared in post-communist Romania, the people were so attrackted by 
TV that the slowly begun to forget about radio. In today Romania, most people 
listen radio mostly in their cars and at work and are seldom tuning into a 
radio station while at home; its like a kind of vengeance for the !
 lack of TV before 1989-1990 ! (Chiochiu-QC)


555 ST KITTS   ZIZ, Basseterre MAY 9 0145 - with English talk; very weak, but 
clear with no noticeable splatter from either 550 or 560. First time that I'm 
hearing this Caribbean split during the month of May ! (Chiochiu-QC)

570 CUBA   CMDC, Radio Reloj, Pil?n MAY 9 0404 - RR morse code ID making 
through the WSYR/growl mess each minute. Very weak signal strength and very 
poor reception overall, but the code ID was clear enough to impress the female 
DXer that was visiting me last night ! SINPO 11111. (Chiochiu-QC)

600 CUBA   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris MAY 8 0256 - Cuban baseball game 
in mess. Not heard clearly enough when the female DXer was here, the following 
evening, though. +MAY 10 0210 - suddenly fading over a domestic pest with 
sports announcer talking about a baseball player moving to his right ("...a s? 
derecha"). SIO 422 and faded down under a domestic pest barely two minutes 
later. The most reliable Rebelde MW outlet here when WFAN IBOC hash is on 670. 
I'm listening to it as I type this; seems like the new computers are doing much 
less in the way of QRM than the old ones ! (Chiochiu-QC)

750 VENEZUELA   YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, Distrito Federal MAY 7 0110 
- apparent Venezuelan sports coverage very poor with an equally weak WSB along 
with possible Cuba (CMHG Radio Progreso, Sancti Spiritus). Some slight splatter 
from next-to-adjacent local CKAC on 730. (Chiochiu-QC)

760 COLOMBIA   HJAJ, RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla, departamiento del 
Atlantico MAY 7 0112 - woman news announcer reporting news via the phone. Very 
poor with some WABC-770 splatter, in WJR null ! This one is heard from time to 
time in May in the Montreal area, at least once during the first half of the 
month (the first half being prone to slightly more darkness and less D layer 
absorption than the latter half of May leading toward June) and never good 
enough like during the REAL DX season. (Chiochiu-QC) VENEZUELA   KYS FM 101.5 (la 
emisora matriz del Circuito Digital Kys), Caracas, Distrito Federal MAY 9 2115 
- woman jock of a moviehall program talking in Spanish about a new movie 
regarding traveling in time ("Presajo" its the name of the Spanish version of 
this American movie) involving Nicholas Cage. He was allowing both his students 
and his children to step into time, thanks to his brand new time machine. After 
inviting her listeners to go out to see that movie at the end of this month, 
she played an Adult Contemporary reggae vocal, apparently by UB40. Fair-good 
Hi-Fi stream with a slightly distorted sound ! (Chiochiu-QC) VENEZUELA   Radio Coro, Coro, Falc?n MAY 9 
2247 - with "el fin de semana de especiales" which sounds like an AOT station 
(Album Oriented Tropical station in contrast to AOR - Album Oriented Rock as 
they had a special for several Spanish artists, including a block for YV 
"orchestra bailable" Los Melod?cos, from which I recorgnized the "Apagame La 
Vela" classic cumbia song), perphaps a special px on Mother's Day ! This 
stream, just like the Radio Contact one, has had problems earlier this 
afternoon... As you already know is unavailable since 
several weeks in a row, the stream is the only Internet feature of this station 
still working right now ! +MAY 10 0118 - "?Feliz fin de semana! ?Usted escuche 
la Bailante Siete-Ochenta!" followed by a happy cumbia song... Good streaming 
quality with slight background noise... Earlier, the noises were quite rough on 
my ears... its not streaming live from their studio, but from a !
 radio tuner in their neighborhood ! (Chiochiu-QC)

Additionnal comments:

Since January, I'm a member of ABDX. I have been informed lately that this list 
accepts logs of WiFi streams which is why I have included those... If someone 
at Hard-Core DX have an objection on my repport containing any log of foreign 
stations streaming on the web, he can let me know... When we came to Canada, 
shortwave radio or a longwave one (I always believed, since radios tuning LW 
were fairly rare here, that this band was special and could be received with 
patience - perphaps because once at NOON at my greatparent's old house, I was 
treated with weak Arabic music on LW at NOON near the middle of the band, 
probably from Jordania-207 or Algeria-198 - I'm not too sure) was quite 
expensive and the buildings where we stayed first in the Bordeaux-Cartierville 
area of the city of Montreal were fairly noisy (not that my actual QTH is 
always very quiet, but...) AND I didn't knew then that AM radio was stable 
enough to travel beyond the USA and Canada to my Montreal area Sanyo M!
 CD-S830 barefoot receiver which I have since. Of course, I've heard WQEW-1560 
(then a NOS station) almost nightly, but foreign stuff on mediumwave was 
unknown to me. Therefore, when we had access to Internet, I was naturally very 
excited and as I've always been intrigued by foreign cultures, so it was my way 
to "DX", though I understand listening to it that way is a bit like cheating...

Since December, I continue to impress with the Austrlian PK Shielded Magnetic 
LW loop and I do have a few questions: it can't go below 162 kHz; 153 is only 
amplified very slightly when I tune down to 162 kHz. I understand that the top 
end performance is slightly reduced when it operates with baterries instead of 
a stronger power supply. Is it the same problem with low end performance ? If 
it is so, can I order an antenna that picks up 100-180 kHz in order to get 
through this botheringsome issue ? Otherwise, this antenna works very well, but 
I would love to hear domestic radio from Romania and since a colleague near 
Quebec City caught Romania on 153 kHz maybe I could get it too during the right 
conditions. I should also add that my mother has an Algerian friend and I 
wasn't able to show her Algerian DX... I can regularly get Algeria on 252 kHz 
since this tuned antenna is perfect for amplifying as much as possible the 252 
kHz channel while attenuating quite a bit the ever-anno!
 ying local UL beacon on 248 kHz and when detuned to either 253 in AM Narrow or 
254 in AM Wide mode, the reception is fair when conditions are right, but for 
1, it isn't enough for me and for 2, the Bechar transmitter on 153 kHz is known 
to be easier to receive from eastern North America than the Tipaza 252 kHz one, 
ain't it ? 252 is strongly QRMed by Irlenand (RTE Radio One) while 153 is 
relatively clear with Germany and Romania both seldom audible in eastern North 
America ! So is there a way I could clearly receive the signals on 153 kHz, 
dear Paul Karlstrand ? I need this channel, both because there is Romania's 
biggest transmitter and because of a curiosity as well as an emerging passion 
for Algerian ra? music !!!!!!! As far as the PK loops are concerned, I also 
wonder if there is a loop made specially for the 90 meters tropical band. I 
always found 90 meters more challenging than 60 meters where I've heard a fair 
amount of stations... I'd love to hear Ondas del Huallaga!
  on 3329.62v kHz ! It would be a great motivation for me to get to bed
 early and to wake earlier than I always do ! I wonder if the amplified PK 
loops is what one would call an active antenna or if the amplifier inside an 
active antenna works differently ?

I would also like to thanks the several DXers who talked to me about expensive 
used communications receivers that are now down to the 400$ price range on 
EBay... I will reply to them later this weekend... It is likely this summer for 
my birthday I'll have ever a new antenna or a new receiver and for XMas the 
left side of my hobby will be satisfied ! In the mean time, if Paul Karlstrand, 
which is one of the DXers for which I have the hugest respect, could get into 
the qualities of a MW magnetic loop antenna versus a LW one of the same type, I 
would be very glad ! I've heard a LW MAGNETIC loop is way much better than most 
types of LW antennas and better than the average Beverage, while for a MW 
magnetic loop antenna, the things are different... Is it true ? What should I 
expect with such an antenna and, the big question, will it surpass my barefoot 
Sanyo MCD-S830 which is my biggest goal so far... It seems that for the 
receivers (i.e. GE Superradio) having already a large inte!
 rnal ferrite bar loop, using a Select-A-Tennaish loop don't alter things too 
much... I also wonder if a magnetic mediumwave loop is better than a 
Select-A-Tenna, let alone a Radio Shack loop... I've only heard bad things 
about the Radio Shack loop, though I know at least one DXer who is using it 
with a limited amount of success... I also wonder how a MAGNETIC MEDIUMWAVE 
loop compares with a K9AY which is the top-rated MW loop by far ? The biggest 
problem I have with my Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot is a lack of sensitivity in the 
800s and the 900s, as if it had two ferrite bars, one cut for 600 kHz and 
another one for 1500 kHz with a huge gap in the 800s and 900s... However, there 
are many interesting Latins down there... Therefore, our old dying carradio 
could pick up YVRQ 910 around my Pierrefonds QTH while there was barely a very 
threshold trace on the Sanyo MCD-S830 barefoot... I don't have room for 
Beverage, as my patio along with my yard are fairly small, though my Sangean !
 has a RF filter to avoid overloading with local signals (though its dy
namic range is weaker than that of my trusted Sanyo) and in a RF quiet 
environment, such as Newfoundland, it shouldn't matter too much... Last, but 
not least, since my posts are readed by some of the USA's top DXers, I wonder 
how I could become involved in a DXpedition, such as the Newfie ones and what 
should I do in order to become part of it... I finnish c?gep in 2010 or 2011 
and, while at c?gep, I have a huge vacation between late December and LATE 
January... I'm not sure if I will attend, I just wonder if there are still some 
DXpeditions undergoing right now during, say, the next two years. I think 
DXpeditions are one of the hugest challenges that a DXer can get through and 
usually a pleasant one, more exciting than trying to motivate yourself from 
tuning to some tantalizing stations you aren't motivate to try listening and 
you aren't even sure of picking up; the other DXers often motivate me from 
staying active in this hobby... 

I know I didn't DXed shortwave since the last weekend, but I would like to 
thank Glenn Hauser for having helped me in identifying the FEBA religious 
Arabic broadcaster on the 31 meter band ! I would like to know more about FEBA 
! What is the purpose of this station ? Is it a new SW broadcaster ?... Is it 
related in a way or another to TWR (Trans World Radio) ? Is FEBA considered as 
shortwave DX catche or as a major international broadcaster, therefore a pest ? 
I'm puzzled on the difference between shortwave DX and SWLing... I guess I'm 
somewhere in the middle, although closer to a SWLer than to an FM, shortwave 
and mediumwave or longwave DXer !

We are leaving for Romania this coming week and I succeded in contacting some 
of the Bucharest top DXers on the SOFTPEDIA messageboard. However, it is 
unclear to me yet, if I will be able to meet at least one of those DXers or not 
! That being said, I've heard there are a lot of young thiefs in Bucharest, 
especially among the low class population, and most of the building we will be 
staying into are have both concrete walls and concrete ceilings which is very 
bad for LW and MW and not too good for FM DX either ! If some of you are 
interested in seeing my feedback to the softpedia messageboard, including some 
of the MP3 files I sent to this messageboard, you can visit it at and its called (in 
Romanian) "Amintiri din FM-ul de pe vremuri" which contains some comments about 
radio stations I grew up listening to along with some insights about DXing with 
MP3 audioclips... That being said, I don't understand why the moderator o!
 f SOFTPEDIA moved both my LW and MW DX topics and my local FM memories to a 
brand new post which should deal only with Romanian FM rememberings...its 
beyond me ! You can recognize my messageboard ID, as it is related to my 
favorite radio station of all times, Aventure FM 105.9 in Paris (back in 1988).

Last but not least, a teacher at my c?gep has a cousin who has a huge interest 
in both DXing and foreign languages... I hope to meet it after returning from 
Romania... It seems like my interest in DXing has never been stronger...

This repport is brought to you by Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, DXing from 
Pierrefonds (Montreal's West Island), Quebec, Canada using a Sanyo MCD-S830 
barefoot for MW and the Sangean ACS-818 CST / Australian PK's Shielded Magnetic 
longwave loop combo for LW

May the good DX be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu
Btw. I: We could try reporting what we heard on the online DXTuners on the WiFi 
section of ABDX, dear Kevin Redding, ain't we ? Its more entertaining, DX-wise, 
than reporting Hi-Fi WiFi streams, right ? I'm not a member yet of the DXTuners 
community, since it isn't free and hyperactive as I am, I'm a champion for 
losing my password...
Btw. II: Is anyone lately hearing any TA LW DX despite the rising solar 
activity ?


Message: 11
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 09:59:10 +0200
From: "Vincent LECLER" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
        <>, "RADIODIFFUSION F" <>
Subject: [HCDX] MORNING LOG 10/05
Message-ID: <ae1601d9c0ef4646b3e533b506c2d...@prorpri01>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Hi all, 
Enclosed  my short log from this morning (utc time):
6105.0  BBC WS, Ascension Isl. 
            French program, good reception at 0625
6060.0 RADIO HABANA, Cuba
            English program at 0640
6045.0 KBS World Radio, Sackville, Canada
            Spanish program, letter from listener's, SIO:455 at 0657
6035.0 RADIO NEDERLAND,Nauen, Germany
            Dutch program, ID at TOH, 0700
73 de Vincent,
QTH: Poitiers, France


Message: 12
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 14:18:42 -0700
From: Walter Salmaniw <>
To: aurel chiochiu <>,
Subject: Re: [HCDX] latest foreign LW / MW / WiFi logs  OT
Message-ID: <7ablht$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At 07:18 PM 5/9/2009, you wrote:
>Warm greetings to all of you !
>After two very quiet weeks, the solar activity is starting to climb again, not 
>enough to enhance Latin American mediumwave reception, but definitively enough 
>to block TA LW reception, especially Iceland-189... During the first day of 
>solar activity on the rise, though, I had my BEST SIGNAL THIS SPRING YET out 
>of France-162, so the solar activity is more complex that what one actually 

I'd just like to thank Aurel for giving us all hope (for those of us on the far 
side of 50) that there's still a younger generation interested in our 
fascinating hobby of DXing.  Excellent loggings too, with lots of thoughtful 
comments, making for very interesting reading.  Have a great summer, Aurel!  
....Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC 


Message: 13
Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 20:03:50 EDT
Subject: [HCDX] African Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

** ETHIOPIA. 5980, Voice of Tigray Rev, *0255-0315, May 10, 
sign on  with IS on local flute. Talk in vernacular at 0259. Horn of 
Africa music at  0301. Weak. Poor with QRM from possible pulse
noise jammer. // 5950 - weak  under Okeechobee. (Brian Alexander, 
** ETHIOPIA. 7110, Radio Ethiopia, *0259-0320, May 10, sign on 
with  keyboard IS & opening announcements in listed Amharic. 
Gongs/chimes at  0300 & talk. Some Horn of Africa music. Echo
announcements. Fair to good.  Fair on // 9704.20. (Brian Alexander, 
** SUDAN. 7200, SRTC, *0320-0432*, May 10, abrupt late sign on 
with  Arabic talk. Announcements. Chirping birds. ?Huna Omdurman?
IDs. Local music.  Rustic local folk music. Time pips at 0401:40 and
possible news. Abrupt sign  off. Good signal. Sign on tonight later
than usual. Sign on last night was at  0239. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA,  U.S.A.  
Equipment:  TenTec RX-340, two 100 foot longwires 

**************The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easy 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 77, Issue 12

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