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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. logs (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. LOG (Jorge Freitas (Yahoo))
   3. Myanmar keeps in touch with Christian radio (Arnaldo)
   4. ClewistonUSA - Sat Morn Dxing (
   5. recent Florida logs.. (Robert Wilkner)
   6. Glenn Hauser logs May 30, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   7. DXpedition Loggings (Dave Valko)
   8. logs (L?cio Ot?vio)
   9. LOG (Vincent LECLER)
  10. ClewistonUSA SUN DX (


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 09:13:15 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

logs for 28.5.
Please look at the pictures fron ERA outets here
and the evolution of our baby (with new photos:

VIE? 9715 VoV? 1427+ with talks in viet , sporadic music jingles 
TWN 9745 V o Han ? 1447+ with Chinese folks / children songs. Something 
as ID on 1500.  Best LSB to avoid QRM from DRM of 9750  S4 
CLAND 15050 Miraya FM 1515+ talks in Arabic by OM Signal S3  with very 
short S5 peaks Songs on 1600 
INSIA 9525 Vo INs 1602 with  prg in Indonesian . IS and ID with warta berita 
and IS in English . Nice signal at S9 

Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 09:45:52 -0000
From: "Jorge Freitas \(Yahoo\)" <>
To: "Hard Core DX" <>,
        <>, <>
Subject: [HCDX] LOG
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

6600 0913 30/05 KOREA NORTH, Voice of People, in Korean, from Kyonggi-do,
with 50 kW, OM and YL Talk, the 0922 UTC a recording of an exalted speech,
at 0923 UTC what appears to be an anthem, at 0928 OM talks as if recited,
degrading signal, 25232 (JJFS-B)



Jorge Freitas
Skype jorge.freitas.fsa
Escutas (listening):
Blog:  <>
Feira de Santana Bahia - Brasil
12?? 15' 1.57" S 38?? 58' 40.30" W
Degen 1103
Antena Dipolo de 16 metros e balum 4:1 em toroide.
Dire??o Leste/Oeste

"De Certa forma, as pessoas s?o como esponjas; elas t?m a tend?ncia de
absorver o que est? ? sua volta. ? muito f?cil adotar, mesmo sem querer, as
atitudes, os padr?es e os tra?os de personalidade daqueles com quem temos
muito contato" Portanto procuremos sempre ser uma  pessoa melhor a cada dia.



Message: 3
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 07:20:41 -0300
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc:, playdx2003 <>,
        DXLD <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Myanmar keeps in touch with Christian radio
Message-ID: <002a01c9e110$48d6c1d0$74afc...@arnaldo>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="Windows-1252";

Radio Veritas Asia keeps the people of Asia in touch with the rest of the 
world. The Catholic radio service, based in the Philippines, also serves 
Kayin Christians in Burma, most of whom are Evangelicals and other 
Hong Kong youths log onto the Internet, children in Tokyo use their mobile 
phones and many Delhi kids have scores of cable TV channels to entertain 
them. But for the Kayin, or Karen, ethnic people in Myanmar, a cheap US$10 
radio is their "hi-tech" link to communications and entertainment. Here 
you'll find many Kayin with "Made in China" radios tuned to Radio Veritas 
Asia's (RVA) Kayin service.
The RVA, based in Quezon City north of Manila and sponsored by the 
Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences, has provided a Kayin-language 
service for over 25 years. Its Catholic programs have become a source of 
spiritual strength and information to thousands of Kayin Christians, most of 
whom are Protestant.
The programs include reflections on the Bible, meditations, family and youth 
issues, question and answer sessions on spirituality, sessions on the lives 
of the saints, local news and Kayin culture.
Anthony Htun Mya, 45, from Hkaungpu-Bawsi in Hpa-pun Township, Kayin State, 
who was on a visit to Yangon, is one such listener. He is a regular follower 
of Radio Veritas' shortwave early morning and evening services.
In his village, the programs are virtually the only window to the outside 
world, he said. There, all the Catholic and Baptist villagers regularly tune 
in to the service. (from SperoForum) 


Message: 4
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 10:58:33 -0000
From: <>
To: "worlddx" <>, "Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        Shortwaveworld" <>, "Robert Wilkner"
        <>,   "Marie Lamb" <>,
        "CUMBREDX" <>, "Chuck B" <>,
        "Anker Petersen" <>, <>,
        <>, "Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI"
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA - Sat Morn Dxing
Message-ID: <003c01c9e115$ae4af2c0$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Peru, 4835.42, Radio Maranon, 1006-1015,  Noted some Spanish
comments from a male initially, then into music.  More talk follows
as the signal improves slightly from a threshold to a poor.  (Chuck
Bolland, May 30, 2009)

Peru, 6019.32, Radio Victoria, 1030-1040,  At tune in, noted 
a female in Spanish Language comments.  She's accompanied 
by a male.  Lots of QRM in the form of splatter from Australia
on 6020 KHz.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, May 30, 2009)

Bolivia, 6134.78, Radio Santa Cruz, 1036-1045,  Noted a male
in Spanish language comments briefly then music followed.  
Signal fades to threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, May 30, 2009)

Bolivia, 6155.25, Radio Fides, 1040-1050,  Don't know 
hold long I'll be able to hear this before it's gone?  Noted 
a male in steady Spanish comments possibly news judging
from his tone.  At 1041 he is joined by a female.  Signal
was poor however, it seemed to improve slightly by 1044
and for the next few minutes. (Chuck Bolland, May 30, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida
Watkins Johnson, HF1000

The above link leads to the page where you can download
the latest update of the Magna file.  It contains conprehensive
database application of the EIBI and AOKI database text 
files.  There may be more than 30,000 records in the
application to aid with ones dxing and listening experience.



Message: 5
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 08:22:05 -0400
From: Robert Wilkner <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [HCDX] recent Florida logs..
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Recent logs..

3329.53 Peru,  Ondas del Huallaga,  Hu?nuco 1015 - 1034 with much 
improved signal on 29 May, long talks by om and yl but no music this 
time. [Wilkner]

4409.7 Bolivia Radio Eco, Reyes  0010 to 0025 on 27 May. usual pulsating 
signal absent for once. [Wilkner]

5059.2 Peru, La Voz de las Huarinjas, Huancabamba 1034 to 1040, best in 
lsb, seems on about half the time. 30 May; 0015 on 27 May  [Wilkner]

5580.31 Bolivia Radio San Jose. San Jose de Chiquitos 0000 to 0020 on 27 
May with weak signal, music  [Wilkner]

5952.54 Bolivia, Radio  P?o XII Siglo XX signs on after 1100 noted 29 
and 30 May, noted every evening at 0000 but with much cochannel 
interference and a rather weak signal.  [Wilkner]

73s de Bob,
Pompano Beach, Florida, US


Message: 6
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 08:49:16 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 30, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ANGUILLA. Caribbean Beacon, 11775, still mixing local 1610 program audio 
with PMS, May 30 at 1308, at the moment gospel music from the former, and now 
much lower audio level than PMS, but still obviously there. An hour later a 
male preacher could be heard underneath her. The ChiCom co-channel jamming 
until 1330 was even weaker this date, but enough to cause a SAH (Glenn Hauser, 

** AUSTRALIA [and non]. Something is very wrong at Shepparton: R. Australia 
absent from the air, May 30 at 1249 check, nothing audible on usually inbooming 
9580, nor lesser 9590, nor lesser 9560, nor lesser 9475. Nor 6020 where Vatican 
Radio in Chinese via RVA Philippines finally had the frequency to itself! Still 
not a peep out of RA at further chex during the next hour, and nothing on 7240 
which is supposed to open at 1400. Massive power failure, or necessary 
maintenance break? 

Propagation? SE Asian signals were pretty much normal, e.g. Indonesia on 9525. 
There is nothing but New Zealand to compare with further S of the Equator, and 
it popped on 6170 a few sex before 1400 with bellbird, timesignal and news, 
altho poor by now with sunrise almost at its earliest here.

Is there anything about this on the RA homepage ? Of 
course not! When you are a modern multi-platform broadcaster, it is of little 
importance if one of them goes down (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA. After missing a couple days, CFRX back on 6070, May 30 at 0612 check 
in Holder talkshow from CJAD Montr?al; also audible at 1240 with another 
phone-in show (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake check May 30: E Asian conditions not so good; at 1313 fair 
on 9000 but found nowhere else in 8-19 MHz range; at 1320 it was JBA on 13970.

CRI Japanese service, 7430, May 30 at 1400 with opening ID as ``Pekin Hoso``, 
so that obsolete name is still politically correct in Japanese. Fair signal, 
500 kW on 59 degree beam from Jinhua-Youbu site #831 per Aoki. Many of CRI`s 
Japanese broadcasts greatly exceed their necessary reach and here we are in 
North America, far beyond Japan in more or less the same direxion (Glenn 

** PHILIPPINES. Here`s an odd juxtaposition. VOA from same site 5 kHz apart 
with two different services at same time: May 30 at 1402 on 7550 there was a 
rock song in English, but 1405 Indonesian announcement mentioning ``VOA Direct 
Connexion``. Weaker on 7445 with QRM from 7550 was VOA news in English. Per 
Aoki, 7550 Indonesian at 1400 airs only on Thu/Fri/Sat at 200 degrees from 
Tinang; while 7545 English at 1400 is daily, 250 kW, 270 degrees from Tinang 

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. On 9625, started to listen to CBC News at 1300 May 
30, poor but readable, but a minute later I had to be reminded that ``Jesus 
Saves`` as FEBC started its Hmong service aimed westward, causing a fast SAH of 
11 Hz, more or less and plenty signal here to ruin CBC. Channel Africa in Lozi 
is also on frequency during this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. VOR, 12000 in Chinese, still massively out of order with distortion, 
unstable carrier, and noise bursts, May 30 at 1307, this time about equal level 
to Habana whose reception was ruined. Is anyone paying attention at the 
Khabarovsk transmitter site, or Moskva HQ? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. WWCR was inbooming on 15825 tnx to more sporadic-E, May 30 at 1407, 
so it`s time to check 18770 for that WWRB harmonic from 9385. With BFO on, I 
could detect a carrier, and by golly in the next minute it faded up enough to 
// 9385 while some psychophant other than Brother Scare himself was testifying. 
Once the TV was fired up before 1500, found the MUF up to at least channel 3, 
60 MHz.

Back at 1408, CB was also hopping but who wants to listen to all that 
co-channel crap in distorted English, trying to determine an area skipping in, 
with no legal IDs? So up to 10 meter beacon band, and it was hopping too, 
including on 28245, N8RT; per the huge list at
this one is:
28245 N8RT C BLAIRSVILLE, GA # 40W, RINGO VERTICAL Pwr increase 8 Nov 08
The C stands for continuous and the # means confirmed as active. More of those 
were incoming than SSB contactors, but a few could be heard above 28300 (Glenn 



Message: 7
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 11:49:36 -0400
From: "Dave Valko" <>
To: <>, <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, "Guy Atkins" <>,       "Nicolas
        Eramo" <>
Subject: [HCDX] DXpedition Loggings
Message-ID: <f64c797312d749d18b81f03e24c19...@davepc>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

DXpedition at Black Bear Cabins, Cook Forest State Park, PA.
Wasn't very pleased when I found cabin #1 was very near the owners home even 
though it was stated that it was "at the end".  The other cabins were 
towards the north.  The sloping hill to the northwest was thick with 
Rhododendren.  The woods were fairly open to the northeast, toward Rt. 36 
about 600 feet away.  I strung the 315' wire high in the trees over the 
cabin road and through the woods towards the large yard bordering Rt. 36. 
Coming out to the yard, I was horrified to find a powerline along the edge 
of the yard/end of the woods.  So I thought it best to double-back the wire 
and stay clear of the powerline.  Fortunately reception was free of noise 
then.  Used the RF Systems matching transformer and coax lead-in from the 
porch into the cabin.  When I tried powering up the laptop (AC), I got nasty 
line noise.  After trying several different outlets, I found there was no 
noise using the outlet in the kitchen.  I was able to bring the computer 
over to the receiver but it still generated some noise.  Speaking of the 
computer, they had a wireless Internet access.  The computer immediately 
found the network, but I couldn't get on-line for some reason.  It was 
really frustrating.  I did eventually get on-line, but only one afternoon. 
On a good note, none of the appliances in the cabin generated any noise. 
Not much of interest was heard.  Can't except much in late May with 
thunderstorms around the area.

AUSTRALIA   15560   R. Australia  2210 end of nx by W in EG, then M w/pgm 
preview starting out with a morning greeting.  Fair but quick QSB.  Abt 100% 
copy.  //much better 13630.  (26 May)

ROMANIA   11940   R. Romania Int.  2216 M in EG w/feature on Romanian bakery 
exhibition.  Ment of R. Romania Int. by studio W between sound bites.  Good 
signal.  //9790, 9675, and 7440 of which were equal.  (26 May)

INDIA   11620   AIR Delhi  2218 interview by M in EG with a musician.  2226 
W w/pgm sked, then into instru. Russian-like mx.  2229 W returned w/closing 
anmnt including ID.  Not very strong.  (26 May)

TURKEY   9830   V.O. Turkey  2229 W tlking in EG abt North Korea's nuclear 
test.  Into Turkish Pop mx.  2239 M w/ID and tlk w/other W pgm host abt a 
British couple celebrating their 81st anniversary.  Excellent clear signal. 
(26 May)

7555   KUWAIT   VOA relay  2233 M w/press report ending w/"VOA news".  More 
nx story by M in EG abt a proposed resolution regarding North Korea's 
nuclear program.  Fairly strong but readable.  (26 May)

Reception pretty much the same as at home but without all the spurious (21.6 
khz) stuff.  CODAR didn't seem as bad and definitely not as bad around 4810.

UNID.   3200  Must be a harmonic.  Hrd what sounded like lively LA mx at 
0941.  Poss. M anncr at 0946.  Sounded more like a W anncr at 0946.  But 
who??  Nothing on 1600.  (27 May)

BOLIVIA   6155.28  R. Fides already on before 1000 at 0953 w/usual W anncr 
doing pres. nx.  (27 May)

PIRATE??   1710  Getting the Hispanic station here too at 0958.  Good signal 
but no different than at home.   And it faded as morning progressed.  So 
still no clues where its from.  (27 May)

NORTH KOREA   9665.5   KCBS  M tlk in Asian lang at 1054.  Deadair 1059, M 
w/prob. ID, 3+1 long time ticks, then M again.  W joined in at 1101.  Was 
hoping for Mongolia.  Too weak and too much adjacent channel QRM.  (27 May)

UNID.   12085  UNID.  Getting some mx at 1054.  Went off at 1058 but was 
listening to 9665.5.  (27 May)

UNID.   11785   UNID. ASIAN  M and W in Asian lang. at 1102, but not //9525, 
so not Indonesia.  (27 May)

ZAMBIA   13590   CVC  1130 M in EG w/jingle mentioning CVC and Africa, then 
tlk by W.  Too much co-channel QRM at this time.  Got a little better abt 5 
or 10 minutes later w/Christian Pops and W host with a lot of uplifting EG 
tlk.  African nx at ToH in the clear and abt 90% readable.  Back to mx pgm 
at 1203.  CVC Rap jingle at 1205.  Russian starting to QRM at 1228.  (27 

TURKEY   15450   V.O Turkey  Nice signal in EG w/ID by W at 1236 and 
regional nx.  (27 May)

Wasn't happy with the antenna and decided to change it when I came back to 
the cabin in the later afternoon after 2000.  Moved it over to 80? and was 
able to get the full 315' length out without running into the powerline. 
Moved it away from Europe but think it will improve south Pacific and maybe 

BELARUS   7255   R. Belarus  2057 Pop song.  //much weaker 7210.  Nigeria in 
FR came on over top them, then came back on on 7256 at 2106.  At 2134, found 
Nigeria had moved back down covering this, but did get an ID by M over mx on 
7210.  (27 May)

INDIA   9554   AIR Delhi  2100 W in EG w/nx.  Was //11620 but wasn't // 
before 2100.  2105 M w/GOS ID then cmntry by W on Myanmar.  Fairly good. 
11620 abt equal, but 9445 seemed better closer to 2200.  (27 May)

NIGERIA   7256   V.O. Nigeria  2107 remote report by W in lang.  Then studio 
M in FR w/ment of Enugu and "capitol".  2113 mx bridge, then M again w/ment 
of Africa.  2130 found back on 7255.  2131 poss. ID and ments of Nigeria. 
(27 May)

SYRIA   12085   R. Damascus  2115 nx in EG by M.  2116 nx outro by diff. M, 
into vcl AR mx.  More audio than on 9330, whereas 9330 was more readable the 
evening before.  2118 cmntry abt US aggression.  2120 more AR mx.  2122 
poss. ID.  2123 cmntry on Syria and an Islamic conference.  Finally ID at 
2129.  Nice ID at 2157, nx by M, another ID, and choral NA.  S-10 signal 
with 2% modulation.  (27 May)

Only signals on 60 meters at 2150 was an extremely weak carrier on 5025 
Rebelde and 5000 WWV, and CODAR.  Nothing else!!  Conditions that bad??!! 
(27 May)

NEW ZEALAND   13730   R. New Zealand Int.  2203 W w/nx in EG, then sports at 
2210.  Poor to fair with a lot of QSB.  (27 May)

INDIA   4800   AIR Hyderabad  0018-0020 usual AIR IS, M briefly, "Vande 
Mataram", W for about a minute then M with a few words, and Hindi mx.  M and 
W again w/poss. nx.  Went into mx at 0030, then W in EG w/what sounded like 
a brief sked for poss. nx, then M in EG w/what sounded like the nx.  No 
Mexico.  Very noisy from thunderstorms in the area.  Also in were 5040, 
5010, 4920, 4910, 4880 (weak IS at 0024), 4860, 4840.  (28 May)

SRI LANKA??   7190.08    OC to at least 0030.  Hindi sounding mx at 0033 
check.  This freq rings a bell.  (28 May)

MAURITANIA??   7245   UNID.    Definite AR mx at 0945.  Native singing at 
0954.  QRM from on/off tone co-channel presumed Russia at 0953.  M anncr at 
0956 but much too weak to tell what the lang was.  More singing, then M and 
W anncrs.  Pgm on other stn seemed to be WYFR after 1000.  (28 May)

TAIWAN??   11550.57    Another stn off freq.  1044 Asian mx.  W anncr at 
1046.  (28 May)

7255   Nigeria didn't come on until after 2100 today leaving Belarus in the 
clear, but unfortunately Belarus was weaker than yesterday and just too much 
QRN.  (28 May)

Propagation conditions were very poor and it was extremely noisy from 
thunderstorms today.  With thunderstorms approaching and the fact I wouldn't 
be able to listen much in the morning, I decided to just take down the 
antenna in the evening.  Indeed, it was thundering in the distance and there 
were some small raindrops while I was taking down the antenna.  (28 May)

73          Dave 


Message: 8
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 16:02:17 -0300
From: L?cio Ot?vio <>
To: <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, <>,     "Anker Petersen"
        <>, Samuel C?ssio <>
Subject: [HCDX] logs
Message-ID: <034101c9e159$58f3c740$3b38e...@home>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

6170, R. New Zealand Int., Rangitaiki. May 25 English 0835-0850 YL and OM 
talks, English pop music, OM talks mentioned "New Zealand" by tip of dxer Jorge 
Freitas of Feira de Santana, Brazil. From 0846 started a het maybe generated 
underneath but don't identified, 34333 (lob).
7295, France, R.Algerienne Holy Qur`an(presumed), Issoudun. May 29 Arabic 
0426-0436 OM talks, 0433 presumed a Qur'an passage. Good 44344 (lob-B).

6250, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Malabo. May 29 Spanish 0507-0524 OM 
talks, Madonna music, 0512 studio OM talks, short pop musical pieces, and 
outside talks about news and general events of the day. Noisy 24422 (lob-B).
5005, Equatorial Guinea, R. Nacional, Bata. May 29 0526-0537 male short talks 
with undistinguish language, but maybe Vernacular on  Hi Life music selection. 
Better than Malabo and basically musical content, 34433 (lob-B).
4747, Peru, R. Huanta 2000, Huanta. May 29 Spanish 2311-2321 local music 
alternating OM talks. Unreadable and noisy 22422 (lob-B).
6075, Bolivia, R Kawsachun Coca, Lauka. May 29 Spanish 2325-2337 elation to Evo 
Moralez content, political and others matters "lo traidor de la p?tria, 
didvidir Bolivia,.. lo pais stay preparado para recibir la gripe!..etc", at 
2336 ID by OM. Strong QRM underneath presumed by Deutsche Welle, 21422 (lob-B).


L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m. 


Message: 9
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 22:24:44 +0200
From: "Vincent LECLER" <>
To: "RADIODIFFUSION F" <>,        "HCDX"
        <>, "DXLD" <>
Subject: [HCDX] LOG
Message-ID: <e5553643c71343dfa30c216cf681a...@prorpri01>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi all,
Few days log :
20090525 1826 15180.0 BBC AFRIQUE,SKELTON                       G
555 French
20090525 1827 15105.0 BBC AFRIQUE,ASCENSION                     ASC
244 French         //15180 KHZ
20090525 1828 17885.0 BBC AFRIQUE,ASCENSION                     ASC
355 French         //15180 KHZ
20090525 1829 17660.0 BBC AFRIQUE,ASCENSION                     ASC
355 French         //15180 KHZ
20090525 1845 17810.0 RADIO CANADA INT.,SKELTON                 G
555 English
20090525 1846 11765.0 RADIO CANADA INT.,SKELTON                 G
555 English        //17810 KHZ
20090525 1850  9530.0 RADIO CANADA INT.,KASHI                   CHN
233 English        //17810 KHZ
20090525 1937 15610.0 EWTN,VANDIVER                             USA
244 English
20090530 0559 11925.0 BBC WS,MEYERTON                           AFS
344 Kirundi   
20090530 0621  9385.0 WYFR,OKEECHOBEE                           USA
255 French 
555 French
20090530 0646 15120.0 VOICE OF NIGERIA,IKORODU                  NIG
455 English
20090530 0658 15160.0 RDP, SAO GABRIEL                          POR
455 Portuguese
20090530 1918  9580.0 RADIO ROMANIA INT.,TIGANESTI              ROU
555 Spanish
20090530 1923 11715.0 RADIO ROMANIA INT.,TIGANESTI              ROU
555 Spanish        //9580 KHZ
20090530 1928  9610.0 WYFR,WERTACHTAL                           D
555 English
20090530 1933  7395.0 WYFR,TALATA VOLONONDRY                    MDG
233 English        //9610 KHZ
20090530 1940  7395.0 CRI,KASHI                                 CHN
455 German
20090530 1944  9570.0 RADIO EXTERIOR ESPANA,NOBLEJAS            E
455 French
20090530 2010  9580.0 AFRICA N?1,MOYABI                         GAB
333 French
73 de Vincent 
QTH : Poitiers, France


Message: 10
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 02:12:14 -0000
From: <>
To: "worlddx" <>, "Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld
        Shortwaveworld" <>, "Robert Wilkner"
        <>,   "Marie Lamb" <>,
        "CUMBREDX" <>, "Chuck B" <>,
        "Anker Petersen" <>, <>,
        <>, "Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI"
Subject: [HCDX] ClewistonUSA SUN DX
Message-ID: <006a01c9e195$377a2be0$fac8a...@hp98588948284>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Canada, 6100, Radio Canada International, 0145-0200  Noted two
people, a male and female,  in Chinese conversation. End of schedule 
at 0159 when a bit of music is heard with English lyrics.  A couple
of minutes later the broadcast switches to Spanish.  Signal was good.
(Chuck Bolland, May 31, 2009)

Clewiston, Florida

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 77, Issue 32

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