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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. corecvt a typo (Zacharias Liangas )
   2. Unid today on 9795 (Hector Perez-Diaz)
   3. Sound of Hope Radio International (Hector Perez-Diaz)
   4. Sun Morn (Charles B)
   5. Re: Sound of Hope Radio International (bjorn fransson)
   6. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   7. QSL Radio City (Manuel M?ndez)
   8. Re: Sound of Hope Radio International (Glenn Hauser)
   9. Re: Sound of Hope Radio International (bjorn fransson)
  10. Glenn Hauser logs October 18, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
  11. Re: Unid today on 9795 (Glenn Hauser)
  12. African Logs (
  13. Bogdan's latest LW-MW-SW logs (aurel chiochiu)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 10:53:00 +0300
From: "Zacharias Liangas " <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] corecvt a typo
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

LOg for radio City
On 0757 i heard a carrier of S9 max on a16 inv V antenna . Program started
with a opera msuisc with IRRS id, hten with ID as Radio City , the
stations of 
the cars . then a mixture of song clips most of them with YL singer s (all
oldies )one of them with " i am hooked of you" on 0805 
MAn speaker topld  sundya willbe together , then with a german song 
Signal 34544 

Due to a flickering monitor (continuously on-offing possibly defunct)I
corect the typos 
Please read and distribute this 15 year research article 

Please read my article on SINPO at
________________________  (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)  (my social 'bookmarks' ) (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE     some videos (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos    pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 06:04:32 -0400
From: "Hector Perez-Diaz" <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Unid today on 9795
Message-ID: <000001ca4fda$64b8d4e0$2e2a7e...@net>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Hearing today a station in Asiatic Language from 0900 utc until 1000 utc. No
info on my Passport. Anyone could help please?



Message: 3
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 06:59:16 -0400
From: "Hector Perez-Diaz" <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] Sound of Hope Radio International
Message-ID: <000001ca4fe2$09814370$1c83ca...@net>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

I am hearing just right now this station playing music at 13970 khz with a
big signal. It is 1055 utc. I wonder if anybody here knows as to from what
location this station is airing this program. For me, is a new one.


This morning also, I heard a long CW transmission at 9785 khz. Rare to me
for which I have heard the mysterious "number station"  in Spanish and
English but never, an airing similar to this one.


Luigi KP3003SWL San Juan 


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 11:48:39 -0400
From: "Charles B" <>
To: "Chuck" <>,     "swlistener77"
        <>,       "Ron Howard" <>,
        "Noble Noble" <>, <>,    "ALF"
        <>, "Gayle Van Horn" <>,
        "Anker Petersen" <>,      "Bob Wilkner"
        <>, "Charles B" <>,        "dxld 
        <>, "Glenn Hauser" <>,
        "hard-core-dx hard-core-dx" <>,
        <>,   "shortwaveworld shortwaveworld"
Subject: [HCDX] Sun Morn
Message-ID: <002d01ca500a$78ef8aa0$fcc8a...@pc1>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Indonesia, 4749.94, RRI Makassar, 1040-1100,  Noted music at 
initial tune in.  At 1050 a female comments briefly in Indonesian
language.  At 1053 back to music. On the hour news. 
Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, October 18, 2009)

Russia, 5920, Radio Rossii, 1059-1110,  Noted canned ID's by female
and a male on the hour.  This was followed with live Russian language
news by a male.  No sign of WBOH at this time on the frequency.  
Rossii was at a good level.  (Chuck Bolland, October 18, 2009)

Russia, 5940, Radio Rossii, 1100-1110,  Noted a parallel transmission
of Rossii on 5920, here.  This transmission was at a fair level.  (Chuck
Bolland, October 18, 2009)

Indonesia, 9525.92, Voice of Indonesia, 1113-1130,  Noted a woman in
Chinese language comments.  From the pace she is speaking, it's easy
to determine that Chinese isn't here principle language.  Comments
continued as the signal remained at a fair level.  (Chuck Bolland, 
October 18, 2009)

Watkins Johnson HF1000
26.37N  081.05W

Well the cool wave finally arrived over night here in Florida.
Fortunately it is only a mild one because it's a chore to
type these loggings with cold hands.  The weather person
says we will be back to normal (hot and humid) temps
by Tuesday.  Following that, I suppose it will be a continuous
cycle for the next couple of months of hot and cold until 
spring arrives?  Happily there's two positives that 
result from this cool weather, the air-conditioner
can take a rest which reduces the electric cost and  
the hurricane season is almost finished for this year.

I am not feeling too positive about the DX conditions
however.  I have a feeling that I've seen the last of 
good conditions like occurred 20 years ago?  Also, I don't 
know why so many countries have given up on shortwave?
"Hey we are still out here listening!  Those people with
their Ipods never listened in the first place, so what's 
the problem?"   

Chuck    Magna download.


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 12:24:35 +0000
From: bjorn fransson <>
To: "Hector E. Perez" <>, Hard-Core Hard-Core-DX
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Sound of Hope Radio International
Message-ID: <blu126-w3e04cf25e4da5599d9e7dae...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Hector,

I think you have heard:

13970*Xi Wang Zhi Sheng SOH 0000-2400 1234567 Chinese (Sound of Hope)

which is a Falun Gong related shortwave programme with address in Taiwan. You 
can find it in WRTH 2009 on page 491, clandestines.

Best wishes and 73 from Bj?rn fransson on the island of Gotland, Sweden
Windows Live Hotmail: Your friends can get your Facebook updates, right from 


Message: 6
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:07:43 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Grundig YB 400, antena telesc?pica
Escucha realizada en casco urbano de Lugo

ALEMANIA, 6140, European Music Radio, 0915-0940 , 18-10, ingl?s,
comentarios, Tom Taylor, identificaci?n: "EMR,  European Music Radio",
"e-mail: ", English pop music. A las 0930 Mail Box,
con Mike Taylor.  24322.  (M?ndez)

ESLOVAQUIA, 9510, Nexus IRRS, 0942- 18-10, ingl?s, locutor, programa
religioso, serm?n, comentarios, canciones religiosas. A las 1000
identificaci?n por locutor: "IRRS, Milano, Italy", y luego otro programa
religioso en ingles. 35433.  (M?ndez)


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:12:54 +0200
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] QSL Radio City
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

QSL de Radio City

ESLOVAQUIA, 9510, Radio City, recibido v?a e-mail, archivo PDF
conteniendo carta de confirmaci?n QSL de la emisora Radio City. Tardaron
en responder tan solo 5 minutos. El informe de recepci?n se envi? a la
siguiente direcci?n de correo electr?nico:

La carta QSL de 2 p?ginas, lista para imprimir, se presenta con el
t?tulo "Radio City, the Station of the Cars", y luego sigue con una
amplia historia de la emisora y contenido de la programaci?n, adem?s de
los datos de confirmaci?n:

"This letter will verify your reception of Radio City on October 17 2009
at 0800 - 0900 Z on 9510 kHz NEXUS 150 kW at Rimavska Sabota, Slovakia".

El pr?ximo programa de Radio City, seg?n informan en el e-mail, ser? el
pr?ximo 21 de Noviembre


Message: 8
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 08:04:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To:, Hector Perez-Diaz <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Sound of Hope Radio International
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

13970 is Chinese Firedrake jamming against Sound of Hope. This continuous music 
jamming has been explained repeatedly in DX Listening Digest. Some other 
frequencies with the same are 8400, 9000 and 10210, heard most mornings here. 

Was the CW on 9785 made up of only 10 letters, substituting for digits, in 
groups of five, known as cut numbers? Otherwise it had nothing to do with Cuban 
spy transmissions.

Glenn Hauser, OK

--- On Sun, 10/18/09, Hector Perez-Diaz <> wrote:

> From: Hector Perez-Diaz <>
> Subject: [HCDX] Sound of Hope Radio International
> To:
> Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 5:59 AM

> I am hearing just right now this
> station playing music at 13970 khz with a
> big signal. It is 1055 utc. I wonder if anybody here knows
> as to from what
> location this station is airing this program. For me, is a
> new one.
> This morning also, I heard a long CW transmission at 9785
> khz. Rare to me
> for which I have heard the mysterious "number
> station"? in Spanish and
> English but never, an airing similar to this one.
> Luigi KP3003SWL San Juan 



Message: 9
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 15:51:34 +0000
From: bjorn fransson <>
To: "Hector E. Perez" <>, Hard-Core Hard-Core-DX
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Sound of Hope Radio International
Message-ID: <blu126-w29dbd3f8fbfb329b9956c2ae...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Hector and the list,

I thought you had heard an identification of the station, because you named 
your message "Sound of Hope International". So I wonder: Did your that station 
or did you only hear the firedrake music?

73 from Bj?rn
Windows Live: Keep your friends up to date with what you do online.


Message: 10
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 09:36:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 18, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 18: at 1341, poor on 8400, much better to good level on 
9000, but not // each other so 5-6 minutes offset; at 1349 found that 10210 was 
much better yet, VG inbooming at S9+20 and // JBA 8400, not 9000 (Glenn Hauser, 

** CUBA. RHC check Oct 18 at 0527: 6140 in English this time, Alex Silva 
outroing a report, phone ringing just barely audible in background. 0534 
starting DXers Unlimited; Arnie, answer the phone on 6140! But on 6010 no phone 
ringing; on 6060 maybe a trace of that but hard to tell with splash from Spain 
6055 --- these two should really get farther apart, and age-old near-collision. 
One Coro topic this week is using copper foil tape from art suppliers to make 
antennas; it is of course conductive, second only to silver, and looks nice too.

Spur search Oct 18 at 1351 found 11760 still irradiating the spectrum, such as 
11504, 11657.4; 11708.4 or so hetting VOK 11710 as it was closing English at 
1354, Commies vs Commies! The usual 51.2 kHz displacement is varying slightly 
and anyhow hard to downpin with no sharp carrier, but distorted blobs at each 
landing so I won`t attempt to be any more precise either (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA [and non]. The AIR Aligarh blob varies its frequencies, however 
unintentionally, and so varies its victims. After centering on nominal 9470 for 
a while, on Oct 18 at 1318 with AIR IS it ranged 9490-9515, strongest around 
9500. Now RA 9475 escapes the mess, but by 1344 not something on 9480 nor BBCWS 
Burmese with B-B-C- chimes at 1344 on 9500, 1345 timesignal one second later 
than WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. Unusual on Oct 18 to find more of a signal on 4925 than 4750, at 
1326, slow ballad singing on 4925, presumably RRI Jambi, bothered by OTH radar 
pulses up to 4930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** KOREA SOUTH. V. of the People, clandestine to the North, doing equally well 
on 6518 and // 6600, Oct 18 at 1337 music atop jamming noise; likewise 6348, 
Echo of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENINIG DIGST)

** MIDWAY ISLAND [non]. Have yet to get a definite log of the K4M DX-pedition, 
tho with nothing to prove, I have not been tearing my hair out trying to nab 
it. 7078 is the publicized SSB frequency on 40m, but nothing going on around 
there when I check. Oct 18 at 0619 I do find a pileup on 7092-LSB, lots and 
lots of ham stations giving their callsigns over and over, and little else, 
hoping they will luck out and override everyone else momentarily for some DX 
station to establish contact, however fleeting. What a circus.

I never could hear anyone say K4M in any phonetic form, but the DX targets 
typically don`t want to waste time giving their own callsign in each contact. 
You have to recognize their voice or style instead and assume it`s not a 
pirate. Among many Europeans calling was one callsign I copied: I1HJR, and 
enough of that for me after a few sesquiminutes. Could be that this was 
listen-only frequency for K4M, and they were really transmitting somewhere 
else, as certainly makes sense in such pileup circumstances (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** RUSSIA. 15605, VOR with Jew`s harp (excuse me) music, twang-twang, Oct 18 at 
1436, then interviewing someone in Russian about it. The Russian clips go on 
too long before the English voiceover starts. Found the audio file of Folk Box 
show which is scheduled at 1430 Sundays: 
mms:// but it`s not the same one, kept 
referring to harvest festivals in August! tho equally enjoyable. What about all 
the shows since then? BTW, Kraig Krist warns that VOR website has a trojan if 
you allow pdf files to open (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. RTI Japanese service on 9730 was spurry today, Oct 18 at 1322, 
narrow blobs against CRI 9730 and BBC 9740, almost but not exactly same pitch 
hets, indicating RTI is also very slightly off frequency from 9730.00 (Glenn 

** VATICAN. 9850, surprised to hear Bells of St. Peter`s at 0614 Oct 18; a 
relay from somewhere? Only in the sense of extraterritoriality; no wonder had 
not noticed before as this is scheduled Sundays only, Santa Maria di Galeria in 
Latin per HFCC; 0615 opening with catch-phrase slogan ``Laudetur Jesus 
Christus`` but they say that in all language services. Poor reception and hard 
to tell which; EiBi lists Ukrainian, and WRTH A09 update says this is Ukrainian 
liturgy at 0610-0745 // 11740 and 1611 on Sundays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** VENEZUELA [non]. No sign of any activity on alleged Al?, Presidente 
frequencies via CUBA, Sunday Oct 18 at 1600 check: 12010, 13680, 13750, 17750 

UNIDENTIFIED. OTH radar, presumably China in approx. 50-kHz wide pulsing 
segments, Oct 18: at 1326 on 4870-4930 bothering Jambi 4925; at 1332, 
5190-5240, vs some 2-way Spanish SSB around 5215, and also overlapping with 
CODAR above 5225. At 1336 on 6850-6900 and 6960-7000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 



Message: 11
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 10:14:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To:, Hector Perez-Diaz <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Unid today on 9795
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii


You don`t need a Passport, which is anyhow well over a year out of date now. 
Are you aware of the Aoki listing?

That is one of several online resources, which shows:

9795 R.JAPAN 0900-1000 1234567 Japanese 250 163 Sackville CAN 06419W4553N NHK1 

But use with caution as it too includes outdated info.

73, Glenn Hauser

--- On Sun, 10/18/09, Hector Perez-Diaz <> wrote:

> From: Hector Perez-Diaz <>
> Subject: [HCDX] Unid today on 9795
> To:
> Date: Sunday, October 18, 2009, 5:04 AM

> Hearing today a station in Asiatic
> Language from 0900 utc until 1000 utc. No
> info on my Passport. Anyone could help please?
> Luigi



Message: 12
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 16:41:17 EDT
Subject: [HCDX] African Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"

** CHAD. 4904.97, RNT, 2120-2231*, Oct 17, local Afro-pop music.
French  talk. Sign off with National Anthem. Poor to fair with CODAR
QRM. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** CHAD. 4904.97, RNT, *0428-0440+, Oct 18, sign on with Balafon
IS.  National Anthem at 0429 & opening French announcements.
Afro-pop music at  0433. Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 7285.88, RTVM, 0745-0755, Oct 18, vernacular talk.  Rustic
vocals. // 5995 - both frequencies with fair signal strength but  weak
modulation. Also heard a weak 7285.88 at 0815-0830 along with
a fair  to good // 9635 with vernacular talk and rustic tribal music.
(Brian  Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 13
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 20:40:54 -0400
From: aurel chiochiu <>
Cc: Jorge Medina <>,,,,,, "Tudor M. Vedeanu" <>,,,    Kyru Rex
        <>,,        Jorge Garcia
        <>,,,,,       "Philippe ..."
        <>,,, "olivier.tequi"
Subject: [HCDX] Bogdan's latest LW-MW-SW logs
Message-ID: <00b301ca5054$d1821a80$6800a...@b>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

Warm greetings to all of you !

A lots of things going on, some good, other bad... I haven't DXed in a 
while, except randomly, and while the propagation wasn't extra-good, it was 
nice to enjoy DXing with a friend who was astonished at how good Venezuela 
was received on the mediumwave AM broadcast band... I live with him 
nowadays, so I seldom have access to the Internet right now... That being 
said, I will still try to get in touch with you as often as possible !

Some topics of interest: Medi Un is stronger than ever on 9575 kHz SW, while 
LW 171 seems off. When the awful computer generated noise is off there is 
NOTHING on 171 kHz other than static... However, despite the crisis, 
Iceland-189 is often huge !

On MW, some snippets of TA audio here and there, mostly on 585, 594 and 1134 
but nothing compared to LW (which even that TA band is slightly below par), 
but most of the regular Latins are quite good... However, I badly miss a 
huge aurora - one that would take away all that awful IBOC hiss -> all that 
unbearable hash !

As for the Aventure FM airchecks, I found some 99% music airchecks with the 
recording stopped while the jock is talking... It isn't really what I was 
looking for but it's better than nothing ! I haven't received them 
officially yet, but they lead toward mainly late 80s Dance Music from the 
pre-MaXXimum era !

Into the logs now:

Trans-Atlantic DX

162 FRANCE   France Inter, Allouis OCT 16 0410 - discussing contemporary 
French litterature. Fair and improoving with transmitter site grayline dawn 
enhancement. (Chiochiu*P-QC)

171 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador (no) OCT - no reception of this station during 
the last couple of nights. However, on late afternoons, 9575 kHz SW has been 
fair to good, so apparently they increased power on SW while working on 
their LW transmitter ? (Chiochiu*P-QC / Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

183 GERMANY   Europe 1, Felsberg AUG 6 0310 - playing "Elle a les yeux 
revolver" 1985 French variety classic by Marc Lavoine, then the man 
announcer talking about the birthday of this great singer ! Very good 
reception, one of the best showings of Europe 1 the past summer ! 

189 ICELAND   Rikis?tvarpid, Gufuskalar OCT 16 0340 - playing some hard rock 
music selections done by a man in Icelandic. Poor-fair with static 
scratches; the only LW broadcaster audible then. (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC) +OCT 
18 0450 - playing some psychedelic classic rock with some "Ruv Fur" jingles 
interspersed in beetwen. At 0600 had a short IS followed by nx in Icelandic. 
Powerful signal, but disturbed by static scratches with the PK's Shielded 
Magnetic longwave loop on a SW-NE bearing ! SINPO 45252 (Chiochiu*P-QC)

198 ENGLAND   BBC Radio 4, Droitwich OCT 16 0407 - Very poor with talk in 
British accented English. Destroyed at home in Pierrefonds by an awful 
computer-like buzz ! (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

216 FRANCE   RMC Info, Romoules OCT 16 0425 - French soccer-related chatter. 
Good. SINPO 34454 (Chiochiu*P-QC)

234 LUXEMBOURG   RTL, Junglister / Beidweler OCT 16 0412 - French weather 
reports. Poor, but readable ! (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC) +OCT 18 0430 - two men 
discussing in French. Fair signal, but completly destroyed by a computer 
growl... Unlike the beacons who are using NEARBY frequencies, the COMPUTER 
GROWL WAS RIGHT ON 234 kHz. SINPO 31241 (Chiochiu*P-QC)

252 ALGERIA   Alger Cha?ne 3, Tipaza OCT 16 0410 - Algerian weather repport. 
Briefly up at a poor-fair level with almost no QRM. (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC) 
+OCT 18 0440 - talking about the morning show going on until 9AM local time. 
Fair with a high pitched growl other than local UL 248 NDB QRM. SIO 322. 

585 SPAIN   Radio Nacional de Espa?a, Madrid OCT 6 0444 - Morning show 
announcement. Fair to nil with the Sanyo MCD-S830 analog dial tuned in 
between the 580 and 590 kHz domestics... Unfortunatly, during the upcoming 
days this one was unreadable ! It isn't as reliable as one might think... 
Adjacent channel semi-local CFRA dropping power from 50 kW days to 10 kW 
nights certainly helps ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

594 unID OCT 3 2207 - Man talking in unID language. Very weak, essentially a 
threshold signal. (Chiochiu*P-QC)

1134 CROATIA   Glas Hrvatska (600 kW), Zadar / SPAIN   COPE synchros (around 
10 kW) OCT 16 0410 - Man talking in Spanish mixed with Slavic talk. Poor in 
huge WBBR splatter. Best reception was on 1137 kHz in AM Wide mode, as on 
1136 kHz in AM Narrow mode the audio was too Low-Fi - hi ! 

1215 unID OCT 16 0415 - bits of very threshold audio. Unreadable ! 

9460 TURKEY   Voice of Turkey, ?akilar OCT 17 2149 - playing a wonderful 
dark-edged Turkish vocal Eurotrance track followed by a cheap Turkish pop. 
Good signal with some fading. SINPO 45543 - an overall of 4 or 3 over 5 
depending on a good but less than stellar signal and a good but less than 
stellar propagation mixed together, so SINPO 45543 ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

9575 MOROCCO   Medi Un, Nador OCT 17 2245 - news in Arabic. Fair to 
sometimes good, better than during the last few months ! Have they improved 
their SW transmitter in order to allow 171 to become silent... I like them 
better on LW than on SW since it's more challenging to get them ! 

9580 GABON   Africa Num?ro Un, Moyabi, Gabon OCT 17 2110 - After the 
continental nx, a program of French Caribbean zouk music started. Before 
2110 UTC, major QRM from Radio Romania International while playing trad. 
African music ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

Pan-American DX

550 VENEZUELA   YVKE, Mundial, Caracas, DF OCT 17 0415 - mention of 
"Rep?blica Bolivariana de Venezuela" with TALKOVER effect over a 
traditionnal YV mx selection. Fair in mess. First time this season ! 

555 ST KITTS   ZIZ, Basseterre OCT 17 0330 - soca and calypso music. 
Fair-good. Covered by a weird noise at the Montreal-East cottage ! 

600 CUBA   CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norr?s OCT 18 0305 - playing some 
atmospheric salsa. Good in CKAT null with WICC semi-nulled (way over 
semi-nulled WICC !). (Chiochiu*P-QC)

640 CUBA   CMBC, Radio Progreso, Guanabacoa OCT 18 0320 - with an easily 
recognizable Ritmos jingle in a big pile-up ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

670 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC   Radio Guarachita OCT 17 0345 - Presumed with 
bachata music over Radio Rebelde in WSCR null, while adjacent channel 
megapest WFAN was carrying sports play-by-play and had it's IBOC exciter off 
! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

670 CUBA   CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas OCT 17 0345 - Apparent 
Deportivamente sports chatter under Dominican Republic, in WSCR null. 

710 CUBA   CMW, Radio Rebelde, La Julia OCT 17 0322 - Cuban salsa over / 
under WOR. Usually fair ! (Chiochiu*P-QC)

750 VENEZUELA   YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, DF OCT 14 0044 - RCR 
Deportes sports coverage with a man announcer that just mentioned Caracas. 
Huge, annihilating WSB ! Heard on a Koss oldschool broken radio with an 
intact ferrite bar close to the PK AM loop. (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

760 COLOMBIA   RCN Cadena Bas?ca, Barranquilla OCT 13 2330 - with some 
ranchera music followed by some Spanish comments. Difficult to follow in a 
tough WJR null ! (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

780 VENEZUELA   YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, Falc?n OCT 16 0030 - La Discoteca 
del Pueblo px with announcements regarding citizens sealing some products in 
beetwen some romantic, tropical (cumbia, salsa, etc.) and trad. YV mx 
selections (joropo, etc.). Huge at times, fading in and out. SINPO 43323. 
WBBM was easier to null out than on other evenings and it was easier to deal 
with bothersome splatter from local-like WABC-770 than during the other 
evenings too ! (Chiochiu*MtlEST-QC)

Additionnal comments:

I don't live in Pierrefonds anymore, except on week-ends. DX-wise, this has 
been excellent, as the cottage in Montr?al-Est is way much less noisier and 
many frequencies like 234 kHz (LW) are DXable. Otherwise, I sometimes miss 
the Internet, because it's the only reliable way for trying to find Aventure 
FM airchecks from where I live !

Since 2007, when I was rejected by someone (more precisely a chick) working 
on an autistic camp (I have ASPERGER), I had some mild depressions and have 
been active in this hobby on and off... I found something to fight against 
that and now I feel, at least, slightly better ! That being said, I should 
be able to hear some interesting things during the upcoming weeks, as we get 
deeper and deeper into the trad. DX season ! However, I was so depressed 
last summer that I MISSED a double-hop Es FM opening toward Dominican 
Republic and I really feel uneasy for this, as someone barely 300 km next of 
me (kyru rex) got HUGE Dominican, Haitian, Cuban and Puerto Rican FM 
signals, overpowering some of his semi-local !!!... My next deepest dream 
after Aventure FM is to hear something outside North America on the FM 
broadcast band (ultrashortwave) via double-hop sporadic E layer skip ! I 
should be more patient during the 2010 summer !

If you would like to reply to this report, you'd better phone me at 
1-514-422-4555 ! Where I will be moving during the next few minutes is a 
very quiet QTH with very few spots having computer QRM !

Where I live right now, there is someone that got me into WiFi DXing (this 
isn't hard-core DXing, ain't it ?) and I was hooked at first... Right now, 
however, I seem to find it cold for not hearing the slightest Doppler-shift 
scratch as we move. I listened to KYS FM, Radio Coro, Radio Top Congo, Radio 
Okapi and... Romanian Vibe FM 92.1 MHz in Bucharest ! I didn't took any 
specific notes while I was listening ! Well...

This report is brought to you by Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu, DXing from 
Pierrefonds, QC using a Sangean ACS-818 CST / random wire combo for SW, 
Sanyo MCD-S830 / PK AM loop for MW and Sangean ACS-818 CST / PK's Shielded 
Magnetic LW loop combo for LW ! Also DXing from Montr?al-Est using the 
Sangean ACS 818-CST / PK's Shielded Magnetic LW loop for LW and a broken 
Koss AM-FM portable with the PK AM loop for MW !

May the good DXing be with you !
Bogdan Chiochiu

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 82, Issue 19

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