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Today's Topics:

   2. Oct 22-23 Logs (
   3. Fri DX (Charles B)
   4. CVC B09 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs October 23, 2009 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. EWTN B09 (Alokesh)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 05:31:39 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc:,,,        barrera 
<>,,  NoticiasDX
        <>,   Domesticas Y Tropicales
        <>, Luis Mar?a Barassi
        <>,, playdx2003
        <>,   DXLD <>,    Jaime
        Baguena <>,,        "Grimm,
        Rudolf Walter" <>
Message-ID: <003101ca5391$55279060$6eafc...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicaci?n irradiado 
a trav?s de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, 
amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del  mundo) estar? 
dedicado este fin de semana a la radio en la pen?nsula ar?biga.


Nos adentraremos en la radio de Arabia Saudita, Yemen, Qatar y los Emiratos 
Arabes Unidos. Como tratamos en cada oportunidad, trataremos especialmente la 
actualidad y la historia de la onda corta en la regi?n.


No se pierdan los registros sonoros hist?ricos con los cuales se "ilustrar?" 

el programa.


La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los s?bados  desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de 
la Argentina

(1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- De esta forma, la emisi?n no estar? afectada por las 
transmisiones deportivas de la emisora en las cuales se siguen las

campa?as de los equipos platenses de primera divisi?n.

Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 06:15:23 EDT
Subject: [HCDX] Oct 22-23 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

** BRAZIL. 5044.98, Radio Cultura do Para, 0554-0630, Oct 23,  
reactivated with mostly continuous Portuguese pops/ballads. IDs at 
0601,  0628. Very good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** CHAD. 4904.97, RNT, 2215-2231*, Oct 22, French talk. Afro-pop
music.  Sign off with National Anthem. Poor to fair with CODAR QRM.
(Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** CHAD. 4904.97, RNT, *0428-0440, Oct 23, sign on with Balafon
IS.  National Anthem at 0429. Opening French announcements at
0430 & local  Afro-pop music. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA)  
** CONGO DR [non]. via Meyerton, S.Africa, 11690, Radio  Okapi,
*0400-0425, Oct 23, opening French/vernacular announcements  and
?Okapi? jingles at 0400. French talk. French pop tune. Occasional  
?Okapi? jingles. Poor to fair, mixing with a weak Radio Havana  Cuba.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
** COSTA RICA. 2859.82, Radio San Carlos, 0050-0209*, Oct 23, 
second  harmonic of 1430. Spanish talk. Ads, jingles. ?San Carlos 
Radio? ID at 0059.  Several Spanish ballads after 0108. Abrupt sign 
off. Very weak but good  level on peaks. Thanks to tip from Jay
Novello and others. (Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** ETHIOPIA. 6030, Radio Oromia, *0322-0335, Oct 23, sign on  with
xylophone IS. Talk in unidentified language at 0329. Lite instrumental  
music at 0332. Horn of Africa music. Weak. Very poor under strong
jammer.  Only heard the jammer after 0335. Thanks to tips from Ron
Howard & Rich  D?Angelo. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** INDONESIA. 9525.89, Voice of Indonesia, *0950-1005, Oct 23,
sign on  with listed Korean programming in progress. Local music. 
Theme music at  0959. ID at 1000 and English programming with
news at 1002. Poor. Weak in  noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MALI. 7285.88, RTVM, *0745-0827, Oct 23, abruptly on with  
programming in progress with French talk. Local guitar music. French 
ID  announcements over local flute music at 0800. Vernacular talk at 
0801.  Rustic guitar music at 0823. Rustic vocals. Fair signal strength
but weak  modulation. // 5995 which signed on at approximately 0555 
and signed off at  0759. // 9635 - signed on at 0800 with a weak signal.
(Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 10:48:04 -0400
From: "Charles B" <>
To: "Chuck" <>,     "swlistener77"
        <>,       "Ron Howard" <>,
        "Noble Noble" <>, <>,    "ALF"
        <>, "Gayle Van Horn" <>,
        "Anker Petersen" <>,      "Bob Wilkner"
        <>, "Charles B" <>,        "dxld 
        <>, "Glenn Hauser" <>,
        "hard-core-dx hard-core-dx" <>,
        <>,   "shortwaveworld shortwaveworld"
Subject: [HCDX] Fri DX
Message-ID: <00bf01ca53ef$f88f9910$fcc8a...@pc1>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

Bolivia, 3309.95, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0937-1000,  At tune in heard a male in 
comments briefly.  After a few comments, music was presented for a couple of 
Following the music a female continued to talk.  Signal was fading in and out 
at a 
poor level.  (Chuck Bolland,  October 23, 2009)

Honduras, 3340, HRMI (pres), 0945-1000,  Noted steady popular Spanish language 
music at tune in.  Signal was fair.   (Chuck Bolland, October 23, 2009)

Brazil, 5045, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais, (pres) 0955-1005,  Noted mostly 
music until 0957 when a male comments in Portuguese briefly.  After a few
comments, back to music. On the hour, more comments.  Signal was fair. 
 (Chuck Bolland,  October 23, 2009)

Bolivia, 6155.20, Radio Fides, 1005-1015,  At tune in, noted a female in
 Spanish language presenting the news. Heard some place names such 
as "Cina" during the news.  At 1008 music is presented.  At 1010
 canned promos and ID.   For the first few minutes of this logging, 
 the signal was at a fair level although if had some splatter interfering
 with it. The signal was surprisingly audible this morning eventhough
 there was fading and splatter.  (Chuck Bolland, October 23, 2009)

Bolivia, 6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, 1011-1020,  Noted a male and female in 
comments.  Signal was very poor with splatter.  (Chuck Bolland, October 23, 

Bolivia, 6075, Radio Causachun Coca, 1015-1030,  Pulling this signal in 
a little "tickling". With a very weak signal, noted a male in Spanish comments
 here while the signal drops out periodically to nil then fades back in.  One 
about this band regardless of the frequency, there's always enough splatter to
 interfere with the target's reception.  At 1019, a female joined the 
The station's signal remained at a poor level.  (Chuck Bolland, October 23, 

Guam, 5765,  AFN, 1032-1045,  Steady news and commentary from the Radio
networks(NPR),  in the USA.  The signal was at a fair level with some fading.  
Bolland, October 23, 2009)

Watkins Johnson, HF1000
26.37N 081.05W

MAGNA just updated on October 22, 2009..  You can download 
a freeware copy by going to

Considering recent conditions, I feel this morning was exceptional.  Most of my
usual target stations were more audible than previously.  I wondered if this is 
a trend
or just a fluke that will not occur again?  Anyway, it was encouraging.



Message: 4
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 17:42:01 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
        <>,   "DXplorer" <>
Subject: [HCDX] CVC B09
Message-ID: <46156dd8c3d0410ba0b0b6edbe22b...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alokesh"
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2009
Subject: CVC B09

Thanks, I have recvd the B09 Eng lang schd from CVC, pls find attached.
Best regards


AUSTRALIA   CVC Australia B09, via Darwin site.

Chinese to China
0400-0600  15250 DRW 250 kW/340 deg
0600-1200  17635 DRW 250 kW/340 deg
1200-1800  13685 DRW 250 kW/340 deg
2200-2300   9585 DRW 250 kW/340 deg
2300-0200  15170 DRW 250 kW/340 deg

English to India
0930-1230  15535 DRW 250 kW/303 deg
1230-1830  13635 DRW 250 kW/303 deg

Indonesian to Indonesia
2300-0200  15250 DRW 250 kW/290 deg
0400-1000  17820 DRW 250 kW/290 deg
1000-1300   9890 DRW 250 kW/290 deg
1300-1700  11925 DRW 250 kW/290 deg

0700-0800  17755 DRW 125 kW/317 deg DRM of TDP Music Belgium.

CHILE   B-09  CVC to SoAM via Santiago, Calera de Tango site.
Spanish 1100-1200  9780 SGO 100 kW/000 deg
        1100-2200  9635 SGO 100 kW/030 deg  til March 13
        1200-2200  9635 SGO 100 kW/030 deg from March 14
        1200-0100 17680 SGO 100 kW/000 deg  til March 13
        1200-0200 17680 SGO 100 kW/000 deg from March 14
        1800-2000 17860 SGO  15 kW/045 deg DRM mode
        2200-0100  9745 SGO 100 kW/030 deg  til March 13
        2200-0200  9745 SGO 100 kW/030 deg from March 14

UZBEKISTAN   B-09  CVC via Tashkent site to Indian subcontinent
0030-0330   7395 TAC 100 kW/153 deg
0330-0630  11970 TAC 100 kW/153 deg
0630-0930  15700 TAC 100 kW/153 deg

0000-0400   6260 TAC 100 kW/153 deg
0100-0400   9425 TAC 100 kW/131 deg
0400-1100  13630 TAC 100 kW/153 deg
1100-1400   9500 TAC 100 kW/152 deg
1400-2000   6260 TAC 100 kW/153 deg

ZAMBIA   B-09  CVC to AF via Lusaka, Makeni site.
0400-0600   7160 LUS 100 kW/315 deg [sic, in new Ham Radio band >7.1 MHz]
0600-1400  13590 LUS 100 kW/315 deg
1400-1700  13650 LUS 100 kW/315 deg
1700-2000  13590 LUS 100 kW/315 deg
2000-2200   9505 LUS 100 kW/315 deg

Domestic sce
1700-0600   4965 LUS 100 kW/non-dir
0600-1700   6065 LUS 100 kW/non-dir
Thanks to Alokesh Gupta-IND to forward the CVC English + Hindi files.
(CVC, Oct 22)


Message: 5
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 10:09:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 23, 2009
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

** CHINA. OTH radar pulses, presumed from here: Oct 23 at 1228 on
5775-5825, weak; at 1230 on 6960-7010 impinging on the 40m hamband. Rather 
strong at 1255 on 7710-7750, enough to bother WYFR 7730 right smack dab in the 
middle of it. That range still pulsing at 1352 after WYFR had closed at 1345 

** CHINA. Firedrake Oct 23: At 1259, nothing on 8400, fair on 9000, and for a 
change some co-channel audible under, really Sound of Hope? But 1300 FD into 
open carrier and not much else. At 1310, FD fair on 10210 too. At 1350, 8400 
was back on at good level, better than // 9000 or // 10210 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA. RHC 11760 spur galaxy Oct 23: at 1311 found the lowest one around 
11188, up to the highest one on 12332 at 1320. These two are eleven times 52 
kHz below and above fundamental 11760, or 572 kHz out, i.e. 23 frequencies for 
the price of one! In between, every 52 kHz, the same-pitch tipoff whine, with 
the closer ones also bearing RHC modulation, but distorted blobs without a 
sharp carrier. Minus-one was on 11708.0 or just a shade lower than that, so the 
further ones out are correspondingly higher or lower than on previous occasions 
at 51.2 kHz intervals. The one on 11552 was bothering WEWN 11550 which 
restricts its own spurs to only plus/minus 10 kHz (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** INDIA. AIR Aligarh blob, Oct 23 at 1318 with IS: distortion covering roughly 
9465-9475, poor signal and weaker than clear // 9425 Bengaluru. Bothers RA on 
9475, not quite Thailand on 9455 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. 9525.9, VOI still on the upper channel Oct 23 at 1301 opening 
English hour, as ``sound of dignity``, program summary, mentioning today`s date 
Oct 23, 2009; 1302 news including efforts to reduce traffic accidents. VOI news 
is laden mostly with stuff about the doings of government agencies and 
officials. Is anything else going on in this vast country? After the CRI 
Russian hour, VOI still on and in the clear again at 1511, registering S9+18 
but useless as modulation just barely audible, a very poor showing compared to 
its neighbors loud and clear on 9515 RCI, 9535 NHK (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NEW ZEALAND. Checking 6170 whether the het could still be heard from 
PHILIPPINES [q.v.], Friday Oct 23 at 1308, found RNZI playing C&W music, ``I 
can`t help it if I`m still in love with you``, classic Hank Williams song 
performed by the Holmes Bros. & Roseanne Cash as outroed at 1310. Trouble is, 
news magazine Dateline Pacific is supposed to be airing at this hour UT Mon-Fri 
So is their sked confused as to UT day of week or one-hour DST shift? Or some 
other anomaly, such as defaulting to domestic RNZ National instead of RNZI 
origination? This could well be the ``From the World`` sesquihour in the All 
Night Programme on National which admittedly mixes music and talk features 

** PHILIPPINES [and non]. Oct 23 sought DZRM on 6170.4 before RNZI *1259. At 
1243 detected a soprano on 6170.4; music sounded rather Vietnamese, but perhaps 
just SE Asian, as who else would be on 6170.4? I confirmed this was off 6170 to 
the hi side compared to KFAQ Tulsa 1170.0, by retuning the MHz dial only on the 
FRG-7 with BFO on, a handy trick frequently employed. Could also have been done 
with any reliable SW frequency ending in 170, but Spain/Costa Rica has been 
missing from 15170. Very weak signal with splash from Beijing 6175 and 
occasionally even Cuba 6180. At 1308 RNZI 6170.0 was in C&W music [see NEW 
ZEALAND] and no het audible, but when they went to outro talk at 1310, the 
6170.4 het could be heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA [and non]. Generally poor reception conditions the morning of 
Oct 23 --- nothing extracontinental on 120, 90 or 60 metres when I started at 
1230, and was not expecting anything on 13m either, but by 1343 it had barely 
opened with BSKSA Arabic audible on 21640 and buzz on 21505; also fading in and 
out, weak bits of Spain on 21610, 21570, 21540; Libya 21695 (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** U S A [non]. VOA, 7575, very good Oct 23 at 1255 with International Public 
Service Announcement, some Rwandan ``pentecostal pastor`` wanted for genocide, 
believe to be hiding in Congo DR, big $5mega reward and witness protexion 
available. An hour later at 1355 there was a VOA Editorial instead, about 
Darfur. At 1358 announced frequencies to be used in following hour for News 
Now: only 7.575 and 9.76 MHz, but at 1359, 7575 vanished. Axually this is when 
7575 switches from Tinang 21 degrees USward to Udorn 268 degrees westward, and 
a faint signal could then be detected on 7575, plus VOA English news could then 
be heard on 7545, which is Tinang tho 270 degrees, but suffering severe splash 
from another Tinang transmitter only 5 kHz up on 7550, the weekend Indonesian 
service at 200 degrees. The two frequencies claimed apply only to Asia as we 
know there are more to Africa at 1400 such as 17585, Greenville/Botswana (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. In order to avoid all those frequency ranges under this heading 
when compiling contents, I am now filing over-the-horizon radar logs, altho 
they cannot be 100% identified as to source, under CHINA for the 50-kHz-spread 
version from the west and under CYPRUS for the 25-kHz spread version from the 
east --- none of the latter today (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 6
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 00:49:14 +0530
From: "Alokesh" <>
To: "Alokesh-Hotmail" <>
Subject: [HCDX] EWTN B09
Message-ID: <02bf01ca5415$bca13b90$c933e...@alokesh>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

EWTN Shortwave Radio (WEWN)B09
October 25, 2009-March 3, 2010 

English to Af/ME/SEAsia

0000-0100 15610 AF
0100-0900 11520 ME
0900-1300 9390  SEA
1300-1500 13835 EU
1500-1900 15610 ME
1900-2400 15610 AF

Spanish to South America/Caribbean 

0000-1000 11870
1000-1700 12050
1700-2400 13830

Spanish to Mexico

0000-0500 5810
0500-1300 7555
1300-2200 11550
2200-2400 12050

Reports to :
EWTN Shortwave Radio (WEWN)
5817 Old Leeds Road Irondale, AL.3521,USA
Contact: Glen Tapley,Frequency Manager
E-Mail:  gtapley @

Alokesh Gupta
New Delhi, India

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 82, Issue 24

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