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Hard-Core-DX mailing list

THE INFORMATION IN THIS ARTICLE IS FREE. It may be copied, distributed
and/or modified under the conditions set down in the Design Science License
published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Good News from Tazzy Tiger OHR in Tasmania (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. logs (L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec)
   3. Sun morn Dx (
   4. Logs (Manuel M?ndez)
   5. Glenn Hauser logs January 2-3, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   6. Jan 1-3 Logs (
   7. Re: Good News from Tazzy Tiger OHR in Tasmania (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 10:14:25 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Good News from Tazzy Tiger OHR in Tasmania
Message-ID: <6a1f6b8ad4104b6da522105604b82...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

AUSTRALIA   Good News from Tazzy Tiger OHR in Tasmania.

Dear fellow intruder busters,
I hope that you have all started the new year well.

IARU-MS  ALSO has been very careful in the end of 2009 spotting and removing
the Bruny-"Tazzy"-Tiger radar from Tasmania. If you want to learn more about
this *Successful Action* just hit


You will also find this report on the "new" homepage of IARU-R1,

Big thanks to all hams who have helped in this case, especially to Glenn
VK4DU, Peter VK3MV, Brett VR2BG, and Arasu VU2UR. Keep up your good work!
(Uli Bihlmayer-DJ9KR, INTRUDERALERT mailing list Jan 2)


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 09:28:15 -0200
From: L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec <>
To: <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, "Anker Petersen" <>
Subject: [HCDX] logs
Message-ID: <006a01ca8c68$267cf010$ce81b...@home>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

4990, Suriname, R. Apintie, Paramaribo. January, 2 2315-2345 romantic slow 
music, 2317 long female talks segment seems in Dutch, 2332 slow music, pop 
music, short female talks returning music. In a hard battle agaisnt Brazilian 
4985, some fade out, 22432 (lob-B).


3950, China, PBS Xinjiang, Urumqui. January, 2 2349-2354 male in Chinese talks, 
sometimes eloquent. Noisy, 24332 (lob-B).


3945, Japan, R. Nikkei 2, Chiba-Nagara. January, 3 0833-0859 orchestrated Pop 
classics selections like "Hey Jude" of The Beatles, "Bridge over troubled 
water" of Simon & Garfunkel (that kind of music good to fall asleep), 0858 male 
in Japanese talks, 0859 s/off and no Vanuatu's signal. 34333 (lob-B).


L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m. 


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 12:13:23 -0000
From: <>
To: <>, "ALF" <>,
        <>, "Robert Wilkner" <>,    "Marie
        Lamb" <>, <>,
        <>,     "Gayle Van Horn"
        <>, <>,   "DSWCI"
        <>, <>,        "arnaldo slaen"
Subject: [HCDX] Sun morn Dx
Message-ID: <9797a8ce1ce24d9db7991af55f4b8...@virtualxp66406>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Peru, 6019.25, Radio Victoria, 1125-1135,  Noted a program of religious
Spanish dissertation with reaction from an audience heard also.  Signal
was poor with QRM.  (Chuck Bolland, January 3, 2010)

China, 6100, China Radio International, 1145-1157,  Noted a program of 
and features in Esperanto language.   It sounds Spanishy but different  Also 
using it sounded like translators, not their natural language.  At 1150 a 
male comments
in Chinese.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, January 3, 2010)

Watkins Johnson HF1000
026.27N 081.05W


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 03 Jan 2010 19:42:06 +0100
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Espa?a

Escuchas realizadas en Friol
Sony ICF SW7600G
Antena de cable, 10 metros, orienta WSW

ALEMANIA, 6140, MV Baltic Radio, 1025-1100*, 03-01 locutor, alem?n,comentarios, 
canciones, ingl?s, locutora: "This is MV Baltic Radio, broadcating on Short 
Wave, 6140 kHz, 49 meters". 45444. (M?ndez)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0953-1012, 03-01, portugu?s, locutor, 
comentarios, canciones. 24322. (M?ndez)

9565, Radio Tupi, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 0940-0950, 03-01, locutor, 
religioso, predicaciones. "Igreja Deus e Amor". 24322. (M?ndez)

11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa Mar?a, 0950-1007, 03-01, locutor, portugu?s, 
comentario religioso. 24433. (M?ndez)

11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 1048-1115, 03-01, locutora, 
portugu?s, comentarios, locutor. 24322. (M?ndez)

11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 1001-1105, 03-01, identificaci?n: "8 
horas 1 minuto, Radio Brasil Centra, Onda Media, 1270 kHz, 50 kW, Onda 
Tropical, 4985 kHz, 10 kW, Onda Curta, 25 metros, 11815 kHz, 7,5 kW, Radio 
Brasil Central, Goiania, Goias". Comentarios, canciones. 45444. (M?ndez)

11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 1049-1055, 03-01, portugu?s, locutor, 
comentario religioso. 23222. (M?ndez)

11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1032-1040, 03-01, portugu?s, locutor, 
locutora, comentarios. 14321. (M?ndez)

ECUADOR, 6050, HCJB, Pichincha, 0945-1000, 03-01, locutor, quechua, 
comentarios. A las 1000 se?ales horarias. 24322. (M?ndez)

GUINEA, 7125, Radio Guinea, Conakry, 1201-1210, 03-01, canciones africanas. 
23322. (M?ndez)

MEXICO, 6185, Radio Educaci?n, M?xico D. F., 0956-1017, 03-12, m?sica cl?sica, 
canciones. 24322. (M?ndez)


Message: 5
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 11:25:56 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs January 2-3, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** BRAZIL. Some Brazilian DXers are reporting that RNA 11780 must be on a 
low-power transmitter such as 7.5 kW. I suspected they had mixed it up with the 
inactive R. Gua?ba on 11785. That odd power is a common one for some private 
Brazilian SW stations, from 6 to 11 MHz bands, if you search on it in Aoki, 
which also shows 7.5 in 11780! Possibly they have a backup to the regular 250 
kW unit, and/or possibly Brazilians are in the skip zone leading to unwarranted 
assumptions that 11780 is low-powered. But it`s Aoki which is certainly 

I suppose some manufacturer long ago was making SW transmitters of this power, 
and also sold a couple to Radio New Zealand, which was their rating until the 
50/100 kW units at Rangitaiki went in. WRTH also shows 7.5 for Brazilians on 
6-11 MHz bands, but none on trop bands except one inactive on 4945, R. 

Reception of RNA 11780 varies widely here in the nightmiddle, but I attribute 
that to propagation. On Jan 4 at 0550, a UT Sunday when it is on all-night 
rather than cutting on sometime between 0630 and 0700, RNA 11780 was inbooming 
at S9+20 and could not possibly be only 7.5 kW. Normally it far outstrips the 
signal levels of any other 25m Brazilians that may be audible (Glenn Hauser, 

** CHINA. OTH radar pulsing, presumed from here, Jan 3 at 1416 ranging 
approximately 4835-4870 and 4935-4970 --- hmm, these two are exactly 100 kHz 
apart (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. Firedrake Jan 3 at 1427: good on 8400, JBA on 9000, not audible on 10 
or 11 MHz frequencies.

Time was omitted in yesterday`s report, so try again: Firedrake Jan 2 at 1435: 
8400 fair with flutter, 9000 very poor, nothing audible on 10210, 11300 or 
11350. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. AIR National Channel, 9425, fair Jan 3 at 1430 with news in English 
by well-understood YL, including at 1432 fog disrupting train service around 
New Delhi, and along with cold weather blamed for dozens of deaths. 1435 after 
brief Hindi announcement, into talk by OM, and I had trouble deciding whether 
it was English with a heavy Hindi lilt, or really Hindi. // 9470 if on was not 
audible between stronger 9465 and 9475 signals. 

9870, AIR VBS, Sunday Jan 3 at 1442 with enthusiastic drama, including music 
produxion, and also hum which normally is not heard on this frequency. Was the 
hum on the program recording only? 1445 Vividh Bharati ID, sirens, SFX, music; 
1451 ads in Hindi, first one for ``Super Het`` ! Is that a radio receiver 
brand? If not, what else could it be? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LSITENING DIGEST) 

** OKLAHOMA. A local mixing product no one else will hear, but the computation 
may be of interest, applicable elsewhere. 2250 kHz, Jan 3 at 0615, extremely 
weak modulation in the noise level, but quite steady, making me suspect it`s 
local, rather than a 3 x 750 DX harmonic. As always, time to check my only two 
strong MW locals, KGWA 960 and KCRC 1390. Yes, sure enough, 2250 audio matches 
960, and it is mixing with something else, but how does it get on 2250? Out 
comes the calculator: 3 x 1390 = 4170 (where KCRC is always audible with its 
weak third harmonic). Subtract 2250 from 4170 = 1920, which is the second 
harmonic of KGWA, where it is also audible weakly. So we have 2250 as the 
difference between the third harmonic of KCRC and the second of KGWA. The two 
sites are about 5 km apart, so how do they mix? Externally (Glenn Hauser, Enid, 

** U S A. 1860-AM, WA0RCR in MO, Jan 3 at 0621 with classic Jean Shepherd 
monolog somehow mixing being hung up on a girl he wanted to take out, with a 
young man`s conflicting desire to spend the few dollars he had on some 
component at a ham radio store; that was from This Week in Amateur Radio, altho 
it dates from many years before this week, Shep`s WOR radio show. It seems 
WA0RCR may broadcast entertainment as well as information (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 4517-SSB, AF MARS net Sunday Jan 3 at 1410, with AFF7MO, Gene, 
conveniently giving his e-mail address based on his ham call, WA0KHP. This was 
during an informal QSO without giving any callsigns for several minutes, off 
topic into global-warming-doubting, as tends to happen in winter when it`s 
still cold, duh. Finally IDed at 1414, and his contact was AFA7DP. ARRL lookup 
shows WA0KHP as: FOLLMER, EUGENE L, WA0KHP (General), 34 NW 79TH ST, KANSAS 
CITY, MO 64118-1434 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Will Martin reports that the only known SW airtime for DXing with 
Cumbre, Sunday 1200 on WHRI 9410, was replaced by a preacher on Dec 27, so I 
checked Jan 3 at 1220: yes, preacher, no Marie.

However, searching on the WHR website by program host, ``Marie Lamb``, it now 
shows the 1200 broadcast on 9410 as Saturday instead of Sunday. Previously, we 
had confirmed that when it was on Sunday at this time, it was not on Saturday, 
tho listed for both. Readout now claims 18 other airings per week on WHRI, and 
9 on T8WH, all of which are probably imaginary, but maybe on corresponding 
webcasts/satellite feeds. If anyone axually hears DXing with Cumbre on SW, 
which it seems is no longer produced every week, perhaps leading to many of its 
scheduled times missing, please let us know (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. The US-based Adventist World Radio finally has a US station carrying 
its programming: WINB. Sunday Jan 3 at 1438, when 9265 was on the air unlike 
weekdays, concluding Your Story Hour with contact info, mentioned 3ABN (7DA`s 
Three Angels Broadcasting Network; actually I am not sure how closely related 
are AWR and 3ABN, mainly on satellite and as feeder to domestic outlets. Could 
be they have doctrinal differences like the ``Historic Adventist`` ex-WVHA 
crowd? But YSH is a longtime Adventist program carried by AWR.)

Trouble is, YSH is not on the WINB program schedule, even tho it was just 
updated December 6: nor is anything like it on 
the programs by title. They also still unabashedly include Tony Al?mo, 
convicted child-sex predator, sentenced to 175 years in prison.

BTW, despite the December update, WINB still thinx Eastern Time is 4 hours 
behind UT. I suppose that makes the ET listings correct as EST, with all the UT 
times shown as one hour off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 13845, WWCR at 1555 Sunday Jan 3 was carrying PMS // 11775 Anguilla, 
instead of Brother Scare, who supposedly is 7 days at 15-19, as we also heard 
on a corrected announcement a few days ago at the 1500 changeover. 

WWCR 15825 had a good altho not solid signal, at 1557 Jan 3, so I tried 18770 
just in case, the second harmonic of nearby WWRB 9385, and there it was, 
Brother Scare clearly readable, so that compensates for losing out on 13845. No 
sign of sporadic E on VHF, unfortunately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 5745, WYFR in English, fair Jan 3 at 0607 mixed with pulses 
from the DentroCuban Jamming Command, which only *needs* to jam 5745 at 11-14 
when R. Mart? is using it! WYFR is scheduled 05-10, and runs such a risk by 
daring to use an elsewhen jammed channel. WWRB is also authorized on 5745 at 
21-04, but I think they are not using it so long, perhaps because of more 
offtime jamming? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. As I was falling asleep, Jan 3 around 0645 UT, old time radio show on 
1670. Must be WTDY Madison WI, which favors far-right wacko talkhosts much of 
the time, Beck, Miller, Medved, Ingraham, but per sked 
When Radio Was is indeed on its air UT Sundays 05-08. This title does *not* 
refer to ``when radio was subject to the Fairness Doctrine``. Also of possible 
interest: UT Mondays 00-03, Sunday Night Bandstand with Ben Benedetti (Glenn 

** VENEZUELA [non]. No-show again from El Hugazo, Sunday Jan 3 looking for Al?, 
Presidente on scheduled Cuban relay frequencies: 13750 came on at *1558, off at 
1559, back on with carrier only, but nothing further heard, nor 12010. Rechex 
of both at 1655 and 1850: nothing on the air. However, RHC`s Esperanto show on 
11760 was not a no-show at 1520 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED [non]. The pirate I heard on 6930-USB, Jan 2 at 0607-0642+, was 
Wolverine Radio, says Brian Alexander, PA, who was listening at exactly the 
same time and heard some of the same music. Tnx, Brian (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 



Message: 6
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 14:39:08 EST
Subject: [HCDX] Jan 1-3 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

** CANADA. 6660, CHU time signal station, 1630-1640+, Jan 3,
2nd  harmonic. 2 x 3330. Poor to fair with occasional utility QRM.
Thanks to D.  Crawford and Terrry Krueger for tip. (Brian 
Alexander, PA)  
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 3425.93 AM, WNKR, 0257, Jan 2,
someone  re-broadcasting this U.K. pirate again. British pop music.
ID. Very good.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 3425.97 AM, WHYP, 0035-0050,
Jan 3, ID. ?Who  Wants to be a Pirate Radio Operator? skit. Fake ads.
Good signal but  occasional utility QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6924.1 USB, Captain Morgan, 
2135-2145, Jan  2, Blues music. IDs. Email address. Poor to fair 
with deep fades and some  distortion. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** NORTH AMERICA. [Pirate]. 6924.7 AM, MAC, 1745-1755+, Jan 1,
?MAC?  IDs. Talk by young boy. Instrumental music. Radio-drama.
?Guitarman Show?  with rock/pop music. E-mail address. Strong. Very 
good. (Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** RWANDA. 6055, Radio Rwanda, 2030-2100*, Jan 2, Euro-pop  music.
Afro-pop music. French talk. Phone talk. Fair but weak co-channel  QRM
from Iran. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 7
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 2010 19:06:20 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To:, HCDX <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Good News from Tazzy Tiger OHR in Tasmania
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

IARU-MS was only concerned with keeping TIGER out of the 10100-10150 kHz 30m 
hamband, but where else might it be? pdf link below includes this:

On a real time data display on internet you are able to read the transmission 
frequency of the different TIGER radars. You can also see a picture with the 
"fan" in different colours showing the structures of the ionosphere. Please hit

And the above link includes this, rather unspecific info:

``TIGER is controlled remotely from La Trobe University in Melbourne, 
Australia. It uses HF radio waves in the 8 - 20 MHz range. It consumes only 2 
kW of power, the same as some electric kettles and transmits an average of 200W 
- the same as two bright light globes. 

``TIGER typically operates near 14 MHz during day-time and 12 MHz at night but 
this changes with the level of solar activity. It is also capable of 
swept-frequency operation meaning that when irregularities are widespread 
throughout the ionosphere, the radar detects ionospheric and sea scatter over 
much of its range window and over a broad band of frequencies``

Altho obviously doing valuable ionospheric research, which might even be 
applicable to SWL/DXing, it seems it could also interfere with many other 
transmissions unless it is disallowed e.g. from broadcast bands. I have 
enquired about its actual frequency usage (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

--- On Sun, 1/3/10, Wolfgang Bueschel <> wrote:

> Dear fellow intruder busters,
> I hope that you have all started the new year well.
> IARU-MS? ALSO has been very careful in the end of 2009
> spotting and removing
> the Bruny-"Tazzy"-Tiger radar from Tasmania. If you want to
> learn more about
> this *Successful Action* just hit
> <>
> You will also find this report on the "new" homepage of
> IARU-R1,
> <>
> Big thanks to all hams who have helped in this case,
> especially to Glenn
> VK4DU, Peter VK3MV, Brett VR2BG, and Arasu VU2UR. Keep up
> your good work!
> (Uli Bihlmayer-DJ9KR, INTRUDERALERT mailing list Jan 2)


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 85, Issue 4

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