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published by Michael Stutz at

Today's Topics:

   1. Participe en el concurso organizado por el Radio Club
      Uruguayo (Arnaldo)
   2. La Rosa de Tokyo para este fin de semana: La radio en
      Mozambique (Arnaldo)
   3. logs (L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec)
   4. Glenn Hauser logs September 16-17, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   5. QSL Report (Artur Fernandez Llorella)
   6. Radio Verdad back on air 4052.5, low power (Glenn Hauser)
   7. Sept 17 Logs (
   8. Re: Radio Verdad back on air 4052.5, low power (Glenn Hauser)
   9. QSL Report for Al Muick (Albert Muick)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:33:12 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc: RWG <>, Radio Club QRM Belgrano
        <>,,,  playdx2003
Subject: [HCDX] Participe en el concurso organizado por el Radio Club
Message-ID: <6b35e964151b48e08e9cddd8da249...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

El pr?ximo S?bado 18 de Octubre  entre las 14 y las 16 hs, en las frecuencias 
entre 7100 y 7300 KHz,
tendr? lugar un concurso organizado por el Radio Club Uruguayo, que tiene una 
particularidad que lo
hace ?nico en nuestra regi?n: Es en AM, s?: Amplitud Modulada.

Un concurso consiste en una operaci?n radial en la cual cada estaci?n 
participante se comunica con
la mayor cantidad posible de otras estaciones similares. Este concurso ya va 
por la 4? edici?n y si
bien la primera vez fue solo para estaciones de Uruguay, a partir de la segunda 
edici?n pas? a ser

El hecho que sea en AM no es casual, sino que responde al auge que ha tomado 
este m?todo de
modulaci?n, con muchos experimentadores que arman sus equipos caseros, desde 
los tradicionales
amplificadores a v?lvulas, hasta los modernos amplificadores clase "E" a 
transistores, con
moduladores digitales por ancho de pulso, lo que los hace poderosos, muy 
baratos, eficientes y con
una calidad de audio que rivaliza el de estaciones de broadcasting.

Para quien desee m?s detalles, tanto de la parte organizativa del concurso con 
sus links, como de la
parte t?cnica y tambi?n hist?rica de algunos receptores o transmisores de AM, 
pueden hacer click en
los siguientes enlaces a las secciones "Actividades Programadas" o "Concursos" 
de los sitios web del
Radio Club QRM Belgrano, que est?n en: o bien o bien


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:37:21 +0200
From: "Arnaldo" <>
To: <>
Cc: Radio Club QRM Belgrano <>,,        Programasdx 
<>,,  NoticiasDX
        <>,   Domesticas Y Tropicales
        <>, Luis Mar?a Barassi
        <>,, playdx2003
        <>,   DXLD <>,,
Subject: [HCDX] La Rosa de Tokyo para este fin de semana: La radio en
Message-ID: <e07d30aba07445b3af06334fd386d...@windowsv03oj4t>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

El programa de este s?bado 18 de Septiembre de 2010 (que en d?as sucesivos 
puede escucharse en

estar? dedicado a visitar radiof?nicamente MOZAMBIQUE. Conoceremos su historia 
y su presente radial, haciendo especial hincapi? en sus emisoras m?s 
representativas. Tambi?n, se ilustrar? el programa con material sonoro 


La Rosa de Tokyo es un programa dedicado a difundir el apasionante mundo de la 
radio y del diexismo que se  transmite semanalmente desde los estudios de LS11 
Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires.


Puede ser escuchada los d?as s?bados de 12: 00 UTC a 13:00 Tiempo Universal 
Coordinado (09:00 a 10-00 hora LU) por los 1270 Khz y en Internet por


Adem?s, una extensa red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada de toda la Rep?blica 
Argentina retransmite en forma semanal nuestro programa en diferentes d?as y 


La Rosa de Tokyo tambi?n sale por onda corta gracias a las facilidades 
brindadas por WRMI Radio Miami Internacional (


Tambi?n puede ser escuchada en cualquier momento entrando en la p?gina 
ProgramasDX y haciendo "click" en

Desde este v?nculo tambi?n podr?n acceder al archivo que recaba ediciones 
anteriores del programa.


La Rosa de Tokyo es producida y conducida por Omar Jos? Somma, Margarita Torres 
y Arnaldo Leonel Slaen y cuenta con la colaboraci?n habitual de Rub?n Guillermo 

73`s  & 55`s


Message: 3
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 08:16:04 -0300
From: L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec <>
To: <>, <>,
        <>, <>,
        <>, "Anker Petersen" <>,
Subject: [HCDX] logs
Message-ID: <001c01cb565a$78634c50$4531b...@home>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="iso-8859-1"

3900, PBS Hulun Buir, Hailar. September, 15 0915-0922 male amd female in 
Chinese talks. Very weak, 22322 (lob-B).


5020, Solomon Islands BC, Honiara. September, 17 0914-0920 male in Pidgin 
talks. 23232, (lob-B).


9680, Indonesia, RRI Jakarta, Jakarta-Cimanggis. September, 17 1000-1015 top of 
hour male in Indonesian announcements "Jakarta", music as a bridge to female 
talks, native music, back female and native music. Weak fading, 34433 (lob-B). 

My feelings by the death of Gabriel Ivan Barrera, a DX legend!

Good bye Gabriel.


L?cio Ot?vio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - Dipole 18m, 32m; Longwire 22m. 


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:06:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 16-17, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALBANIA [and non]. 9860, R. Tirana, Sept 16 at 0028 IS preceding English 
0030-0045, poor, surpassed by neighbor 9855 which had more modulation but 
Shijak with less flutter; 9855 listed as VOA Sri Lanka in Tibetan, 250 kW, 20 
degrees, and I think it was that rather than mandatory ChiCom jamming (Glenn 

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. 15476, LRA36, Sept 16 at 1308 and 1332 music weaker 
than Rampisham Belarussian 15480; At 1431, 15476 JBA carrier, vs stronger 15480 
which is now Democratic Voice of Burma, Norway, via WRN, via ARMENIA. Friday 
Sept 17 at 1410, 15476 very poor in music, talk? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** AUSTRALIA. 6507-USB, coastal weather by automated M voice, good at 1245 Sept 
16; includes Tasman Islands, Cape Broome(?), Neptune Island, ergo VMC 
Charleville Qsld as scheduled. Some of the condition reports are incomplete, 
e.g. giving winds only. 1246 double-tone and S. Australia weather; also audible 
on weaker // 8176 until both quit at 1254.

Going to the map website I cited a few days ago, 
we now get:
``Australia Marine Forecast Zones Map
This page has been updated and renamed.
Please update your bookmark to -
This redirection advisory file which will be removed at the end of Dec 2010.``

Even on the more detailed Tasmania map
of the three locations heard above I only find Tasman Is. Nor do I find Neptune 
Island in Vic or SA, but Googling on Neptune Island do find it ``70 km south of 
port Lincoln``, yet it does not show on the corresponding detailed SA map! No 
Cape Broome, but Broome is in WA, seemingly outside the area covered (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake Sept 16:
8400, fair with flutter at 1225, 1252. Did not do full bandscan today.

Firedrake Sept 17:
8400, poor at 1353. BTW, I never hear CW QRM on this frequency which you might 
expect in the marine band, nor on others in marine bands, so it seems the Sound 
of Hope frequencies are well-chosen. Did not do full bandscan 8-18 MHz today 

9845, ChiCom jamming against VOA Mandarin at 1402 Sept 17, not only CNR1 but 
still adding extremely distorted modulation of something else atop all, maybe 
in Vietnamese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA [non]. 15205, Thu Sept 16 at 1333 expansive movie music, 1335 ``4, 3, 
2, 1, ignition`` in English, but then French announcement, pop music, strong 
but heavy flutter. 1339-1339 talking about Maurice Jarre, [not Jarr?, as I 
sometimes hear uneducated US announcers say] ``A Walk in the Clouds``. 1342 
heard again ``4, 3, 2, 1, ignition`` and blast-off roar. What in the world? O, 
at 1344 we find out it is Radio Chine Internationale, and into chinois le?on; 
off at 1357*. Is via Kashgar, EAST TURKISTAN, one of numerous services aimed 
thence toward Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Anomalies Sept 16: at 0512, English on 5970 and 6150, but on neither 
6000 nor 6010; Spanish on 6060, 6120, 5040. If one or two transmitters were 
still on 9525 or 11760, inaudible there. By 0530, 6010 English was finally on, 
very undermodulated, and 6060 was still in Spanish instead of English.

5025, R. Rebelde absent at same check 0513 Sept 16, but they were making radio 
again at 1233. Leider, nothing else to be heard around 5025 while RR was off.

12000, 12030 and 12060 RHC Spanish all audible at 1300 Sept 16, presumably 
12030 and matching spurs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** FRANCE. 5865, RTA relay from Algeria, Sept 16 at 0514 Arabic talk with echo, 
and at 0516 // 7295 without the echo. This has happened before with Issoudun 
transmissions, altho it was 7 MHz doing it previously. At this time of night, 
long/short path highly unlikely, making us suspect TDF is running two 
non-synchronized transmitters on 5865, OR: a double-audio feed is getting into 
one transmitter somehow (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. 15595, Sept 16 at 1329, intermittent tone test denoting a CIS 
site, 1330 Farsi, poor. No, it`s Dari from DW via Armavir/Krasnodar, RUSSIA 

** GUAM [and non]. Hoping to catch AFN off-frequency again, but Sept 16 at 1238 
is on correct 5765-USB with string of mini-features AFN so conveniently strings 
together for us, altho mixed with PSAs such as one about managing credit. 
Feature now is The Lohdown on Science, a sesquiminute talk by Sandra Tsing Loh 
from KPCC. 

I have also caught KOSU 91.7 running her at 1505:07-1506:37 UT on a weekday, 
presumably M-F. See While any effort to popularize Science 
is laudable, these are so brief that not much can really be conveyed; but there 
is a huge potential audience with severely debilitated attention spans, 
evidently including the military.

``She also does a weekly commentary, The Loh Life, that has aired in Southern 
California on KPCC 89.3 FM since 2004.`` And on KCRW previously before a 
schism. We corrected URL: with plenty of 
audio linx (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** INDIA. 9425, AIR NC, Sept 16 at 1320, Vande Mataram, poor with flutter 

** INDONESIA [and non]. 9526-, VOI still suffering from OADs, but at least is 
on the air: Sept 16 at 1317, new(?) slogan, ``Voice of Indonesia: let`s make 
the world dream`` (I think, rather than green.) Today In History segment: PNG 
independence, 1975y. 

9526-, VOI same Sept 17, pop music fill at 1356 with OADs, and atop CRI 9525 
het from following minute. 1441 still on with Indo (?) music much more frenetic 
than VOA`s weekend Indonesian on 9945 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, RNZI AM normally inbooms after 0500, but JBA Sept 16 at 
0516 and at first thought it absent, not found on 7440 either, but then 
detectable on 11725, as 25m almost dead.

7440, Sept 17 at 1355 DRM again, whence? Previous report during this time 
period was denied by RNZI, but nothing else is listed in DRM at any time on 
this frequency, and they do use it before 1158 and after 1551 per (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** OKLAHOMA. 99.7, KZLS, IDing As ``True Oldies, Mustang-Oklahoma City``, Sept 
16 at 1701. And promptly responding to a listener in Tampa. Obviously a 
satellite-fed format, from:
with affiliate list here:
99.7 Mustang is the frequency hijacked from Alva/Enid, formerly KNID, KXLS, as 
Chisholm Trail Broadcasting attempts to get another signal into a much bigger 

But it`s not full power and tower, from a site near Tuttle, SW of OKC.
and we normally don`t hear it in Enid. Applies to move a little closer, to a 
site between El Reno and Piedmont, W of OKC:
also increasing power and tower (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PRIDNESTROVYE. 6240, Radio PMR, UT Thu Sept 16 at 0045 check in English with 
T-storm QRN; 0153 in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ROMANIA. 15195, Sept 16 at 1350, Nirvana`s ``Smells Like Teen Spirit``, 
from, where else, RRI Romanian service, but 1351 mentioned ``Rom?nia 
Actualitatsi``, so a relay of the home service first program, as are a lot of 
RRI transmissions, but unclear which ones or which parts. Then W&M chatting 
about TV until 1356* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A [and non]. 9955, WRMI with WORLD OF RADIO 1530, Friday Sept 17 at 
1442, JBA fading in and out, weaker than Japanese on 9960, which is Furusato no 
Kaze via PALAU toward Korea North. 

Next WOR SW airings: Fri 2030 WWCR 15825; Sat & Sun 0800 & 1730 WRMI 9955; Sat 
1600 WWCR 12160; Sun 0230 WWCR 4840, Sun 0630 3215; Sun 1515 WRMI 9955 (Glenn 

** VIETNAM [non]. 6175, VOV English via CANADA, UT Thursday Sept 16 at 0343 
starting mailbag/letterbox show. Presumably on all UT Thursday broadcasts, or 
is it Wednesdays carrying over to Thu via this relay for target still in local 
Wednesday? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15679-, Sept 16 at 1433, 2-way Spanish SSB again heard on this 
frequency, mentioning camaroncitos (shrimp), so probably fishing poachers, 
discussing what time they awaken in the morning, mother being whore, etc. 
Slightly on low side, judging from BFO het against weak 15680 AM signal (Glenn 



Message: 5
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 20:16:38 +0200
From: Artur Fernandez Llorella <>
Subject: [HCDX] QSL Report
Message-ID: <snt144-w424e4ffc9163bd5968a169ff...@phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"




RAE, 15345, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to v/s Gabriel 
Iv?n Barrera, sadly disappeared recently!


Radio Bahrain, 6010, partly detailed letter of confirmation for an old 
reception report. Address: Box 1075, Manama, Bahrain. v/s Abdulla Al-Baloushi, 
Director Technical Affairs. New radio country verified! (Thanks to info 
published by Jim Evans, TN). 



Voice of Vietnam, via Sackville, 6175, QSL (with tx site), photo of studios in 
15 weeks. Report to Voice of Vietnam, 58 Quan Su Street, Hanoi.




TWR, 1233, QSL for e-report to and Answer came by 
post from office in Austria.




RFA Kuwait, 7505, QSL for e-report to, in 3 weeks.




R. Pridnestrovie, 9665, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to v/s 
Anatoly Kirsa, Director.



Medi 1, 9575, QSL, personal letter, sticker in 13 weeks for e-report to



Polskie Radio, 9770, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report via their web, English Service.



RDP, 11905, special QSL commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Portuguese 
Public Radio, personal letter, in 1 year! v/s Paula Nunes, for report via their 



DW Kimjae, 9785, QSL, greetings card, sticker in 2 weeks for e-report to 




IBB Udon Thani, 12130, QSL in 4 weeks for e-report to 




R. Ukraine Int, 7440, QSL, schedule for e-report to in 4 weeks

DW Simferopol, 7510, QSL in 3 weeks for e-report to




EWTN, 5810, QSL in 6 months for e-report to




Atlantic 2000 International, via R. Amica, 7610, QSL, info, v/s Tiphanie in 1 
week for e-report to

Relmus Radio, 1665, E-QSL in 1 day for e-report to

R. Barones, 1665, E-QSL in 2 days for e-report to

WR International, 12257, QSL, calendar, pen, personal letter in 2 weeks for 
e-report to v/s Dave Jones

You can see some images of these QSLs in my blog:



Artur Fern?ndez Llorella

Catalonia, Spain



Message: 6
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 15:21:34 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To:,,        NASWA
        <>, ABDX <>,   ODXA yg
        <>, BDXC-news yg <>,
Subject: [HCDX] Radio Verdad back on air 4052.5, low power
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

** GUATEMALA. YOUR REPORTS PLEASE --- Greetings to all friends of Radio Truth 
(Radio Verdad). May I inform you that we started to broadcast on short wave 
today at 1:30 p. m. (Guatemalan time) [1930 UT]. These are temporary 
transmissions, with only 50 watts power. We are using a very small transmitter. 
We?ll appreciate your reports of how you receive our signal. Send your report 
to: radioverdad5 @ or to Apartado 5, Chiquimula, Guatemala. 

Referring to our large transmitter, it is already on function, but we are 
waiting for Eng. Ralph Borthwick to come from Canada, for completing its 
repair, by the middle of October, and be able to come on the air with our full 
power again. God bless you. PLEASE SPREAD OUT THIS INFORMATION (Dr. ?dgar 
Am?lcar Madrid, Manager and Director, Radio Verdad, 2211 UT Sept 17, DX 

See previous reports in

4052.5 kHz. Nominal program schedule shows: Mon-Sat 1100-0605; Sunday 1255-0605 
UT, so best chance should be at sign-on or in the few hours before sign-off 
(Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###



Message: 7
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 20:19:18 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [HCDX] Sept 17 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

** BOLIVIA. 6134.79, Radio Santa Cruz, 0105-0110*, Sept 17, local  
flute music. Spanish ID announcements. Sign off with flute music.
Poor  with QRM from Brazil?s Radio Aparecida 6135.02. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** CHAD. 6165, RNT, 2210-2230*, Sept 17, French talk. Some Afro-
pop  music. Sign off with National Anthem. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** COLOMBIA. 6009.82, LV de tu Conciencia, 0745-0805, Sept 17,
Spanish  religious talk with English translations. Weak. Poor. (Brian 
Alexander, PA) 
** CROATIA. 3985.04, Voice of Croatia, Deanovec, 0200-0214, Sept 
17,  English ?Croatia Today? news program. Talk about local foods. 
Very weak.  Much stronger on // 7375 - via Germany. (Brian Alexander, 
** GUYANA. 3289.98, Voice of Guyana, 0820-0845, Sept 17, tune-in
to  Hindi vocals. Qur`an at 0836. US pop music at 0841 including 
?Ebony and  Ivory? song. Heard earlier at 0730-0805 with BBC news
programming. Poor in  noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 


Message: 8
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2010 18:10:02 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
To:,,        NASWA
        <>, ABDX <>,   ODXA yg
        <>, BDXC-news yg <>,
Cc: ?dgar Madrid <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Radio Verdad back on air 4052.5, low power
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

--- On Fri, 9/17/10, Glenn Hauser <> wrote:

> Greetings to all friends of Radio Truth (Radio Verdad). May
> I inform you that we started to broadcast on short wave
> today at 1:30 p. m. (Guatemalan time) [1930 UT]. These are
> temporary transmissions, with only 50 watts power. We are
> using a very small transmitter. We?ll appreciate your
> reports of how you receive our signal. Send your report to:
> radioverdad5 @ or to Apartado 5, Chiquimula,
> Guatemala. 
> Referring to our large transmitter, it is already on
> function, but we are waiting for Eng. Ralph Borthwick to
> come from Canada, for completing its repair, by the middle
> of October, and be able to come on the air with our full
> power again. God bless you. PLEASE SPREAD OUT THIS
> INFORMATION (Dr. ?dgar Am?lcar Madrid, Manager and
> Director, Radio Verdad, 2211 UT Sept 17, DX LISTENING
> See previous reports in 
> 4052.5 kHz. Nominal program schedule shows: Mon-Sat
> 1100-0605; Sunday 1255-0605 UT, so best chance should be at
> sign-on or in the few hours before sign-off (Glenn Hauser,
Started trying for it at 0057 UT Sept 18: nothing on 4052.5, but very weak 
instrumental music in noise level, sound religious, on 4055; and an even weaker 
seemingly broadcast signal on 4050: 3 x 1350 KWMU Washington MO as usual? Or 

At 0100 the 4055 signal increases a bit and at 0101 an announcement, made out a 
word or two of Spanish, including ``nosotros``. So suspect R. Verdad`s 
low-power 50-watt substitute transmitter is really on 4055; is that right, Dr. 
Madrid? Reception should improve later in evening. It`s just as well to be on 
4055, further from the 4050 QRM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)



Message: 9
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 07:00:56 +0430
From: "Albert Muick" <>
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] QSL Report for Al Muick
Message-ID: <019601cb56d9$8b535f60$>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

BIOT,  AFRTS, 4319. Full data AFRTS logos card in 26 days for email report.
V/s illegible.

GERMANY,  Norddeutscher Rundfunk, 972, full data "Das Beste am Norden" card
in 119 days for English airmail report and US $2 in return postage.

NETHERLANDS,  Big L,  1395, date only Trintelhaven transmitter site card in
147 days for English email report.  V/s Eric van Willigen  Also included
were two stickers.

SOUTH KOREA,  HLKX, 1188, full data broadcasting house/transmitter site card
in 119 days for English Airmail report and US $5 return postage.  This is a
250kW FEBC station.  *Very* nice card on heavy stock just like the old days
when stations really tried to make their cards special and collectible.

Well, I made it back more or less safe and sound to Kabul, only to come face
to face with a desk full of paperwork which no one wanted to deal with in my
absence and so have had little time to DX since my return.  We had several
explosions yesterday in preparation for today's vote and a pretty good-sized
earthquake close to midnight, so things are still jumpin' in good ol' Kabul.

By the way, you can subtract 5-7 days from my times on these QSLs for the
time it takes my mail forwarder to DHL my mail from the US over to me.


Al Muick

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our
banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be
a revolution before tomorrow morning."
 - Henry Ford, Founder - Ford Motor Co.

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 93, Issue 18

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