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Today's Topics:

   1. Voice of Greece Nov 5th - all three tx units on air again
      (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs November 4-5, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Fri EVE Dx (Charles Bolland)
   4. Nov 5-6 Logs (


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 09:28:31 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "DXLD" <>, "HCDX"
Subject: [HCDX] Voice of Greece Nov 5th - all three tx units on air
Message-ID: <95de8036e33f48578e3a94dcf0c01...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

GREECE   11645  Voice of Greece carries  R Filia relay again, multiling sce 
0600-1000 UT again on air. Appeared on Oct 31 to Nov 3rd on 12105 kHz 

But on Nov 5th at 0800 UT back on air on all three tx units. Instead of
previously used 12105 kHz, now registered 11645 kHz heard again with
multiling sce, 06 En BBCWS relay, 07 Fr RFI relay, 08 Sp, 09 Ge, 09.30 UT

Today at 0800 UT Spanish nx with S=9+20dB signal strength.

ERA-5 Greek service at same time only moderate on 9420 kHz - daylight
damping. But much better on \\ Greek 15630 S=9+20dB.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Nov 4/5)

GREECE   Voice of Greece B-10 azimuths. I constructed this B-10 Transmission
Schedule from the Voice of Greece's web site.

THE VOICE OF GREECE (ERA-5). B-10 Short-wave Transmission Schedule.
(Effective October 31, 2010 to March 27. 2011) (00.00 UT)

   UT      Avlis 1     Avlis 2    Avlis 3  Language
0000-0100  12105/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
0100-0200  12105/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
0200-0300 *12105/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
0300-0400   7450/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
0400-0500   7450/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
0500-0600  *7450/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
0600-0700  11645/002  *7475/285   9420/323 (English  on 11645) Greek
0700-0800  11645/002  15630/285   9420/323 (French   on 11645) Greek
0800-0900  11645/002  15630/285   9420/323 (Spanish  on 11645) Greek
0900-1000  11645/002  15630/285   9420/323 (German), Russian   Greek
                                           on 11645)

1000-1100  SILENT     SILENT      SILENT

1100-1200  #9935/285  15650/105   9420/323 Greek
1200-1300  #9935/285  15650/105   9420/323 Greek
1300-1400  #9935/285  15650/105   9420/323 Greek
1400-1500  #9935/285  15650/105   9420/323 Greek
1500-1600  #9935/285 *15650/105   9420/323 Greek
1600-1700 *#9935/285  15630/285   9420/323 Greek
1700-1800  #7450/323  15630/285   9420/323 Greek
1800-1900  #7450/323  15630/285   9420/323 Greek
1900-2000  #7450/323 *15630/285   9420/323 Greek
2000-2100  #7450/323   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
2100-2200  #7450/323   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
2200-2300 *#7450/323   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
2300-2400  12105/285   7475/285   9420/323 Greek
*Transmission ends 10 minutes earlier

#ERT-3 Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias (Thessaloniki)
Daily maintenance at 1000-1100 UT.
Weekly maintenance every Tuesday at 0800-1200 UT.

For mote information: 210-6066400, 210-6066297
<apodimos_era5 @>
(John Babbis-MD-USA, dxld Oct 30; update Nov 5) 


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 11:44:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 4-5, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** ALBANIA. 13640, R. Tirana, English to NAm, Nov 5 at *1526:20 with S9+12 open 
carrier, 1527:35 starting IS. Still QRM-free, nothing on 13635, and extremely 
weak carrier presumed India on 13645 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA. 15476, no LRA36 carrier detectable Nov 5 at 1344, altho Turkey 
15480 was very poorly audible; nor at 1425 when Turkey too was gone (Glenn 

** CHINA. Firedrake Nov 5: none found 8-18 MHz by 1347 UT (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** CUBA. RHC spurs Nov 5 at 1341: besides the common one on 13921, with whine 
plus a bit of distorted audio // 13680 and 13780, also a weaker one with whine 
of same pitch centered on 13949.9 or so. Once again I do not find any others 
like them lower on the 13 MHz band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. How`s the DentroCuban Jamming Command doing today Nov 5 vs 
R. Mart?, et al.? At 1258, 5745 RM seems jammingless, 6030 jamming only with no 
RM, 5980 which is certainly jammed earlier, now just RM. 1259 again with 
incorrect frequency announcement for following hour ``en algunos instantes, 
11930, 13820, 15330``. At 1300, 5980 went off but 5745 continued. At 1319, 7405 
with jamming about equal to RM level. 

At 1340, 9955 WRMI is jammed, but no jamming on 9965 which had been running 
against R. Rep?blica. At 1431 I check for WOR 1537 on WRMI, as scheduled on 
Fridays (but next week, 1530), and can confirm it despite jamming lightened to 
pulsing, and still no jam on 9965. I was able to detect a very weak carrier on 
9965.5, which is where Terry Krueger previously put R. Rep?blica (Glenn Hauser, 

** EGYPT. 13580, Nov 5 at 1522, hum and very distorted modulation, R. Cairo in 
Albanian, vying with WINB 13570, but Cairo is worse overall, tho carrier is 
less unstable; also lite CODAR swishing across 13580. Cairo is 250 kW at 330 
degrees, so also USward far beyond Albania (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** GREECE. While Nov 4, ERT extended 7475 past 0600 with R. Filia service 
containing BBCWS relay in English, as in my previous report, not so on Nov 5. I 
was listening from 0557 with music, 0559 Greek announcement and ads, seemingly 
until 0603 when switched to news in Greek past 0607; and was still in Greek 
when I quit at 0614 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA [and non]. 9526-, VOI English confirmed Nov 5 before 1400 and 
afterwards in Indonesian, mostly music, always with IADs (intermittent audio 
dropouts), but VG signal, no QRM. Still on at 1505 with lite het from Kashgar 
9525, still music only, mostly from xylophone family, but inserting IDs in 
English at 1507, 1521; 1525 ``Sound of Dignity``. 

9680, RRI gamelan music, mixed with Chinese, Nov 5 at 1324. HFCC B10 has no 
explanation for this, showing at this hour on 9680 besides RRI at 75 degrees: 
NHK in Japanese at 270, KNLS in Russian at 300! For the real story we have to 
go to Aoki which freely includes info about Taiwan, which the ChiCom forbid 
HFCC to include: 

R. Taiwan International, 300 kW, 352 degrees in Chinese at 1100-1700 and * 
meaning jammed. So that ruins 9680 both for Indonesia and KNLS, which per DXLD 
10-44, is really using 9680 during this hour only in Chinese, not Russian! 
Apparently RRI and KNLS pay no attention to this reality (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** IRAN [non]. 15410, Persian pop music, Nov 5 at 1425, good with fades. Again 
this B-season a chance for us to enjoy R. Farda, scheduled 14-16, 300 kW, 95 
degrees from Skelton UK, and preceded at 11-14 by 100 kW, 85 degrees from 
Biblis, Germany (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1640, KFXY Enid, I avoid not only because it blox three 
frequencies in the daytime, at least one at night, but because it`s nothing but 
gospel music and stupid ballgames; however, as I tuned across Nov 5 at 1253 UT, 
there was local news, including a week-old story about the latest sting of 
convenience store clerx arrested for selling beer to minors, a recurring 
problem here; soon outroed as ``CTB News in Ninety``, i.e. Chisholm Trail 
Broadcasting (also KCRC 1390), stix in a sesquiminute of edited local news (or 
olds) headlines here and there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OMAN. 15140, Nov 5 at 1432, JBA signal even tho reading S9 at peaks, 
presumably R. Sultanate of Oman, during newscast in its English hour, always a 
challenge to hear here despite 100 kW, 315 degrees from Thumrayt, for Europe 
and also USward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** POLAND [non]. Mark Coady, Ont., Nov 4, replies to my previous report: 
``Poland was heard on 9460 with a fair signal today near the end of its 
broadcast at 1350.`` I was thinking it was supposed to be in the 9.4s, but was 
looking thru current Aoki B10 for it without success; did find it as I said, 
listed on 11785 and 11905.

It appears that both those are wrong, since in the VTC B-10 schedule we see:
 9460 1300 1400 smtwtfs PRW    Moosbrunn   100 300 English EUR    LP
11860 1300 1400 smtwtfs PRW    Woofferton  125  45 English EUR    HR

Rechecking the Nov 4 edition of Aoki, yes, it claims PRES English at 13-14 is 
on 11785 and 11905 for B-10. Where did he get those? Also has PRES listings for 
9460 and 11860, but at other hours. Maybe there was a timeshifting 

So Nov 5 around 1336 I check all these frequencies for PRES: 11905, nothing 
audible; 11860 nothing tho WYFR is splashing from 11855; 11785 nothing; 9460, 
our best bet, also nothing today, and suffering from 9479 WTWW overload (Glenn 

** RUSSIA. 9855 // 9840, VOR in English to NAm again on these winter 
frequencies from DVR, last few nights not really making it, but fairly good Nov 
5 at 0555 with classical music; 9840 slightly stronger. 9840 is 250 kW, 70 
degrees from Pet/Kam at 04-07, while 9855 is 250 kW, 50 degrees from 
Vladivostok at 05-07. 

Like B-09, R. Rossii is also on 9840 at 05-08, 250 kW, 260 degrees from Moscow, 
and capable of QRMing the other Russian broadcast, worsening further east in 
NAm; altho not noted tonight. Both VOR frequencies are designated for CIRAF 
zones 1, 2 and 6, i.e. western Canada and USA including Alaska, so who cares 
what happen in 7 and 8?

9800, Nov 5 at 1326, seems Russian buried in noise, flutter; higher pitched 
than the motorboating on 6075, so let`s call it ``airplaning`` as in a prop 
craft idling. Could be mistaken for jamming, but no reason for that. I think 
it`s another defective Russian transmitter, this one in Irkutsk, the only thing 
listed during this hour being VOR in Russian, 500 kW, 150 degrees, as HFCC and 
Aoki agree. One can only wonder if they are unaware of these problems at the 
transmitter sites? If not, they should be; if so, should be closed down unless 
and until fixed (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAIPAN. 9725, another check of IBB for R. Svoboda Russian broadcast at 
13-14, which has had serious transmitter problems: Nov 5 at 1324, the carrier 
is still unstable, and modulation is somewhat distorted, tho readable. 
Fortunately, not splattering beyond normal bandwidth (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Nov 5 at 1516, VG in Arabic mentioning referendum, 
``S-R-S``, with self-imposed reverb damaging readability, surely that rather 
than long/short path echo very unlikely to propagate, but delay about the same. 

Sudan Radio Service, 1500-1700, 250 kW, 114 degrees via Sines, PORTUGAL. It`s 
missing from EiBi B-10, but Aoki shows English mixed with Sudanese during the 
first half-hour. 

The big day is 9 January 2011, unless put off again. More at,_2011

** U S A. Checking out the WWV/H special hour 17-18 UT Nov 4, as promoted in 
announcements at 3-5 minutes past each hour, testing the ``emergency 
notification system``. I was monitoring WWVH on 15 MHz, and WWV on 10 MHz for a 
few minutes amid:

Time   WWVH   WWV
1720   tone   anmt
1721   tone   open
1722   tone   anmt
1723   tone   open
1724   anmt   anmt
1725   anmt   open
1726   open   anmt
1727   anmt   open

One is at a loss to figure out how this was coordinated (or not) on the two 
stations. The same wording announcement was played twice at a time on WWVH, but 
only once at a time on WWV (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Some of WWCR`s transmitters continue to be so over-driven with 
modulation (not sure if that is how to describe it correctly) that there is a 
continuous barrage of hash about 5 kHz above and below, even when the program 
modulation pauses. The situation is most noticeable here when we get maximum 
brunt of their super-powerful signals, such as:

5890 and 5935 were both this way at 0546 UT Nov 5. Previously, 5890 with BS was 
much worse than 5935 with DGS. It`s also the case on 9980 all day with BS, and 
on 7490 in the mornings with other programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 9955, WORLD OF RADIO 1537 confirmed on first WRMI airing, Thursday 
Nov 4 at 2120 check, poor to fair on fadeups, and no jamming audible; while 
9965 vs Rep?blica was a Wall of Noise. Last times we checked during this 
airing, it was jammed making WRMI inaudible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 
DIGEST) More under CUBA [and non]

** U S A [and non]. 9885, VOA in English with entertainment news segment, at 
0553 Nov 5, good signal. This is now the prime frequency for morning English to 
Africa at 0300-0700; also audible on 6080 here, and inaudible on 15580; plus 
4930 and/or 4960 during part of the span. 

It looks straightforward on the A-Z VOA language schedule, but in HFCC we see 
that 9885 comes from three different sites during this period: 0300-0430 350 
degrees from Botswana; 0430-0600 124 degrees from S?o Tom?, 0600-0700 330 
degrees from South Africa. So we were getting it off the back from Pinheira, 
and theoretically should have been even better after 0600 from Meyerton aimed 

17740, Nov 5 at 1416, huge steady S9+25 open carrier with some hum to 1417:30 
off, back on a few sex later, 1423 fades in tone test to 1425* and back on for 
a few sex more of OC at *1427. This behaviour is typical of Greenville, setting 
up for much later broadcast on same frequency, i.e. Portuguese at 1700 (instead 
of backup Sackville, apparently).

9360, Nov 5 at 1436, rock music which I have not heard previously this week --- 
can it be VOA`s weekend-only Indonesian service? 1440, VOA jingle in English, 
more rock. Aoki shows it`s via Tinang, PHILIPPINES, Thu-Fri-Sat only at 14-15, 
250 kW, 200 degrees. However, VOA A-Z schedule claims this ``Indonesian`` is 
daily // 11635 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. 17775, have not noticed KVOH all week in daytime chex, and 
surely must be sporadic; but Nov 5 at 1459 it is on. At 1512, S9+25+ signal, 
allowing the spur on 17920 to reach a sizzling S6 with whine and // modulation, 
a salsa song about Jes?s. Could also hear the weaker match on 17630 mixing with 
an open carrier adding up to S9. The latter should be CRI English, 85 degrees 
from 100 kW Mali, maybe just too undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** U S A. 720, since I was still monitoring at 1415 UT Nov 5, a check to see if 
I can hear KDWN Las Vegas popping on at the proper November time for 
day-pattern switch: no, not yet (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1290, Nov 5 at 1359 UT I hear an ad for Four Corners Siding, and a 
307-AC phone number more than once, but fades for ID; ~4 Hz SAH with something, 
probably our daytime dominator KWFS Wichita Falls. 

So it has to be in AZ, NM, CO or UT, right? The only 1290 in those states is in 
faraway Tucson. And no, 307 is Wyoming! So KOWB Laramie, as in Cowboy altho NRC 
shows its current format as news/talk/sports. And Google confirms there is a 
Four Corners Siding in Laramie, as well as Cheyenne (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1300, Nov 5 at 1400 UT, ad for McCook, then Open Line with Rich 
Barnett; so KBRL in Nebraska now definitely logged (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 1330, Nov 5 at 1401 UT, AP Radio News, in null of KNSS Wichita, 
including Conan O`Brien starts Monday night on TBS. Optional cutaway at 1402:30 
is taken by this station, enough news, already! Advanced timecheck for 3 after 
9, ad for Veteran`s Day performances Sat Nov 13 7 pm, Sunday Nov 14 10:50 am at 
First Baptist Church, Monahans; 1404, it`s 9:04 at KCKM, then weatherfemale 
from Channel 9 [KWES Midland, really RF9, no longer COL Monahans]. Signal is 
now peaking, and it`s the one which has to be nulled in order to hear KNSS. 
KCKM Monahans TX, 5 kW, with CP for 12 kW to bother KNSS even more. Calls 
derive from KCKN 1020 Roswell NM, of which KCKM is a subsidiary relaying it 
part time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** U S A. 1550, Nov 5 at 1251 UT as I was tuning across, heard ``New Mexico 
Talk Radio`` slogan and call sounded like KMBA, but it`s really KIVA as per NRC 
AM Log. Was atop lots of other signals on the FRG-7, with the usual SW antenna, 
E-W longwire. I shall not believe this was on night power of 27 watts instead 
of day power of 10000. NRC does not show KIVA as having a PSRA, altho November 
sunrise in Albuquerque is not until 1345 UT, as we well know when KKOB 770 
switches to day pattern audiblizing itself eastward. 

The calls KIVA have been all over the place in past years, seldom pertaining to 
a real Indian station. FCC callsign history shows 1550 has been KIVA since 
05/18/2009, before that KQNM, and down the list KQEO. When I was living in 
Albuquerque, there was no local on 1550, so apparently the earlier calls 
applied to 920. Yes, history for present KSVA 920 shows before 01/23/1995 it 

UNIDENTIFIED. Checked 49m at 1508 Nov 5 for anything still audible: not even 
CFRX 6070 (which continues with good modulation all night), but something on 
5965 was the OSOB. Aoki and HFCC show both CRI Beijing in Russian, 55 degrees, 
and RCI via Japan in Chinese, 290 degrees; probably the former, but what a 
collision there must be in East Asia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 10543-SSB, colloquial Spanish 2-way, engine noise keeping the vox 
on during pauses, Nov 5 at 1331; the other one has less engine noise but also 
keeps transmitting during pauses. Mentions ``la flota``. A third one without 
noise, but big reverb as if speaking from a cavernous compartment belowdex. 
Poachers? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15151.5-USB, could make out some SSB scratching on the hi side of 
weak Russian on 15150, Nov 5 at 1429, which is BBC via Rampisham; could tell it 
was in Spanish, but weak and nothing more (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 



Message: 3
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 00:09:54 -0000
From: "Charles Bolland" <>
To: "ALF" <>, "Arnaldo slaen"
        <>,  "Bob Wilkner" <>,
        "brainman214" <>,Carlos
        GonA?alves<>,      "Cumbre" <>,
        "'DSWCI'" <>,       "Gayle Van Horn"
        <>,     "Glenn Hauser"
        <>,   "Hard-core-dx" <>,
        "Marie Lamb" <>
Subject: [HCDX] Fri EVE Dx
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"

Peru, 4789.956, Radio Vision, 2350-2359,  Noted a male
in Spanish comments between
ordinary secular music.  Lots of band noise while the
signal is poor.   (Chuck Bolland,
November 5, 2010)
Guatemala, 4052.460, Radio Verdad, 2330-2335, Noted a
couple of vales in conversation.
 Signal was fair with no noticable interference. (Chuck
Bolland, November 5, 2010)
26N 081W 


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 22:53:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [HCDX] Nov 5-6 Logs
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

** BAHRAIN. 9745, Radio Bahrain, 0004-0040, Nov 6, local Mid-East 
style  pop music. Poor in noisy conditions. Reduced carrier USB. 
(Brian Alexander,  PA) 
** ECUADOR. 3279.90, LV del Napo, Tena, 0140-0245, Nov 6, Spanish 
talk.  Inspirational music. Ecuadorian music. Weak. Poor in noisy 
conditions.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** GUATEMALA. 4052.46, Radio Verdad, 0545-0607*, Nov 5, Christian
music.  Announcements in unidentified language. Not able to ID language 
due to noisy  conditions. Sign off with National Anthem. Overall weak,
poor signal. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** MAURITANIA. 7245, Radio Mauritanie, *0623-0650, Nov 5, sign on 
with  Arabic talk and Qur`an at 0624. Local music at 0647. Poor. Weak 
with  adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** MAURITANIA. 7245, Radio Mauritanie, 0040-0058*, Nov 6, local 
guitar  music. Local vocals. Arabic talk. Abrupt sign off. Good signal.
(Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** SUDAN [non]. via France, 7315, Radio Dabanga, 0455-0510, Nov  5,
Arabic talk. ?Radio Dabanga? jingles. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA) 

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA  
Equipment: Icom  IC-7600, two 100 foot longwires 

End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 95, Issue 6

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