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Today's Topics:

   1. log Dec 19/20 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs December 19-20, 2010 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. New Year and Seasons' Greetings from Radio Damascus
      (Radio Damascus)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:41:22 +0100
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "HCDX" <>, "DXLD"
Subject: [HCDX] log Dec 19/20
Message-ID: <a0034f52859941bcac15868f9afa1...@hnpc2>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

ALBANIA   1457.577  CRI in Czech via Fllaka at 2239 UT Dec 19, usual odd

ALGERIA   6297.204  RASD Tindouf west Saharan morning HQ prayer program at
0709 UT Dec 20, S=3-4 only. On Dec 19 at 2308 UT S=8 signal on 6297.161 kHz.

BELARUS   6155.00  Minsk Kalodzicy in Russian. An extreme 10 kHz wide signal
at 2327 UT Dec 19, powerhouse S=9+40dB here in southern Germany.

CHAD   6165.00  Chad with typical African mx and in French language, S=5 at
0545 UT Dec 20.

CROATIA   6164.981  Croatian Radio Deanovec in Croatian language, slightly
odd frequency at 0725 UT Dec 20.  On Dec 19 at 2320 UT on 3985.122 kHz,
S=6-8 varying level.

CUBA   RHC unusual weak this morning here in EUR, Dec 20. English phone-in
mailbag show, by Mrs. Anne Sullivan on micro at 0633 UT. 6050 S=9+15dB, 6060
S=9, 60mb better 5040 S=9+15dB latter Spanish at 0700 UT. 6150 joined later
the remaining, at 0750 UT on weak S=6-7. Rebelde 5025 kHz in Spanish
language, and played lovely music, S=9+10dB at 0640 UT.

KOREA D.P.R.  6250.462  Pyongyang in Korean at 2309 UT, S=8 signal.

MAURITANIA   7245.00   MRT just above threshold, male voice in vernac.
French mixed sound, S=4 at 0708 UT Dec 20.

NIGER   9705.00  Niger in French on S=8-9 level here in Germany, het by
powerhouse TRT 9700 kHz even, 0735 UT Dec 20.

NIGERIA  15120.00 Voice of Nigeria, female reader in French - "UN GRAND
NATION", - at 0700 UT Dec 20. S=5-6 fluttery at this early morning hour.
73 wb 


Message: 2
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 08:59:21 -0800 (PST)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs December 19-20, 2010
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

** AUSTRALIA. Check 120m almost every morning, but nothing from the VL8s has 
made it here vs the high noise level for several weeks. Dec 20 at 1337, I am 
hearing music with a YL singer on 2325. Only a weaker carrier on 2485, and 
unseemed any signal on 2310 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 15190, Dec 19 at 2234, poor signal with Brazilian music, so must be 
R. Inconfid?ncia; possibly second carrier, but R. Africa normally dominates if 
on, so perhaps was off earlier on this Sunday (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** CHINA [and non]. CNR1 jamming, with echo, on several frequencies Dec 20: at 
1438 on 9785 big clash with VOA Chinese via Tinang, PHILIPPINES. Same thing on 
9825 but not as strong. 

At 1521 on 7540, BBC Mandarin via THAILAND is getting the same treatment, ditto 
on 9605 via SINGAPORE. Also // CNR1 jamming on 9450 vs Sound of Hope (Glenn 

** CUBA [and non]. RHC, Sunday Dec 19 at 1946 found to be in French on both 
11760 and 11770, Spanish on 11730, absent from 11690, 12040. Meanwhile, ``Al?, 
Presidente`` was still consuming three transmitters; see VENEZUELA [non]. 11760 
is supposed to be in Spanish until 2000, then English, and no French until 
2100, per
At 2125 check, 11760 was again in French, while 11770 and 11730 were Spanish. 

Esperanto was missing from Sunday 1500 on 11760, instead Spanish. One schedule 
version claimed Esperanto would also be on 11760 Sundays at 2100, but not. 
Another says at 2230 on 15370, but that too was in French Dec 19 at 2233, very 
strong signal but the lo-fi feed/transmitter, very clipped audio. At this time, 
11770 Spanish, 11760 off, during this hour on 11670 instead with RNV relay. 

Apparently the Esperanto service is sporadic, despite the big deal of the World 
Esperanto Congress in Havano, Kubo last summer. Or maybe the programs are 
produced but get lost before airing in the confusion of Sunday schedule 

This Sunday, Portugal was not on 12040 at earlier check 1946, but is on at 2121 
with very strong signal, hard to tell if Cuba is now underneath (Glenn Hauser, 

** FRANCE [non]. Conosuristas were wondering what became of RFI, since a B-10 
Spanish schedule can`t be found on their website, so I extracted the schedule 
registered in HFCC, all via GUIANA FRENCH:

1000-1030 7375, 9825
1200-1230 15515
2100-2130 17630
0100-0130 5995

If at all possible I will be snoozing at 1000. I couldn`t hear 15515 on Dec 19 
before 1230, but the band was still dead. Missed checking at 2100, intend to 
later. But at 0125 Dec 20, discussion of sports was in progress until 0129*, so 
I am confident RFI is still broadcasting in Spanish on SW; subject as always, 
of course, to disruptions by strikes, when music will fill (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** GREECE. 7475, Dec 20 at 0629, VOG fair with talk in Greek instead of 
classical music fill, so apparently the strike is over, for now (Glenn Hauser, 

** GUAM. 5765-USB, AFN, Dec 20 at 1331, news/talk about Korea, so apparently 
back to original format at the moment (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDIA. 9690, AIR GOS Dec 20 with enjoyable music before 1400 and after 1415; 
also 1437 giving schedule of other English broadcasts during Faithfully Yours 
mailbag with M&W. Better signal than usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING 

** MOROCCO. 15345+, Dec 20 at 1515, undermodulated Arabic with hum, so RTM made 
the change from 15341.1v today around 1500, and is all set to heterodyne 
Argentina later in the day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NEW ZEALAND. 5950, checking whether RNZI Mailbox is on this week, Monday Dec 
20 at 1332, but no, it`s some other show about a discovery program for 
children. The alternate-week appearance was scheduled next for Dec 27, but 
checking the website: ``Mailbox is on holiday and returns Monday 24 January 

Meanwhile, audio of the last two programs remains available, dated Nov 28 and 
Dec 12. ``DX report`` feature in both is from Kevin Hand, ZL4QD, about 
receiving weather fax. Also mentioned for link to 
Mystery Signals of Shortwave, then linx to new ENIGMA newsletter about numbers 

Adrian Sainsbury was away again on a holiday, this time to Sydney, so no 
propagation report Nov 28, but he had returned for Dec 12 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NIGERIA [non]. 17485, Monday Dec 20 at 1400, VP signal with musical 
drumming, Hamada Radio mentioned in opening of M/W/F 1400-1430 transmission via 
Wertachtal, GERMANY (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NORTH AMERICA. 3431, The Crystal Ship notified us of a test on this 
frequency Dec 20 from about 0050. At 0055 could only hear a trace of a carrier; 
a little better with music? 0231 but still unreadable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ROMANIA. 5975, Dec 20 at 0221, poor signal in French with strange accent. 
Figured in might be RRI, and that chex for 02-03 on 5975, 310 degrees from 
Galbeni to ENAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 11785, Dec 20 at 1508 ``Saudi buzz`` is back, no modulation 
audible. Meanwhile 15435, which used to have the same big buzz, remains clear 
of it but today only a JBA signal there. The closest we can come to finding 
this listed is in Aoki:
11785 R. RIYADH 0955-1355 1234567 Arabic 500 100 Riyadh ARS 04623E 2430N BSKSA 
a10 Holy Qur`an (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 7506, WRNO still absent Dec 20 at 0223 check. Bill Patalon III in 
Baltimore got a reply from them Dec 14 that they were trying to locate the 
problem with the transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WRMI, 9955, has a new schedule grid as of Dec 17, replacing the 
suspended R. Rep?blica blox and making several other changes. WORLD OF RADIO 
has a new time, Monday 1230 replacing Tuesday 2330. See
All the changes concerning DX programs in English have been made on the latest 
update of
and additional programming changes are in

** VENEZUELA [non]. As in previous report under CUBA, ``Al?, Presidente`` was 
underway Sunday Dec 19 at 1613 on 17750, 13750 and 15370, but only RHC itself 
on the other two listed frequencies, 13680 and 11690. Recheck at 1946 found El 
Hugazo still pontificating on the three, but now 15370 is very poor, compared 
to adjacent RCI on 15365. Furthermore, the regular Radio Nacional de Venezuela 
service via CUBA at 19-20 is also running separately on 15290, VG signal (Glenn 

UNIDENTIFIED. 17461, strong open carrier Dec 20 at 1446, amid the ear-piercing 
multi-carrier whines peaking around 17450, and audible from 17420 to 17480, 
also a trace of same pitch on 17695. What, o what is this? (Glenn Hauser, OK, 



Message: 3
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 10:15:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Radio Damascus <>
To: Listeners Club Radio Damascus English
Subject: [HCDX] New Year and Seasons' Greetings from Radio Damascus
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

New Year and Seasons' Greetings from Radio Damascus

Dear radio friends

I received an email from my good friend at Radio Damascus, Rasheed Haidar, who 
is heading the English section at Radio Damascus.?

He requested me to send you all, Radio Damascus listeners, his warmest New Year 
and Seasons' Greetings on behalf of himself, Mr. Adnan Mohammed (the director 
of Radio Damascus - the external service of Radio Damascus) and everyone else 
from the Radio Damascus staff.?

"I would like to take the opportunity of the seasons' greetings to wish you on 
behalf of myself, Mr. Adnan Mohammed and all the staff at Damascus Radio a very 
Merry Christmas; wishing you and all your love ones many happy returns.

Would you be kind enough to convey this message to all the Damascus Radio Club 
Listeners everywhere; I would appreciate it very much.

Adnan Mohammed & Rasheed Haidar"?

Best wishes,

Kris Janssen


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 96, Issue 20

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