As I predicted, I left names off the list of those who have volunteered and
helped out.

Arden Forrey has been actively pushing, pulling, prodding and providing
guidance and help in trying to keep this project straight with documentation
and adherence to standards.  I confess to being a bit of a dud as a pupil,
but I did join the ASTM so I could get the standards to follow and I am
learning.  I really believe standards are VERY important, and the biggest
proof of that for this project at this stage is how important what the Pedi
SIG is doing is to this project. Arden is working on the documentation for
those planning to adopt VistA and starting it for the Pedi and OBGYN
projects.  He has also been lining me up with people to talk with about all
of these issues.

As I was driving home tonight, I recalled that Chris Richardson, Joseph Dal
Molin, Rick Marshall and Norman Dodd have been helping me connect the dots
to people and sources of information for a long time, even before this
project really was named a project.

I know I will never acknowledge everyone who has help both directly and
indirectly.  I guess that is what makes WorldVistA work and makes us a
community. Everyone pitches in. There will need to be lots of pitching in if
this is going to succeed.

Steve Miyasato and Fil Beza both wrote to me today and offered help, and you
all saw Pat Evans' post. Steve has got the same handicap I have, being an
internist!  Fil always has always been there to help, nights, weekends,
whenever.  There was never any doubt in my mind he would help.

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