On Aug 9, 2007, at 11:09 AM, Christopher Fisk wrote:

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007, FORC5 wrote:

thanks, being she has a laptop I am guessing she is out of luck. probably V basic. Why oh why so many different versions.

That's an easy one to answer: So they can charge for things that they previously bundled by default.

Monopoly tactics, get your products out there and drive the competition out of business by pricing under them, then raise prices when competition is dead.

Christopher Fisk
The only skills I have patience to learn are those that have no real application in life. -- Calvin

I imagine it might also have something to do with previous lawsuits over bundling--they can now point SOMEWHERE and find a version that doesn't bundle component XYZ!

Of course profit is the underlying motive, but still...


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