I have an HP Photosmart 2700 [I forget the last 2 digits? Maybe a 2710?] 
Anyway, I LOVE the printer.. It is absolutely fantastic!! Well, calling it 
Just a printer, isn't right..Better to say, I love my Printer/Scanner/Copier

That you can put in a camera's memory stick in, to get the pictures directly

That allows wireless or cabled connection to my PC or network.. That's a 
Better way to describe it :) It also come with a nice set of software to do 
Everything on it, nicely... 
I bought it when I couldn't get anyone to go up into my attic where my 
Brother had put my previous workhorse business type printer I had been using

Until I moved from my back room to this front room, and anything that I had 
Not gotten my church help to move into here, my brother had his friend throw

Into the attic.. I have SO much stuff up there I need, including a NICE 
$200ish headset and $140 heavy keyboard I need both of which now.. Ah well! 
The "2710 Photosmart does EVERYTHING I could think of, which I was looking 
For the best of the best replacement.. I have an older SCSI scanner also, 
That cost $1200 back in the days, when I was using SCSI, and I still would 
Have installed the $1300 SCSI card I bought into my current PC if it WA snot

Put into the attic also so I couldn't get anyone to find or get it, But the 
2710 does all that and more, and better too, although it is difficult for me

To make myself believe that my old scanner could be replaced by anything.. I

Was SO proud of that scanner.. :) 
So, look at the specs on the 2710 Photosmart, and if you can afford it, 
SPLURGE!! You will not regret it, later when you find yourself wanting 
Something that is can do :) 
Oh and HELLO EVERYONE!! I joined a LONG Time ago, but had a problem with 
Getting my email on my khumrich at pacbell dot net email address, except 
Online, although I even had problems there for the first 6 months, after my 
Old PC had a problem with windows and needed it reinstalled, costing me 4 
Years of my files, which it ATE from the other partition which I had set to 
The MY Documents folder :((((( not happy... Ended up with a 0 bye folder 
That windows said it couldn't delete, when I thought it was useless and went

To get rid of it.. So I am thinking maybe all my stuff it there in some form

Under that 0 bye file on that partition, so am not using that hard drive, I 
Took it out of the PC :) hehe.. Heck 4 years of things I bought or got, is a

LOT to just let go, and I cant afford to pay to get it recovered if even 
Possible.. So for not, it sits.. 
But am VERY happy to be back.. Am using a different email address, which I 
Can get to work :) 
-------Original Message------- 
From: Anthony Q. Martin 
Date: 05/14/06 12:32:45 
To: The Hardware List 
Subject: [H] Printer Recommendation 
Dear List: 
I have an HP Photosmart 1315 printer which works...it's good enough for 
What I need to print at home. 
However, I cannot get it to work on my main machine. In fact, I've 
Always had problems with this printer on this machine (gigabyte mobo). I 
Can use this printer on my laptop and on my ripping machine (which is 
Currently down due to some XP bootup issue) with no issues. I'd added 
Various USB powered hubs to my main machine, in addition to the ones 
Installed on the mobo. Right now I have over 10 usb connections on this 
Machine, but the HP printer software driver won't recognize the printer 
And thus won't install. I note that when I plug the printer cable into 
ANY usb port on this machine, the machine gives the characteristic beep 
Indicating a connection. But the software won't install. It doesn't 
Seem to make sense that the PC can see a USB device but the software 
Won't install. 
I'm feed up. Ready to drop coin.....what should I do? A friend 
Recently bought a HP printer that has wireless networking built 
In....that seems like an attractive option since I could make all of my 
PC print from it over the network. But I'm wondering if I should just 
Look at some other brand. I don't want to move to a new mobo at this 
Time as I don't feel the need to upgrade. Which printers should I look 
At? I'd rather not drop major bucks but I want something at least as 
Good as what I have now. 
It is possible to have too many USB ports on a machine? The latest one 
Is bus driven, BTW. It still doesn't work. 

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