You're sending your old Asus A7N8Z to the pile? Might aught to sell it on Ebay while you can still get something for it. LOL

On Thu, 27 May 2010 10:07:42 -0500, FORC5 <> wrote:

Been using the latest Diskeeper myself, just upgraded from a older version. Noticed a improvement almost immediately. May try that program in the shop.

Been curious lately to do a online check of speedupmypc after a tune up ( for grins ) to see what kind of spin they spew out. anyone done this ?

Of course what I NEED to do is a clean install, always impressed how much that cleans up a system and makes it perform but saving that for a new build and will stream this box to server status and stream my existing a7n8z asus to the pile. :-D


At 07:52 AM 5/27/2010, Scoobydo Poked the stick with:
MyDefrag huh? Guess I'll be downloading that myself..

On Thu, 27 May 2010 09:31:55 -0500, Thane Sherrington
<> wrote:

At 02:46 PM 16/05/2010, maccrawj wrote:
No because just as back then I know of no benchmark that will
exhaustively read all files to determine access times. It's not going
to affect creating a new file & reading it back unless the drive is so
fragmented that 1000's of non-contiguous clusters get created by the
test. Reading all the files before & after is the only real test AFAIK
and I've not done that.

For the heck of it, I did some testing with boot times on computers
before and after MyDefrag (run 6 month script.)

Older machine 1 (XP):
Boot time (from pressing power button until My Computer opens)
Before MyDefrag: 49 seconds
After MyDefrag: 32 seconds - 34% improvement

Older machine 2 (Vista):
Before MyDefrag: 1:49
After MyDefrag: 1:17 - 29% improvement

Brand new machine (XP):
Before MyDefrag: 1:10
After MyDefrag: 1:09

So I'm changing my original stance on defragging.  With MyDefrag (I'm
not supporting any other defragger, since I have never seen improvements
with those) on an older machine, it's well worth running MyDefrag at
least once every few months to improve overall speed.  On a brand new
machine, it's probably not worth the effort.  I can't say how often one
would need to do a defrag, but I have a hard time imagining more than
once every 3 months, and probably no more than once every 6 months.


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