Re: [H] Win2K, MBAM, & HDD flag

2010-05-01 Thread maccrawj
Sounds like mean the "dirty bit" that forces autochk to run chkdsk on boot but that's not related to anything antivirus wise. If you're BSODing even in safemode after any AV repair, then it's likely because now a system file is corrupted and needs to be replaced with a good copy. You could try

[H] Win2K, MBAM, & HDD flag

2010-04-28 Thread Joe User
Hello, Does anyone know where Win2K Pro SP4 UR1 flags a drive for a scan? Not sure that's what I need but it's a start. Did a MBAM scan and it needed to reboot to remove the infection it found. Now it's BSOD'ing on start up in regular or safe mode. I need to clear this so I can log back on. Google