All I know is it was in a laptop on my desk running
24/7 and one day I found it 
dead. It's less of a loss than the drive I just lost
due to over voltage from a 
design flaw in the AMS Venus Dock laptop cooler. I had
just started using a 
spare laptop drive in it as near-line storage to work
on some data that could 
not fit internal laptop drive and was not backed up

The stupid morons at AMS choose to use a coax power
connector size spec'd for 
 >10Vdc as the dock's power connector while the dock
is only 5V. Well of course 
with their Venus DS3 external HDD case on my desk
which uses same size connector 
(as do all 12V external cases and I have several), I
plugged in it's 12V adapter 
to the dock by accident & fried my spare laptop drive
and I think the dock. When 
contacted with the "design flaw" they put it off on me
even though it should 
have been a much smaller plug given the low voltage or
at least the dock should 
have shunted or regulated the overage.

Now I am stuck with 2 of their devices, one dead, and
a dead out-of-warranty 
drive for about $150 lost overall not to mention my
data. Still arguing with a 
woman who barely speaks English trying to get my $50
dock replaced, after they 
change the connector size or add regulation, & some
compensation for replacing 

Tim "The Beave" Lider wrote:
> Chirping means the spindle motor is damaged or the
Heads had landed on the
> platter and have been Affixed to the media surface. 
I don't think Freezing
> it will work.  Freezing only works if there is an
issue with heat and
> Thermal Recalibration.
> Tim "The Beave" Lider
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of j maccraw
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 1:22 AM
> To: The Hardware List
> Subject: Re: [H] Dead hdd--freezer!
> hmm, I have a lappy drive that died mysteriously &
> only chirps without spinning. 
> Will have to try this!

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