Salam harmonis!

Terima kasih atas sharingnya, Mas Christ... Boleh tahu, kenapa yang
dicari-cari tersebut tidak ketemu? Kalo boleh diceritakan proses
pencariannya, mungkin saya atau rekan2 lain dapat menolong Mas...

Semoga semakin harmonis!


2008/5/7 Christ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Terima kasih mas, sebetulnya semalem sempet mencari2 energy "Wings of
> light", tp ga ketemu... emang belum jodoh kali ya... trus tiba2 yg dateng
> malah "Light of Fire".... :)
> Nanti kalau sy sudah taruh di jejaring cahaya saya infokan lagi ke temen2
> HUers.
> Salam cahaya harmonis,
> /Christ
> 2008/5/7 rustan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Dear HUers,
> >
> > Tambah hebat aje nih mas Christ. Congratulations mas..... :) :)
> > Bagus deh sudah dikasih kepercayaan untuk mendapat energi baru.
> >
> > Kalau mau diletakkan di Jejaring Cahaya ya tinggal niat saja mas.
> >
> >
> > Salam,
> > Rustan
> >
> >

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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