Ytk Huers,mengutip dari penjelasan ttg inisiasi HU: "Inisiasi HU juga 
menyebabkan Anda dapat mengakses semua bentuk energi yang Anda inginkan!"

Berikut dari HU Internasional... 
( mungkin 
sudah ada yang baca, tidak ada salahnya ya saya sampaikan sebagai highligt dan 
baik untuk bahan diskusi jika mau memfollow upnya, karena di situ menyebutkan 
tanggal-tanggal penting untuk mengakses energi. Mungkin para senior/pilar bisa 
memberi arahan bagaimana kita bisa melakukannya atau sekurang-kurangnya 
bagaimana merespon pesan dari MA Mikael ini. Berikut tanggal-tanggalnya:

13 Nov:"a good opportunity to focus on manifesting Abundance and Beuty in the 
incoming cycle of the New Earth energy"...sayang sudah lewat...

22 Nov: "an intense energy in the 9th house of spiritual wisdom" 

27 Nov: "the work of inner Spiritual Transformation is achieved, and that the 
new evolutionary focus will be on the Earth herself and the manifistation of 
these inner transformations as new structures and new ways to live"
This is a good time to meditate on Awakening and Higher Consciousness as you 
prepare to move through the accelerated energies into the Noew year and the 
cycle of manifestation.

salam HLL

** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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